View Full Version : List of Mass Animal Die off

7th September 2012, 02:28 PM

The list is too long to post here. Plus it has links to the original story. If you have not got several years worth of food by now, you might want to try to do so ASAP. Go buy a cow at auction and have it butchered.... CAN YOUR MEAT@

7th September 2012, 02:44 PM
“It’s particularly interesting in that whatever is going on is affecting only whitefish, and not trout” said Regional Fisheries Manager Dan Garre. “It also appears to be affecting the smaller (younger) fish, generally those less than 10 inches.”

The moose that were found in Blekinge in southern Sweden were between 2 and 7 years old—an age at which they normally should have been in top shape. The total number of moose found so far is 15, but it’s unclear how many more might be dead in the wild.

The Gulf kill was believed to be limited to Gulf menhaden, also known as shad, which are more susceptible to fish killings. Mitchell found mullet jumping from the water and sea turtles that were alive near the coast Sunday.

All animals affected in this year's anthrax outbreak were part of the Mackenzie Bison herd. When last surveyed in March of this year, before the outbreak, there were approximately 1,440 animals, said McLinton. There is another survey of the herd scheduled for March 2013. The reason that bison are the most affected is because anthrax spores tend to be located in flat, meadow areas where bison tend to graze and lie in the dirt. Along with the 431 bison carcasses found so far, four moose carcasses were also discovered within the last two weeks, said McLinton, though it has not been confirmed that those animals were exposed to anthrax spores.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources said Thursday that deer infected with epizootic hemorrhagic disease, or EHD, have been found in Barry, Calhoun, Cass, Clinton, Eaton and Montcalm counties. Experts previously confirmed the disease had killed deer in Ionia and Branch counties.

Sounds like Genetic Specific Biowarfare ..

7th September 2012, 05:27 PM

I recently (after years of trying) got my lady ready to start canning. We are total noobs. Can you give some direction?

7th September 2012, 05:59 PM
I was just thinking about this in the last few days, ImaCannin! I was wondering why posts about die offs haven't been posted on here recently. I was beginning to think that there were no die-offs recently.

Thanks for posting.

7th September 2012, 06:52 PM
DMac, yes I will help you... First thing..... Get a ball canning book. Second thing. Run thru the process canning water in the jar. That way, if you mess up, you have not wasted any food. You can always PM me when you are ready and I will help .....

K-os, I was thinking about this the other day also. I had not heard about the die off of fish in my own state!! Its amazing how the media hides all of this stuff. They are killing off any way of being able to feed your self. Check out the fires http://fires.globalincidentmap.com/ Northern Idaho is the last "great wilderness" Its forest are being burned to the ground right now. In between the fires and the re-introduction of the wolf to Idaho, there will be no Elk or deer left. http://mtmultipleuse.org/endangered/wolf_pics.htm

mick silver
8th September 2012, 07:47 AM
i am not seeing the deer this year like i did last year . been out a few times bow hunting an yet to take one . the crop lost was great around here this year , my garden didnt do to good this time around . the heat was so bad that tomatoes had burns on the top on them

8th September 2012, 08:12 AM
bees die off? Not that I want to enrich myself doing this, but I have been thinking of posting ads as "human pollinator for hire" at some point, until they come up with machines replacing manual pollination.

there is an answer for everything/obstacle.

ps: stealing bee hives is also becoming common, I heard that bee keepers do this with a specific scent that prompts bees to swirl and move out. I witnessed this on the farm I was working on last spring. The owner lost two bee hives overnight.

10th September 2012, 09:35 AM
i am not seeing the deer this year like i did last year . been out a few times bow hunting an yet to take one . the crop lost was great around here this year , my garden didnt do to good this time around . the heat was so bad that tomatoes had burns on the top on them

I have never heard of a burn mark on top of a mater!!!! Did your county restrict you from watering with a hose? My garden did not produce as well this year. Well except for my soft ball size beets! Last year, my grapes were mostly picked in Oct. before the first frost and I had tons of them , this year, I just finished picking and have about 40% of what I did last year! They were ripe a month earlier. The sun is further south this year. Normally, I do not get sun in my sun room on the south side of the house, this year it was sunny all summer long and I had to keep the curtains down.

ps: stealing bee hives is also becoming common, I heard that bee keepers do this with a specific scent that prompts bees to swirl and move out. I witnessed this on the farm I was working on last spring. The owner lost two bee hives overnight.

WOW.... JUST WOW....

