View Full Version : The strange death of Jim Morrison

17th August 2012, 05:12 AM

17th August 2012, 06:14 AM
A couple of years ago I read (probably linked from here somewhere) a 20+ page report about all of the strange coincidences regarding all of the popular musicians back in the 60's and 70's. Something about Laurel Canyon. It was a fascinating read.

So, I went searching, and I found this, which I remember from that large report a few years ago and was left out of the above article:

It is the first week of August, 1964, and U.S. warships under the command of U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam’s Tonkin Gulf. This event, subsequently dubbed the ‘Tonkin Gulf Incident,’ will result in the immediate passing by the U.S. Congress of the obviously pre-drafted Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which will, in turn, quickly lead to America’s deep immersion into the bloody Vietnam quagmire. Before it is over, well over fifty thousand American bodies – along with literally millions of Southeast Asian bodies – will litter the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

Found here: http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr93.html

Also, that site is where Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation can be found. Let me tell you, it is a good read if you have the time.

17th August 2012, 06:47 AM
good posts... alot of the so called hippie leaders had military of govt ties.

17th August 2012, 06:52 AM
good posts... alot of the so called hippie leaders had military of govt ties.

Yep, almost all of them!

17th August 2012, 07:06 AM
A couple of years ago I read (probably linked from here somewhere) a 20+ page report about all of the strange coincidences regarding all of the popular musicians back in the 60's and 70's. Something about Laurel Canyon. It was a fascinating read.

So, I went searching, and I found this, which I remember from that large report a few years ago and was left out of the above article:

Found here: http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr93.html

Also, that site is where Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation can be found. Let me tell you, it is a good read if you have the time.

It was on GIM, posted by rodin, I remember it too. I was a permabanned former member, but lurked to see how things were going and read many items. I only scanned that particular item and never really read it.

Twisted Titan
17th August 2012, 11:12 AM

17th August 2012, 11:15 AM
With the thread title being what it is!


17th August 2012, 11:19 AM
I have the 10 hour DVD set "They sold their soul for Rock and Roll"
In it are clips of some of his preformances and there's no question about it. He would get posessed by devils during his preformance.. No question about it.

17th August 2012, 01:06 PM
Wasn't he involved in est in central California before starting his band? Total psyop. I agree with SOG, a lot of rock stars had satanic connections.

General of Darkness
17th August 2012, 02:30 PM
Lets not forget his father

Admin. George S. Morrison

He commanded the fleet during the Gulf of Tonkin incident that led to an escalation of the Vietnam War

17th August 2012, 02:36 PM

This is actually an excellent thread, it goes deep, you will be reading for years researching this.

I didn't read the OP yet, it may be right, it may be wrong, if you are a student you want
different perspectives, what happened ? So it does not matter what the OP says right now
for noobs on this story, research this, it goes deep, to everything.

This leads to TAVISTOCK, research it. Awoke has mentioned it many times, so have I and there
are many related orgs out there, like FRANKFURT SCHOOL, FABIAN SOCIETY , one of the best SIGS here, ever, WildCards, until you do the reading and research you have no idea where this leads.
All of it fits totally with THE PROTOCOLS, and what they did to Russia as well, that is our planned
future if they get their way.

But we are on this forum, people read the news and stories, that is where it leads.

We are here. All of it has been engineered.

A few years ago I started reading about all pervasive ZOG, GIM, tied it all together, and then the Occult.

I fear a new dark age is upon us. Only a leader of the magnitude of Charles the Great or Constantine could save us. If you do not know what these people did and their setting, find out.

They rule through corruption, of everything. Weaken us as a society and take us down. Destroy our beliefs. Destroy the West.

A couple of years ago I read (probably linked from here somewhere) a 20+ page report about all of the strange coincidences regarding all of the popular musicians back in the 60's and 70's. Something about Laurel Canyon. It was a fascinating read.

So, I went searching, and I found this, which I remember from that large report a few years ago and was left out of the above article:

Found here: http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr93.html

Also, that site is where Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation can be found. Let me tell you, it is a good read if you have the time.

This goes back more than 10 years for me, back then we didn't have the whole story and didn't know what to believe.

