View Full Version : Police caught on video shooting Dog who defended homeless friend who had a seizure

General of Darkness
15th August 2012, 09:08 PM
This broke my fucking heart so much that I cried. The only thing I have to say is that if anything like this happened to me, I would unleash hell on earth.

Police caught on video shooting Dog who defended homeless friend who had a seizure (http://news.asiantown.net/r/25470/police-caught-on-video-shooting-dog-who-defended-homeless-friend-who-had-a-seizure)Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, August 15, 2012 4:34:00 PM - Source: nydailynews.com (http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/pit-bull-shot-police-east-village-critical-stable-condition-animal-care-control-officials-article-1.1136460)
Police opened fire on dog after it reacted angrily when officers approached homeless owner who appeared to be having a seizure.

Star, the pit bull shot in the head by police in the East Village Monday, is now in “critical but stable condition,” animal control officials said.

Animal Care & Control was caring for the wounded pit bull, but an agency spokesman refused Tuesday to further describe Star’s condition.

Star and its owner, a homeless man named Lech Stankiewicz, were outside a KFC at 14th St. and Second Ave. about 4:15 p.m Monday when police arrived for what appeared to be a medical situation involving Stankiewicz.

Witnesses said Stankiewicz, a drifter who regularly squats in Brooklyn and goes by the name Polak, was shaking, fell over and appeared to be having a seizure. Police sources said he was drunk.

Police said the dog, adopted by Stankiewicz last year for protection on the street, reacted angrily to officers approaching its owner, leading one cop to fire.

Afterward, Stankiewicz was treated for minor injuries at Bellevue Hospital and then taken into custody on an arrest warrant for an open container summons, police said.

Stankiewicz’s sister said he was born in Poland and moved to Illinois as a child, but left home about a decade ago due to a drug problem.

“I didn’t even know he had a dog,” she said.


I suggest that if you're animal lover follow the link and watch the video. It's not over the top graphic, but it show what these fuckers are capable of.


15th August 2012, 09:47 PM
Saw this and thought the general wouldn't like this much and yes it's heart breaking to the max.

Dog looks like a hero to me,as for the cops well we all know about them

15th August 2012, 10:24 PM
The hero's killed the dog as they were responding to a medical emergency, why are they not tending to the injured after they killed the dog? The one in question is still lying on the sidewalk. Hellooooo? Perfect.

16th August 2012, 04:19 AM
I hate pigs.

16th August 2012, 05:45 AM
I hate pigs.

i hate COPS.

pigs are an intelligent, social and fairly predictable animal. nothing like cops.

pigs are delicious too! ;D

16th August 2012, 05:48 AM
Semantics...I hate police.

16th August 2012, 06:33 AM
I remember when I was a kid they would call animal control in deal with hostile dogs, or any other animal.

Or, they were men enough to deal with the situation themselves without resorting to murder.

I remember a time when one might actually respect any given police officer.

Celtic Rogue
16th August 2012, 07:20 AM
Its times like this that I recall the saying... An eye for an eye! And a tooth for a tooth! I see a very grim future for us all. Kill my dog for defending my family or my home and I will kill you in return. My doors are locked at night for your protection. Break them down at anytime and I will consider you hostile and defend my home and property in any manner I see fit. /rant

General of Darkness
16th August 2012, 07:28 AM
its times like this that i recall the saying... An eye for an eye! And a tooth for a tooth! I see a very grim future for us all. Kill my dog for defending my family or my home and i will kill you in return. My doors are locked at night for your protection. Break them down at anytime and i will consider you hostile and defend my home and property in any manner i see fit. /rant


16th August 2012, 09:57 AM
Isnt it interesting that the general public will allow the Government to poison their food and water, brainwash their children, steal their private property, murder their loved ones, and regulate them to DEATH, yet they will never do anything about it.

But when a Cop kills a dog, LOOK OUT! The sleeping giant has awakened!

16th August 2012, 10:01 AM
Isnt it interesting that the general public will allow the Government to poison their food and water, brainwash their children, steal their private property, murder their loved ones, and regulate them to DEATH, yet they will never do anything about it.

But when a Cop kills a dog, LOOK OUT! The sleeping giant has awakened!

I know!

When a cop kills a dog, the people react almost the same as if the government had banned television.

16th August 2012, 10:30 AM
Hearing that poor pooch howling in pain would make any grown man cry. The dog was acting on instinct. These young cops have no real world experience and seem totally lacking any understanding of proportionality when reacting to adversity. The last thing a seasoned cop would do is reach for his gun.

16th August 2012, 01:18 PM
Hearing that poor pooch howling in pain would make any grown man cry. The dog was acting on instinct. These young cops have no real world experience and seem totally lacking any understanding of proportionality when reacting to adversity. The last thing a seasoned cop would do is reach for his gun.

I totally agree.

