View Full Version : Vaccine [BioWeapon] Awareness Week - Deanna Spingola podcasts

7th September 2012, 05:16 PM
RBN radio host Deanna Spingola held her own "Vaccine Awareness Week" this past week with several guests who are (anti)-vaccine movement experts. I put "BioWeapon" in the title coz that's how Spingola views the racket, as do I. Here's a collection of the podcasts, click guest names for their websites.

Spingola Speaks 2012.09.07 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/09/spingola-speaks-20120907.html)

Guest: Dr. Rebecca Carley; (http://drcarley.com/) Reversing Vaccine Induced Diseases (http://www.reversingvaccineinduceddiseases.com/)

Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)

Deanna's new official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)

RBN (http://republicbroadcasting.org/)

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/03341if43p/spingola_speaks_2012.09.07.mp3)

Download (http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/03341if43p/spingola_speaks_2012.09.07.mp3)

Spingola Speaks 2012.09.06 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/09/spingola-speaks-20120906.html)

Guest: Mary Tocco; (http://www.childhoodshots.com/) talked about the many diseases that may be attributed to vaccines. She also discussed the ways that people may counter the harm that vaccines have caused.

Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)

Deanna's new official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)

RBN (http://republicbroadcasting.org/)

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/n9b3hb5o7j/spingola_speaks_2012.09.06.mp3)

Download (http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/n9b3hb5o7j/spingola_speaks_2012.09.06.mp3)

Spingola Special 2012.09.05 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/09/spingola-special-20120905.html)

Dr. Viera Scheibner (http://www.vierascheibner.org/), Vaccine Awareness Week

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://www.spingola.com/viera.scheibner_2012-09-05.mp3)

Download (http://www.spingola.com/viera.scheibner_2012-09-05.mp3)

Spingola Speaks 2012.09.04 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/09/spingola-speaks-20120904.html)

Guest: Dr. Patricia Jordan, (http://dr-jordan.com/) author of Mark of the Beast; Vaccines - unsafe for man and beast

Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)

RBN (http://republicbroadcasting.org/)

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/m5xokt3et8/spingola_speaks_2012.09.04.mp3)

Download (http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/m5xokt3et8/spingola_speaks_2012.09.04.mp3)

Spingola Speaks 2012.09.03 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/09/spingola-speaks-20120903.html)

Guest: Dr. Andrew Maniotis (http://andrewmaniotis.wordpress.com/)

Dr. Andrew Maniotis, a Biomedical Consultant and Science Adviser, former Research Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Illinois, talked about vaccine dangers. Critical analysis of an FDA document (http://www.spingola.com/Critical%20Analysis%20of%20an%20FDA%20document.pdf ); How to Predict Epidemics (http://www.spingola.com/HOW_TO_PREDICT_EPIDEMICS_February.pdf); With the Stroke of a Pen (http://www.spingola.com/with%20the%20stroke%20of%20a%20pen.pdf)

Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)

RBN (http://republicbroadcasting.org/)

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/69zjmtqy23/spingola_speaks_2012.09.03.mp3)

Download (http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/69zjmtqy23/spingola_speaks_2012.09.03.mp3)

12th October 2012, 07:54 PM
from today,

Spingola Speaks 2012.10.12 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/10/spingola-speaks-20121012.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg)
Guest: Christina England (http://www.profitableharm.com/) talks about the Secret Papers Reveal Funding Refused to Researchers Looking Into Link Between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Vaccinations (http://vactruth.com/2012/10/06/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-vaccinations/?utm_source=The+Vaccine+Truth+Newsletter&utm_campaign=23bb779d0f-10_02_2012_missionary&utm_medium=email)

Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)

News Page (http://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)

Official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)

Join Spingola Speaks Email List (spingolaspeaks-subscribe@yahoogroups.com)

Download MP3 (http://k006.kiwi6.com/hotlink/2uli45ru0x/spingola_speaks_-_christina_england_2012.10.12.mp3)

28th December 2012, 07:08 AM
I was just poking around truther Jim Stone's site, and see he has a few categories at top. I opened the "Medical/Bioweapons" page, and there's this one article from the time of the '09 swine flu uber-swindle. It's succinct and if the preface is to be believe, it made major waves around the world at that time.


This section is not complete, for now I have my #1 article of all time here. History of this article:

This article was an ambush, and took off like crazy. It got translated to many different languages and ended up getting 300 million reads. It got the Elite's attention, which could be why they snuffed the Fukushima article so fast. Tainted nightmare rose such a stir in the Muslim world that the President of Egypt made an official statement regarding the article - "there must be a reason why they are having you sign an agreement not to sue once you take it" and at least one major medical organization in the Middle East issued it as their formal position. This article forced a reformulation of the swine flu vaccine to a non damaging mix. At its peak, it shut out the first 4,500 hits on google, it was THAT widely distributed. I saved the google results only after it had been whittled down to the first 1,800 hits (total shutout) a year later. Read on to see why it went wild.

