View Full Version : Lawyer's Secret Oath

Hatha Sunahara
24th August 2012, 09:43 PM
One of my favorite topics to read about is the Bankruptcy of the United States in the 1930s. Not much is written about it because the government never publicly declared bankruptcy. It is a big secret kept from the American people, and is the reason we have a 'strawman' so the courts can trick us into assuming the liability for the bankruptcy of the corporate United States. There is an excellent piece describing this fraud on the American people here:


If you haven't read it already, you might find it very interesting and informative. It's 16 pages long. I have read posts on other forums where lawyers deny such a secret oath exists. Well, duh! If they admitted it, it wouldn't be a secret, and they wouldn't be lawyers for long.

This piece explains for me a lot of things about our society and our legal system. It's another wake-up piece. You won't be the same person after you've read it.


25th August 2012, 02:57 AM
Thanks Hatha Sunahara


It has been reported, that every lawyer in existence, and every lawyer coming up has to take a secret oath to support bankruptcy

I wonder if the next time America goes bankrupt and already being bankrupt if it will count...???

or if because its already bankrupt it can be bankrupt again .:)sal

Take an oath to support bankruptcy, yes this is what oaths are for to support bankruptcy.;D

Not only do the lawyers promise to support the bankruptcy, but the lawyers and judges promise never to reveal who the true creditor/party is in the bankruptcy proceedings.so lets all lie together and pretend

In court, there is never identification and appearance of the true character and principle of the proceedings. If there is no appearance of the true party to the action, then there is no way the defendant is able to know the true NATURE AND

lets trick the defendants

CAUSE OF THE ACTION. You are never told the true NATURE AND CAUSE OF WHY YOU ARE IN FRONT OF THEIR COURT. The court is forbidden to tell you that information.
That's why, if you question the true nature and cause, the judge will tell you "It's not my job to tell you. You are not retaining me as an attorney and I can't give you legal advise from the bench. I suggest you hire a lawyer."

the judge will sell you crap to keep this game going

The problem here is, if you hire a lawyer who is pledged not to reveal the true nature and the cause, how will you ever find out the nature and the cause? YOU WON'T!

good to see the dollar is backed by something......you

25th August 2012, 03:01 AM
It has been reported, that every lawyer in existence, and every lawyer coming up has to take a secret oath to support bankruptcy

I wonder if the next time America goes bankrupt and already being bankrupt if it will count...???

or if because its already bankrupt it can be bankrupt again .:)sal

Take an oath to support bankruptcy, yes this is what oaths are for to support bankruptcy.;D

Isn't that a form of 'Double negative' ?

25th August 2012, 03:45 AM
Probably I got carried away.

After reading the rest of the article it looks like everyone in the world is designed to be the bankers slaves concocted from lies and fraud, these people are destined to fry in court someday surly.

Twisted Titan
25th August 2012, 08:09 AM

Hatha Sunahara
25th August 2012, 09:08 AM
One big, huge, gigantic piece of advice in this piece is Don't hire a lawyer to 'represent' you. You'll lose.

I got this message elsewhere. Actually, from Eustace Mullins in his book The Rape of Justice. That too was an excellent read. Mullins gives you a really great context because he provides a cogent history of the law. He doesn't talk about the bankruptcy of the US though.


25th August 2012, 03:57 PM

25th August 2012, 06:23 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2tUEJOVuFY ;D

Isn't that a form of 'Double negative' ?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5LTzcDevrk ;D

25th August 2012, 07:08 PM