View Full Version : FEMA Camps and a Getaway Plan

Hatha Sunahara
29th August 2012, 08:49 AM
Some good analysis and advice here:

http://www.naturalnews.com/036951_financial_collapse_optimism_silver_lining.h tml

This is from Mike Adams at Natural News. He takes a good hard look at FEMA camps, and what their purpose is, then does some math about various scenarios relating to their purpose. He comes up with something that most of us here at GSUS know viscerally. That life in the big cities is going to be dangerous as hell, and gives advice on how to reduce that danger by living in low population density areas. He outlines a good strategy for survival in the coming collapse. Here's a sample:

95% of America is rural open spaceAccording to U.S. Census Bureau data, roughly 95% of the USA is rural open space. This is even true in California, where 94% of the population lives in just 5% of the land space of the state. (http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2003/07/01/census-bureau-... (http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2003/07/01/census-bureau-946-percent-us-rural-open-space))

Think about this for a minute. Ninety-four percent of the population lives in just 5% of the space!

So where do you think the FEMA round-up operations are going to be focused? They're going to be focused on the 5% of the geographic space where the population is concentrated. The cities, namely.

That means 95% of the American landscape will remain a FREEDOM ZONE where there simply aren't enough troops to cover the geography. Yes, troops can and will cover all the highways, bridges, interstates and major roadways. But there are endless back roads, pathways, farms and ranches off the beaten path that will simply be ignored.

Even more, National Guard troops aren't going to want to mess with heavily armed rural populations to begin with. Do you think a bunch of troops want to roll through the mountains of Idaho in the middle of a civil war, with armed rebels hiding behind every tree and rock? Not a chance. They're going to focus their efforts on the disarmed cities where civilians are completely helpless to defend themselves. Turn off the water supply to Los Angeles, and the entire city surrenders in 72 hours.

Chicago also comes to mind as a likely target for rounding people up. Think about it: 2.7 million people, mostly disarmed, ready for the taking. It's "easy pickins" for a holocaust if, indeed, holocaust is the goal.

New York is an easy target for the holocaust, too, with 8.2 million people who are mostly disarmed. Los Angeles provides 3.8 million people to fill the incinerators, although battles with the inner city gangs will be hard-fought.

Houston is another story altogether. With a population of 2.1 million people, there are probably at least half a million armed citizens in Houston. Houstonites are not going to just quietly get stuffed into transport trucks and hauled off to the incinerators. There are a lot of African-American brothers in Houston who know their history -- and they know not to trust the government when someone says, "Just hop onto this transport boat and everything will be fine." The last time that line was offered to black folks, it didn't turn out to be honest advertising.


29th August 2012, 08:52 AM
this is why i live at the bugout location.

29th August 2012, 02:10 PM
this is why i live at the bugout location.

i do also....i had to sacrifice alot to leave sodom, but i would never go back. i still consider geography of the utmost importance for any survival situation. And an absence/scarcity of people a close 2nd.

29th August 2012, 04:55 PM
This is a good article, timely for me, one I needed to read. The cities have a way of keeping folks there, even the ones that want to leave.

I need to kick it in the ass and get out of here. I can smell my destination already, small town, off the beaten path, good folks there. Under the table, barter economy. Out of the city. Might even have a part time job waiting for me, working under the table, driving rescue boats. Pays pretty good too.

29th August 2012, 05:34 PM
"New York is an easy target for the holocaust, too, with 8.2 million people who are mostly disarmed. Los Angeles provides 3.8 million people to fill the incinerators, although battles with the inner city gangs will be hard-fought."

Won't those New Yorkers be surprised when that nice man Michael Bloomberg waves the troops in and then waves good bye to all the deportees as they're loaded onto the trains.

29th August 2012, 05:48 PM
If a small minority live in rural areas won't they just bomb them? I mean, they could just fence off cities and make them giant concentration camps.

Right now they are just regulating people out of rural areas, like in rural Los Angeles County:


29th August 2012, 06:01 PM
If a small minority live in rural areas won't they just bomb them? I mean, they could just fence off cities and make them giant concentration camps.

Right now they are just regulating people out of rural areas, like in rural Los Angeles County:


That guy needs to change his sign. Delete the ING on the end. Then it will apply to people.

The people affected need to dig around and find out why they are really being targeted. There must be something there they want.

29th August 2012, 06:02 PM
Shami, LA county is not representative of rural areas. From what I could tell from the video, the over-regulation is occurring on the county level, with its seat of power in a large city, and California is known for its lunacy.

Such nonsense as this is why I do not own real estate, but if I talk about it, I get attacked by morons as happened last time.

30th August 2012, 09:14 AM
it will NOT be jew york or chitz-cago....they both have jew mayors, they will be in charge of rounding up "terrorists" in their city,while some other city burns...

31st August 2012, 09:00 PM
Don't forget to put a Delorme Atlas & Gazetteer map of your state in the ole' bug out bag.

1st September 2012, 10:25 AM
About that video.....it would had been very easy for them to obtain a "Land Patent", like I have been preaching for a while now.....with a land patent not only could they build whatever they wanted but also no county, state or federal agents, employees or representatives could walk into the property........you are the true king of your home.

But of course I could be wrong..... I am only God Jr in trainning :)