After watching the video, the dog did go after a bystander just before the Cop. ALthough the dog didnt bite the guy, he was trying to protect his owner. If the dog wanted to bite the bystander it easily could have. Only seconds later, it went towards the officer. Most people watching this video will admit the dog went after the officer. But like Mamboni said, these young shoot em up punks think life is a video game.

The officer saw the dog go after the bystander and not attack, yet he felt threatened enough to shoot the dog when it went towards him?

Personally, I am not afraid of ANY dog. As a man i know i can easily destroy any dog if my life depends on it. Dogs react off of fear, and when they know you have fear, they know they are the dominent species. (In that moment)

16th August 2012, 02:31 PM
The officer saw the dog go after the bystander and not attack, yet he felt threatened enough to shoot the dog when it went towards him?

want the short answer? he shot the dog simply because he could, imho...

16th August 2012, 02:39 PM
want the short answer? he shot the dog simply because he could, imho...

You are probably right. But in this instance, at least the Cop can say he saw the dog go after another person. Where usually Cops shoot dogs with absolutely NO justification or reasoning.

midnight rambler
16th August 2012, 02:40 PM
Isnt it interesting that the general public will allow the Government to poison their food and water, brainwash their children, steal their private property, murder their loved ones, and regulate them to DEATH, yet they will never do anything about it.

But when a Cop kills a dog, LOOK OUT! The sleeping giant has awakened!

Some folks regard their furry kids as full fledged family members, so killing one of their furry kids = killing one of their own family members. However dimwitted donut munchers are unable to grasp this concept.

16th August 2012, 03:51 PM
Some folks regard their furry kids as full fledged family members, so killing one of their furry kids = killing one of their own family members. However dimwitted donut munchers are unable to grasp this concept.

And yet these same people take their 'loved ones' to McDonalds to eat, allow them to drink fluoride water and make sure they loose all concepts of morals by sending them to Government training centers. (Public School)

So they love their animals more than their children...... :)

BTW, i LOVE animals. I grew up with horses, cats, dogs, goats, hamsters, etc. My animals are part of my family, no doubt.

16th August 2012, 04:43 PM
I just can't watch the video, I saw the pic of the dog laying on it's back with legs out and can imagine the sounds of pain. Of course the dog went after the police and a bystander, she is protecting her homeless owner that has probably not taught her anything other than to do so. Just like the article said, he got her for protection and that is what she did. The pussy cop has no interest in doing anything to convince the dog he his there to help (not that it would help) but nonetheless, they don't try or call animal control that is trained to do so. I really hope they aren't trying to save her just to turn around and put her to sleep because she is too dangerous!

Another point, 'pit bulls' are not a guardian breed, to keep a 'pit bull' as protection will almost always turn out bad. If you don't have the where with all to get a guardian breed as a guard dog then you likely don't have the where with all to train it as such.

17th August 2012, 09:41 PM
Isnt it interesting that the general public will allow the Government to poison their food and water, brainwash their children, steal their private property, murder their loved ones, and regulate them to DEATH, yet they will never do anything about it.

But when a Cop kills a dog, LOOK OUT! The sleeping giant has awakened!

To prove your point, (personal moment) I did not have the same emotional response to this video as I did to the homeless man shot 46 times by six police officers. I know that is awful but I have been so desensitized to humans being murdered(especially by police) that it does not affect me in the same way. Actually, even as a kid I had more of an emotional response to animals over man. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

17th August 2012, 10:56 PM
Another point, 'pit bulls' are not a guardian breed, to keep a 'pit bull' as protection will almost always turn out bad. If you don't have the where with all to get a guardian breed as a guard dog then you likely don't have the where with all to train it as such.

What is your recommendation then?

17th August 2012, 11:07 PM
What is your recommendation then?

As far as what? My recommendation for a guard dog? Or how to react towards one? ???

midnight rambler
18th August 2012, 01:46 AM
What is your recommendation then?

For those who have the time and energy to put into training, and intend to have an indoor dog (which doesn't shed out the wazoo) I suggest a high drive working Dobermann (when you can find one available).

18th August 2012, 05:40 AM
I read Doberman are not good with children, I am moving and looking for many things at once so my replies might seem shallow but if you knew me from the past I am very deep. I want a good all around animal be it a Doberman or elephant, just in scatter mode right now but it all has to come together within a couple weeks.

General of Darkness
18th August 2012, 07:10 AM
I read Doberman are not good with children, I am moving and looking for many things at once so my replies might seem shallow but if you knew me from the past I am very deep. I want a good all around animal be it a Doberman or elephant, just in scatter mode right now but it all has to come together within a couple weeks.

Dobermans are awesome with kids, but you can't just buy any doberman they need to come from a reputable breeder. Hey we just had 10 puppies born last night.