Like I said before.... better get all you can get now because the gettin is gonna get harder to get!!! ( does that sound to okie?)

10th September 2012, 09:40 AM
bees die off? Not that I want to enrich myself doing this, but I have been thinking of posting ads as "human pollinator for hire" at some point, until they come up with machines replacing manual pollination.

there is an answer for everything/obstacle.

ps: stealing bee hives is also becoming common, I heard that bee keepers do this with a specific scent that prompts bees to swirl and move out. I witnessed this on the farm I was working on last spring. The owner lost two bee hives overnight.

& you witnessed it? How? More details please... this is very concerning imo.

willie pete
10th September 2012, 09:42 AM

I recently (after years of trying) got my lady ready to start canning. We are total noobs. Can you give some direction?

there's only about 7000 results on YT regarding canning.....

10th September 2012, 04:54 PM
got me a nice american canner 2 years back, the one without a seal. works awsome. canned bacon, ham, sausages, meatballs in various sauces meatloaf and chile. Want to can pints of butter. My freezer is packed. I pick up meat when they do the last call half price discount, freeze or cook that day sale. The chile just does not taste like it was when freash, the meatloaf is more like patte', the chunks of ham look like a lab expirement swiming in water. I really wonder what the shelf life is on those items. Plan on canning some more this winter when I have time off. I just wanted to get my feet wet the first time. Maybe I should follow chile recipe in canning book and try it again. I do have 12 cases of quart and pint jars.

10th September 2012, 08:43 PM
When you can your meat, pre- cook it first. Doing a raw pack makes the meat look like it has slag floating around in it. Pre cooking gets rid of the slag. I had a jar of ground beef tonight that was canned in 12/08.. I have not died yet!

10th September 2012, 09:44 PM
& you witnessed it? How? More details please... this is very concerning imo.

I am not sure if we're talkin' honey bees in my situation, and I am not even sure if it matters, but there were (are?) several signs in my neighboring communities that say "Bee Removal Service". Some were hand made, some with slightly more professional lettering like stick on letters. I posted in GSUS somewhere because I couldn't understand why someone would want to remove bees.

PS - I am not sure if you were interested in the "stealing" part or the "scent that prompts" the bees to move. Perhaps this post is not useful or relevant in the slightest, since I don't know how the bees are removed :) I worked too much today. My brain is fried.

10th September 2012, 10:02 PM
I am not sure if we're talkin' honey bees in my situation, and I am not even sure if it matters, but there were (are?) several signs in my neighboring communities that say "Bee Removal Service". Some were hand made, some with slightly more professional lettering like stick on letters. I posted in GSUS somewhere because I couldn't understand why someone would want to remove bees.

PS - I am not sure if you were interested in the "stealing" part or the "scent that prompts" the bees to move. Perhaps this post is not useful or relevant in the slightest, since I don't know how the bees are removed :) I worked too much today. My brain is fried.

Probably an enterprising bee-keeper that is looking to get free-bees (haha - freebees). They know how to work the smoke and get the bees from out of peoples siding and then they take them into their hives and make honey. Freebees! Yay!

11th September 2012, 06:43 AM
there's only about 7000 results on YT regarding canning.....

There's a thousand clips about how to paint as well, but if Davinci is around you definitely ask him first.

Sorry for the OT question ImaCannin, I'll check that book!

willie pete
11th September 2012, 11:07 AM
There's a thousand clips about how to paint as well, but if Davinci is around you definitely ask him first.

Sorry for the OT question ImaCannin, I'll check that book!

...yea, whateva bro....:rolleyes:

11th September 2012, 12:55 PM
Sorry for the OT question ImaCannin, I'll check that book!

Not off topic to me.. Thanks for asking.....If you need, I do do free phone consults too! :rolleyes:... I think Willer Pete is just upset that you did not ask him how to can!

willie pete
11th September 2012, 01:41 PM
Not off topic to me.. Thanks for asking.....If you need, I do do free phone consults too! :rolleyes:... I think Willer Pete is just upset that you did not ask him how to can!

