View Full Version : ToughMudder

29th August 2012, 03:57 PM
A buddy at work was telling me about this so i checked it out. After watching 30 seconds i realized what this REALLY is.....I almost never comment on YT, but I left a comment on this video:

This is nothing more than a Military PsyOp video...Your country is rotting from within just like Cicero told you 2000 years ago. Most of these kids wont find a job that will support them and their family EVER. Most of them have college degrees and WILL NEVER pay the debt off. Your politicians have enslaved you through voluntary bondage. Your Government has set up a massive surveillance control grid capable of tracking and data logging EVERY facet of your life.....

Just how TOUGH are you?

This is a PsyOp no doubt. This entire course has all of the hallmarks of a Pentagon project: A propaganda speech about be all you can be (brainwashing), combat style training courses of Military boot camp and electro-shock therapy (torture).....This is all acclamation to what is coming.


29th August 2012, 04:11 PM
Booyah!!! Yeah!!! Radical, dude!!! Grrrrrrrr... Awwwwwwright!!! Killl!! Raaaaaaaawwww!!!

Bzzztttt... *cough* *gasp* *Wheeze*

My adrenaline pump just overloaded and shriveled up, leaving me twitching and trembling in the dirt. :(

29th August 2012, 10:31 PM
I seriously doubt this is much of anything aside from a ball of testosterone, latent masochism, and marketing. Acclimation generally takes place in the mass media; according to the YouTube view counts and the website's laughable Alexa ranking, this thing is still in the fringe and is likely going to stay there.

In passing, it is an amusing but rather moronic hallmark of posts here that ascribe to malicious intent and then spraying it with a lacquer of sanctimonious nonsense.

29th August 2012, 11:13 PM
I almost did a Tough Mudder this year, but it conflicted with other oudoor pursuits. The year before, I was sidelined with a knee injury but watched a close friend do the course which was on our local ski hill and provided him with beers and smokes for the next 2 hours as I hobbled on crutches from the swingset, to the monkey bars, to the sandbox... At one point, he was runnning 45*s uphill backwards at 7K elevation, in minus 25* weather, urging Marine recruites to keep going, with a beer in one hand and a choke in the other hand.

30th August 2012, 04:50 AM


30th August 2012, 09:51 AM
Im sorry but all i see is Idiocracy here......

Is there a spelling bee at the end?

30th August 2012, 11:03 AM
Couldn't watch the youtube video because I'm at work, but I did read the wiki entry on it. This is probably something that I'd never participate in, because I'm more of the intellectual type of person rather than one prone to these types of things.

However, I do understand such activities. There are 3 basic types of people: the intellectual type, the emotional type, and the moving or martial type. Throughout history there have been different periods of time where each of these types of people have been considered ideal and have had the most success in life.

In past times, when being a knight was pretty much the highest and noblest profession that one could achieve, the martial type of person was ideal. Intellectual prowess did not help you much in a town back then. In fact, if you were too smart it could be dangerous to your health, especially if it was combined with reduced physical output. Emotional types also enjoyed some success in those times. They made up the highly religious segment of society. Being a tradesman was also a very respectable line of work.

Today roles have reversed dramatically. Being an intellectual type now usually means that you get the best jobs and make the most money. The martial types frequently become police officers, criminals, or possibly tradesmen because they have difficulty competing with us (I'm assuming the majority of people here are intellectual types, with exceptions of course, since we mostly talk about ideas).

We've gone through the military, religion, and are now in the technology age. However, things will change once again to combine all three of these facets, into the age of art, probably when our society collapses. When that happens everything will go local, so we'll not only have to understand technology, but we'll have to be able to actually build things we need from the ground up. In addition, we won't have as much hedonistic entertainment so readily available, so there will be more value placed on self expression (emotional types will have a value in our society greater than where it is currently at, which is very low).

30th August 2012, 12:48 PM
I would love to do it. I see the merits in pushing your physical limitations to the brink and beyond. The only thing stopping me is the cost. I watched a bisuness episode about this on Bloomberg and the organizers make massive massive massive profits from this event.

So much in fact that I refuse to pay to enter.

30th August 2012, 02:03 PM
So much in fact that I refuse to pay to enter.

no kidding !

when i was kidding i used to swim 10K's or go on long bike rides when i wanted to push myself.

"Tough Mudder events are typically $90-$200, depending on when you register. "

yeah RIGHT, that kind of cash would buy 3 to 7 ounces of silver.

maybe they can hook up with the Zumba folks or the Taebo folks. or maybe even the Stairmaster folks.

30th August 2012, 04:00 PM
I would love to do it. I see the merits in pushing your physical limitations to the brink and beyond. The only thing stopping me is the cost. I watched a bisuness episode about this on Bloomberg and the organizers make massive massive massive profits from this event.

So much in fact that I refuse to pay to enter.

i'd like to try this too, but not at that price

i would rather make up my own obstacle course with tires, 60 lb cement blocks etc

sounds like a new thread title . . .

27th September 2012, 04:01 PM
This man is my hero


I've done 10ks before, and I've done the steeple chase (obstacle course for cross-country runners) but I've never done a tough mudder.

27th September 2012, 04:32 PM
This man is my hero


I've done 10ks before, and I've done the steeple chase (obstacle course for cross-country runners) but I've never done a tough mudder.

Do you think if the Alpha Males of this country got up everyday at 4:30am to fight evil and defend Individual Rights, we would be in our current situation?

Im not bashing this guys determination and drive. I am only bashing what he chose to use it on.

(I'll admit, i like this guy.)


27th September 2012, 04:56 PM
You make a great point. I just had to listen to some co-workers talk about some sport, football I think, talking about trading players and referee rules and the whatnot. Sometimes I want to tell them that if they put that effort into education and politics instead this country wouldn't be such a liability, such a mess. I don't follow any televised sports whatsoever, although I played several when I was younger. I can appreciate them, I just don't follow them.

But physical training is one of the only things I have left in my life that can make me feel "good". So I admire it when others do it.

I didn't know tough mudders were so commercialized but it makes perfect sense. Most people seem to want to belong to a brand. It's really just an obstacle course. A branded one.