Date: Monday, August 10, 2009, 3:58 AM

Tainted nightmare

Dr. Sarah Stone, Pharm-D
Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist
Russ Clarke, Editor

"The H1N1 vaccination program, when put into the same frame as the engineered virus to go with it, appears to be a clear effort to divide humanity into two groups; those who have lost their intellect, health and sexuality via a tainted vaccination, and those who have not and are therefore superior."

I met the story about the swine flu with great skepticism; it played like a story line in a B movie - Students go abroad for spring break. Students get the virus. Students bring it home. Worldwide pandemic starts. The story line was unbelievable, and I knew from day one that there was either no virus at all, and that it was just a "wag the dog", or that a manufactured outbreak was intentionally released and underway.

Unfortunately the latter was true, and now we have an entirely new bug on our hands. It has never been seen before, and virologists have been quoted saying "where the hell it got all these genes from we don't know." Extensive analysis of the virus has revealed genes from the original 1918 flu, the avian flu, and two new H3N2 viruses from Eurasia. All evidence points to the fact that the swine flu is indeed a genetically engineered virus.

This article is the result of a team effort intended to explore what the motive for releasing it may be, to warn you in advance of things to come.

The first attempt

In Feb 2009, Baxter, a major manufacturer of vaccines, sent the seasonal flu shot to 18 different countries with live unattenuated H5N1 bird flu. When the Czech company Biotest was assigned to test the vaccine on live animals for the Czech government, they realized something was wrong when the test animals died. The alarm went out to all others who had received it, fortunately before it was administered. Upon follow up examination of the vaccine the live virus was revealed, had no one caught Baxter's tainted batch, we would now be in the midst of a pandemic with massive numbers of dead.

Baxter was not prosecuted or punished in any way for this, even though their operational BSL3 (bio safety level 3) protocol would have stopped such contamination from being possible. The safety protocol, combined with the potency and volume of the virus in the shots clearly shows that the contamination was intentional, and that indeed an attempt to kill millions was stopped simply because ONE country paid attention to what it was getting. The protocol made it technically impossible for the virus to make the leap from the research department to the vaccine manufacturing department, which could never have had H5N1 show up there due to any reason other than willful intent.

One would think that Baxter would have been put out of business for making such an "error" but the opposite is true, which begs many questions, such as how did the live bird flu end up in millions of doses of vaccine? Why were the ingredients of the vaccine formulated to allow the virus to survive fully potent en route? Why was Baxter not prosecuted or punished in any way? Instead of rightfully blackballing the company, the World Health Organization has rewarded Baxter with a contract to make a large portion of the "Swine flu" vaccinations set to be distributed world wide this fall. How on earth could that be?

The main focus

Let's switch to another aspect of vaccines, the real focus of this article, which is the plan to destroy our intellect, our health and our sexuality via a mass world wide vaccination campaign. With the use of special additives called adjuvants, manufacturers are able to increase the number of possible doses that can be made on time for the fall flu season. But though there are many safe adjuvants which can be added, they are adding one - squalene, which has been shown to cause prolonged systemic immune response against the squalene itself, which results in reduced fertility, reduced intellect and reduced life span.

Squalene is an important molecule in the body. It is a precursor to many different oils and hormones, and is needed for proper brain function, fertility and also plays an important role in protecting cells from aging and mutation. Anything which affects your natural squalene can have a major negative impact on your health.

Because the squalene will be injected in the presence of a pathogen during the H1N1 vaccination, it will cause an immune response against not only the pathogen, but to the squalene itself. Squalene is a precursor molecule which is essential for the production of many hormones including all of the male and female sexual hormones. Squalene is also a precursor to many of the neurochemical receptors prevalent in the nervous system and when the immune system is programmed to attack squalene, it causes irreversible neuronal and neuromuscular damage which can range from a loss of intellect and autism to more serious disorders such as Lou Gehrig's disease and systemic autoimmune diseases and possibly brain tumors.

In independent studies where squalene laced vaccines were injected into guinea pigs, the resultant autoimmune disorders killed 14 out of 15. A later test, to verify the results had the same outcome.