18th August 2012, 08:46 AM
German shepherd would be my first choice. I grew up with one, so I am biased. Dobermans are great too, Rottweilers. All good with kids, mostly depends on breeding and upbringing. My German shepherd didn't like little kids but not all German shepherds are like that.

midnight rambler
18th August 2012, 10:42 AM
German shepherd would be my first choice. I grew up with one, so I am biased. Dobermans are great too, Rottweilers. All good with kids, mostly depends on breeding and upbringing. My German shepherd didn't like little kids but not all German shepherds are like that.

GSDs shed huge amounts of fur, much more in volume than Dobermanns. OTOH, GSDs are perfect for simply throwing in the backyard 100% of the time, they can adapt, whereas high drive working Dobermanns must be close to their owners/handlers as much as possible otherwise there's a real good chance of behavioral problems (as in you don't want to keep a high drive working Dobermann in the backyard 100% of the time, a high drive working Dobermann* needs to be interacting with his/her humans).

midnight rambler
18th August 2012, 11:00 AM
I read Doberman are not good with children,

A lot of people don't understand Dobermanns (and Dobermans, there's definitely a distinction). From the mid-70s thru '95 I had 'American show line' Dobermans, and for the past 17 years I've had no less than 10 high drive working adult Dobermanns. With only one single exception (due to mishandling as a puppy) out of all 10 Dobermanns NONE of them have shown aggression or nerviness around total strangers and I wouldn't hesitate to leave one of my dogs, either male or female 'babysitting' a baby or young child (who has been taught to be animal friendly of course).

On well bred* dogs (which nerviness has been carefully bred out of), it's totally about how a puppy has been handled, managed, and trained, as the end result breaks down to these circumstances: 35%-50% genetics (there's a variety of opinions here) and the balance due to management, training, and nutrition from 7 weeks on to adulthood.

FWIW, one male working Dobermann I had from 95-05 loved EVERYONE including ALL other male dogs despite their bad attitudes - and this particular male was the offspring of one of the hardest Schutzhnd dogs ever in N. America (to this day, happens to be Enzo's sire btw). While being very friendly and outgoing to everyone he didn't take any shit including from me.

General of Darkness
18th August 2012, 08:24 PM
A lot of people don't understand Dobermanns (and Dobermans, there's definitely a distinction). From the mid-70s thru '95 I had 'American show line' Dobermans, and for the past 17 years I've had no less than 10 high drive working adult Dobermanns. With only one single exception (due to mishandling as a puppy) out of all 10 Dobermanns NONE of them have shown aggression or nerviness around total strangers and I wouldn't hesitate to leave one of my dogs, either male or female 'babysitting' a baby or young child (who has been taught to be animal friendly of course).

On well bred* dogs (which nerviness has been carefully bred out of), it's totally about how a puppy has been handled, managed, and trained, as the end result breaks down to these circumstances: 35%-50% genetics (there's a variety of opinions here) and the balance due to management, training, and nutrition from 7 weeks on to adulthood.

FWIW, one male working Dobermann I had from 95-05 loved EVERYONE including ALL other male dogs despite their bad attitudes - and this particular male was the offspring of one of the hardest Schutzhnd dogs ever in N. America (to this day, happens to be Enzo's sire btw). While being very friendly and outgoing to everyone he didn't take any shit including from me.

MR I agree with everything you said other than the nervy part. Enzo and ALL of the working dogs in my club are a little nervy, but it's more of a sharpness. I think when you're saying nervy you mean fear bitters and bullshit like that which I agree with. Fear bitters are absolutely useless, no confidence, nothing. A little nerviness or what we call sharpness is a great thing to have.

Here's a pretty neat documentary on War Dog from the South Pacific. Also the reason why you don't see dobermans that often doing police work is their short hair. Long hair like German Shepards stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter and they are excellent dogs. But there are distinct difference.

And keep in mind this is from a working dog perspective doing schutzhund etc.

1 - Dobermans are thinkers and are highly intelligent and they understand fairness. So if they're being corrected unfairly, they'll tell you and I've been on the end of that, and it wasn't fun. Shepards on the other hand, are more robotic, that's why a lot of people in Schutzhund like them.

2 - The biggest difference between the two, is that dobermans are over the top loving dogs. I'm not saying the Shepards aren't loving, but dobermans are just over the top in that respect. As a dog owner I like it buy it can be annoying at times.

3 - Hair

Here's the video.


midnight rambler
18th August 2012, 08:45 PM
I think when you're saying nervy you mean fear bitters and bullshit like that which I agree with. Fear bitters are absolutely useless, no confidence, nothing.

That's exactly what I'm referring to, being skittish toward strangers. All of mine have been VERY outgoing wanting to meet new people and say 'hi' to old friends with one exception, the one female which was very aloof - she would very calmly and confidently approach strangers and sniff them, then totally ignore them.