I'm afraid I couldn't help much with canning Imma, but if you need a CVP Line inserted, I could help you out with that.....:)

15th September 2012, 06:04 PM

14th September 2012 - Mounds of dead Fish (bottom dwellers) found along Mangalore coast, raising concern in India. Link

14th September 2012 - 2,200 Deer have died this year from a disease that is spreading in Nebraska, America. Link

13th September 2012 - Hundreds of thousands of dead Jellyfish line the shores of Cable Beach in Australia. Link

12th September 2012 - 362 Cattle found dead in Manzini, Swaziland. Link

12th September 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish in Arrowhead Lakes, Arizona, America. Link

mick silver
17th September 2012, 06:01 AM
i water 3 times when we had heat over a 100 for 10 days . i have a tank that hold 15000 gallon of rain water just for the garden . i have never seen this before the hole top was had burns on them

17th September 2012, 12:09 PM
i water 3 times when we had heat over a 100 for 10 days . i have a tank that hold 15000 gallon of rain water just for the garden . i have never seen this before the hole top was had burns on them

mick, the whole tops of what had burns? Also, you only needed to water your garden 3 times this season?

(confused here)...


mick silver
17th September 2012, 06:53 PM
tomatoes i water 3 time in 10 days as the heat was over 100

9th October 2012, 10:08 PM
Since I last posted........

9th October 2012 - 400 Cows and Goats dead from disease in Kamrup Rural District, India. Link

8th October 2012 - Hundreds, possibly thousands of Deer continue to die from disease in North Carolina Foothills, America. Link

8th October 2012 - Hundreds of animals have died from Anthrax in Manicaland, Zimbabwe. Link

5th October 2012 - 1000+ Fish killed by contamination in a creek in Vancouver, Canada. Link

4th October 2012 - Numerous Honeybee colonies dead from mosquito spraying in Massachusetts, America. Link

4th October 2012 - 2,043 dead Deer from disease in Illinois, America. Link

4th October 2012 - 15,000 dead Fish a "mystery" on Coquitlam River in Canada. Link

4th October 2012 - Fish kill caused by "Red Tide" on Sarasota Beaches, Florida in America. Link

3rd October 2012 - 8,500 Deer have died from disease in Michigan, America. Link

2nd October 2012 - 43 Pilot Whales dead after 46 stranded on beach in Indonesia. Link

1st October 2012 - 100 Starlings dead after flying directly "into a car on a highway" in Austria. Link

1st October 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead in Katherine river in Australia. Link

28th September 2012 - Massive Fish kill in Harvey's Run River, Pennsylvania in America. Link

28th September 2012 - Ongoing Fish kill caused by algea at Roosevelt Lake, Arizona, America. Link

26th September 2012 - Major Die-off of Deer, "worst in decades", in Wyoming, America. Link

26th September 2012 - 2000+ Birds have died from Avian Botulism in Oregon, America. Link

25th September 2012 - Hundreds of Fish found dead in the Neuse River, North Carolina, America. Link

24th September 2012 - Large Fish kill, causing complete wipeout of Fish in North Sterling Reservoir, Colorado, America. Link

24th September 2012 - Thousands of Sheep dead "from Vaccine" in Uzbek, Kyrgyzstan. Link

23rd September 2012 - Last remaining 20 Ducks found dead in Arden Park - No Ducks left, Arizona, America. Link

22nd September 2012 - 8000 Cattle killed by "cold weather and rain" in Swaziland. Link

21st September 2012 - Die-off of Rabbits is a "mystery" in St Louis, America. Link

21st September 2012 - 13,000 Sheep buried alive in snow storm is "unprecedented disaster" in Iceland. Link

21st September 2012 - 15 Beluga Whales have washed up dead since July leaving scientist puzzled in Quebec, Canada. Link

19th September 2012 - Large Fish kill in Lake Auburn, Maine, America. Link

19th September 2012 - 588 Cattle dead from cold and disease causes shock in Mpumalanga, South Africa. Link

19th September 2012 - 6,300 Ducks dead from avian flu in Guangdong, China. Link

18th September 2012 - Hundreds of Prairies Dogs dead in Arizona, America. Link

18th September 2012 - Thousands of Catfish dying in Brisbane River, Australia. Link

18th September 2012 - Tens of thousands of reared fish die on Cha Va River in Vietnam. Link

17th September 2012 - Dozens of Pigeons found dead in Birkenhead, Australia. Link

17th September 2012 - Mass Fish kill in Lakeview Park, Corpus Christi in America. Link

14th September 2012 - UPDATE: 22.3 MILLION Birds killed due to bird flu in Mexico. Link

14th September 2012 - 131,000 Fish killed due to disease in New York State, America. Link

14th September 2012 - Hundreds of dead Fish found in a creak in Arlington, America. Link

10th October 2012, 06:40 AM
Lots of deer died off this summer in this area. Blue Tongue is the disease that is suspected to be the cause. It happens from time to time and usually in dry years. I've found a lot of carcasses and so have my neighbors.

