View Full Version : Our Zio-Masters step into immigration fray.

15th August 2012, 05:16 PM
Their puppets aren't doing a good enough job.
First off, let's commission a fraud study.

The pair’s aggressively pro-immigration stance comes as The Partnership for a New American Economy released its report, Open For Business: How Immigrants Are Driving Small Business Creation In The United States. It says immigrants open twice as many small businesses as native-born Americans.

Immigrants, Bloomberg said, “help our economy grow, put Americans back to work and make sure industries of the future are created here.”

Murdoch said the nation’s immigration policies need to be revamped, and soon, or we’ll lose out economically to other, more immigrant-friendly nations.

“There’s going to be a showdown on this,” he said.

But, Bloomberg added, the nation first needs to reject inflammatory, anti-immigrant rhetoric.

“The number of undocumented workers has gone down,” the Gotham mayor said. “People come here to work, not collect unemployment benefits.”


Media titan Rupert Murdoch and New York City’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg, came to Boston Tuesday evening to help press their case for making it easier for immigrants to legally come to the United States and to establish a path for existing illegal immigrants to gain legal residency.

Murdoch, chief executive of News Corp., and Bloomberg, a billionaire who started his own company before going into politics, are two of the cochairs of the Partnership for a New American Economy, a national coalition of mayors and business leaders lobbying for “sensible immigration reform.”


15th August 2012, 06:00 PM
In other words: We could potentially go back to a situation where we have a labor shortage (especially as baby boomers retire), and then we would have to pay people more money for their labor/skills, so let's let more inexpensive labor in the country to counter this trend.

General of Darkness
15th August 2012, 06:15 PM
These lying jew bastards.

Slow path to progress for U.S. immigrants 43% on welfare after 20 yearshttp://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?62846-Slow-path-to-progress-for-U-S-immigrants-43-on-welfare-after-20-years

15th August 2012, 07:51 PM
You nailed that one. I know that number to be true..

Twisted Titan
16th August 2012, 01:28 AM
Diversity and weakness for us ........... Solidarity and strenght for them.

The Zionist understands this so well they will breed with their own sister or cousin to remain racially pure.

Hitler has nothing on these people ..............NOTHING