View Full Version : The R3EVOLution That Wasn't

Hatha Sunahara
6th September 2012, 10:53 AM
Ron Paul supporters need to move on. But where? Here's a good jolt back to reality:


The R3VOLution That Wasn’t: A Note to Paul Supporters Posted by Thomas L. Knapp (http://c4ss.org/content/author/thomaslknapp) on Sep 5, 2012

“I told you so” isn’t a very gentle or polite opening for a conversation, so let’s just forget that I told you so both in 2008 and 2012 and treat those campaigns as phases you had to get through on your own, without distraction and paying no heed to naysayers, to get where you are now. The average Ron Paul supporter’s energy and dedication certainly commands my respect and, I think, the respect of most others whose path toward freedom didn’t take them down that road.
Hopefully, you can now see that Ron Paul is not going to restore the old American republic and lead you to liberty. Hopefully, you can see now that not only is it not going to happen, but that it never was going to happen.
The deck was thoroughly stacked. Against Paul, against you, against any threat to a status quo which has calcified over the last 120 years (starting with the introduction of “ballot access” laws to narrow the November choice to two, and the evolution of primaries and conventions toward a process that inevitably produces two look-alikes).
That status quo may break or crumble under external pressure, but it will never soften to internal re-shaping of the type that a Republican presidential campaign proposes.
Where to go from here? That is the question.
As a first step, I propose that you examine the two Paul presidential campaigns, with the benefit of hindsight and an eye toward identifying their essentials. You’ll find that much of what you held dear back then can be jettisoned — the partisan and political compromises bolted onto the campaign’s libertarian superstructure as armor or camouflage for the purpose of “working within the system.” Now that you’re about to abandon politics, you won’t need those things any more.
Auditing the Fed, resurrecting “states rights,” attempting to appeal to a base of social conservative voters who fear freedom so deeply that they’ll swallow anything the GOP establishment feeds them … those tactics did not serve you well where you were, and you won’t need them where you’re going.
Did I say you’re about to abandon politics? Yes, I did. Six years, $70 million, numerous lawless actions on the part of the Republican establishment and two heart-breaking failures to penetrate the GOP’s national convention, with a candidate eminently qualified for the presidency by what you thought were the relevant standards, should be enough to convince you that “working within the system” isn’t going to get the job done. Welcome to the real world.
The good news is that in that real world, you’re part of the majority. Most Americans either won’t or can’t participate in the state’s quadrennial “election” ritual. President Barack Obama took office with the express consent of less than one in four Americans. Nearly as many voted for someone else. More than twice as many voted for no one at all.
While it’s true that most of those non-voters are at best only marginally conscious of the significance of their abstention, neither are they fully invested in the system you sought to reform and now understand you must abolish. Even if they haven’t joined your army, they’re bona fide potential recruits, unlike the diehard Republican voters you’ve spent the last six years hectoring for support.
The first step, of course, is to become one of those non-voters. (http://www.anti-politics.ws/)

The second step? Status esse delendam: The state must be destroyed.
If not now, when? If not you, who?
The R3VOLution is dead. Long live the revolution.

I think I've already made that transition. Changing this turd from within just isn't gonna work. Time to flush it.


6th September 2012, 01:21 PM
I think I've already made that transition. Changing this turd from within just isn't gonna work. Time to flush it.


Amen, my brother.

midnight rambler
6th September 2012, 01:36 PM
Indeed. Flush the turd. See the first line of my sig. (IOW, ignore them, move on without them - giving them any consideration AT ALL is a colossal waste of your time)

6th September 2012, 03:11 PM
Indeed. Flush the turd. See the first line of my sig. (IOW, ignore them, move on without them - giving them any consideration AT ALL is a colossal waste of your time)

It took some time to get it through my head MR but I get it now and push this advice from your sig to all who will listen. "What do we do now DMAC?" You stop using their systems that's what. Stop using their money (numero uno). Stop participating in their elections (federal). Stop watching teevee. Stop buying their newspapers. Support your local businesses. Barter all that you can. Store food. Don't fill out any more forms. And so on.

"Don't believe them, don't fear them, don't ask anything of them." --Alexander Solzhenityn

If a tree falls in the forest... If we all refuse the authority of the fed gov, will they still have any power?

6th September 2012, 05:05 PM
Lots of brave talk, but no cigar.

Number one THEY won't let you go your own way, you talk like they believe in rules and will obey them. You are a rabble without organization, you can't shoot it out, unless suicide is your option.

The only way is the precinct way, take control of the country the Ron Paul way, precinct by precinct. Choose a party Republican or Democrat and make it your own.

