View Full Version : Just some of the PROPHECIES from/of Christian Scriptures being fulfilled in our day.

26th August 2012, 05:46 PM
TAMPA, Fla. – Could Hurricane Isaac’s disrupting of the Republican convention here be tied to recent policy decisions by the GOP leadership and Barack Obama? That question is being raised by Bible prophecy expert William Koenig, whose book, “Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel,” links catastrophic hurricanes hitting the U.S. with changes in policy toward Israel.

Koenig points out that on Tuesday, the day Isaac formed as a tropical storm, the Republican platform committee voted to add a “two-state” position pertaining to Israel for formal convention approval. Earlier, a pastor on the Republican platform committee offered an amendment for a one-state solution to the dispute between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs with no land concessions by the Jewish state. But former Sen. Jim Talent, R-Mo., quoted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to demonstrate that the original platform language was consistent with the Israeli position. Talent was supported in his successful bid to defeat the amendment by Rep. Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, better known as AIPAC.

“This is the second straight Republican convention postponed due to a major hurricane,” points out Koenig. “And this is the third straight Republican convention that became secondary news due to a hurricane. Bush was pressuring Israel during the times of the 2004 and 2008 conventions.” Koenig links all three convention disruptions to platform committee decisions to support further division of the land of Israel to pave the way for the creation of a Palestinian state

Koenig also sees significance in the fact that Isaac, the name of Abraham’s son and Jacob’s father, is on a trajectory to hit New Orleans on the seventh anniversary of Katrina, putting gulf oil at risk. Oil companies in the area are already evacuating their crews. Jeff Master of Weather Underground reports Isaac is very similar in size to Hurricane Ike and on the same path. Ike hit Galveston and Houston in 2008. It was a $37 billion storm, the second costliest in history and only a Category 2 storm when it hit. The winds and the immense size of the storm caused massive damage.

Katrina, the deadliest and costliest hurricane in U.S. history, hit Aug. 29, 2005, after President George W. Bush urged Israel to withdraw from Gaza. Israeli rabbis and U.S. senators have made note of the historical links between calamitous U.S. storms and U.S. pressures on Israel to divide the land. In his book, Koenig points out that nine of the 10 costliest insurance events in U.S. history followed dramatic calls by U.S. officials for Israel to make land concessions in bids for peace with its neighbors. He points out with startling detail how six of the seven costliest hurricanes in U.S. history followed such events. He points out how three of the four largest tornado outbreaks in U.S. history also followed such developments.

Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, even terrorist attacks have hit America often within 24 hours of calls by U.S. officials for Israel to withdraw from historically Jewish land. It goes back to Genesis and God’s pledge to bless those who bless the children of Israel and curse those who curse them. It’s a prophecy that many Christians and Jews believe is behind the fall of all the world’s empires of the past. That is a prophecy that has seen every empire of the world come and go – yet Israel remains.

But, with regard to Isaac, there’s more to consider than the GOP platform decision. Koenig also sees significance in three other recent policy decisions by Obama’s White House. As WND reported three days ago, Obama asked Palestinian leaders to delay any moves toward statehood until the presidential election is over, according to a senior Palestinian Authority official. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official told WND, the request was passed to PA President Mahmoud Abbas’ office by the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem. It’s not the first time Obama has asked the PA to wait until after the election to make its move toward statehood, suggesting he would be freer to support the initiative if he is re-elected.

In addition, the Obama administration proclaimed last week that it still sees diplomacy as the solution to Iran’s bid for nuclear weapons. Israel has been debating a pre-emptive attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities in the wake of repeated threats by Iranian political and religious figures to annihilate the Jewish state. Lastly, the Obama campaign has refused to distance itself from a radical female rabbi’s support for his re-election bid. Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb is one of 613 rabbis pledging support for Obama under the name “Rabbis for Obama.” But she has called for a boycott against Israeli products, has dined with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and was the first American rabbi to visit Tehran.

Meanwhile, Gulf of Mexico operators on Sunday were bracing for the first hurricane in 2012 to affect the U.S. oil patch, which produces 23 percent of the U.S. oil output and 7 percent of the its natural gas. Isaac, they say, could be the biggest test to U.S. energy infrastructure since 2008, when Hurricanes Gustav and Ike disrupted offshore oil output for months as well as damaged onshore natural gas processing plants and pipelines. Isaac could also impact the U.S. refinery row along the Gulf Coast, which stretches from Mississippi to south Texas and accounts from more than 40 percent of U.S. fuel output.

26th August 2012, 06:12 PM
Lots of earthquake activity at present:
Alaska; Hawaii; Southern California near the 800-mile San Andreas Fault, dozens of small to magnitude 5-5 earthquakes in an area from rural Imperial County to the San Diego coast and north into the Coachella Valley.
Southern Indonesia, south of the Philippines magnitude 6.4 ; 70 kilometers (43 miles) below the northern Molucca Sea ...

