View Full Version : No Consent: Your Child Can Now Be Sterilized In Oregon For Free

Twisted Titan
22nd August 2012, 03:53 AM
No Consent: Your Child Can Now Be Sterilized In Oregon For Free Tuesday, 14 August 2012 02:34 Margie Wilson-Mars

http://gold-silver.us/images/stories/board eugenics.jpg
This article was written by Margie Wilson-Mars and originally published at The Examiner (http://www.examiner.com/article/no-consent-your-child-can-now-be-sterilized-oregon-for-free)

There is a shocking development in the new Obamacare (http://www.examiner.com/topic/obamacare) Contraception Mandate that went into effect in Oregon (http://www.examiner.com/topic/oregon) on August 1. Your 15-year-old (as young as 12 in some cases) child (http://www.examiner.com/topic/child) can be sterilized for free, without your consent. Sterilized, not reversible but a permanent end to your child's ability to reproduce. Do you feel a 15-year-old is mature enough to make that decision? They can't legally drive to a clinic to have it done, or even legally engage in sex but they can make a decision affecting their lifelong ability to procreate.

Oregon Revised Statutes (http://www.leg.state.or.us/ors/436.html) (ORS) 436.205 to 436.335 states: ‘Informed consent’ means consent given by an individual 15 years of age or older for sterilization (http://www.examiner.com/topic/sterilization/articles) that is: (a) Based upon a full understanding of the nature and consequences of sterilization pursuant to information requirements set forth in ORS 436.225(1); (b) Given by an individual competent to make such a decision; and (c) Wholly voluntary and free from coercion, express or implied.” Oregon defines “sterilization” as “any medical procedure, treatment or operation for the purpose of rendering an individual permanently incapable of procreating.”

CNSNews.com reports (http://cnsnews.com/news/article/obamacare-mandate-sterilize-15-year-old-girls-free-without-parental-consent) that they contacted the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and asked, “Can you confirm that under this regulation a girl as young as 12 must be offered the opportunity to obtain a sterilization free of charge?” They also asked them to confirm what the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) media contact, Christine Stone told them, “In Oregon, the age of consent for a sterilization procedure is 15 years or older." They were told no one was available to answer their questions. The OHA provides the consent form (http://cnsnews.com/sites/default/files/documents/OREGON%20STERILIZATION%20CONSENT%20FORM.pdf) for both girls and boys ages 15-18 to be sterilized. The legal age for 'Informed Consent' is 15-years-old in the State of Oregon.

In questioning House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), CNSNews asked him about the free sterilization. He said, “Free sterilization? I don’t know anything about free sterilization. I don’t know anything about that. I’m sorry. The answer is, I don’t. But I don’t think anybody is proposing that.” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) chose to deflect the question rather than answer it (video available at link) the first time and shutting the reporter down the second time. CNSNews asked Pelosi, "Do you support the regulation taking affect August 1 requiring all health plans to cover free sterilizations for teenage girls?" Pelosi responded by saying, "I don't subscribe to your characterization of it," and then moved on. Some of the people most deeply involved in Obamacare can't, or won't, give answers.

While the new Obamacare mandate is sure to bring up similarities between this and abortion without parental consent, some may feel that abortion doesn't have the same long term affects that permanent sterilization has. Lawmakers and the media will surely be delving into this issue to see if it is truly what it appears. If so, it doesn't appear that there is much that parents or guardians can do to stop their teenage child from making such a dramatic, life-altering decision. At 15, the only 'life-altering' decision they should be worrying about what to wear to school the next day.

22nd August 2012, 08:05 AM
Obama was funded by foreign interests and traitorous corporations and installed with the mission of destroying the republic of the United States of America. He has been wildly successful to date. I congratulate him and his backers. In the past, presidents were elected by and for the people and charged with protecting and defending the Constitution. Obama represents an entirely different entity. He is not bound by any oath of office or Constitutional obligations because he took the oath under false pretenses (i.e. his legal name is Barry Soetoro, not Barrack Obama; he was born a foreigner with one parent a subject of the British Crown and a mother of dubious ability to convey US citizenship, etc.). He has been installed to preside over the liquidation and bankruptcy reorganization of the corporate United States, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Federal Reserve Bank. I defy anyone to prove these assertions false.

Old Herb Lady
22nd August 2012, 08:26 AM
Obama cut a secret deal with pharmaceutical company lobbyists to secure the industry’s support for his national health care law period



The Oregon Health Plan is generally considered to be the brainchild of Dr. John Kitzhaber, a medical doctor who spent years in the Oregon Senate, before becoming governor during 1995-2003. Kitzhaber, who remains politically active, and was reportedly considered as a candidate for Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Obama Administration

Old Herb Lady
22nd August 2012, 08:34 AM
Jewish Governer of Oregon: Dr. John Kitzhaber


Twisted Titan
22nd August 2012, 10:56 PM
As I have said a good many times: The Greater Majority of All your Personal Problems and Struggles can accurately be traced back To these Ghoulish Hooked Nose Mayhem Makers