View Full Version : This line of thinking pisses me off

29th August 2012, 07:15 PM
With the (s)election right around the corner, political commentary on facebook is ramping up. One of my friends made a critical post about obongo, to which another person commented..

He is the president whether you like him or not, and thus deserves respect. ::)

29th August 2012, 07:18 PM
And that person deserves what they are going to get when TSHTF.....Fair is fair.

But Im with you when you say this line of thinking pisses you off. It makes you realize we are surrounded by worthless zombies.

29th August 2012, 07:25 PM
I wonder what the obummer supporter thought of W.

Probably the exact opposite.

edit to add..

If you weren't on facepuke to begin with this wouldn't be a problem for you. :D

General of Darkness
29th August 2012, 07:48 PM
With the (s)election right around the corner, political commentary on facebook is ramping up. One of my friends made a critical post about obongo, to which another person commented..

My response, fuck that nigger, and that's just for him, fuck all of them.

29th August 2012, 09:14 PM
My response, fuck that nigger, and that's just for him, fuck all of them.

They are all. It's all to convert the US of Azrael into their home base.

The leaders of shit town Azrael had no where to run so they took over the US of Azrael and now are going to try to do the same to us as they continually do to Palestine.

Can no one see this?

Dont turn in your guns man.

Twisted Titan
30th August 2012, 03:26 AM
"Tandem Cultores Rem Publicam Opprimi a..........."

Those who worship The State will eventually be crushed by it.

30th August 2012, 06:52 AM
Sometimes I wonder if I am not real and just some 'thing' that thinks in some lab, this:
He is the president whether you like him or not, and thus deserves respect. I have seen 2 times amongst my facebook pages also. Now this is some real fucked up shit! I just want somewhere to call home and I have none... hmmmmm

gunny highway
30th August 2012, 07:33 AM
another bullshit line i get when i tell people i'm not voting in the POTUS election is: "well you have to vote for someone. you won't have a right to complain if you don't take part."

Wrong! And is that the first thought that goes thru peoples heads when they pull the lever in Nov? "Geez, i know both these guys suck but if i want a right to complain later (because that is inevitable) then i better pick one." it's like they've accepted defeat before entering the fight.

30th August 2012, 07:35 AM
i shudder to think what is coming after the election.

30th August 2012, 07:51 AM
i shudder to think what is coming after the election.It really does not matter who is elected, we are past any chance of recovery or hope. The system is broken beyond repair and out of time. When 'Our" leaders quit working together on any of the important things that did count, and bowed to their "Masters" our goose was cooked at that time.

It is not a question of "If" now, but more of how and when!

30th August 2012, 09:23 AM
A piece of shit is a piece of shit no matter the title.

The one I the most lately is I have to pick the lesser of the two evils.

30th August 2012, 09:42 AM
Respect is earned and not given because of a title or prefix.

Evil is evil, even if it of the lesser variety.

I've had these same conversations in the past and these were always my retorts, they worked fairly well too.

30th August 2012, 09:44 AM
i shudder to think what is coming after the election.

No kidding. I was worried during Bush2's second term. 0mamba is following suit. How many executive orders might we see in term 2 compared to term 1?

30th August 2012, 09:44 AM
another bullshit line i get when i tell people i'm not voting in the POTUS election is: "well you have to vote for someone. you won't have a right to complain if you don't take part."

And guess who taught them that? The STATE. Conflict of interest?

In fact, the exact opposite is true. If YOU voted for either party then it is YOU who are to blame for the political landscape we live with, NOT the people who were smart enough to see through this farce and not participate in it because they have MORALS.

30th August 2012, 03:43 PM
He is the president whether you like him or not, and thus deserves respect.

Did Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ceausescu and Hitler all deserve respect?

30th August 2012, 04:24 PM
another bullshit line i get when i tell people i'm not voting in the POTUS election is: "well you have to vote for someone. you won't have a right to complain if you don't take part."

My usual retort:

"I have EVERY right to complain about a corrupt system that I have NO intention of supporting or participating in!"

Twisted Titan
30th August 2012, 09:26 PM
Mark my words........... we will live to see the day Politicians so hungry to save this system they will give the right to vote back to incarserated people.

Vote for me and I will set you free.

mick silver
2nd September 2012, 06:37 AM
Those who worship The welfare State will eventually be crushed by it... fix it for you

2nd September 2012, 07:08 AM
Mark my words........... we will live to see the day Politicians so hungry to save this system they will give the right to vote back to incarserated people.

Vote for me and I will set you free.

Well they'll have to, since they're making everything illegal for the proles, the majoriy will be incarcerated. Think of all the jobs that will come back from China when we're working for 29 cents a day!