View Full Version : Well-designed quiz: Which candidate best aligns with your positions?

30th August 2012, 05:27 PM
This is actually a very well designed questionnaire because it provides many options for qualifying your answers beyond simply "yes" and "no".


I aligned 85% Ron Paul, 77% Romney, 43% Obama.

30th August 2012, 05:36 PM
I scored a 94% with Ron Paul!! 31% with Obama, a 75% with Romney.

30th August 2012, 05:43 PM
87% Ron Paul 82% Romney 52% Obamma

Uncle Salty
30th August 2012, 05:51 PM
96% RP
87% Mitt
5% Obongo

30th August 2012, 06:09 PM
100% Golden

30th August 2012, 06:21 PM
Candidates you side with... 96%
http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/962418.png Ron Paul on domestic policy, foreign policy, healthcare, economic, and immigration issues

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/962406.png Gary Johnson on domestic policy, foreign policy, healthcare, economic, science, and social issues

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/962427.png Mitt Romney on environmental, healthcare, economic, immigration, and science issues

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/7750797.png Virgil Goode on domestic policy, economic, environmental, and immigration issues

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/52574784.png Rocky Anderson on economic and social issues

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/6600944.png Jill Stein on social issues

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/962388.png Barack Obama on social issues

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/aggregates/sm/9333303.png California Voters on domestic policy, foreign policy, and social issues.

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/aggregates/sm/9325609.png American Voters on domestic policy, foreign policy, immigration, and social issues.

30th August 2012, 06:22 PM
94% RP
87% GJ
80% romney
12% obongo

30th August 2012, 06:31 PM
What does Diebold score?

30th August 2012, 06:36 PM
What does Diebold score?

The highest bidder?

Celtic Rogue
30th August 2012, 06:37 PM
Candidates you side with... 96%
http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/962418.png Ron Paul on immigration, foreign policy, healthcare, economic, and domestic policy issues

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/962406.png Gary Johnson on foreign policy, healthcare, domestic policy, economic, science, and social issues

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/962427.png Mitt Romney on immigration, economic, domestic policy, and healthcare issues

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/candidates/sm/962388.png Barack Obama on science and social issues

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/aggregates/sm/9333346.png Virginia Voters on foreign policy, domestic policy, science, environmental, and social issues.

http://d3f9541h31a4it.cloudfront.net/_imgs/aggregates/sm/9325609.png American Voters on foreign policy, domestic policy, healthcare, economic, science, environmental, and social

30th August 2012, 06:57 PM
Pretty good poll with the exception of hte gun control question. The only answers they allowed were either maintaining or increasing gun control. There was no choice to repeal laws already on the books.


Hatha Sunahara
30th August 2012, 07:05 PM
I'm 100% not voting.


31st August 2012, 05:48 AM
Oddly enough, Ron Paul didn't come up at all on my results, only Gary Johnson.

Also, at the bottom of some sections, you can expand it for some additional questions.

31st August 2012, 06:04 AM
The problem with this poll is I see a lot of you getting high marks for Romney. Most conservatives who take this poll will be reinforced that Romney is their man, until he is elected POTUS and changes his mind on every single one of them.

31st August 2012, 11:32 AM
The problem with this poll is I see a lot of you getting high marks for Romney. Most conservatives who take this poll will be reinforced that Romney is their man, until he is elected POTUS and changes his mind on every single one of them.

I put it here on GSUS as general interest, and I don't expected it to influence anyone's vote here, or whether they choose to vote at all. As for "regular people" (not GSUS), they are going to vote for either Romney or Obama. So the fact that it may re-inforce conservative votes for Romney isn't necessarily a bad thing, unless you think swaying them to Obama is a more desirable result. One of those two clowns is going to be the next president. Perhaps if Ron Paul shows up with respectable numbers on some of their quiz results, it might help register in people's brains that there are potentially other options besides the two ass-hats that the banker-run Democrat and Republic parties feed them.

31st August 2012, 11:47 AM
Oddly enough, Ron Paul didn't come up at all on my results, only Gary Johnson.

Also, at the bottom of some sections, you can expand it for some additional questions.

RP did not show up in my results at all either! He's not even on the list when I click the link that says "show all candidates". Odd, right? Wouldn't RP be one in the list of "All Candidates"?

For me -
92% Gary Johnson
85% Virgile Goode
75% Mitt Romney

Where's Ron Paul? :confused:

31st August 2012, 11:48 AM
I got:

100% Rothschild's Puppet

31st August 2012, 11:57 AM
RP did not show up in my results at all either! He's not even on the list when I click the link that says "show all candidates". Odd, right? Wouldn't RP be one in the list of "All Candidates"?

For me -
92% Gary Johnson
85% Virgile Goode
75% Mitt Romney

Where's Ron Paul? :confused:

Hmmm. That does seem strange, especially if he didn't even show up in the "All Candidates" list. Did anyone else experience this?

31st August 2012, 12:00 PM
Oddly enough, Ron Paul didn't come up at all on my results, only Gary Johnson.

Also, at the bottom of some sections, you can expand it for some additional questions.

Another one? Huh. Odd.

31st August 2012, 12:09 PM
Another one? Huh. Odd.

It's rigged.

6th September 2012, 06:16 PM
I just took the quiz on my other computer. I know that my IP probably registers, but if the programmers had only dealt with cookies, maybe I'd get a fair shake. Long shot, but still, for the heck of it. So no, still no sign of Ron Paul. And something I noticed . . . when it's "calculating" all of the heads of the candidates appear and grow larger while it's "thinking", but there's no Ron Paul there either.

I think RP was taken out of the equation.

Edit: Can any of you who rated with Ron Paul please try to take the quiz again? I really think they took RP out of the quiz.

7th September 2012, 12:45 PM
Gary Johnson apparently thinks like 96% of me. Obummer has 13% of my thinking capacity!

7th September 2012, 01:21 PM
Who gives a rat's dying shit about any of this inconsequential nonsense? It's not like my opinion, the opinions of any of those having replied herein, or anyone who is not an oligarch matters.

7th September 2012, 01:23 PM
Who gives a rat's dying shit about any of this inconsequential nonsense? It's not like my opinion, the opinions of any of those having replied herein, or anyone who is not an oligarch matters.

It's a quiz! I love quizzes! :) In other words, lighten up, Francis.

7th September 2012, 01:26 PM
It's a quiz! I love quizzes! :) In other words, lighten up, Francis.

It is designed to provide the participant with the illusion that his opinion is of consequence, thus legitimising the (s)elections.

7th September 2012, 01:40 PM
It is designed to provide the participant with the illusion that his opinion is of consequence, thus legitimising the (s)elections.
No it is not. It is just a fucking quiz, and most likely Romney if selected will abandon most of his current opinions for the greater evil. If anything the quiz may open up some people's minds that they should look into other candidates. That better represent their opinions than turd sandwich left or right! It will not have anything to do with the diebold selection anyway! May the greater Zionist win!