27th October 2012, 08:15 PM
Here are the animal die offs for the last few weeks. It seems like the numbers are getting bigger! With all the dead deer in the mid west, I dont think anyone will be surviving out in the woods for too long when SHTF

Click on the link below if you want to read the stories to each article.

26th October 2012 - 40 Whales have stranded and died on Andaman Island in India. Link

25th October 2012 - 900+ dead Birds wash ashore on Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan, America. Link

24th October 2012 - 3,600 Turkeys dead from Birdflu outbreak near Bangalore, India. Link

24th October 2012 - 11,000+ Deer have died from disease in Michigan, America. Link

24th October 2012 - 5,000+ Deer have died from disease in Missouri, America. Link

23rd October 2012 - Massive Scallop die-off from Red Tide in America. Link

23rd October 2012 - 40,000 lbs dead Fish found floating in ponds in Foshan, China. Link

23rd October 2012 - Large Fish kill in Yong River, Ningbo, China. Link

23rd October 2012 - Mass Fish deaths appearing along coastal areas of Sri Lanka. Link

22nd October 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish scattered along Collier beaches in Florida, America. Link

22nd October 2012 - Tens of thousands of Gizzard Shad Fish dead in Oneida Lake, New York State, America. Link

21st October 2012 - 28,600 Sheep stranded for weeks in Pakistani Port, killed due to disease, Pakistan. Link

19th October 2012 - 45+ Flamingos and Avocets found dead in Walvis Lagoon - "A never seen before phenomenon", Namibia. Link

19th October 2012 - A Virus is killing Doves all across the Permian Basin, America. Link

19th October 2012 - 1,000 Livestock have been killed due to Bird Flu in Dien Bien, Vietnam. Link

17th October 2012 - Fish die-off could be in the MILLIONS in Neuse River, North Carolina, America. Link

17th October 2012 - 7,000 Cattle killed by flooding in Pakistan. Link

17th October 2012 - "Significant" Bass die-off, thousands dead in Dickinson County lakes, Iowa, America. Link

16th October 2012 - 343 Cattle and Buffaloes dead from unknown disease, with 500 more affected in Sualkuchi, India. Link

16th October 2012 - Fish kill in Dalton Creek, Georgia, America. Link

15th October 2012 - 8,000 Catfish have died in Brisbane River, Australia. Link

15th October 2012 - Thousands of Deer are dying from disease in Indiana, America. Link

15th October 2012 - 2,000 Chickens killed due to Bird Flu outbreak in Bode, Nepal. Link

13th October 2012 - HUNDREDS of TONNES of Salmon killed by parasite across Western Isles in Scotland. Link

12th October 2012 - Thousands of Fish killed by Red Tide at Anson Bay in Australia. Link

12th October 2012 - Mass death of Hammerhead Shark pups found in Hawaii. Link

12th October 2012 - Large die-off of Silver Carp Fish in Jimo Reservoirs, China. Link

11th October 2012 - Tens of thousands of Fish found dead in ponds in Dagupan City, Philippines. Link

11th October 2012 - 70 rare Sea Turtles found dead near beaches at Lake Bardawil, Egypt. Link

9th October 2012 - 4,768+ dead Deer due to EHD disease in Nebraska, America. Link

9th October 2012 - Massive Fish kills caused by Red Tide along Florida coast, America. Link

27th October 2012, 08:27 PM

27th October 2012, 08:33 PM
If you must play music, please post some country! :p

28th October 2012, 07:32 AM
If you must play music, please post some country! :p


16th November 2012, 04:09 PM
At this rate, I am not sure there are going to be any animals left! Just wait until they turn those mind altering sound waves against the human masses and we all go jump in the pre-dug hole for them.

List of Mass Animal Deaths Event Summary for 2012 - 419 Mass Death Events in 68 Countries

15th November 2012 - 40,000 Fish found dead in 30 acres of ponds in Quanzhou, China. Link

15th November 2012 - 28 Whales beach themselves and die on Golden Bay, New Zealand. Link

14th November 2012 - Thousands of Birds have dropped out of sky into the sea in England. Link

14th November 2012 - 6,000 dead Deer due to EHD disease in Nebraska, America. Link

13th November 2012 - Large Fish kill found on Shimen Lake in China. Link

12th November 2012 - 100+ herds of livestock killed by unidentified disease in Lamwo, Uganda. Link

12th November 2012 - Mass deaths of Seagulls turning beaches into mass graves in Morocco. Link

