View Full Version : Fake Patriots thread

15th August 2012, 09:02 AM
I was reading a link to an article Bigjon posted written by Christopher Jon Bjerknes and I decided to search the name. This lead me to the french connection site (iamthewitness), who proceeded to call out Bjerknes:


Following through this link I found a reference to the George Washington's blog author who is so often posted @ zerohedge. GW's blog is authored by a guy named Alex Floum - an intellectual property lawyer.


Apparently Floum took charge of scholars for 911 truth site (and maybe others - 911blogger?) and had issues with Jones, Fetzer at al.


What's interesting about all this is that he (Floum) turned over ownership of these sites to Fred Burks - a man with 20 years experience in the State dept (sound familiar??? GIM).


Twisted world out there folks. Trust no one! I wonder if the Tyler Durden crew @ ZH knows who this guy Floum is?

15th August 2012, 07:15 PM
Floum/georgewashingtonblog seem to fit the "Good Truther But Who Omits Izzy/Zion/DJooz" mold. Many great articles there, well written & linked to good sources throughout. You can "safely" send their articles to your mother/etc, help wake them (or "affirm their spidey-senses") to how something very big is very wrong, without scaring off your target by cutting right to the Izzy/Zion/DJooz chase too quickly.

15th August 2012, 07:33 PM
Floum/georgewashingtonblog seem to fit the "Good Truther But Who Omits Izzy/Zion/DJooz" mold. Many great articles there, well written & linked to good sources throughout. You can "safely" send their articles to your mother/etc, help wake them (or "affirm their spidey-senses") to how something very big is very wrong, without scaring off your target by cutting right to the Izzy/Zion/DJooz chase too quickly.

Failure to call out the djoos doesn't always indicate controlled opposition. What to look for is what I call "stratified awakening". Most people can't handle the truth all at once. If you can get them to grasp the power and corruption of mass media and how the Fed works, you have them at a level of stratified awakening. Give them a few months to digest this and it will be just another step to get them to acknowledge who controls media and banking.
When you have someone who constantly harps about corruption and how "wrong" it is or how "baaaad" it is without explicitly connecting mass media, Wall Street or the banksters, he is not trying to get his readers to a level which will eventually facilitate understanding of the whole problem.

15th August 2012, 07:48 PM
Floum/georgewashingtonblog seem to fit the "Good Truther But Who Omits Izzy/Zion/DJooz" mold. Many great articles there, well written & linked to good sources throughout. You can "safely" send their articles to your mother/etc, help wake them (or "affirm their spidey-senses") to how something very big is very wrong, without scaring off your target by cutting right to the Izzy/Zion/DJooz chase too quickly.

This is usually very good analysis, short articles, full of links, been reading it for years.

Old blog still up with older material.

WRH made this blog, like many others, put it on the radar as excellent source,
WRH did that with many sources, even Zerohedge.

Pat Buchanan was naming Israel 20 + years ago, last few years Paul Craig Roberts did the same,
his writing style changed going after the NeoCons, got censored even, and recently even Wayne
Madsen on his blog was using the term " ZOG " , his writing changed too over the years, everyone
becoming more blatant in naming the enemy.

Don't forget this site, excellent, where I went to school on the NeoCons and the Yugoslav wars.
Raimondo Archive is a keeper from way back.
Antiwar.com (http://www.antiwar.com/)

15th August 2012, 08:06 PM
I was reading a link to an article Bigjon posted written by Christopher Jon Bjerknes and I decided to search the name. This lead me to the french connection site (iamthewitness), who proceeded to call out Bjerknes:


Following through this link I found a reference to the George Washington's blog author who is so often posted @ zerohedge. GW's blog is authored by a guy named Alex Floum - an intellectual property lawyer.


Apparently Floum took charge of scholars for 911 truth site (and maybe others - 911blogger?) and had issues with Jones, Fetzer at al.


What's interesting about all this is that he (Floum) turned over ownership of these sites to Fred Burks - a man with 20 years experience in the State dept (sound familiar??? GIM).


Twisted world out there folks. Trust no one! I wonder if the Tyler Durden crew @ ZH knows who this guy Floum is?

CLOSED DOWN ? Redirected ? EXCELLENT SITE , free well researched books,
posted many times by me and others.

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

You are making me dizzy DMac, I have issues with the shits at IamWitness, due to Bollyn mostly.
Now they going after Bjerknes is ridiculous. Even Wayne Madsen covered what Bjerkness covered.
I have a thread on that, key material. " MARRANOS " , and the Arab Version, Turks, Saudi's, etc .
The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret Wayne Madsen (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55314-The-D%C3%B6nmeh-The-Middle-East%E2%80%99s-Most-Whispered-Secret-Wayne-Madsen)

I have issues with Fetzer too, and so do many others, him writing for VT stinks.
I personally saw Fetzer on CNN make everyone look like loons. He is the shit.
They removed my comments on VT immediately about Fetzer and his history.