You forgot to mention total corruption and control by JEWS, almost all of them had direct Jewish handlers, controllers, the industry, the media, the War Machine, these people introduced and created the counter culture, glorified drugs, sex, degeneracy, INTRODUCED US MILITARY drugs, and CIA manufactured drugs to the singers and the whole " movement " , and popularized it with the crowds and the masses. SASSOON would be so proud, the JEW brainwashing operation in action with SASSOON, Bernays, it is not just about marketing makeup but control of your mind to destroy you and your society.

VIETNAM, What was it about, a total distraction, that is my conclusion after years of study.
Starts out with just easy study, whitewashed history and war.

Promoting the Occult too in cryptic and not so cryptic ways, it is more out in the open now,
in the past Church leaders would say " satanic " and get mocked, yet we see this more openly
now on MTV, for all to see. Some think it is funny. Many of the singers have no idea, past and
present, they are being directed by Jews.

google is full of material on this

Freud, Propaganda, and the Total State
8 Feb 2002 – Edward L. Bernays, nicknamed the Father of Spin, was the creator of modern propaganda. Bernays was Sigmund Freud's nephew, and applied ...


The Jew Thought Police has been trying to stop us, but they can't, so far.

The Jew Thought Police and their lackeys are the haters.

Lets not forget his father

Admin. George S. Morrison

He commanded the fleet during the Gulf of Tonkin incident that led to an escalation of the Vietnam War

They killed his son to silence him and send him and everyone else a message,
they did that to many and continue to do so, different war same tactics,
they killed Onassis son too, to make sure Onassis keeps his mouth shut.
These are all just coincidences, going back, not , it continues !

Another lesson, you cannot appease a black mamba , and that is what we are dealing with here.
You are expendable even if you do business with them.

17th August 2012, 03:39 PM
Lets not forget his father

Admin. George S. Morrison

He commanded the fleet during the Gulf of Tonkin incident that led to an escalation of the Vietnam War

So, what you are trying to tell me is that you don't read my posts. :cool:

General of Darkness
17th August 2012, 03:56 PM
So, what you are trying to tell me is that you don't read my posts. :cool:

I missed it. My bad. :(

17th August 2012, 04:23 PM
I missed it. My bad. :(

I forgive you.

17th August 2012, 04:51 PM
This is actually an excellent thread, it goes deep, you will be reading for years researching this.

I didn't read the OP yet, it may be right, it may be wrong, if you are a student you want
different perspectives, what happened ? So it does not matter what the OP says right now
for noobs on this story, research this, it goes deep, to everything.

This leads to TAVISTOCK, research it. Awoke has mentioned it many times, so have I and there
are many related orgs out there, like FRANKFURT SCHOOL, FABIAN SOCIETY , one of the best SIGS here, ever, WildCards, until you do the reading and research you have no idea where this leads.
All of it fits totally with THE PROTOCOLS, and what they did to Russia as well, that is our planned
future if they get their way.

But we are on this forum, people read the news and stories, that is where it leads.

We are here. All of it has been engineered.

A few years ago I started reading about all pervasive ZOG, GIM, tied it all together, and then the Occult.

I fear a new dark age is upon us. Only a leader of the magnitude of Charles the Great or Constantine could save us. If you do not know what these people did and their setting, find out.

They rule through corruption, of everything. Weaken us as a society and take us down. Destroy our beliefs. Destroy the West.

This goes back more than 10 years for me, back then we didn't have the whole story and didn't know what to believe.

You forgot to mention total corruption and control by JEWS, almost all of them had direct Jewish handlers, controllers, the industry, the media, the War Machine, these people introduced and created the counter culture, glorified drugs, sex, degeneracy, INTRODUCED US MILITARY drugs, and CIA manufactured drugs to the singers and the whole " movement " , and popularized it with the crowds and the masses. SASSOON would be so proud, the JEW brainwashing operation in action with SASSOON, Bernays, it is not just about marketing makeup but control of your mind to destroy you and your society.

VIETNAM, What was it about, a total distraction, that is my conclusion after years of study.
Starts out with just easy study, whitewashed history and war.