10th November 2012 - Update: 185,000 Hens now killed due to rare outbreak of salmonella in Northern Ireland. Link

10th November 2012 - Large Fish kill in a river in Guangdong, China. Link

9th November 2012 - Hundreds of dead Fish found washed up in St Peters Billabong, Australia. Link

8th November 2012 - Die-off of spawning Salmon in Longfellow Creek, Seattle, America. Link

8th November 2012 - 13,000+ Deer have died from disease in Michigan, America. Link

7th November 2012 - Outbreak of Anthrax has wiped out 50 percent of Roan Antelopes and killed 30 Hippos in Kruger Park, South Africa. Link

7th November 2012 - Large Fish die-off found in Shenzhen River in China. Link

7th November 2012 - Fish kill found along a 7 mile stretch of Bradford Branch in Ohio, America. Link

7th November 2012 - Die-off of Seagulls a "mystery" on Lake Neangar in Australia. Link

6th November 2012 - Acres of Fish ponds full of dead Fish in Nanchang in China. Link

5th November 2012 - 500+ Pigeons suddenly drop dead in Bihar's Bhagalpur district in India. Link

4th November 2012 - 700 Waterbirds found dead along shore of Lake Michigan in America. Link

4th November 2012 - Thousands of Cattle dead from drought conditions in Zimbabwe. Link

4th November 2012 - 80 Whales and Dolphins beached (majority dead) off King Island in Tasmania. Link

3rd November 2012 - 4,000+ Birds killed due to avian flu outbreak at Gazipur farms in Bangladesh. Link

1st November 2012 - 84 Sea Turtles wash ashore dead in Egypt. Link

31st October 2012 - 125,000 hens killed due to rare outbreak of salmonella in Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. Link

31st October 2012 - 25 Bee Hives containing 1 MILLION Bees were destroyed by hurricane Sandy in New York, America. Link

31st October 2012 - Massive Fish kill reported in Chizhou City, China. Link

31st October 2012 - "Millions" of dead Fish found on Illawong Beach, Mackay, Australia. Link

31st October 2012 - 9,000 Fish found dead in a pond in Xiamen, China. Link

31st October 2012 - 15,000+ Fish found dead on Lake Madeline in Texas, America. Link

26th October 2012 - Fish kill in Prairie Creek, Blairstown, America. Link

26th October 2012 - 40 Whales have stranded and died on Andaman Island in India. Link

25th October 2012 - 900+ dead Birds wash ashore on Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan, America. Link

24th October 2012 - 3,600 Turkeys dead from Birdflu outbreak near Bangalore, India. Link

24th October 2012 - 5,000+ Deer have died from disease in Missouri, America. Link

23rd October 2012 - Massive Scallop die-off from Red Tide in America. Link

23rd October 2012 - 40,000 lbs dead Fish found floating in ponds in Foshan, China. Link

23rd October 2012 - Large Fish kill in Yong River, Ningbo, China. Link

23rd October 2012 - Mass Fish deaths appearing along coastal areas of Sri Lanka. Link

22nd October 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish scattered along Collier beaches in Florida, America. Link

22nd October 2012 - Tens of thousands of Gizzard Shad Fish dead in Oneida Lake, New York State, America. Link

21st October 2012 - 28,600 Sheep stranded for weeks in Pakistani Port, killed due to disease, Pakistan. Link

19th October 2012 - 45+ Flamingos and Avocets found dead in Walvis Lagoon - "A never seen before phenomenon", Namibia. Link

19th October 2012 - A Virus is killing Doves all across the Permian Basin, America. Link

19th October 2012 - 1,000 Livestock have been killed due to Bird Flu in Dien Bien, Vietnam. Link

17th October 2012 - Fish die-off could be in the MILLIONS in Neuse River, North Carolina, America. Link

17th October 2012 - 7,000 Cattle killed by flooding in Pakistan. Link

17th October 2012 - "Significant" Bass die-off, thousands dead in Dickinson County lakes, Iowa, America. Link

16th October 2012 - 343 Cattle and Buffaloes dead from unknown disease, with 500 more affected in Sualkuchi, India. Link

16th October 2012 - Fish kill in Dalton Creek, Georgia, America. Link

15th October 2012 - 8,000 Catfish have died in Brisbane River, Australia. Link

15th October 2012 - Thousands of Deer are dying from disease in Indiana, America. Link

15th October 2012 - 2,000 Chickens killed due to Bird Flu outbreak in Bode, Nepal. Link