26th August 2012, 08:07 PM
Lots of earthquake activity at present:
Alaska; Hawaii; Southern California near the 800-mile San Andreas Fault, dozens of small to magnitude 5-3 earthquakes in an area from rural Imperial County to the San Diego coast and north into the Coachella Valley.
Southern Indonesia, south of the Philippines magnitude 6.4 ; 70 kilometers (43 miles) below the northern Molucca Sea ...nkz

Best to post a link, troll...

26th August 2012, 10:39 PM
One of my favorite prophesies from the scripture is this one in which the early church Christians are WARNED about an angel from heaven preaching another Gospel

Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Of course we can just pretend it is no reference to the angel moroni. (wink wink)

"Persecution continued as Joseph refused to deny that he had seen God. On 21 September 1823 after retiring to bed, Joseph prayed to know his standing before the Lord. The angel Moroni appeared to him."

Source: http://www.lds.org/library/display/0,4945,104-1-3-6,00.html

26th August 2012, 10:57 PM

When former Romanian intelligence chief General Ion Mihai Pacepa made sensational claims in 2007 that Pope Pius XII was the victim of a Soviet plot to frame him as a Nazi sympathizer, historians and even even some of Pius’s defenders were skeptical.

Yet as new evidence has come to light, Pacepa’s claims are gaining wider support. The former spy chief, who defected to the United States in 1978, has just completed a new book called “Disinformation” in which, together with Ronald Rychlak, an expert on Pius XII and the Holocaust, he explains how the intricate framing operation was carried out. The book promises to paint an intricate picture of the nefarious methods and labyrinthine plots used by the KGB to frame anti-communists such as the wartime Pope. CIA director James Woolsey writes in the book’s introduction that it “will change the way you look at intelligence, foreign affairs, the press and much else.” Its authors hope to show the extent to which the Kremlin’s disinformation campaign thwarted the truth becoming known about Pius XII — a Pope who, according to recently discovered historical evidence, saved more Jewish lives during World War II than any other religious and political leader combined.

Rychlak, a law professor at the University of Mississippi, was initially sceptical of a Kremlin plot, but rather than let the claims pass and fade away, he spent the next two years combing through documents to see if Pacepa’s claims would add up. “Bit by bit, all the pieces fell in place,” he told me. “The new picture answered many questions and made sense out of things that had previously been inexplicable.” The former Romanian spy chief remains in hiding for his own protection, but through the Pave the Way Foundation, a charity that seeks to bridge sectarian divisions, he explained via email his proof of a KGB plot against Pius. But he said that to recognize such evidence of disinformation, “one should be familiar with the Kremlin’s very secret “science” of changing the past in order to suit current priorities.”

“In KGB jargon, changing the past was called “framing,” and it was a highly classified disinformation specialty,” he explained, adding that the operations were “like mosaics made up of hundreds or even thousands of tiny pieces fitted together. Only a handful of master designers know how the final image will turn out,” he continued. “I was peripherally involved in changing the past of Pius XII, but at that time, even I did not know what the final image would look like.” He gave examples of how such framing operations were executed, such as Stalin’s ruthless methods to falsify historical facts to fit into his own plans in the 1930s, and Pacepa’s own disinformation operations as head of Romanian intelligence in the 1970s. He explained how he managed to hoodwink Western heads of state, intelligence officers and others into believing that Romania’s dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, was an admirable, pro-Western leader when, in fact, “he was a two-bit Dracula.” Ceausescu was executed by his own people in 1989, but Pacepa said that few in the West “looked back to speculate about how they had been so misled.” His upcoming book, he explained, “contains solid, primary evidence documenting how the immense KGB disinformation machinery was able to flip the image of Pius XII from lily white to coal black — just as it flipped the image of Ceausescu in reverse.”

Pacepa further revealed how the framing of the ardently anti-communist Pope actually began in 1945. Concerned only for his own image, and fresh from victory after World War II, Stalin had one more enemy he wanted to defeat: the Ukrainian Catholic Church — the last Vatican enclave in the Soviet Union. According to Pacepa, after persecuting the Church there, he set about trying to portray Pius XII as a Nazi collaborator, proclaiming on Radio Moscow in 1945 that Pius XII had been “Hitler’s Pope.” But the campaign fell flat as those who knew Pius XII knew he could never have been a Nazi sympathizer. At the time, his wartime efforts to protect religious minorities were being roundly praised by such prominent world figures as President Roosevelt, Winston Churchill (who described Pius as “the greatest man of our time”), and Albert Einstein. “They knew who Pope Pius XII really was,” Pacepa said. “[So] the Kremlin tried again in the 1960s, with the next generation, which had not lived through that history and did not know better. This time it worked.” Central to that framing effort — codenamed Operation Seat 12 — was the 1963 theatrical play, “The Deputy,” written by the communist German playwright, Rolf Hochhuth. Pacepa and Rychlak explain in the book that it had the KGB’s “hands all over it” and proceed to present evidence of deep Communist and Kremlin involvement in its promotion. In his interview, Pacepa lamented that such disinformation methods continue to be used by Russia today, not least in its efforts to manipulate religions in order to consolidate its power. “In Russia, the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same,” he said. “The science of disinformation has proven to be such a miracle weapon that the Russians remain addicted

26th August 2012, 11:12 PM

26th August 2012, 11:13 PM

26th August 2012, 11:15 PM

26th August 2012, 11:25 PM

27th August 2012, 12:59 AM
@ http://www.wnd.com/2012/08/did-gop-obama-actions-prompt-isaac which didn't make it into OP's paste job of the article,


Did GOP, Obama actions prompt Isaac?