Promoting the Occult too in cryptic and not so cryptic ways, it is more out in the open now,
in the past Church leaders would say " satanic " and get mocked, yet we see this more openly
now on MTV, for all to see. Some think it is funny. Many of the singers have no idea, past and
present, they are being directed by Jews.

google is full of material on this

Freud, Propaganda, and the Total State
8 Feb 2002 – Edward L. Bernays, nicknamed the Father of Spin, was the creator of modern propaganda. Bernays was Sigmund Freud's nephew, and applied ...


The Jew Thought Police has been trying to stop us, but they can't, so far.

The Jew Thought Police and their lackeys are the haters.

They killed his son to silence him and send him and everyone else a message,
they did that to many and continue to do so, different war same tactics,
they killed Onassis son too, to make sure Onassis keeps his mouth shut.
These are all just coincidences, going back, not , it continues !

Another lesson, you cannot appease a black mamba , and that is what we are dealing with here.
You are expendable even if you do business with them.

So....you'll quote "Koas's" post while you leave the slanderous remarks in your sig as if there's nothing at all going on here. WTF? man up dude and retract! I'll pull my sig if you're man enough to. Some things are just wrong and it could be with any number of people on this forum that are connected with the "Cali gang" as you refer to us, but your alligator mouth has over ridden your canary ass in this instance.

17th August 2012, 06:08 PM
So....you'll quote "Koas's" post while you leave the slanderous remarks in your sig as if there's nothing at all going on here. WTF? man up dude and retract! I'll pull my sig if you're man enough to. Some things are just wrong and it could be with any number of people on this forum that are connected with the "Cali gang" as you refer to us, but your alligator mouth has over ridden your canary ass in this instance.

Is her name really Kaos ?

I have a direct quote from one of your Chat friends, WITH LINK, I am not the one in chat with the people you are using to slander me by association, is that the attempt, you are in chat with them and you are friends with them, and so is Kaos, ROFL! If the attempt is to slander me by associating my name with the names of my enemies on here, how does that work, THEY ARE YOUR FRIENDS, ROFL ! And many of your friends in chat are spokespeople for them, like solid for Joe King and Dogman,
lots of conflict going back over this, you are the Cali/Chat gang and lots of proof of this online, and direct quotes from me, members comments, especially from Hugginator. I had enough of your crap. I am not the root of this, it starts with the CRYPTOS on here playing games, and they start going after me
in a more open way when Joe King gets banned, then restart when the forum goes down.

Just recently you post in a thread about me which I did not open,
and you want me to apologize to someone who you DO NOT NAME, and I ask you too,
piling on with the rest of the shits who join here in a coordinated way and begin with
the attacks, I am supposed to ignore this ?

You are the shit disturber, most likely I am supposed to apologize to a Jew King Chat member,
since you do not name them, as you demand an apology, shit disturber.

I had enough of the snide remarks, sniping, attacks, smears, going back, I have many general comments on this.

I got quotes to back all of this and I can show you the root of conflict, all common denominator Chat/Cali/JewKing suupporters.

Like yourself.

You are not an independent poster, you are married to Kaos or a couple, as far as I am concerned
you bought and took ownership of all of her posts. Your name was used to threaten me way back
when Dogman and Joe King were getting banned, then all of you shut up for 6 months, I let it go
and DID NOT do the sig thing, BUT NO MORE !

We started with Kaos warning her about Mayhem , she covered for him and was ALLIED with him.

Showed absolutely no concern to who he was or what he was doing on here including hacking the forums.

Kaos likes to support people like that, you just admitted that is her name on here, KAOS !
Allied with Mayhem, and she joins here knowing him from the very start, high probability,
they knew each other before GIM. She is in the same business he is too, or similar.

This did not start out in an adversarial way, you support adversaries, from the beginning.



You are two years too late in this department.

They singled me out over there, with threads, and talked of getting spammed to death,
seems I am their top spammer. ROFL !

Dogman is their man on here and always was. Your buddy.