13th October 2012 - HUNDREDS of TONNES of Salmon killed by parasite across Western Isles in Scotland. Link

12th October 2012 - Thousands of Fish killed by Red Tide at Anson Bay in Australia. Link

12th October 2012 - Mass death of Hammerhead Shark pups found in Hawaii. Link

12th October 2012 - Large die-off of Silver Carp Fish in Jimo Reservoirs, China. Link

11th October 2012 - Tens of thousands of Fish found dead in ponds in Dagupan City, Philippines. Link

11th October 2012 - 70 rare Sea Turtles found dead near beaches at Lake Bardawil, Egypt. Link

16th November 2012, 07:50 PM
Those look like killer whales on the beach. Are they? People better be careful it ain't just the animals that are dying. Watch the video below.


1st December 2012, 07:23 AM
Published: Nov. 16, 2012 Updated: Nov. 19, 2012 4:12 p.m.
O.C. bird die-off raising concerns among experts
More from this story

O.C. bird die-off raising concerns among experts

Shelmarie Main and Chloe Mallone were heartbroken when they saw a blue-beaked American wigeon collapsed on a pond drainage grate. His head hung down, barely keeping his beak out of the water, and his wings were splayed to the side.

The mother-daughter duo take walks along Village Pond Park most days to admire wildlife. On that day, two kids poking at something on the ground caught their attention. As they got closer, they realized it was a dying wigeon. His head was twisted and he barely moved. His instinct to flee seemed gone. When they touched him, he shuddered with his last breath. Just a foot away, a female mallard was struggling. Slightly more alert, the bird tried to flee but could not.

Main and Mallone moved the dying animals to safety. As they did, they discovered two more dead ducks. They called the county's animal control for help.

"It was horrible, there were so many," said Mallone, 20, who said she's been a bird geek since age 9. "To see one once in a while is normal but all of these at once, it was heartbreaking. At first I thought someone had been poisoning them."

In the last two weeks nearly three dozen dead and dying water fowl have been found in several areas across Orange County, including Lake Forest and Santa Ana. More than a dozen were found at the Village Pond in Lake Forest. At least 16 dead and dying ducks have been found at Carl Thornton Park near South Coast Plaza in Santa Ana. Most have been migratory birds such as the American wigeon, American coots and some mallards.

Wildlife experts worry what a rapidly spreading disease could mean for hundreds of thousands of migratory birds that use the Pacific flyway as a migration course between northern breeding grounds and southern winter spots. In September, more than 2,000 birds died in Oregon following a botulism outbreak.

In the case of the dying fowl in Orange County, experts are conducting tests trying to figure out what happened. Possible culprits include botulism or other toxin or an avian virus. The condition is especially troublesome to bird experts because it could devastate tens of thousands of migratory bird communities and even impact resident fowl at local lakes.

Debbie McGuire, director of the Wetlands & Wildlife Care Center in Huntington Beach, has begun conducting necropsies on some of the dead birds. She and veterinarians there have also taken blood-serum samples. McGuire said while it's not the time of year botulism is usually seen, a recent warm spell could have helped the neurotoxin spread and ducks could have eaten affected plants. What she's more concerned about is a virus or toxin that the migrating birds may have picked up along their route.

"Certain viruses could spread quickly," she said. "With the different species coming in, we've got some that are federally and state protected. Loosing a few individuals in their population could affect their survival as a species."

The Huntington Beach center has taken in cadavers and is treating an American wigeon and American coot, both which are barely clinging to life. The birds show extreme weakness, an inability to stand and to hold up their heads. They are vomiting and have diarrhea and are dehydrated. Recent necropsies on a wigeon showed that whatever killed the bird came on suddenly, McGuire said.

"It was not a chronic condition that killed him," she said. "The bird died quickly with an acute onset – which is likely a toxin."

McGuire said the two live birds were too weak for blood to be taken from them. If they also die, the blood will be taken then for testing,

Hundreds of thousands of migratory birds fly through southern California, visiting parks in Lake Forest, Laguna Niguel and Santa Ana. They stop at wetlands, marshes and riverbeds scattered throughout the region such as Upper Newport Bay, Bolsa Chica wetlands, San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary, San Diego Creek, Santa Ana River, Prado Dam and little lakes along the 91 freeway.

Trude Herd, project director at Sea & Sage Audubon in Irvine said that three-quarters of North America's shore and song birds and ducks migrate to or through Southern California.

Herd said if the culprit is botulism, the birds could have picked it up in soil hundreds of miles away and then dropped dead in Southern California locations.