Author links hurricane to policies toward Israel

That subtitle I redded there is a good example of the Straussian/neocon advocated rhetoric technique in publications, of speaking on 2 levels: one for the broad mass of sheeple readers, and a 2nd subtler interpretation aimed at the small clique of those "in the know".

The sheeple are meant to read the article as "GOD is making bad (weather/things) happen to those not supporting His poor picked-on chosenites."

However, the subtitle "Author links hurricane to policies toward Israel" can also be read by those in the know about chemtrails/HAARP/weather-warfare, as suggesting that "ISRAEL/ZION/TPTB are making bad (weather/things) happen to those not supporting His poor picked-on chosenites."

Article published in none other than Joe Farah's fanatically pro-zionist WND, and brought to our attention here at GSUS by a fanatically pro-Rombama-zionist member, whose distinct joospew communication style gives deep insight towards the question, Why do Mormons Love Israel? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?62669-Why-do-Mormons-Love-Israel)


27th August 2012, 01:12 AM
Janadele, if Rick Good-Hair Perry had been the repub nominee, would you support him over Obama? Guess the question really is, which of those 2 would be better for Israel, right? :)

Good-Hair's kosher credentials were quite strong, recall,



27th August 2012, 01:40 AM
A strong earthquake measuring 7.4 has shaken an area in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of El Salvador.

The epicentre of the tremor, which occurred at 0437 GMT, was located 111 kilometres (69 miles) south of the city of Puerto El Triunfo in El Salvador, according to the US Geological Survey.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said the quake took place at a depth of 54 kilometres and issued a tsunami warning for all Central American nations and Mexico.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center later confirmed that a tsunami was generated.

27th August 2012, 06:32 AM
David Walsh, an oceanographer with the Pacific Tsunami Centre in Ewa Beach, Hawaii, said a minor, 20cm swell was registered off Acajutla, El Salvador. Further TSUNAM warnings have now been cancelled, and there are no current warnings issued from the West Coast /Alaska TSUNAMI warning centre.

27th August 2012, 12:47 PM
Speaking of Israel, I found some nice pictures of goats from Israel!

27th August 2012, 12:53 PM
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~dlsorby/famfolder/hobbiesfiles/ourtravel/mideastpictures2006/telavivtogolan/1891goats.jpg oh arnt they cute?

27th August 2012, 12:56 PM
Do you think this could be a young mitt? Of course - hard at work at a young age!

27th August 2012, 01:04 PM
Tropical Cyclone "Isaac" is scheduled to hit the New Orleans area on Wednesday, August 29... exactly 7 years to the day " Katrina" also made land fall, and the very day of the beginning of an annual homosexual event in New Orleans called “Southern Decadence.”
'Operation Stop Mardi Gras', take 2.

27th August 2012, 01:07 PM
and the very day of the beginning of an annual homosexual event in New Orleans called “Southern Decadence.”

Are you marching in that parade ?

28th August 2012, 01:35 AM
When I see the evil which is overtaking our earth in these last days, as Prophesied, I am grateful to understand the greater meaning and purpose of this mortal life.

Those of us who read and believe the Christian Scriptures are aware of the warnings of Prophets concerning catastrophes that have come to pass and are yet to come to pass because of the wickedness of so many of the inhabitants of this earth.

If anyone has any doubt concerning the terrible things that can and will afflict mankind, let him read the 24th chapter of Matthew.
Among other things the Lord says: “Ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars. …
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. … "

Just a few of the calamities in store for the US are:

New York will be destroyed by an earthquake.

Boston will be swept into the sea, by the sea heaving itself beyond its bounds.

Albany will be destroyed by fire.

Many Christians understand the signs of the times and are preparing as best they can and will not taken unawares.
Others are void of the spirit of Prophecy, have their eyes closed upon the Prophecies of the ancient Prophets; and will be destroyed... and along with the wicked will reap the consequences of their earthly choices in the eternities.

28th August 2012, 04:17 AM
Landslides occur in all 50 U.S. states and territories, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The Appalachian Mountains, the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Coastal Ranges and some parts of Alaska and Hawaii have severe landslide problems. AP had a great story yesterday about a massive rock slide in Glacier Bay National Park earlier this summer. The event took place on June 11, 2012, but no one noticed it until a pilot happened to fly past the area a month later. According to AP’s story, some are now saying this landslide – which sent rock and ice pouring down a valley, over the top of a glacier – might be the largest ever recorded in North America.