YOU WILL NEVER SEE LIBERTY TREE go after a real troll, Joe King, Dogman as he swears
at his women friends, makes threats of death on here to Antonio, 3 sock puppet troll .
Swears at the admin, and a whole lot more. Book and Ponce and Magnes are the problem.
His other 4 sock puppet friend he met in real life, well, don't forget him, ROFL !
Credible people. Don't forget Huggy, chat reject, see my signature, he hates these forums from
the beginning mocking us and attacking us, the JOKE GANG ! I find out what he is about
only after they go after me. LOL ! I am so wrong. LOL !

Maybe I will change my signature for LT, LOL !

General of Darkness
17th August 2012, 06:25 PM
Magnes, I happen to like Kaos and LT. Kaos is a woman that has a good heart to a fault, and LT is a nice guy.

You have my cell number, if you want someone to bitch at, call me.

17th August 2012, 06:25 PM
A couple of years ago I read (probably linked from here somewhere) a 20+ page report about all of the strange coincidences regarding all of the popular musicians back in the 60's and 70's. Something about Laurel Canyon. It was a fascinating read.

So, I went searching, and I found this, which I remember from that large report a few years ago and was left out of the above article:

Found here: http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr93.html

Also, that site is where Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation can be found. Let me tell you, it is a good read if you have the time.

I've read that story about 3 times over the last couple of years, good shit.

17th August 2012, 06:34 PM
Magnes, I happen to like Kaos and LT. Kaos is a woman that has a good heart to a fault, and LT is a nice guy.

You have my cell number, if you want someone to bitch at, call me.

Congratulations, I am sure she is a nice girl, and her name is not Kaos, it is ST KAOS,
I Christened her that, do not forget that , for what she was saying to me and who she
was allied with against me, and they do not want to stop, you know them in " real life ",
congratulations, I know them as very friendly with trolls and other shits and they have
made me and others a target, you treat people different when you know them, and when
non anonymous you may not be as honest on here, in general, fine, I defended you against
Joe King as they supported him, LOL ! Look at who they support on here going back.
I should ignore this as I am the target ? You too have started swearing at me and doing
worse , YOUR'RE WELCOME , call you, how fucking stupid do you think I am, NOBODY
should call you. 4 sock puppet troll friends on here threatening me and trolling the forums.
Mayhem too, 1 degree of separation from that bastard, and Jew King, and Dogman.
Why are you friends with a 4 sock troll in real life swearing at people on here from day one.

We came from GIM, WTF is wrong with you people, everyone should be anonymous,
you just stated that yourself in thread on Gmail/google/YouTube. Those that are not for
the most part support trolls and do not care, they travel the
country like gypsies, drop everything, preppers, LOL, silver hoarders, LOL .
People got banned on GIM for posting about Masons and Skyvike and encouraging
others to stay anonymous, the place emptied of Old School and noobs took over
oblivious to the past outing, ANONIMITY. PRIVACY, CONCERN, were the main reasons.
But we took care of that, twice, motivated, so we put our efforts where are mouths are,
and money, and people like the gang I speak about, they are EXACT OPPOSITES !
Especially ST KAOSwith me, I don't believe these people are that naive, they know
who they are supporting.

General of Darkness
17th August 2012, 06:52 PM
Congratulations, I am sure she is a nice girl, and her name is not Kaos, it is ST KAOS,
I Christened her that, do not forget that , for what she was saying to me and who she
was allied with against me, and they do not want to stop, you know them in " real life ",
congratulations, I know them as very friendly with trolls and other shits and they have
made me and others a target, you treat people different when you know them, and when
non anonymous you may not be as honest on here, in general, fine, I defended you against
Joe King as they supported him, LOL ! Look at who they support on here going back.
I should ignore this as I am the target ? You too have started swearing at me and doing
worse , YOUR'RE WELCOME , call you, how fucking stupid do you think I am, NOBODY
should call you. 4 sock puppet troll friends on here threatening me and trolling the forums.
Mayhem too, 1 degree of separation from that bastard, and Jew King, and Dogman.

Magnes, I really do like ya brother.

Well since we can't apparently handle this like men, I'm going to just tell you straight up. Stop fucking with people I care about.

I won't idlely sit by when you attack them, especially Kaos, she's a woman, and I happen to like her a lot.