Fetzer is still putting out BULLSHIT , HE IS AFTER AE911 , on VT site .

15th August 2012, 08:12 PM
Failure to call out the djoos doesn't always indicate controlled opposition. What to look for is what I call "stratified awakening". Most people can't handle the truth all at once. If you can get them to grasp the power and corruption of mass media and how the Fed works, you have them at a level of stratified awakening. Give them a few months to digest this and it will be just another step to get them to acknowledge who controls media and banking.
When you have someone who constantly harps about corruption and how "wrong" it is or how "baaaad" it is without explicitly connecting mass media, Wall Street or the banksters, he is not trying to get his readers to a level which will eventually facilitate understanding of the whole problem.

yeah, there are some A-grade truthers like ZCF who I've heard recently on podcasts & such, talking about a "litmus test" for whether a truther (one who has some sort of platform... blog, podcast, book(s) etc)- where the question is, where do they stand on the 2 great zio-nwo-facilitating hoaxes of out era, the holohoax & the warrenterra hoax/911. If they're not on the right side of both, then they're a fraud.

Many 911 truthers also profess holocaustianity. Kevin Barrett comes to mind. Check this post/podcast from the holohoax thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54461-Introduction-to-the-Holocaust%E2%84%A2-Hoax&p=562965&viewfull=1#post562965): Kollerstom is an articulate 9/11, 7/7, & holohoax truther. He's an English uni prof who was abruptly fired when he let his holohoax views be known, and also the UK 9/11-7/7 truth groups didn't want him around (at least their ahem "leadership" that is). This is the dilemma which the dual-truthers are in, and why I figure Barrett (and Fetzer, few posts down from the above liink) publicly professes a general belief in the holohoax (IE he "Claps For Tinkerbell (http://www.codoh.com/newrevoices/nrjwclapping.html)"), while also blurring things a bit by allowing the possibility that the numbers (Six Million™) "may be off", and professes belief that no one should be persecuted for asking questions. Barrett is way too smart not to see the holohoax for what it is; he just plays a "political strategy" by staying coy about his position on it.

But guys like ZCF are cracking the whip, saying no more clapping for Tinkerbell... well ZCF is 22yo, brilliant but young, and his over-zeal often comes through in his impatience & bluntness.

15th August 2012, 08:29 PM
I have issues with Fetzer too, and so do many others, him writing for VT stinks.
I personally saw Fetzer on CNN make everyone look like loons. He is the shit.
They removed my comments on VT immediately about Fetzer and his history.

Fetzer is still putting out BULLSHIT , HE IS AFTER AE911 , on VT site .

my fetzer views are peppered around GSUS pretty good, do an advanced-search for PatColo & keyword Fetzer.

I ripped on him in Barrett's radio show blog comments a few months ago, for the 4/4/12 show where fetzer was guest, can be read here,


^ that and the following comment, both from "anonymous".

this remains rich,
Thread: Bollyn on DBS, Hufschmid, Piper, Thorn, CIA (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?26690-Bollyn-on-DBS-Hufschmid-Piper-Thorn-CIA)

Hatha Sunahara
15th August 2012, 10:56 PM
What is the 'warrenterra hoax/911? Did I miss something?


16th August 2012, 08:21 AM
What is the 'warrenterra hoax/911? Did I miss something?


In a nutshell, the "warrenterra" part is claiming we are at war with evil muslims that brought down 3 towers - 19 arabs armed with boxcutters. When folks push the 911 inside job - cia let Bin Laden do it! - it is actually a limited hangout operation that is ultimately supporting the official narrative and directing blame away from the ZioCons that pulled it off.

16th August 2012, 08:38 AM
Floum/georgewashingtonblog seem to fit the "Good Truther But Who Omits Izzy/Zion/DJooz" mold. Many great articles there, well written & linked to good sources throughout. You can "safely" send their articles to your mother/etc, help wake them (or "affirm their spidey-senses") to how something very big is very wrong, without scaring off your target by cutting right to the Izzy/Zion/DJooz chase too quickly.

Pat - I was hoping you in particular would see/chime in on this thread. You have a lot of experience and a good memory for the 911 sites that were outed as LIHOP over these years. I did not remember who is who in this movement so thanks for your input.