29th August 2012, 02:31 PM
When I see the evil which is overtaking our earth in these last days, as Prophesied, I am grateful to understand the greater meaning and purpose of this mortal life.

Those of us who read and believe the Christian Scriptures are aware of the warnings of Prophets concerning catastrophes that have come to pass and are yet to come to pass because of the wickedness of so many of the inhabitants of this earth.

If anyone has any doubt concerning the terrible things that can and will afflict mankind, let him read the 24th chapter of Matthew.
Among other things the Lord says: “Ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars. …
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. … "

Just a few of the calamities in store for the US are:

New York will be destroyed by an earthquake.

Boston will be swept into the sea, by the sea heaving itself beyond its bounds.

Albany will be destroyed by fire.

Many Christians understand the signs of the times and are preparing as best they can and will not taken unawares.
Others are void of the spirit of Prophecy, have their eyes closed upon the Prophecies of the ancient Prophets; and will be destroyed... and along with the wicked will reap the consequences of their earthly choices in the eternities.

Doom is only 6 months away...what is it about life one has to hate so much to wish annihilation of millions of people? That is a sign of mental illness.

29th August 2012, 03:07 PM
I do not know whom you are referring to who has such a wish. The Lord God will not be mocked, and He will bring punishment upon the wicked, this is His decree but not His wish.

There are eternal laws which when broken have consequences. Those who have chosen evil have brought judgement upon themselves, and although the righteous may also suffer as a result, it will be but brief duration compared to eternity... and those who strive to be righteous will have their eternal rewards.

29th August 2012, 03:26 PM
I do not know whom you are referring to who has such a wish. The Lord God will not be mocked, and He will bring punishment upon the wicked, this is His decree but not His wish.

There are eternal laws which when broken have consequences. Those who have chosen evil have brought judgement upon themselves, and although the righteous may also suffer as a result, it will be but brief duration compared to eternity... and those who strive to be righteous will have their eternal rewards.

So, your god gets his feelings hurt that easily? Yet created the universe? Wow.

29th August 2012, 10:07 PM
The Lord God will not be mocked, and He will bring punishment upon the wicked, this is His decree but not His wish.

I am thankful not to have ill-tempered imaginary friends that requires pronouns to be capitalised. Such a thing is quite silly.

30th August 2012, 09:32 PM

Brightly Beams Our Fathers Mercy.

30th August 2012, 10:10 PM

31st August 2012, 04:25 PM

The Messiah will be a light to the Gentiles and will free the prisoners—Israel will be gathered with power in the last days—Kings will be the nursing fathers of Israel

5th September 2012, 05:38 PM
It is important that we remember the Lord’s declaration that “I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise.”

We cannot expect God’s help when we have chosen to ignore the counsel of His servants time and time again.

6th September 2012, 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by Janadele http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?p=569024#post569024)
I do not know whom you are referring to who has such a wish. The Lord God will not be mocked, and He will bring punishment upon the wicked, this is His decree but not His wish.So, your god gets his feelings hurt that easily? Yet created the universe? Wow.

One of the nice things about this interview with Dr. Lorraine Day was her debunking the mythology surrounding a "vindictive God",
Thread: Who Rewrote the Bible? Dr. Lorraine Day on Spingola (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?63245-Who-Rewrote-the-Bible-Dr-Lorraine-Day-on-Spingola)

6th September 2012, 04:19 AM
And to think Dr. Day didn't mention "mormon translator Joseph Smith" even once...well at least during THAT live interview. ;)

7th trump
6th September 2012, 05:17 AM
So, your god gets his feelings hurt that easily? Yet created the universe? Wow.
Yeah He gets hurt that easy, so whats the big deal?
Everyone should know and understand this.....He did make us in His image did He not?
That image includes feelings!
He also gets angry!
And He also shows when hes happy.
But Hes not a "respector of persons" which is saying he doesnt show favortism unless you were picked from the beginning and have a destiny to fullfill.

6th September 2012, 05:50 AM
Just a few of the calamities in store for the US are:

New York will be destroyed by an earthquake.

Boston will be swept into the sea, by the sea heaving itself beyond its bounds.

Albany will be destroyed by fire.

Really? Do you have bible quotes that says that? If you make specific prophecies like that, you should back it up with a quote. So that we don't think this is just a twisted distortion of a quote, that you or anyone else, you believe in, has cooked up...

6th September 2012, 09:52 AM
These are modern day Prophecies, which I have only briefly referred to and intentionally with held details, link and references because of the prevalence of mocking sacred matters on this forum.

6th September 2012, 09:56 AM
These are modern day Prophecies, which I have only briefly referred to and intentionally with held details, link and references because of the prevalence of mocking sacred matters on this forum.
So you or someone you believe in just made it up?

6th September 2012, 10:22 AM
Truth fears no investigation.

6th September 2012, 12:12 PM
Matthew 7:9–11
9 Go ye into the world, saying unto all, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come nigh unto you.

10 And the mysteries of the kingdom ye shall keep within yourselves; for it is not meet to give that which is holy unto the dogs; neither cast ye your pearls unto swine, lest they trample them under their feet.

