View Full Version : Recent interview clip on Planet X

14th August 2012, 07:06 PM
For the record: I don't quickly swallow info on Planet X and I am not convinced yet either way on its existance.


This is a 10 min clip that shows video of the sun through various filters to improve contrast, supposedly showing an object very near to the sun, i.e. Planet X making its close-by u-turn in its trajectory around the sun.

The clip is John Moore interviewing a military personell about recent info that he has come across on Planet X.

The main thing to pull away from the video is that they claim that Planet X is moving at a VERY high rate of speed and will be rapidly passing by the earth somewhere between Aug 17 and Sept 26, potentially at a distance as close as the moon.

Here are three potential scenarios as I see it:
1) This is true and we will see some crazy shit going on very soon (multiple huge earthquakes, meteors entering the earth's atmosphere, huge imbalances in the tides, etc).
2) This is disinfo and nothing will happen.
3) This is disinfo for the purpose of fooling the masses in a false flag event much much bigger than 9-11, with advanced black ops technology operating in a dazzling spectacle (mulitple huge earthquakes triggered by HAARP or scalar energy weapons; the appearance of meteors entering the earth's atmosphere; the appearance of one or more huge meteors entering the ocean followed by tidal waves generated by nukes previously planted under the ocean's surface; etc).

15th August 2012, 10:12 AM
McCanney covers the topic of planet X thoroughly. It is a generic term meaning there are many planet x's. Our ancient books record many planet x events and are documented in books written by Velikovsky (http://velikovsky.org/). McCanney refers to a book called the Kolbrin (http://www.culdiantrust.org/) that tells about these events. He also discounts these recent accounts as nothing is happening right now.


15th August 2012, 05:50 PM
McCanney ....... discounts these recent accounts as nothing is happening right now.

Bigjon, I have heard of McCanney (John Moore used to interview him often). I thought I remembered from the Moore interviews that McCanney's position was that [a] Planet X is an imminent threat. I have visited his site in the past, but I have to say that he could benefit from a good web developer to make his info more readable. I keep telling myself one day that I am going to dig through some of his work.

Somewhere I have heard of Velikovsky, and hope to take some time to look up his work.

15th August 2012, 07:47 PM
McCanney has never said that planet X was an imminent threat. He has said that a planet X event is a possible occurrence.

He has said that when it occurs NASA will never tell us about it.