View Full Version : The 'Messiah' passes, no one notices

midnight rambler
2nd September 2012, 04:23 PM
Rev. Moon dead at 92 - http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/sep/2/rev-sun-myung-moon-founder-times-dies-92/

2nd September 2012, 05:03 PM
King George I and King George II are sad.

2nd September 2012, 05:06 PM
Like other religious leader clowns, I didn't even notice him when he was alive! ;D

2nd September 2012, 05:18 PM
Does this mean, No more loony moonies?

2nd September 2012, 05:50 PM
Does this mean, No more loony moonies?

You don't know how religion works, do you! ;)

If anything, they'll claim he ascended to heaven or some such horseshit, and gain thousands of new members! ;D

2nd September 2012, 07:19 PM
You don't know how religion works, do you! ;)

If anything, they'll claim he ascended to heaven or some such horseshit, and gain thousands of new members! ;D

That's how it works in rock n roll and apple devices world. They've just hit the motherlode $$ wise. There'll be all sorts of merchandise now. Tea towels, spoons and so on.

2nd September 2012, 07:57 PM
Too bad. No more mass arranged marriages of 2,000 couples tying the knot (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/24/us-korea-wedding-idUSBRE82N06O20120324).

Stop Making Cents
2nd September 2012, 08:35 PM
I figured he was another religious nutcase but the article was pretty interesting. I too believe Reagan was divinely put into the Presidency at the right time.

A jury found Rev. Moon guilty of not paying about $7,500 of tax on interest income, and he was sentenced to 18 months in Danbury Federal Correctional Institution, a sentence he began serving in July 1984. With time off for good behavior, he was formally released Aug. 2, 1985, after serving 13 months. More than 2,000 clergymen welcomed Rev. Moon at a banquet in Washington that night.

‘Landslide’ predicted

Even as he faced investigations and imprisonment, Rev. Moon embarked on a new aspect of his public career. He had declared that “only the United States can protect the democratic world against the threat of communism,” and warned that President Jimmy Carter’s “naivete” about that threat would soon lead to “world communization.”

His aide, Mr. Pak, later recalled that Rev. Moon prayed for an American president who would “stop the marching tide of communism,” and that Rev. Moon one day told him: “The next president of the United States will hold the fate of the world in his hands, and Heaven has chosen Ronald Reagan.”

Unification Church members actively supported the Reagan campaign in 1980 and, at Rev. Moon’s direction, Mr. Pak arranged a meeting with Reagan in Toledo, Ohio. Greeting the candidate as “President Reagan,” Mr. Pak recalled, he told the Republican challenger: “God has already decided on you as the next president.”

Reagan, according to Mr. Pak, was “taken aback” by the statement and asked him: “What did you say? Who on earth told you that?”

After he explained Rev. Moon’s prophecy, Mr. Pak said, Reagan responded with his characteristic humor: “I wish I had as much confidence in myself as Rev. Moon does.”

Opinion polls predicted a close election, but Rev. Moon’s confidence was reflected by the News World, a New York newspaper that he founded in 1976. On Election Day 1980, the News World rolled off the press with a giant headline predicting “Reagan Landslide.”

At a news conference that morning, Mr. Reagan held up the News World’s front page, an image carried across the country by television reports. When the votes were counted, the Republican had won 489 of 538 Electoral College votes, more than matching the bold prediction.

Read more: The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, founder of The Times, dies at 92 - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/sep/2/rev-sun-myung-moon-founder-times-dies-92/?page=5#ixzz25NGetbqM
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