"When most birds migrate, they migrate in flocks," she said. "It puts them at risk if the virus spreads between them. One of the challenges of migration is that there are so few wetlands left along the Pacific flyway. That puts them at risk and any kind of disease can spread through quickly. The majority you may not find dead. They may go to the ocean or a secluded place. You don't know the magnitude of death. This could be very damaging to the migratory population."

County officials, including Dr. David Kieltyka, OC Animal Care's veterinarian, are investigating, said Ryan Drabek, director at OC animal Care. Several duck carcasses were not fresh enough to test, Kieltyka said. He is working closely with the Wetlands center to determine the cause. The idea of an unknown number of carcasses lying around or birds in distress is troubling to the agency.

In September 2011, a confirmed botulism outbreak, which involved a large die-off of more than 100 birds at Lake Forest lakes, the Laguna Niguel Regional Park and decorative ponds at the Moulton Niguel Water District in Laguna Niguel, had county agencies busy with necropsies. In the end, three duck cadavers tested positive for botulism.

Drabek cautions the public not to touch the birds and to keep a distance. Meanwhile all reports of dead or dying birds should be directed to the animal care agency or others who oversee specific jurisdictions.

"If a bird can be rehabilitated, we'll take them to the wetlands center," Drabek said. "If a carcass is found and is fresh, it can be tested and we need to be notified as quickly as possible. Our job with wildlife is to pick it up and remove it. If it becomes a broader issue, we'll get (California Department of Fish & Game) involved."

Kieltyka's hunch is that the birds are not picking up a virus but that botulism is the culprit.

"What we don't want is flies and maggots coming off dead carcasses," he said. "We'll take it one step at a time."

On Thursday, Kristi Jolliffe, a volunteer who cares for sick and injured water fowl with OC Parks, was at the Santa Ana park looking for more sick or dead ducks. She found two sick American coots and an Egyptian goose that had difficulty standing.

"I'm finding carcasses in trash cans that have not been properly disposed," the Laguna Niguel woman said. "Vector Control picked up a dead coot to test for West Nile virus. I'm worried that whatever this is may begin to affect the resident birds."

1st December 2012, 07:34 AM
Published: Nov. 16, 2012 Updated: Nov. 19, 2012 4:12 p.m.
O.C. bird die-off raising concerns among experts
More from this story

O.C. bird die-off raising concerns among experts

Shelmarie Main and Chloe Mallone were heartbroken when they saw a blue-beaked American wigeon collapsed on a pond drainage grate. His head hung down, barely keeping his beak out of the water, and his wings were splayed to the side.

The mother-daughter duo take walks along Village Pond Park most days to admire wildlife. On that day, two kids poking at something on the ground caught their attention. As they got closer, they realized it was a dying wigeon. His head was twisted and he barely moved. His instinct to flee seemed gone. When they touched him, he shuddered with his last breath. Just a foot away, a female mallard was struggling. Slightly more alert, the bird tried to flee but could not.

Main and Mallone moved the dying animals to safety. As they did, they discovered two more dead ducks. They called the county's animal control for help.

"It was horrible, there were so many," said Mallone, 20, who said she's been a bird geek since age 9. "To see one once in a while is normal but all of these at once, it was heartbreaking. At first I thought someone had been poisoning them."

In the last two weeks nearly three dozen dead and dying water fowl have been found in several areas across Orange County, including Lake Forest and Santa Ana. More than a dozen were found at the Village Pond in Lake Forest. At least 16 dead and dying ducks have been found at Carl Thornton Park near South Coast Plaza in Santa Ana. Most have been migratory birds such as the American wigeon, American coots and some mallards.

Wildlife experts worry what a rapidly spreading disease could mean for hundreds of thousands of migratory birds that use the Pacific flyway as a migration course between northern breeding grounds and southern winter spots. In September, more than 2,000 birds died in Oregon following a botulism outbreak.

In the case of the dying fowl in Orange County, experts are conducting tests trying to figure out what happened. Possible culprits include botulism or other toxin or an avian virus. The condition is especially troublesome to bird experts because it could devastate tens of thousands of migratory bird communities and even impact resident fowl at local lakes.

Debbie McGuire, director of the Wetlands & Wildlife Care Center in Huntington Beach, has begun conducting necropsies on some of the dead birds. She and veterinarians there have also taken blood-serum samples. McGuire said while it's not the time of year botulism is usually seen, a recent warm spell could have helped the neurotoxin spread and ducks could have eaten affected plants. What she's more concerned about is a virus or toxin that the migrating birds may have picked up along their route.