17th August 2012, 07:06 PM
Tribute to The Lizard King


“Do you know we are being led to Slaughters by placid admirals
& that fat slow generals are getting Obscene on young blood"

"Do you know we are ruled by t.v."

17th August 2012, 07:15 PM
Thank you Magnes for illustrating and confirming to everyone how far you are from reality, it's simply amazing that someone of your supposed intellect can become so twisted and removed from the facts. It's sad that you can't see it and I'll drop you from my sig because it's really not becoming of me to bring your actions to light. What a joke you've become.

17th August 2012, 09:12 PM
The strange death of this thread.........haha.......

28th February 2016, 11:23 AM
@ Superfreak Hufshmid's site:

New !
26 Feb 2016

Was Jim Morrison murdered by Jews? (http://hugequestions.com/Eric/TFC/FromOthers/Jim-Morrison-update-2016.html)
An anonymous reader noticed that Wikipedia has recently censored the article about Adm. Morrison to hide the connection between their attack on the USS Liberty and the mysterious death of his son. Here are a few more bits of information about that connection.

28th February 2016, 11:52 AM
free pdf of the late Dave McGowan's Laurel Canyon book; read amazon reviews (196 ATM): http://www.amazon.com/Weird-Scenes-Inside-Canyon-Laurel/dp/1909394122

Monday, November 23, 2015

Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation -- By Dave McGowan (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2015/11/inside-lc-strange-but-mostly-true-story.html)

https://feathersandgracie.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/usa-064.jpg (https://feathersandgracie.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/usa-064.jpg)

http://www.mullinsmania.com/images/Rear%20Admiral%20George%20Morrison.jpg (https://images-blogger-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mullinsmania.com%2Fimag es%2FRear%2520Admiral%2520George%2520Morrison.jpg&container=blogger&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image%2F*)http://ultimateclassicrock.com/files/2013/02/Frank-Zappa.jpg (http://ultimateclassicrock.com/files/2013/02/Frank-Zappa.jpg)

Join me now, if you have the time, as we take a stroll down memory lane to a time nearly four-and-a-half decades ago - a time when America last had uniformed ground troops fighting a sustained and bloody battle to impose, uhmm, 'democracy' on a sovereign nation.

It is the first week of August, 1964, and U.S. warships under the command of U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam's Tonkin Gulf. This event, subsequently dubbed the 'Tonkin Gulf Incident,' will result in the immediate passing by the U.S. Congress of the obviously pre-drafted Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which will, in turn, quickly lead to America's deep immersion into the bloody Vietnam quagmire. Before it is over, well over fifty thousand American bodies - along with literally millions of Southeast Asian bodies - will litter the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

For the record, the Tonkin Gulf Incident appears to differ somewhat from other alleged provocations that have driven this country to war. This was not, as we have seen so many times before, a 'false flag' operation (which is to say, an operation that involves Uncle Sam attacking himself and then pointing an accusatory finger at someone else). It was also not, as we have also seen on more than one occasion, an attack that was quite deliberately provoked. No, what the Tonkin Gulf incident actually was, as it turns out, is an 'attack' that never took place at all. The entire incident, as has been all but officially acknowledged, was spun from whole cloth. (It is quite possible, however, that the intent was to provoke a defensive response, which could then be cast as an unprovoked attack on U.S ships. The ships in question were on an intelligence mission and were operating in a decidedly provocative manner. It is quite possible that when Vietnamese forces failed to respond as anticipated, Uncle Sam decided to just pretend as though they had.)....

Download complete PDF (http://www.conspirazzi.com/e-books/inside-the-lc.pdf)

Posted by Scorpio (https://www.blogger.com/profile/13465540813262346914) at 5:39 PM 3 comments: (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=6667366166084003131)

28th February 2016, 12:17 PM
Pat, I read that Laurel Canyon book and it's pretty damn interesting how every popular hippie band came from a MIC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military%E2%80%93industrial_complex) family.

