View Full Version : Silvio Gesell or The natural economic Order

7th September 2012, 05:06 AM

Gessel was definitely onto something, but I think penalizing people for hoarding money for the sake of it is ethically wrong, eventually all taxation schemes end up destroying the system. After all taxation is coercion. I also dont think that anybody wants to be completely poor, without reforming the educational system, the very poor is here to stay.

what I said in another thread:
It is "speculation mindset" the culprit, as long as people want t to bet on their future, by borrowing or investing their savings, booms and busts wont go away, ever - never. How many do this right now, speculating on metals, commodities, etc... right, they may win big but help the banskters perpetuate their rule . There is no such thing as securing one's future as everything will always happen in the "now".

Buying time with money is the problem as a life span only is what it is. There is no future, no past... just the eternal present... we all have to learn trusting randomness and serendipity.... I know this for a fact. As long as I could travel with a $afety net I felt fine, then savings went down and I panicked. We are very low on cash now and when an obstacle occurs, we surrender to it, stay calm and eventually many solutions surface. [b/When the mind is caught in this "fear of tomorrow game" we ultimately limit ourselves [/b]. The PTB/banksters literally bank on our fears. By condoning any kind of speculation (induced by the fear of scarcity mainly), we just give them the upper hand. Money is not evil but speculation.

No matter how one looks at the world picture, the only game in town is FEAR and the latter allows our worse nightmares to come true. This is the shabby secret of that the Theosophists and century old ruling elites never want you/us to know. They understood that Man had been given the dominion over Nature (so we'd live in abundance without worries) and that by polarizing our instincts/fears, they could manipulate us easily.

Silvio Gesell (March 17, 1862 – March 11, 1930) was a German merchant, theoretical economist, social activist, anarchist and founder of Freiwirtschaft.... He considered himself a world citizen and believed the Earth should belong to all people, regardless of race, gender, class, wealth, religion and age and that borders should be made obsolete.

Gesell founded his economic thoughts on the self-interest of people as a natural, healthy motive to act, which allows the individual to follow the satisfaction of his needs and to be productive. The economic system must do justice to this pre-condition, otherwise this system would undoubtedly fail. This is why Gesell called his proposed economic system "natural". This stance put him in clear opposition to Karl Marx, who called for a change in social conditions.

Taking selfishness into account, Gesell called for free, fair business competition with equal chances for all. This included the removal of all legal and inherited privileges. Everyone should rely only on his personal abilities in order to make a living. In the "natural economic order" which he aimed for, the most talented people would have the highest income, without distortion by interest and rent charges. The economic status of the less talented would also improve, because they would not be forced to pay interest and rent charges. According to Gesell, this would lead to an equalization between the poor and the rich. Further, there would be more means available to help the poor because the higher average income would mean that everyone would have enough money to spare what was necessary to help.

In the late 19th century, the German economist Silvio Gesell argued for a tax on holding money.

Who, the hell, is Silvio Gesell
Silvio Gesell, Author of: The Natural Economic Order.


The Political Economy of Silvio Gesell: A Century of Activism

Hatha Sunahara
7th September 2012, 09:07 AM
What you say about the 'fear of tomorrow' thinking is 100% spot-on correct. This is the fear that structures political economy, along with unbridled greed. You hear the Democrats exploiting this fear with their slogan about how 'we are all in this together, and not on our own'. This is the mantra of slaves. The truth is that we really are in this game on our own, but we can get a little help from our friends. And our relatives, and our institutions, and what we really need is a sense of belonging to our societies. And that means giving a swift kick in the ass to all those who are willing to alienate others with their greed and desire to dominate us. The one piece of our nature that is sacred is our limitless capacity to enter into contracts with others. And this is what gets us into trouble because there are people whose goal in life is to get us to agree to unfair, and even unconscionable contracts--where we have all the obligations, and they get all the benefits.

Gessell would be considered in today's language, a voluntaryist. Someone like Larken Rose, or Marc Stevens, but tilted toward economics. In the struggle between voluntarism and authoritarianism, he's the voice for freedom. That is ironic, considering he was a German. He is about as popular today as is Lysander Spooner who was one of his contemporaries. Spooner wrote about Natural Law, which is an adjunct of Natural Economic Order. They both arise from the nature of human beings.


7th September 2012, 03:15 PM
What you say about the 'fear of tomorrow' thinking is 100% spot-on correct. This is the fear that structures political economy, along with unbridled greed. You hear the Democrats exploiting this fear with their slogan about how 'we are all in this together, and not on our own'. This is the mantra of slaves. The truth is that we really are in this game on our own, but we can get a little help from our friends. And our relatives, and our institutions, and what we really need is a sense of belonging to our societies. And that means giving a swift kick in the ass to all those who are willing to alienate others with their greed and desire to dominate us. The one piece of our nature that is sacred is our limitless capacity to enter into contracts with others. And this is what gets us into trouble because there are people whose goal in life is to get us to agree to unfair, and even unconscionable contracts--where we have all the obligations, and they get all the benefits.

Gessell would be considered in today's language, a voluntaryist. Someone like Larken Rose, or Marc Stevens, but tilted toward economics. In the struggle between voluntarism and authoritarianism, he's the voice for freedom. That is ironic, considering he was a German. He is about as popular today as is Lysander Spooner who was one of his contemporaries. Spooner wrote about Natural Law, which is an adjunct of Natural Economic Order. They both arise from the nature of human beings.


Hey Hatha... thank you for your input, it always makes me feel better when I know that there is are few folks on here that understand what I mean.

as long as TPTB is alive an kicking, the price of gold/silver will remain at their mercy of their usual shenanigans. Thats what happened during the tulip mania. If we have 80% of populace who dont understand economics 101, booms/busts will continue to be part of the landscape. Regardless of the currency, sound or fiat. Of course those aware may win big or at least protect their savings, though they will play the speculation game set by the NWO.

Fear glues the Matrix together. However, to truly balance the world economy will demand to let go speculation and learn the virtues to live in the "now". That is where spirituality and economics merge for a greater good.

Silvio Gesell really understood why money can only help everybody prosper when not held hostage by any fear.

Gesell's chiefwork is written in cool and scientific terms, although it is run through by a more passionate and charged devotion to social justice than many think fit for a scholar. I believe that the future will learn more from Gesell’s than from Marx’s spirit. —John Maynard Keynes