6th September 2012, 05:15 PM
The thing is rotten to the core; any trouble wasted on fixing this country is wasted. One's best option is to get one's affairs in order and jump ship.

midnight rambler
6th September 2012, 05:31 PM
The thing is rotten to the core; any trouble wasted on fixing this country is wasted. One's best option is to get one's affairs in order and jump ship.

It's possible to 'jump ship' without re-locating physically. I did it over 20 years ago. It's all a state of mind.

6th September 2012, 05:32 PM
It's possible to 'jump ship' without re-locating physically. I did it over 20 years ago. It's all a state of mind.

What a pile of wishy washy bullshit.

6th September 2012, 05:33 PM
Lots of brave talk, but no cigar.

^Ron Paul in a nutshell^

Its one thing to represent & something wholly different to capitalize with leadership.


midnight rambler
6th September 2012, 05:33 PM
What a pile of wishy washy bullshit.

Thanks for sharing your anosognosic perspective. lol

Uncle Salty
6th September 2012, 05:37 PM
Agreed. I have officially unregistered myself from the county voting rolls.

There is absolutely no fucking point to voting. The game has always been rigged, but now with electronic voting, it is beyond hope. And with the media's strangle hold on supporting the two party system, what's the fucking point?

A fuckin Kenyan is in the White House and I'm the insane one for seeing reality?

6th September 2012, 05:38 PM
Likewise; I never registered when I moved.

midnight rambler
6th September 2012, 05:40 PM
A fuckin Communist Kenyan is in the White House and I'm the insane one for seeing reality?


6th September 2012, 06:03 PM
Re: The R3EVOLution That Wasn't

Imagine John Lennon voting for Obama. BARF!

Let me tell you how it will be...


Look in my eyes, what do you see?

The cult of personality.

6th September 2012, 06:28 PM
Imagine John Lennon voting for Obama. BARF!


So it was you!

The second man in a dark coat.

I imagine he would...

6th September 2012, 06:55 PM
I had a lot of hope for Ron Paul, but unfortunately, he just couldn't contend with TPTB. I'm going to vote Libertarian this cycle, just so my vote is counted. (IF it's counted, but I am positive my "Ron Paul" write-in wasn't counted last time.) And then, I think I will be removed from the rosters. Maybe someday my hope will be revived again (never say never), but for now, I feel beat.

6th September 2012, 07:48 PM
I feel the same, K-os.

6th September 2012, 07:49 PM
I had a lot of hope for Ron Paul, but unfortunately, he just couldn't contend with TPTB. I'm going to vote Libertarian this cycle, just so my vote is counted. (IF it's counted, but I am positive my "Ron Paul" write-in wasn't counted last time.) And then, I think I will be removed from the rosters. Maybe someday my hope will be revived again (never say never), but for now, I feel beat.

I contend Ron made a deal for Rand.
If positive the write-in wasn't counted, why waste your time?

Soooo Cheer up! :D


6th September 2012, 07:55 PM
I don't think the Ron Paul's campaigns were totally wasted efforts. We're not back at the same place as we were before.

Not only has it publicized some important messages and organized a bunch of people, but now we have concrete data of how the current government is totally illegitimate. It's not a question of the message being ignored by the masses anymore, as it was in the past, now it's a question of corruption and criminal activity.

Not sure where we go from here, but at least we have real data and lessons learned. This information must be used to form a new approach.

6th September 2012, 08:04 PM
I had a lot of hope for Ron Paul, but unfortunately, he just couldn't contend with TPTB. I'm going to vote Libertarian this cycle, just so my vote is counted. (IF it's counted, but I am positive my "Ron Paul" write-in wasn't counted last time.) And then, I think I will be removed from the rosters. Maybe someday my hope will be revived again (never say never), but for now, I feel beat.

There was a simplest example of electronic voting fraud that I saw once where they simply reversed the votes.

So if you vote Obama things could work out for you.

6th September 2012, 08:11 PM
I guess I just hate the way everything transpired. From the campaign's ridiculous moves - stating the campaign was over and then throwing another money bomb? WTF? For the delegates? The ones that were ignored since RP didn't even have a presence at the convention. We were told for so long about the delegate strategy and people worked very hard on this and the campaign just left them hanging. Then one day after the campaigns announcement that confused EVERY supporter, Rand publicly endorses Romney. At that point I assumed that meant that Rand would be chosen as VP, but now we know that was not the case, so why? So many of us put a lot into this. I donated a lot of money and I have a bad feeling about all of it.