When first injected via the anthrax vaccine in Gulf War 1, it permanently disabled many of the soldiers who received it, due to the effects now known as the Gulf War Syndrome. 95 percent of the soldiers who recieved the anthrax vaccine have been found to have antibodies to squalene. Few of the soldiers who recieved the vaccine remained healthy and do not have the antibodies whether or not they were deployed. None of the soldiers who did not receive the vaccine have the antibodies, even those who fought in Iraq. Squalene antibody related deaths total 6.5 percent of the vaccinated group.

It takes approximately a year for the effects to fully manifest themselves because that much time passes before the nervous system and brain deplete the reserves of Squalene that are out of the reach of the immune system and only after the reserves are gone will cell injury begin. This takes the pressure off vaccine manufacturers who deny any wrongdoing for a response so delayed. And with Congress passing legislation granting immunity to any corporations who cause damage with their vaccines, the outlook is evermore dark.

After examining the components of the H1N1 flu vaccine we can only conclude that it is not intended to treat the flu at all, quite differently, it is intended to:

1. Reduce intelligence
2. Reduce life span
3. Reduce fertility
4. Cause numerous deaths

For if it was intended for any other purpose, Squalene and other adjuvants beyond the scope of this article would not be present. Furthermore, the scope of this article only covers squalene, and we believe that because there are so many ways to induce autoimmune responses equally devastating via other injectable formulations coupled with the obviously intentional shipment of a pandemic by Baxter that the credibility of vaccines is forever tainted and the trust in the greater medical community may have been irreparably broken. Baxter should be out of business, the fact that they are not is damning.

The trust is broken

Through a manufactured pandemic and damaging vaccine the world health organization along with major manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry have demonstrated clear intent to damage all of mankind. For what purpose is difficult to determine, but it would be safe to assume that there will be those who have been told and know better than to take one of these tainted vaccines, and as a result they will be of superior intelligence and health when put in perspective with those who receive them. The H1N1 vaccination program, when put into the same frame as the obviously engineered virus to go with it, appears to be a clear effort to divide humanity into two groups, those who have lost their intellect, health and sexuality via a tainted vaccination, and those who have not and are therefore superior. It can now be reasoned that it is no longer safe to take ANY vaccination for any reason; please, do not let them get your children.

If you ever see a video of major figures getting theirs, keep in mind that not all shots will be created equal!


The most valuable reference for this article by far was Dr. Sarah Stone, Pharm-D. Thank you so much, you helped sort fact from fiction and made this article possible
Newsmax.com (http://www.newsmax.com/health/vaccine_swine_flu/2009/07/07/232717.html) "Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu"
Mercola.com (http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/08/04/Squalene-The-Swine-Flu-Vaccines-Dirty-Little-Secret-Exposed.aspx) "Squalene: The Swine Flu Vaccine's Dirty Little Secret Exposed"
Chiroweb.com (http://www.chiroweb.com/mpacms/dc/article.php?id=31730) "Vaccines May Be Linked to Gulf War Syndrome"
The Unify Coalition (http://www.cssa-inc.org/_unify/experimental_vaccines.htm) "Experimental Vaccines / Adjuvants / Squalene:"
Health Freedom Alliance (http://blogs.healthfreedomalliance.org/blog/2009/07/07/evidence-as-to-the-role-of-baxter-and-who-in-producing-and-releasing-pandemic-virus-material-in-austria/) Read this to item 122, it returns to English half a page down!
Rense (http://www.rense.com/general67/vacc.htm) This is an excellent report on the Gulf War Syndrome and Autism, by Neurosergeon Dr Blaylock Insert here _______________________________________________

7th January 2013, 11:02 PM
John Friend:

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend (http://johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com/2013/01/the-realist-report-with-john-friend.html)

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TnGGZlHE5sY/UOZ1PV3PgBI/AAAAAAAAAyg/6KQrt7SLbDI/s400/Dr.+Rebecca+Carley.jpg (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TnGGZlHE5sY/UOZ1PV3PgBI/AAAAAAAAAyg/6KQrt7SLbDI/s1600/Dr.+Rebecca+Carley.jpg)

I just finished the first ever broadcast of The Realist Report with John Friend (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-truth-militia/2013/01/08/the-realist-report-with-john-friend) on Truth Militia Radio. My guest Dr. Rebecca Carley (http://www.drcarley.com/) and I discussed her history as a medical professional, the medial mafia, vaccines, and the history of the medical establishment in America. You can download the entire program here (http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/show/4/222/show_4222183.mp3), or subscribe to Truth Militia Radio on BlogTalkRadio here (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-truth-militia). Also, check out Dr. Carley's radio archives here (http://thelightofdayradioshow.com/archives/RBN-BACKUP/Carley-Sunday-Shows.html).

If you haven't sat down and watched Dr. Carley's presentation Vaccines - The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction, you really should.