"Certain viruses could spread quickly," she said. "With the different species coming in, we've got some that are federally and state protected. Loosing a few individuals in their population could affect their survival as a species."

The Huntington Beach center has taken in cadavers and is treating an American wigeon and American coot, both which are barely clinging to life. The birds show extreme weakness, an inability to stand and to hold up their heads. They are vomiting and have diarrhea and are dehydrated. Recent necropsies on a wigeon showed that whatever killed the bird came on suddenly, McGuire said.

"It was not a chronic condition that killed him," she said. "The bird died quickly with an acute onset – which is likely a toxin."

McGuire said the two live birds were too weak for blood to be taken from them. If they also die, the blood will be taken then for testing,

Hundreds of thousands of migratory birds fly through southern California, visiting parks in Lake Forest, Laguna Niguel and Santa Ana. They stop at wetlands, marshes and riverbeds scattered throughout the region such as Upper Newport Bay, Bolsa Chica wetlands, San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary, San Diego Creek, Santa Ana River, Prado Dam and little lakes along the 91 freeway.

Trude Herd, project director at Sea & Sage Audubon in Irvine said that three-quarters of North America's shore and song birds and ducks migrate to or through Southern California.

Herd said if the culprit is botulism, the birds could have picked it up in soil hundreds of miles away and then dropped dead in Southern California locations.

"When most birds migrate, they migrate in flocks," she said. "It puts them at risk if the virus spreads between them. One of the challenges of migration is that there are so few wetlands left along the Pacific flyway. That puts them at risk and any kind of disease can spread through quickly. The majority you may not find dead. They may go to the ocean or a secluded place. You don't know the magnitude of death. This could be very damaging to the migratory population."

County officials, including Dr. David Kieltyka, OC Animal Care's veterinarian, are investigating, said Ryan Drabek, director at OC animal Care. Several duck carcasses were not fresh enough to test, Kieltyka said. He is working closely with the Wetlands center to determine the cause. The idea of an unknown number of carcasses lying around or birds in distress is troubling to the agency.

In September 2011, a confirmed botulism outbreak, which involved a large die-off of more than 100 birds at Lake Forest lakes, the Laguna Niguel Regional Park and decorative ponds at the Moulton Niguel Water District in Laguna Niguel, had county agencies busy with necropsies. In the end, three duck cadavers tested positive for botulism.

Drabek cautions the public not to touch the birds and to keep a distance. Meanwhile all reports of dead or dying birds should be directed to the animal care agency or others who oversee specific jurisdictions.

"If a bird can be rehabilitated, we'll take them to the wetlands center," Drabek said. "If a carcass is found and is fresh, it can be tested and we need to be notified as quickly as possible. Our job with wildlife is to pick it up and remove it. If it becomes a broader issue, we'll get (California Department of Fish & Game) involved."

Kieltyka's hunch is that the birds are not picking up a virus but that botulism is the culprit.

"What we don't want is flies and maggots coming off dead carcasses," he said. "We'll take it one step at a time."

On Thursday, Kristi Jolliffe, a volunteer who cares for sick and injured water fowl with OC Parks, was at the Santa Ana park looking for more sick or dead ducks. She found two sick American coots and an Egyptian goose that had difficulty standing.

"I'm finding carcasses in trash cans that have not been properly disposed," the Laguna Niguel woman said. "Vector Control picked up a dead coot to test for West Nile virus. I'm worried that whatever this is may begin to affect the resident birds."

The link!!


6th February 2013, 06:31 PM
Strange Massive Fish Kill in Iceland (PHOTOS)

10,000 Tons of Fish Found Dead (http://gold-silver.us/news/iceland-herring-deaths-20130206)


REYKJAVIK, Iceland -- Researchers in Iceland are blaming low oxygen levels in a shallow fjord for the death of tens of thousands of tons of herring.

Thousands of dead herring have been found in Kolgrafafjordur fjord for the second time this winter, raising concerns about Iceland's fishery.

Morgunbladid newspaper estimated the value of the 10,000 tons of fish found dead this week $9.8 million. An even larger number of fish died in December.

Johann Sigurjonsson, director of Iceland's Marine Research Institute, said Wednesday that roughly one season's worth of herring has been lost.

He says herring tend to "overwinter" in large populations and may have depleted the oxygen in the shallow fjord. He says the danger should ease in spring when the herring spread out into a wider area.