I agree that GW's blog has a lot of good info - I've been reading it now for at least a year or 2 and was impressed over all and thought he was a full blown supporter of truth, regardless how unpalatable it can get at times.

Finding out who he is (lawyer) and that he has connections to and turned over website ownership to a former state dept employee raised alarm bells in my mind. As I alluded above, GIM, sound familiar - too much 911 truth, ownership handed off to ex state dept employee? !!!

The failure to really shine light on Zionism, plus this revelation made my spidey senses tingle.

16th August 2012, 08:44 AM
Failure to call out the djoos doesn't always indicate controlled opposition. What to look for is what I call "stratified awakening". Most people can't handle the truth all at once. If you can get them to grasp the power and corruption of mass media and how the Fed works, you have them at a level of stratified awakening. Give them a few months to digest this and it will be just another step to get them to acknowledge who controls media and banking.
When you have someone who constantly harps about corruption and how "wrong" it is or how "baaaad" it is without explicitly connecting mass media, Wall Street or the banksters, he is not trying to get his readers to a level which will eventually facilitate understanding of the whole problem.

hoarder - I agree on all points. This is kind of the general concern I am trying to raise with this thread. My intention is not to simply sling mud around. I want to better explain to the 'readership' how failing to bring some of these points together is another part of the disinformation campaign. It is the MO, to a certain extent, of Jones, Icke et al. There are specific people, connected culturally and ethnically, that control the food, news, entertainment, banking, sports, and on and on.

The 911 term LIHOP really nails this point. Shills on forums/blogs use the Let It Happen On Purpose (LIHOP) technique to direct blame away from the true masterminds.

When one becomes 'awake', these connections are clear as day. Whenever a 'truth' speaker fails to make these connections I get wary.

You've drilled into my head 'cui bono'. A phrase we need to remember as a part of all investigations. Not just the on the big lies.

16th August 2012, 08:56 AM
CLOSED DOWN ? Redirected ? EXCELLENT SITE , free well researched books,
posted many times by me and others.

Christopher Jon Bjerknes

You are making me dizzy DMac, I have issues with the shits at IamWitness, due to Bollyn mostly.
Now they going after Bjerknes is ridiculous. Even Wayne Madsen covered what Bjerkness covered.
I have a thread on that, key material. " MARRANOS " , and the Arab Version, Turks, Saudi's, etc .
The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret Wayne Madsen (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55314-The-D%C3%B6nmeh-The-Middle-East%E2%80%99s-Most-Whispered-Secret-Wayne-Madsen)

I have issues with Fetzer too, and so do many others, him writing for VT stinks.
I personally saw Fetzer on CNN make everyone look like loons. He is the shit.
They removed my comments on VT immediately about Fetzer and his history.

Fetzer is still putting out BULLSHIT , HE IS AFTER AE911 , on VT site .

My initial reading of Bjerkens site was positive. He explicitly calls out a lot of what we talk about here. It was on a whim I decided to google him and ran across a ton of mud slinging from the iamthewitness blog and some other smaller fish blogs (could just be mirrors of the same basic data to push their point).

DBS and co talk the talk. I often wonder how, in 'occupied france' they get away with talking how they do over the air? I was under the impression holocaust denial was punishable in france.

There are several members here that bring up the iamthewitness site and I have not done my homework on the owners there.

I agree that Fetzer is full of it. I previously had him and Jim Jones mixed up..

I agree with you that Bollyn seems to be the real deal, not compromised. You are spot on telling folks to download his site and save it, the time will come soon when his data is memory holed.

WRT making you dizzy :) - These types of conversations here is what's kept me around. Shining light on the ZioCons is the meat and potatoes while discussions on those protecting them is the gravy.

You know that I regularly read Antiwar, Madsen and if you don't know, I've supported AE911 in the past.

It's good to have these conversations once in a while.

What can you share about DBS that leaves a bad taste?

16th August 2012, 09:10 AM
yeah, there are some A-grade truthers like ZCF who I've heard recently on podcasts & such, talking about a "litmus test" for whether a truther (one who has some sort of platform... blog, podcast, book(s) etc)- where the question is, where do they stand on the 2 great zio-nwo-facilitating hoaxes of out era, the holohoax & the warrenterra hoax/911. If they're not on the right side of both, then they're a fraud.