Now I wonder if it was all part of the strategy to gather all the Libertarians via RP. If TPTB wanted a Romney presidency they could have put Rand in there as running mate to get the L vote. If TPTB wants a Obama presidency, put a neocon in there that Libertarians would never vote for and that would seal it for Obama. I truly believe that there are enough of us that it could have made a difference, but now most will either not vote or will vote for Johnson. Either way it will put Obama in office but what's the difference anyhow...we know they are both the same. I can't believe people are still doing the L/R thing.

6th September 2012, 08:14 PM
I agree whole heartedly vacuum, it wasn't a totally wasted exercise at all and through the last 2 election cycles many have learned and been awakened to much.

After it's all been said and done this is tantamount to tilting at windmills and I can't, won't do it anymore. I've said it on another thread or two but this is my last dance, I'll vote for GJ and then take back my registration and with it one more tiny step of poofing myself from the system. The hell of it is I don't feel defeated, just mad as a motherfucker, not so much at RP but the GOP/RNC/PTB's and me thinks I should stay very far away from them and they from me, in all of our better interests.

6th September 2012, 08:17 PM
There was a simplest example of electronic voting fraud that I saw once where they simply reversed the votes.

So if you vote Obama things could work out for you.

It's called "algorthmic vote flipping" (sp)...there were times during the primaries that RP got screwed because of it. Maybe not reversing votes but like a 2 for 1 swap.

6th September 2012, 08:23 PM
I guess I just hate the way everything transpired. From the campaign's ridiculous moves - stating the campaign was over and then throwing another money bomb? WTF? For the delegates? The ones that were ignored since RP didn't even have a presence at the convention. We were told for so long about the delegate strategy and people worked very hard on this and the campaign just left them hanging. Then one day after the campaigns announcement that confused EVERY supporter, Rand publicly endorses Romney. At that point I assumed that meant that Rand would be chosen as VP, but now we know that was not the case, so why? So many of us put a lot into this. I donated a lot of money and I have a bad feeling about all of it.

Now I wonder if it was all part of the strategy to gather all the Libertarians via RP. If TPTB wanted a Romney presidency they could have put Rand in there as running mate to get the L vote. If TPTB wants a Obama presidency, put a neocon in there that Libertarians would never vote for and that would seal it for Obama. I truly believe that there are enough of us that it could have made a difference, but now most will either not vote or will vote for Johnson. Either way it will put Obama in office but what's the difference anyhow...we know they are both the same. I can't believe people are still doing the L/R thing.
Personally, I think the original deal was for Rand to be VP. But the reaction from all of Ron Paul's supporters was so strongly against it that they realized it wouldn't work. Either that or they stabbed the Pauls in the back. Is this the reason why RP's campaign did so much weird stuff? I have no idea.

6th September 2012, 08:33 PM
Personally, I think the original deal was for Rand to be VP. But the reaction from all of Ron Paul's supporters was so strongly against it that they realized it wouldn't work. Either that or they stabbed the Pauls in the back. Is this the reason why RP's campaign did so much weird stuff? I have no idea.

I do know one thing for a fact, we were doing really good and then RP had that "breakfast" with bernankem and very shortly after that the wheels started to really fall off the train.

6th September 2012, 08:33 PM
Personally, I think the original deal was for Rand to be VP. But the reaction from all of Ron Paul's supporters was so strongly against it that they realized it wouldn't work. Either that or they stabbed the Pauls in the back. Is this the reason why RP's campaign did so much weird stuff? I have no idea.

It could be. I've thought about that.

Hatha Sunahara
6th September 2012, 09:11 PM
I do know one thing for a fact, we were doing really good and then RP had that "breakfast" with bernankem and very shortly after that the wheels started to really fall off the train.

Maybe Bernanke reminded RP of Executive Order 11110, issued by JFK in July 1963. If you're a real danger to them, TPTB will shoot you dead.


RP maybe doesn't want to be a martyr.


6th September 2012, 09:20 PM
Maybe Bernanke reminded RP of Executive Order 11110, issued by JFK in July 1963. If you're a real danger to them, TPTB will shoot you dead.


RP maybe doesn't want to be a martyr.


Or....we won't harm you at all RP, we'll keep you very safe and sound but those you love may not be so fortunate, say for the next 50 years. In fact there's towns and cities where people you love, you know those American Constitutional type live, oh what the hell, we don't care who gets killed or how many, you should know that!

Maybe he's a silent martyr?

Hatha Sunahara
6th September 2012, 09:35 PM
Here is an interesting perspective on RP's bounce at the Republican convemtion, although it was writen in 2007--so it covers two Rep conventions:


Here's the pertinent part from it:

A bankruptcy proceeding cannot continue forever. At some point, either the creditors convert their debt to equity or a liquidation occurs.