11 For the world cannot receive that which ye, yourselves, are not able to bear; wherefore ye shall not give your pearls unto them, lest they turn again and rend you.

6th September 2012, 12:18 PM

The mighty Biblical Prophet Enoch.

8th September 2012, 05:27 AM
Is it gone?

8th September 2012, 06:09 AM
Is it gone?

i think so...in the lds thread i backed her into a corner with this post, #654


...and she hasn't posted anything since.

it may be too early to celebrate yet, she is probably just getting caught up on spamming the other forums she trolls.

8th September 2012, 04:29 PM
"For a river known as the "golden watercourse," red is a strange color to see.

Yet that's the shade turning up in the Yangtze River and officials have no idea why.

The red began appearing in the Yangtze, the longest and largest river in China and the third longest river in the world, yesterday near the city of Chongquing, where the Yangtze connects to the Jialin River."


Welcome to the precursor signs to the second coming of our Lord.

10th September 2012, 08:48 AM
Many of you had best watch yourselves. While I disagree with many concepts of LDS, there are many vessels used to present truths. I see some of you are slandering what could just as easily have been my words. Your hate for God and love for wickedness is like an aggressive cancer in your flesh. As you rot more, your inclination is to further mock and slander the words of God. You fulfill prophecy.

2Pe 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
2Pe 2:13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;
2Pe 2:14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:
2Pe 2:15 Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness;
2Pe 2:16 But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet.

Rev 16:10 And the fifth angel poured out his bowl onto the throne of the beast. And its kingdom became darkened; and they gnawed their tongues from the pain.
Rev 16:11 And they blasphemed the God of Heaven, from their pains and from their sores. And they did not repent of their works.

10th September 2012, 08:56 AM
I'm not posting this to debate anyone. This happened last year in that region. It was a dye factory illegally dumping into the river.


Last December, the Jian River in the city of Luoyang, in the north Henan province, turned red after becoming polluted by a powerful dye.

10th September 2012, 09:09 AM
I'm not posting this to debate anyone. This happened last year in that region. It was a dye factory illegally dumping into the river.

Vicious lies! Are you illuminati?

10th September 2012, 05:14 PM
Rev 14:4 : " And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood." This is still to come.

However, there will be, and are, many signs which warn and serve as a reminder to us to prepare.

Whether by the hand of the Lord or occurrences used by Him as a reminder to us, such signs serve as a reminder to those who are aware.

"For a river known as the "golden watercourse," red is a strange color to see.

Yet that's the shade turning up in the Yangtze River and officials have no idea why.

The red began appearing in the Yangtze, the longest and largest river in China and the third longest river in the world, yesterday near the city of Chongquing, where the Yangtze connects to the Jialin River."


Welcome to the precursor signs to the second coming of our Lord.

13th September 2012, 01:32 AM
Rev 14:4 : " And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood." This is still to come.

However, there will be, and are, many signs which warn and serve as a reminder to us to prepare.

Whether by the hand of the Lord or occurrences used by Him as a reminder to us, such signs serve as a reminder to those who are aware.

There are hundreds of signs and even more that can be construed as signs, that we are in end times. I believe it would be best if we believers put down our minor differences and agree that something is going on here, and it's written in the word. I don't see a need to fraggle about your magic underwear and some of the unseemly things that your group profess to believe, when your group are front ahead of everyone else in stating need to prepare for it. I [would like to] think we all base our faith on the bible as the anchor. Take what you like and leave the rest....alone?

You point out important things, Janadele. I wish we could all get along. The main trap you will fall into is those that believe [as is written] in the false prophet. Your version of Christianity is well, different. So most may look upon your belief as false prophecy. Many others who are awake and thinking people see the RC church as the false prophet.

From my perspective, read your book, live your life as best as possible, and prepare, for the hour will not be known.


13th September 2012, 02:06 AM
Thank you mouse for your perception, your thoughts are appreciated. :)

There are hundreds of signs and even more that can be construed as signs, that we are in end times. I believe it would be best if we believers put down our minor differences and agree that something is going on here, and it's written in the word. I don't see a need to fraggle about your magic underwear and some of the unseemly things that your group profess to believe, when your group are front ahead of everyone else in stating need to prepare for it. I [would like to] think we all base our faith on the bible as the anchor. Take what you like and leave the rest....alone?

You point out important things, Janadele. I wish we could all get along. The main trap you will fall into is those that believe [as is written] in the false prophet. Your version of Christianity is well, different. So most may look upon your belief as false prophecy. Many others who are awake and thinking people see the RC church as the false prophet.

From my perspective, read your book, live your life as best as possible, and prepare, for the hour will not be known.


13th September 2012, 08:38 AM
Prophecy is the proclamation of God's word or revelations of what God has shown someone. Typically the prophecy is given in the words and personality of the prophet. It is the prophet's vision, hearing, perception that we are given.