Many 911 truthers also profess holocaustianity. Kevin Barrett comes to mind. Check this post/podcast from the holohoax thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54461-Introduction-to-the-Holocaust%E2%84%A2-Hoax&p=562965&viewfull=1#post562965): Kollerstom is an articulate 9/11, 7/7, & holohoax truther. He's an English uni prof who was abruptly fired when he let his holohoax views be known, and also the UK 9/11-7/7 truth groups didn't want him around (at least their ahem "leadership" that is). This is the dilemma which the dual-truthers are in, and why I figure Barrett (and Fetzer, few posts down from the above liink) publicly professes a general belief in the holohoax (IE he "Claps For Tinkerbell (http://www.codoh.com/newrevoices/nrjwclapping.html)"), while also blurring things a bit by allowing the possibility that the numbers (Six Million™) "may be off", and professes belief that no one should be persecuted for asking questions.

Barrett is way too smart not to see the holohoax for what it is; he just plays a "political strategy" by staying coy about his position on it.

But guys like ZCF are cracking the whip, saying no more clapping for Tinkerbell... well ZCF is 22yo, brilliant but young, and his over-zeal often comes through in his impatience & bluntness.

"Barrett is way too smart not to see the holohoax for what it is; he just plays a "political strategy" by staying coy about his position on it. "

I guess I am just getting to be a bit more and ornery as I get older but the folks cherry picking what truth to let out really gives me a bad taste these days. So-and-So is great at discussing banking scandals (Matt Taibi for ex) and will build a following because the info that is let out is just so tasty! Then later we find out So-and-So is really just another pied piper.

Time is getting less by the day before it call comes down (doom is only 6 months away afterall ;) ) and sometimes I wonder how much good selective truth is going to do, and I think 'not much good' is the answer. As hoarder wrote above, it is all connected.

Striking the root requires a certain level of political incorrectness.

16th August 2012, 09:46 PM
KBarrett reprinted this @ VT, fits in this thread somewhere :cool:

Sunday, July 29th, 2012 | Posted by Kevin Barrett (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/barrett/)
Fear of ridicule leads to damaging partition of 9/11 Truth movement (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/07/29/fear-of-ridicule-leads-to-damaging-partition-of-911-truth-movement/)

The 9/11 Truth movement is fighting a war – but it’s only wounding itself.

By Craig McKee, TruthA (http://truthandshadows.wordpress.com/2012/07/29/fear-of-ridicule-leads-to-damaging-partition-of-911-truth-movement/)ndShadows Blog (http://truthandshadows.wordpress.com/2012/07/29/fear-of-ridicule-leads-to-damaging-partition-of-911-truth-movement/)

Self-appointed “credibility cops” have made it their mission to act as antibodies in the Truth movement’s immune system, seeking out and destroying harmful ideas, individuals, and alliances they think threaten the survival of the host. The idea is to rid the movement of any area of research that might contaminate it and invite public ridicule.

But is the cure worse than the disease?

The exaggerated need to control all aspects of the message is working against us. We have become so preoccupied with cleansing the movement of harmful thoughts that we spend an unhealthy amount of time attacking each other instead of the official story and the media cover-up.

Here’s the fear: a truther expresses sympathy for an idea that is highly contentious (or suspected of being disinformation) for one reason or another. At some point, we’re told, the idea may be discredited, and the movement will be left looking foolish.

But is this fear justified? Is it realistic to think that taking certain positions – if they are later discredited – will bring the whole movement down?


16th August 2012, 10:22 PM
What can you share about DBS that leaves a bad taste?

I would just say that in the earlier years, say '05-'08 when DBS/Huffy/Bollyn were still loose partners (huffy did dbs' website, bollyn was regular podcast guest & his articles would always appear there); DBS spent a lot of podcast time and articles attacking other "patriots" as frauds/shills. To me, this was shill/provocateur-like behavior. Say what you have to say about the issues, leave it to me to judge who's a shill. After say '08-'09 (going purely from memory), DBS turned the corner somewhat, always had a guest with his podcasts and that would divert him from his earlier monolog podcasts where he would get so catty towards others.

So there's been that evolution of his message & style ^, other than that, and I'm purely speculating, but guessing he's a binge alkee, which would account for his occasional long gaps between updates at his site- perhaps posting a new podcast after 2-3 weeks silence, where he'd note how busy he'd been, and also several times he's made non-specific reference to dealing with being sick with some chronic condition. He hasn't posted a new podcast for over 2 months now, hope he's okay... & new stories have appeared in the right-pane every few days during this recent >2 months. The alkee guess stems from Huffy's posting audios of DBS's few phone calls to Huffy, whilst shit drunk, where dbs would go into abusive, threatening rages in these calls. But I've never heard DBS do a podcast where he seemed anything but stone sober- unlike MC Piper who I've heard do a few shows plainly a bit scotched-up. So at least DBS successfully keeps his (presumed) ailment separate from his iamthewitness entity. As to the 'morality' of Huffy's posting the audios, you'll have to read his explanation at his site & decide- see the couple of posts related to this in Thread: Bollyn on DBS, Hufschmid, Piper, Thorn, CIA (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?26690-Bollyn-on-DBS-Hufschmid-Piper-Thorn-CIA).