A conversion from debt to equity would involve a repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and a repeal of the 16th amendment. That isn't going to happen. That is the hope of Ron Paul's campaign supporters. If the creditor decides to convert his debt to equity, he will allow Ron Paul to be elected President and pass his reforms.

The purpose of Ron Paul's presidential campaign is not to convert the debt to equity. The purpose is to announce the liquidation. When Ron Paul is cheated out of the Republican nomination (http://fskrealityguide.blogspot.com/2007/09/ron-paul-doublecross-prediction.html), it will be obvious to everyone that it is time for a liquidation. (Maybe not everyone, just those people who are smart enough to count for anything.)

The creditors of the US bankruptcy proceeding have decided that they prefer a liquidation over equity in the US government. Pretty soon, the US government is going to be denied bankruptcy protection. All world governments have declared bankruptcy and surrendered to the international banking cartel. All world governments are going to be liquidated, not just the US government.

I believe that the Supreme Leader of Humanity (http://fskrealityguide.blogspot.com/2007/07/whos-richest-man-in-world.html) and the leaders of the international banking cartel have decided that it is time for the final liquidation of this bankruptcy proceeding. They are intentionally allowing the coming agorist revolution (http://fskrealityguide.blogspot.com/2007/09/agorist-philosophy-overview.html) to occur, so the US government can finally be liquidated. They will allow the current system to survive until the replacement system is in place. An agorist revolution should be mostly peaceful, so there probably won't be a lot of casualties during the transition. The violence will come from red market agents resisting the liquidation.


Twisted Titan
6th September 2012, 10:24 PM
I saw RP on Jay leno the other nite and I just wanted to fricken puke.........this man got rail roaded at the convention AGAIN andf he was still talking in soft fluffy terms about the GOP establishment ............. I wanted to smack the living sh!t out of him not for me but the millions that donated their time energy and resources only to see it all get flushed down the toliet.

Millions spent on ad slots that did nothing but enrich the media giants that further controlled and choked the message of Freedom and now after everything is said and done the giant firestorm has finally been snuffed out.

The very LEAST he could have done was tell the truth saying he got shafted and your time is better spent forming small independant actions centers to take over local politics.

Nope.......... all he did was pelt flowers at the GOP.

I know Alot of people tend to give RP a pass based on his 40 years of work in Washington but I gotta defer to my Momma on this one: Its not how you start out or what happens mid journey ....... its all in how you finish that counts.

This man new what deal was and played his part to the fricken tee.

I hope he enjoys whatever the Overlords promised to him.

For those willing to look logically at his words versus his deed The gaping inconsistency will be laid bare.

He is a Turncoat and I Hope History will not be kind to him.......

7th September 2012, 12:20 AM
Titan - Law 29 of 48 - plan all the way to the end. Assuming Dr. Paul was not compromised, he violated said law. The outcome is the same, either way.

7th September 2012, 12:37 AM
It just wasn't the same campaign after that lunch with Bernanke.


7th September 2012, 01:16 AM
I propose the next presidential ticket: JCarvingblock/HathaSunahara

All my problems would be solved with that ticket in office

Hatha Sunahara
7th September 2012, 01:37 AM
I hate to disappoint anybody, but if I had a choice between politician and toilet scrubber, I'd feel much better (and cleaner) with the toilets.


7th September 2012, 08:17 AM
I hate to disappoint anybody, but if I had a choice between politician and toilet scrubber, I'd feel much better (and cleaner) with the toilets.


Unfortunately, that just makes you even more qualified for the position.

Uncle Salty
7th September 2012, 11:13 AM
The satan worshiping motherfuckers who run the show have no problem killing millions in war, bringing down buildings in false flags, and instituting draconian freedom stripping laws to keep the people in line. You think they are going to let Ron Paul get in their way? Ha ha ha.

Anyone who really thought RP had a chance is as delusional as those that think 9/11 was plotted and carried out by cave-dwelling, goat-fucking, Allah-worshipping tabouleh eaters.

7th September 2012, 11:19 AM
The satan worshiping motherfuckers who run the show have no problem killing millions in war, bringing down buildings in false flags, and instituting draconian freedom stripping laws to keep the people in line. You think they are going to let Ron Paul get in their way? Ha ha ha.

Anyone who really thought RP had a chance is as delusional as those that think 9/11 was plotted and carried out by cave-dwelling, goat-fucking, Allah-worshipping tabouleh eaters.

The Pentagram, excuse me Pentagon was made in-vulnerable for just such an occasion.


take notice of the additional fire sprinklers added, apparently unavailable in New York at that ancient date.