View Full Version : Even Limbaugh seems to get it

28th August 2012, 10:37 AM
Just caught a little on my way to get lunch. From memory, so the exact wording won't be right.

On the rules changes at the RNC:

"What they are trying to do is get rid of grassroots activism. This is the party bosses saying they don't want to deal with any conservatives who might show up and try to influence the platform."

28th August 2012, 10:57 AM
GOP will lose this election. Conservatives are demoralized and frankly disgusted. I know I am. I really don't give a flying fuck who the next POTUS is. The choice between Romney and Obama is a sick joke, like having a choice to die by hanging or electrocution.

midnight rambler
28th August 2012, 11:00 AM
GOP will lose this election. Conservatives are demoralized and frankly disgusted. I know I am. I really don't give a flying fuck who the next POTUS is. The choice between Romney and Obama is a sick joke, like having a choice to die by hanging or electrocution.

IMO, the 'positive'* side to 0bummer being re-selected is that those who consider themselves 'conservatives' will not be lulled back to sleep as would be the case if that fucking weirdo Mittens is selected.

*if there is such a thing by any STRETCH of the imagination

28th August 2012, 11:58 AM
IMO, the 'positive'* side to 0bummer being re-selected is that those who consider themselves 'conservatives' will not be lulled back to sleep as would be the case if that fucking weirdo Mittens is selected.

*if there is such a thing by any STRETCH of the imagination

No, they would just be more amped up to support the next RINO so we can "undo all the damage Obama did."

28th August 2012, 12:49 PM
Rush is covering for the leadership by calling them idiots who are dividing a convention where everyone showed up in unity, but then messing it up by attempting to change the rules.

There would be no need to change the rules if they were all united.

The leadership knows exactly what they are doing and are not stupid. Petty tyrants and mattoids, but not dummies.

28th August 2012, 01:14 PM
Where has Rush been for the last 20 years? Oh i forgot, selling out real Patriots like Ron Paul all the way down the river.....

If Rush is just now 'waking up' then he is as dumb as he is sick. Either way he is not to be trusted, as he controls 50+ million sheep who would flock towards liberty if he told them to. ONly problem is after they found true liberty, Rush would be TOAST......

28th August 2012, 01:43 PM
"What they are trying to do is get rid of grassroots activism. This is the party bosses saying they don't want to deal with any conservatives who might show up and try to influence the platform."

And he has been there in lock step demonizing Ron Paul and all of his supporters, I quit listening to talk radio when I found out about RP, I saw who the bullshitters were and who really wanted freedom. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind had Rush, Boortz and Hannity endorsed Ron Paul in 08 he would be President if not in 08 than surely now. But they have done EVERYTHING in their power to demonize him and push the neo con agenda forward. They are cowards, traitors and don't even deserve to breath the same air as someone like RP. I will never pollute my brain with their trash again.

Whores, nothing more, I hate them all. In fact due to the reason given above I lay the bulk of our problems at their feet, 3 people who could've changed everything, instead they took the money and sold generations unborn down the river.

28th August 2012, 01:53 PM
what ls says is true. almost 100% of every "republican" i know is voting for mittens because of what rush, hannity, fox news, etc. told them to. if all of those avenue told them to vote for rp, they'd mindlessly do it as well.

28th August 2012, 02:03 PM
The choice between Romney and Obama is a sick joke, like having a choice to die by hanging or electrocution.
The choice is to withdraw your voter registration and prepare to accept the oath of office of whoever decides to occupy it.

28th August 2012, 04:56 PM
The elite establishment has done everything illegal and immoral to stop Ron Paul and everyone working for liberty. With every fiber of my body I loathe and detest those cowardice, traitorous bastards and I hope in the end they get branded for it.

Here's my choices folks, what's your opinion?

A. Write in Ron Paul, I was told it did count in Fl but I've also been told it doesn't count.

B. Vote Gary Johnson, Libertarian.

C. Stay home and drink beer. Nawwww.....gotta be A or B.

28th August 2012, 05:42 PM
The elite establishment has done everything illegal and immoral to stop Ron Paul and everyone working for liberty. With every fiber of my body I loathe and detest those cowardice, traitorous bastards and I hope in the end they get branded for it.

Here's my choices folks, what's your opinion?

A. Write in Ron Paul, I was told it did count in Fl but I've also been told it doesn't count.

B. Vote Gary Johnson, Libertarian.

C. Stay home and drink beer. Nawwww.....gotta be A or B.

How about A followed by B?

I think by playing dirty, Mitt just lost. I think a lot of people on the sideline will not vote for him, where they might have had he played fair. The trick now is to get the message out. Not that it matters either way. Even Obama can campaign on it (Romney could not win fairly, so he stole the nomination). I think for all its obvious faults, the Democratic party is more, well, democratic.

28th August 2012, 05:46 PM
The elite establishment has done everything illegal and immoral to stop Ron Paul and everyone working for liberty. With every fiber of my body I loathe and detest those cowardice, traitorous bastards and I hope in the end they get branded for it.