I still don't know what DBS' motive was for that period when he was on the offensive against Bollyn- only that DBS sought to destroy Bollyn's character/cred.. similar to MCPiper's vendetta against Bollyn, for similarly unknown real reasons.

mick silver
17th August 2012, 05:30 AM
back up for more to read

6th September 2012, 07:53 AM
edit to add PatColo quote:

Floum/georgewashingtonblog seem to fit the "Good Truther But Who Omits Izzy/Zion/DJooz" mold. Many great articles there, well written & linked to good sources throughout. You can "safely" send their articles to your mother/etc, help wake them (or "affirm their spidey-senses") to how something very big is very wrong, without scaring off your target by cutting right to the Izzy/Zion/DJooz chase too quickly.

George Washington article, promoted by Zerohedge, Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11 (http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2012-09-05/sleeping-devil-how-us-and-saudi-backing-al-qaeda-led-911).

This is a well written article. A lot of good info, damaging to some members of TPTB. However, just like Ron Paul, the words Neocon nor Zionism* ever appear in the article. *(Zionist appears once in describing a murdered person)


This is a red flag for any patriot, IMO. Without a follow up article to this one by GW on how ZIONISM (Neocons + israel firsters in our gov) executed 911 I will again assert that George Washington's blog is possible (likely) false patriotism, a false shepherd.

How can anyone these days consider themselves an honest researcher AND NOT have found direct ties and links to the Likuds, Neocons and/or Zionists as the planners/operators on 911? Dishonest researchers, that's who. The Ron Paul-esque 'blowback' theory is a part of the subversion of 911 truth.

Shame on you George. Shame.

Uncle Salty
6th September 2012, 11:23 AM
Failure to call out the djoos doesn't always indicate controlled opposition. What to look for is what I call "stratified awakening". Most people can't handle the truth all at once. If you can get them to grasp the power and corruption of mass media and how the Fed works, you have them at a level of stratified awakening. Give them a few months to digest this and it will be just another step to get them to acknowledge who controls media and banking.
When you have someone who constantly harps about corruption and how "wrong" it is or how "baaaad" it is without explicitly connecting mass media, Wall Street or the banksters, he is not trying to get his readers to a level which will eventually facilitate understanding of the whole problem.

Exactly. You can't start out with a newbie by saying that the Holocaust never happened as history says it dead and that it is a lie orchestrated by Jews to control the world, but the Jews are just the pawns of the Jesuits who are the pawns of the shape shifting reptilians.

Baby steps!

Uncle Salty
6th September 2012, 11:28 AM
edit to add PatColo quote:

George Washington article, promoted by Zerohedge, Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11 (http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2012-09-05/sleeping-devil-how-us-and-saudi-backing-al-qaeda-led-911).

This is a well written article. A lot of good info, damaging to some members of TPTB. However, just like Ron Paul, the words Neocon nor Zionism* ever appear in the article. *(Zionist appears once in describing a murdered person)


This is a red flag for any patriot, IMO. Without a follow up article to this one by GW on how ZIONISM (Neocons + israel firsters in our gov) executed 911 I will again assert that George Washington's blog is possible (likely) false patriotism, a false shepherd.

How can anyone these days consider themselves an honest researcher AND NOT have found direct ties and links to the Likuds, Neocons and/or Zionists as the planners/operators on 911? Dishonest researchers, that's who. The Ron Paul-esque 'blowback' theory is a part of the subversion of 911 truth.

Shame on you George. Shame.

Yeah, that article was bullshit. Typical disinfo.

18th September 2012, 02:17 AM
Mami's Shit blog (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/) posted this with their commentary, I haven't watched, will later,

ALEX ?!?! "Shocking 9/11 Mossad Connection Revealed!" (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/09/alex-shocking-911-mossad-connection.html)



Uncle "Be Be" is going to spank AJ's pee pee when he hears about this.

Look how uncomfortable fatboy is when the elephant in the room is mentioned "Ah, Ah, I'm in way over my head", "Ah, Ah, this is super deep history" Move along people, nothin to see here !!! Lol

http://i.imgur.com/lfm3P.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/lfm3P.jpg)

NOTE: Fat boy changed the title to "Insider: U.S. Ambassador Killing an Inside Job!"

Also, ZCF has a couple recent hit pieces on AJ, check them at http://zioncrimefactory.com