Futuristic prophetic words are provided to prove the source of the prophecy as only YHWH knows the end from the beginning, and they are given to warn the church.

14th September 2012, 11:38 PM
How do we recognize divine light and discern it from our own thoughts? In part 2 of this three-part series, Elder David A. Bednar discusses how to discern and act upon light from God.

17th September 2012, 05:52 PM
It's like Janadele doesn't even read what people write.

17th September 2012, 08:59 PM
Only when relevant, respectful, and on topic.

18th September 2012, 06:05 PM
Only when relevant, respectful, and on topic.

What do you make of Jeremiah’s Prophecy in chapter 19?

Jeremiah had tried to warn the people many centuries earlier when God threatened to judge the city and nation for their refusal to obey His laws. The prophet was told to take an old earthen jar to the valley outside Jerusalem known as Ben-hinnom, where he was to prophesy and then smash the jar.

The jar, God said, represented Jerusalem. Jer. 19:10, 11 says,

"Then you are to break the jar in the sight of the men who accompany you and say to them, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Just so shall I break this people and this city, even as one breaks a potter’s vessel, which cannot again be repaired’;” and they will bury in Topheth because there is no other place for burial."

The people of Jerusalem did not believe Jeremiah, because they were trusting in the temple (Jer. 7:4). Surely God would not allow Himself to be humiliated by ungodly foreigners! But the prophet declared God’s verdict in Jer. 7:11,

“Has this house, which is called by My name, become a den of robbers in your sight? Behold, I, even I, have seen it,” declares the Lord."

This was the same verdict that Jesus quoted in Matt. 21:13, implying that the city would again be destroyed as in the days of Jeremiah. Yet after each of the two disasters, Jerusalem was later rebuilt. Hence, Jeremiah’s prophecy about the broken jar “which cannot again be repaired” has yet to be fulfilled.

Jeremiah 19:11 says that Jerusalem will be destroyed in such a way that it will never again be repaired or rebuilt. After Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D., it was rebuilt. We need not give a full history of the wars that have destroyed the city before or since. All we need to observe is that the city exists today (as of this writing). This proves that Jer. 19:11 has not been fulfilled for the last time. Jerusalem yet awaits a final destruction.

For this reason, James’ warning to the “rich men” of the city is yet pertinent to our generation. Hence, it is something that ought to be of great concern to us, and we cannot simply fix those prophecies to a previous time.

18th September 2012, 06:20 PM
ummm...you're gonna be waiting awhile for a response there messianicdruid...

janadele was banned for 30 days.

19th September 2012, 09:36 AM
ummm...you're gonna be waiting awhile for a response there messianicdruid...

janadele was banned for 30 days.

Then I open it to the any...

26th September 2012, 05:34 AM
Then I open it to the any...

to promote thought:


26th September 2012, 06:02 AM
to promote thought:

Here is Albert Pike's plan to Mazzini (Illuminati successor to Adam Weisshaupt) from 1871...

"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."

"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

One objection to this letter: He wrote about Nazism in 1870's. Had they already created the plans for that in such detail as to the name? 50 years prior to its founding?

26th September 2012, 06:39 AM
For this reason, James’ warning to the “rich men” of the city is yet pertinent to our generation. Hence, it is something that ought to be of great concern to us, and we cannot simply fix those prophecies to a previous time.

In what way should this be of great concern to us? Should we be aware that Jerusalem has not been destroyed to the point that it can not be rebuilt? I'm pretty sure everyone here is aware of that.

Are you asking for possible scenarios that would not allow Jerusalem to be rebuilt?

Nuke Blast - Radioactive fallout
Rising Sea Level of the Mediterranean
Earthquake that splits the city in 2
Volcanic event that turns the place into a BBQ
Meteorite strike

I'm sure there's much more.

27th September 2012, 08:44 PM
In what way should this be of great concern to us?

It would be a great concern to any that may be planning a trip to Jerusalem, or encouraging jews to return to Jerusalem, or to anyone living in Jerusalem during a military build-up in the ME.

Darbyism and Scofieldism {dispensationalism} both promote the idea that Jerusalem will not be destroyed, but that a physical Temple will be rebuilt there and Levitical Sacrifices will be reinstituted there. So I wonder how many appreciate the destruction they seem to be promoting.

27th September 2012, 10:05 PM
One objection to this letter: He wrote about Nazism in 1870's.

I only became aware of the letter about fifteen years ago. But parts of it are revisions, it remains that the plan is {apparently} being carried out as written. So, either someone is following the original plan or they are following a revised plan - because it has, and is happening as it is {now} written.

27th September 2012, 10:33 PM
I'm sure there's much more.

Iran does not need nukes to deter Israel.

"Despite public perceptions, and all the rhetoric about nukes, the present crisis has nothing to do with Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program. In my opinion, that is just a cover story.

The real issue is the fact that Iran has upgraded its medium range conventionally-armed missiles with GPS technology, making its missiles much more accurate. This means Iran can now target Israel's own nuclear, bio and chemical weapons stockpiles, located inside Israel, as well as the Dimona nuclear reactor.