Here's my choices folks, what's your opinion?

A. Write in Ron Paul, I was told it did count in Fl but I've also been told it doesn't count.

B. Vote Gary Johnson, Libertarian.

C. Stay home and drink beer. Nawwww.....gotta be A or B.

I'm in the same boat, I'll probably write in RP or who he endorses. That or just not even take the time to go to the polls.

28th August 2012, 06:21 PM
Being a registered Republican they "count" on your vote and assume you'll vote R, period. It screws up their accounting when that doesn't happen and it's a black mark when the numbers are crunched...for as much to trust the numbers. I'd like to write in RP but I don't trust that they'll even tally it up, let alone report it. I'm more inclined right now to go with GJ. Whatever I can stick up the systems ass the best with.

28th August 2012, 07:51 PM
i'm writing in FUCK YOU GOP in all caps.

midnight rambler
28th August 2012, 08:15 PM
They NEED all you 'voters' to show up to sanction their horseshit, otherwise they couldn't claim 'legitimacy'. DON"T DO IT!

Hatha Sunahara
28th August 2012, 10:22 PM
I'm not going to vote for anybody. Voting is an admission of mental deficiency. It is an endorsement of democracy, which is license to pass 'statutes' that ignore and violate your inherent rights. If you want to be free, stay away from the polls. Any vote is a wasted one. When they make voting mandatory, which they will sooner or later, we'll all have an opportunity to practice lawful rebellion.


Twisted Titan
28th August 2012, 11:08 PM
They NEED all you 'voters' to show up to sanction their horseshit, otherwise they couldn't claim 'legitimacy'. DON"T DO IT!


Voting gives VALIDATION to the abuse of your oppressors............. PERIOD END OF STORY

29th August 2012, 06:48 AM
Voting Libertarian would have the best chance of sending the message to the GOP how many people they have lost. However, I simply can't vote for a pro-abortion candidate, "LIFE" being foremost among the inalienable rights that libertarians are supposed to defend. I may just sit this one out. Not that it matters anyway.

29th August 2012, 07:28 AM
However, I simply can't vote for a pro-abortion candidate, "LIFE" being foremost among the inalienable rights that libertarians are supposed to defend.

Unlike most libertarians, I don't believe in aborting potential libertarians.

I am a single issue voter. No man should have to live under coersion. When "voting" itself is coersion, I must avoid it.

Uncle Salty
29th August 2012, 08:50 AM
The choice is to withdraw your voter registration and prepare to accept the oath of office of whoever decides to occupy it.

How do I withdraw my voter registration? Is that a county or city process?

29th August 2012, 09:16 AM
How do I withdraw my voter registration? Is that a county or city process?

Send a letter to your County. When I sent mine registered mail years ago, I politley demanded a reply/acknowledgement within 30 days. I told them if they didn't reply timely I would take their silence as an acquiescence to my demands.

Needless to say they never responded, which only further cemented my feelings on this 'representative' form of Goverment.

I have never received anything from them since....

29th August 2012, 10:15 AM
Send a letter to your County. When I sent mine registered mail years ago, I politley demanded a reply/acknowledgement within 30 days. I told them if they didn't reply timely I would take their silence as an acquiescence to my demands.

Needless to say they never responded, which only further cemented my feelings on this 'representative' form of Goverment.

I have never received anything from them since....

Perhaps they did not respond because you offered that you would accept their silence as agreement, and so they sought to save postage and a letter. But yeah, they could've sent you a damn response.

A phone call to the county clerk will typically suffice.

Just request that your name be removed and de-registered from the voter rolls, and request that confirmation of the removal/de-registration be sent to you.

It's quite simple, and fun.

midnight rambler
29th August 2012, 10:45 AM
Perhaps they did not respond because you offered that you would accept their silence as agreement, and so they sought to save postage and a letter. But yeah, they could've sent you a damn response.

A phone call to the county clerk will typically suffice.

Just request that your name be removed and de-registered from the voter rolls, and request that confirmation of the removal/de-registration be sent to you.

It's quite simple, and fun.

I never did a thing, however I figure after 20+ years (plus recording my Declaration of Mission Statement/Affidavit at the County Clerk's office 13 years ago) would suffice.

29th August 2012, 03:29 PM
Perhaps they did not respond because you offered that you would accept their silence as agreement, and so they sought to save postage and a letter. But yeah, they could've sent you a damn response.

A phone call to the county clerk will typically suffice.

Just request that your name be removed and de-registered from the voter rolls, and request that confirmation of the removal/de-registration be sent to you.

It's quite simple, and fun.

I wanted a Lawful paper trail. And i would be lying if i told you i was surprised they didnt respond......

Its been almost 5 years now, and i can tell you that when i look around at the way this country is going and the political course it is on; I sleep well knowing i kept my morals intact.

Twisted Titan
30th August 2012, 09:10 PM
Forget that........... I make them pay for the postage and matterials

It will be good kindling or sanitary paper WTSHTF