View Full Version : gerneral Dempsey tells Israel "no more"

Large Sarge
3rd September 2012, 03:36 AM


3rd September 2012, 05:53 AM


Interesting articles and good comments follow both.

3rd September 2012, 06:45 AM
WOW!!!!! The Zionists are getting brash and in-yer-face arrogant, just like the banksters are acting towards the 99%. They've dropped the pretense and by the actions are saying: "Yeah, we've got all the marbles and we own your asses! So what are you going to do about it? Jack shit, that's what!"

3rd September 2012, 08:59 AM
ok, does dempsey get demoted pronto, or does his plane crash? I can hear it now" in light of general dempseys death we have appointed saul weinstein blah blah.."

4th September 2012, 04:05 PM
ok, does dempsey get demoted pronto, or does his plane crash? I can hear it now" in light of general dempseys death we have appointed saul weinstein blah blah.."

i say plane crash
the zionists don't want him to contaminate others
but there are ( already ) others in the military thinking the same thing
but after Dempsey's " accident "
they'll keep quiet until it's time


AMERICA ( welfare & security ) COMES FIRST

fuck you israel

your days are numbered . . .

4th September 2012, 04:37 PM
the latest spin is we are not going to get involved in an iran israel war, UNLESS iran attacks our interests.... to this i say bullshit. its a cover story, plausible denial... why the heck do we have so many military warships and bases right by iran??
if the US was sincere, we would back the heck out of there, but , even if iran manages to steer clear of our obvious and clumsy interference, issy will attack our interests (again) and blame iran and we will be goaded yet into another war.

4th September 2012, 04:49 PM
They after Dempsey now, he is not the first to defy them and identify them, many in the MIL, CIA, DIA, MIC defied them and there was removals of all resistance to get compliance going back to Bush I even before they went into Iraq, MADSEN was writing about this as well and stating that NSA is last bastion not in their control, a while ago, they spy agencies spy on each other. It is all NeoCons. I remember going back 12 years on 60 minutes a main general, identified the NeoCons and they canned him and called him an anti Semite, and this was on 60 minutes then and he stated it is not his fault they are all Jewish, LOL , it was about Iraq and resistance. DO YOU KNOW THE NEOCONS ? GET TO KNOW THEM !

4th September 2012, 05:02 PM
The neocons are scum.
Admiral Fallon also stood up to them.

4th September 2012, 05:05 PM
How long can this continue? Were these types of articles just floating around 10 years ago?

5th September 2012, 04:10 AM
the latest spin is we are not going to get involved in an iran israel war, UNLESS iran attacks our interests.... to this i say bullshit. its a cover story, plausible denial... why the heck do we have so many military warships and bases right by iran??
if the US was sincere, we would back the heck out of there, but , even if iran manages to steer clear of our obvious and clumsy interference, issy will attack our interests (again) and blame iran and we will be goaded yet into another war.

mossad false flag on an American ship
then the political zionist ass-kissers cry out for war/revenge

and American boys fight another war for israel

5th September 2012, 05:17 AM
even if iran manages to steer clear of our obvious and clumsy interference, issy will attack our interests (again) and blame iran and we will be goaded yet into another war.

Yup. 'By way of deception, So shall we wage war.' Fucking Decepticons.

6th September 2012, 10:49 AM
mossad false flag on an American ship
then the political zionist ass-kissers cry out for war/revenge

and American boys fight another war for israel
For some unimaginable reason I thought of the USS Enterprise. http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58431-USS-Enterprise&highlight=Enterprise

I thought it was supposed to be decommissioned by now, but it seems the date has been moved to 2013.