In short, Iran has achieved a conventional deterrent to Israel. Therefore, statements by Iranian officials that Iran has no nuclear weapons program are in my view probably correct. Presently, Iran does not need nukes to deter Israel. It can do so with its GPS-guided medium range missiles. The Israelis are no doubt gnashing their teeth over this, because they now find themselves threatened by their own WMD stockpiles, and by their own nuclear reactors, especially Dimona, all of which have become targets."


13th October 2012, 05:13 PM
ummm...you're gonna be waiting awhile for a response there messianicdruid... janadele was banned for 30 days.

Are we getting close?

13th October 2012, 07:29 PM
Are we getting close?

...another 5 or 6 days by my count...

18th October 2012, 12:36 PM
Jeremiah 19:

10 Then shalt thou break the bottle in the sight of the men that go with thee,

11 And shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Even so will I break this people and this city, as one breaketh a potter’s vessel, that cannot be made whole again: and they shall bury them in Tophet, till there be no place to bury.

An Old Testament Prophet who was born to a priestly family and Prophesied in Judah from 626–586 B.C. He lived near the time of other great Prophets: Lehi, Ezekiel, Hosea, and Daniel.

Jeremiah was ordained to be a Prophet in the Premortal life (Jer.1:4–5). During his approximately forty years as Prophet he taught against idolatry and immorality among the Jewish people (Jer. 3:1–5; 7:8–10). He had to face continuous opposition and insult (Jer. 20:2; 36:18–19; 38:4). After the fall of Jerusalem, the Jews who escaped into Egypt took Jeremiah with them (Jer. 43:5–6), where, according to tradition, they stoned him to death.

The book of Jeremiah
Chapters 1–6 contain Prophecies given during the reign of Josiah. Chapters 7–20 are Prophecies during the time of Jehoiakim. Chapters 21–38 deal with the reign of Zedekiah. Chapters 39–44 contain Prophecies and describe historical events after the fall of Jerusalem. Chapter 45 contains a promise to Baruch, his scribe, that Baruch’s life would be preserved. Finally, Chapters 46–51 are Prophecies against foreign nations. Chapter 52 is a historical conclusion. Some of Jeremiah’s Prophecies were contained in the brass plates of Laban secured by Nephi (1 Ne. 5:10–13). Jeremiah is also mentioned two other times in the Book of Mormon (1 Ne. 7:14; Hel. 8:20).

The book of Jeremiah also includes an acknowledgment of man’s premortal existence and Jeremiah’s foreordination (Jer. 1:4–5); a prophecy of the return of Israel from their scattered condition, gathering one of a city and two of a family to Zion, a pleasant land where Israel and Judah could dwell in safety and peace (Jer. 3:12–19); and a Prophecy of the Lord gathering Israel from the north countries by sending many “fishers” and “hunters” to find them (Jer. 16:14–21). This event of the latter days will be larger in proportion than even Moses’ bringing of Israel out of Egypt (Jer. 16:13–15; 23:8).

What do you make of Jeremiah’s Prophecy in chapter 19?

18th October 2012, 12:38 PM
It's back!

18th October 2012, 12:39 PM
Response Continued:

1Corinthians 4: 5... Paul says to his Corinthian brethren: "Therefore, judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God."
Philippians, 3 :20, 21..."For our conversation is in Heaven; from whence we also look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself.
1 Thessalonians 1: 8, 9,10... " For the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
2 Thessalonians 1: 7, 8, 9,10 "And to you who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with His mighty Angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power, when He shall come to be glorified in His saints, and admired in all them that believe."
2 Thessalonians 1:8 "And then shall the wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming."
2 Epistle to Timothy, 4:1 Paul thus addresses Timothy; "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at His appearing and Kingdom."

18th October 2012, 12:40 PM
Response continued:
It was in view of this coming of Christ that Paul admonished the saints, comforted those who were in affliction, warned the unruly, encouraged the weak, charged Timothy, exhorted Titus, and sounded his loudest alarms in the ears of a gainsaying world, until he made them tremble.
Acts 24 chapter, 24 and 25 verses. Paul has said in substance the same things which John has said in Revelations.
Paul says that Christ is coming again, and though he does not directly say that He is coming in the clouds, yet he says it indirectly in 4 of first Thessalonians, 16,17 "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air." The Lord, when He comes, must be in the clouds, or else the saints who remained at His coming, would not be caught up in the clouds to meet Him. This plainly shows that Paul expected He would come in the clouds.
So says John the Revelator, in 20 Revelations Daniel also 7:13 and so says the Saviour Himself.
Paul says, that at His coming they that sleep in Christ shall be raised: so says John.
2 Thessalonians 1:8 Paul says that He will take vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the Gospel.
John says, that all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him.
Isaiah 24: an innumerable train of judgments shall fall on those who have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances, and broken the Everlasting Covenant, until the earth shall be utterly wasted; and all this when the Lord comes to reign in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before His ancients gloriously. And in 35, speaking to Israel of the coming of their God, or Messiah, that He would come with vengeance: "even God with a recompense He will come and save you."
4 Daniel says, that He will break in pieces and destroy all the Kingdoms of the world, and His Kingdom shall stand forever. Compare 7:13,14 with the second chapter and 44 verse, as before quoted.