10th May 2016, 06:01 AM
I thought we had a thread titled Laurel Canyon but maybe is was titled some other way

When searching I found these key threads:
F you Bob Dylan (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?61442-Fuck-you-bob-dylan)
Rosemary's Baby - Polanski (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?83621-Rosemary-s-Baby-Roman-Polanski-Occult-satanist-societies-film)
Rip David McGowan - author of the Laurel Canyon book (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?86132-RIP-David-Mcgowan)
Forbidden/'Thought-Crime' books to download & save offline now (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54647-Forbidden-Thought-Crime-books-to-download-amp-save-offline-now) - contains a link to Davids book - Get it and get it now.
The strange death of Jim Morrison (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?63034-The-strange-death-of-Jim-Morrison)

I would normally post Crrow777 podcasts in the luna wave thread but he covers many topics. This week he discusss the Lauren Valley situation, hippys, CIA/US Mil involvement in Music. Admiral who ran the Vietnam Bay of Tonkin False Flag was Jim Morrisons dad.
Music industry being a fully scripted and controlled system.
The original definition of the word "actor" means hypocrite.
Actors were never given christian burials because they are untrustworthy - Actors in politics - Reagan, Swartzneger, Wrestler dude I can't remember.
Helter Skelter Sharon Tate Manson Zappa The Byrds

Music that controlled a generation & rock star undercover agents - 1st hour


In this episode I cover the psyop that is the music industry, Hollywood and all form of organized entertainment. You cannot separate the entertainment industry from government or royalty. Use of entertainment to socially engineer our world is how government has always worked.

2nd hour is pretty busy. intense. see the YT for a bunch of topic key words.

11th May 2016, 11:28 PM
^ thx; never heard of https://www.crrow777radio.com before; i'll surely give them a full browse. :)

Getting further afield here perhaps but along the same lines, latest from these 2:

CCN – UnSpun 021 – “Rebuilding the Family in the Huxleyan Dream” – with Jan Irvin & Joe Atwill

15th May 2016, 10:58 AM
The planet probably would've been nuked in the late 70's if it weren't for the hippies.


One 'n one is eleven!
Two 'n two is twenty-two!
Won't somebody kindly tell me,
What's the government is tryin' t' do...

Dickie's just to tricky
For a chump like me to use
You take that sub-committee seriously, boy
You could get a seizure from the evenin' news
Millions 'n millions of dollars...
Much as he might need...
He could open up a chain of motels, people
On the highway, yes indeed!

Quadrafonic desperation!
Just might be some confinement loaf all up under your bed
If you just might pinch a little loaf in your slumber
The fbi gonna get your number
The fbi
Gonna get your number
The fbi
Gonna get your number
Tryin' not to worry
Tryin' not to care
But you know, I get delighted
When some microphone is not there.

Can't have no private conversation
In the usa
Can't wait 'til the rest of the people all over the the world
Find out their government
Is just the same ol' way...

The gangster stepped right up,
'n kissed him on the lips good-bye
Made him a cocksucker by proxy, yes he did,
An' he didn't even bat an eye!

The man in the white house -- oooh!
He's got a conscience black as sin!
There's just one thing I wanna know --
How'd that asshole ever manage to get in?

Read more: Frank Zappa - Dickie's Such An Asshole Lyrics | MetroLyrics (http://www.metrolyrics.com/dickies-such-an-asshole-lyrics-frank-zappa.html#ixzz48kTIFjVO)

15th May 2016, 04:36 PM
The planet probably would've been nuked in the late 70's if it weren't for the hippies.


The hippie movement was a psyop. A mind control exercise. had nothing to do with whether the world nuked itself or not. All the bands were kids of military, regular and intelligence, LSD was given away for free in the millions... made by a kid of a Mil guy, who paid for that?

And Zappa was one of the lynch pins. What's his real name? All from Laurel Canyon.

All over looked by the US military film studio that oversaw the filming of the moon landings and nuke weapon tests.

15th May 2016, 04:44 PM
The hippie movement was a psyop. A mind control exercise

To what ends, Launch the U.S. government to its sole position as righteous judicator in the world today?

That the social elite's children rebels were closer to production schemes at getting their words heard at the time is nothing other than sublime.

Its happened in every empire since there were empires and it were no psyop in mind control, it just is what it were/is.


15th May 2016, 06:58 PM
To what ends,

To kill Christians. or WASP's. What ever you want to call them. Whether they know they are one or not, they go to die. That is the purpose of war.