18th October 2012, 12:42 PM
Response continued:
From the complete harmony among these writers, no doubt can exist in the mind of any candid person, that they all understood the subject alike, and have written for the benefit of the last days. James 5: 7, 8 "Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruits of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and the latter rain. Be ye also patient; establish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh." Peter, in his second epistle, 1:16 says, to the saints of his day: "For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; but were eye witnesses of His majesty."
Jude also makes mention of His coming in his epistle14,15 which is a quotation from the prophecy of Enoch, not extant at present; but Jude having preserved this item, shows to us thereby that the coming of the Lord was understood at a very early date in the history of the world, and that Enoch also the seventh from Adam was made acquainted with it.
"And Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these, saying. Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of His saints."
Zachariah 14: 5 as before mentioned says, that all the Saints will be with Him. John in the Revelations says, all them that are redeemed from among men are to be with Him. Paul says, that His mighty Angels will be with Him.
All these refer to the same time and to the same Beings, namely, the Saints who are at that time to reign with Him on the earth, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.
In addition to what John has said in the Revelations, he has declared the same thing in his first epistle, second chapter and 28 verse. "And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming."
Acts 1:10,11 we have the testimony of Heavenly messengers... "And while he looked steadfastly toward heaven, as He went up, behold two men stood by them in white apparel; which also said... "Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into Heaven? this same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into Heaven."
Acts1:9 ... while the Apostles beheld, He was taken up and a bright cloud received Him out of their sight. If He comes in like manner as He went, according to the sayings of the angels, He will come in a cloud.
David, in the 50 Psalm, 3, "Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: a fire shall devour before Him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about Him."
The prophet Malachi gives us a corresponding testimony in 3: 1, 2, 3... "Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His Temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: Behold, He shall come saith the Lord of hosts; but who may abide the day of His coming? and who shall stand when He appeareth? for He is like a refiner's fire and like fuller's soap."
First chapter,second epistle to the Thessalonians, 7, 8, Paul says... He shall be revealed in fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the Gospel. And He shall set as a refiner, and purifier of silver: and He shall purify the sons of Levi and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness."

His coming again in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, to convince all, to judge all, and to reign on earth a thousand years; and of His bringing the Saints with Him, and of His reigning until all enemies are put under His feet is Prophesied. No such occurrences has taken place yet, but will, when the Lord comes with the Saints to reign in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem.

18th October 2012, 12:46 PM
Janadele is Romney the messenger that paves the way?

18th October 2012, 12:48 PM
Mitt is a politician, and hopefully the next President :)

18th October 2012, 12:51 PM
Hi janadele

Have at it guys!


18th October 2012, 12:52 PM
Mitt is a politician, and hopefully the next President :)
No biblical prophesy relating to him then?

18th October 2012, 01:06 PM
Ours is an alliance of shared interests of not allowing Palestinians to marry Israeli and become citizens,

and stealing innocent English persons passports to further our jihadist missions in middle east...


18th October 2012, 01:47 PM
Ours is an alliance of shared interests of not allowing Palestinians to marry Israeli and become citizens,

and stealing innocent English persons passports to further our jihadist missions in middle east...


Wow! If he had as many Jewish dicks sticking out of him as he had stuck in him, he'd look like a porcupine.

Is there a doctor in the house that can handle this device?


18th October 2012, 03:00 PM
None that I am aware of.

No biblical prophesy relating to him then?

18th October 2012, 04:56 PM
None that I am aware of.
Oh I found the White Horse prophecy. Which accordingly as the constitution was hanging by a thread. Mormon leaders would come forward and restore it.


But as it says in the Wikipedia post, this prophecy is contested within LDS, Mitt Romney wants nothing to do with it, and Janadele don't even know about it. A pity because most here would agree with it if it was the truth...

22nd October 2012, 03:39 PM
Even so will I break this people and this city, as one breaketh a potter’s vessel, that cannot be made whole again:..

This is the portion of chapter 19 that I am asking you about. I am aware of what the apostles and prophets have to say about the coming judgement.

As you know, he was talking about Jerusalem and it's inhabitants. Therefore the fulfillment must be, yet?

22nd October 2012, 03:56 PM
This is the portion of chapter 19 that I am asking you about. I am aware of what the apostles and prophets have to say about the coming judgement.

As you know, he was talking about Jerusalem and it's inhabitants. Therefore the fulfillment must be, yet?

You'll be waiting a while druid. She's perma-ed.

23rd October 2012, 08:08 PM
You'll be waiting a while druid. She's perma-ed.

Maybe if I had responded sooner this could have been resolved.

24th October 2012, 05:48 AM
Maybe if I had responded sooner this could have been resolved.

doubtful. She spammed across multiple boards.