Finally, check out Lindsey of Lindsey Narrates (http://lindseynarrates.wordpress.com/) Mitochondrial Disease and Systemic Yeast Infection Treatment Protocol (http://theinfounderground.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17021#p69416) over at The Information Underground (http://theinfounderground.com/forum/index.php). Thanks for tuning in guys!

10th February 2013, 09:08 PM
haven't listened yet:

Spingola Special 2013.02.09 (http://www.grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/02/spingola-special-20130209_10.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna,%20Gethsemane.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/)
Dr. Rebecca Carley (http://www.drcarley.com/) talks about the flu vaccine and other issues

Deanna' site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html) Spingola Specials (http://www.spingola.com/SpingolaSpecials.html)

Download MP3 (http://www.spingola.com/drcarley1_2013-02-09.mp3)

10th February 2013, 09:34 PM

16th April 2013, 09:04 PM
This heretic doctor has done several alt-radio podcasts recently- lost her license and put on terror watch list for actually healing people, contrary to Big Med/Pharma's agenda of max profits, patients be damned. The Timpone interview has the best show description re what's inside, but all are good, wide-ranging:

The Morning Show with Patrick Timpone 2013.01.15 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-morning-show-with-patrick-timpone.html)

http://vitalitycapsules.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/16183_252904174837736_1577647112_n.png (http://vitalitycapsules.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/16183_252904174837736_1577647112_n.png)
Dr. Jennifer Daniels M.D., M.B.A (http://vitalitycapsules.com/laughter-is-the-best-medicine) – Murder By Medicine is No Accident

If you are interested in learning more about why your prescribed medication doesn’t seem to be healing you or how to go about letting it go, today’s show is for you. Learn what’s really going on in the medical industry and empower yourself to take control of your health. We’re delighted to have discovered Dr. Daniels, she’s the real deal. Be prepared for some shocking information in this interview. And please take time to share it with someone.

Show Highlights Include:
-Hear why Dr. Daniels had her medical license suspended
Hint: Asking good questions and actually curing ailments may just not be on THE agenda
-And why she is now on the “DO NOT EMPLOY” List and on the “OH MY GOD SHE MAY BE A TERRORIST” List
-Why antibiotics are the biggest fraud in medical history
-Why we need to stop asking for permission to do things we already have the right to do
-A word or 3 about vaccinations
-What is MRSA? And why does it seem to be the new plague?
-Why in the world are good bowel movements so very important for good health and how to have them everyday
-Hot flashes-A myth of menopause

Healing with Dr Daniels Radio Show airs every Tuesday at 6:00 pm EST (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio)

One Radio Network (http://vitalitycapsules.com/)

Download (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/39q0rey6dl/the_morning_show_-_dr._jennifer_daniels_2013.01.15.mp3)

Spingola Speaks 2013.04.16 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/04/spingola-speaks-20130416.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg)
Guest: Dr. Jennifer Daniels (http://vitalitycapsules.com/laughter-is-the-best-medicine), the author of Do You Have the Guts to be Beautiful?, talked about the concept of substituted judgment, scientific studies, obedience to authority, reasoning, herd mentality, perceived shared responsibility, fear of death, desire to do what is right and the view that one's body is not a personal possession or a personal responsibility, but something for the public good and accepting a number as a health goal instead of quality of life.

Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)

News Page (http://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)

Official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)

Join Spingola Speaks Email List (spingolaspeaks-subscribe@yahoogroups.com)

Download (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/g2s8wdcaq7/spingola_speaks_-_dr._jennifer_daniels_2013.04.16.mp3)

What's Ailing America with Dr Rebecca Carley 2013.04.08 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/04/whats-ailing-america-with-dr-rebecca.html)

Guest: Dr. Jennifer Daniels offers information, and archives of talks, at VitalityCapsules.com/Truth-Files (http://vitalitycapsules.com/truth-files).

RBN (http://republicbroadcasting.org/)

Dr. Carley' Site (http://www.drcarley.com/)

Download (http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/jvc9zq3x8q/what_s_ailing_america_with_dr_rebecca_carley_2013. 04.08.mp3)

16th April 2013, 10:05 PM
There has been a big campaign here to promote childhood vaccinations after it seems that parents in more affluent (educated) areas are not having their children vaccinated. This is simply scandalous of parents, especially since these are the more educated so they should know better.

Then this is followed up with the story of the last flu epidemic which wasn't one, unless you got vaccinated of course. There is the story of the 250 children in Western Australia who have been paralysed and brain damaged for life and the child who is permanently incapacitated because of the vaccination.

Then we hear how the medico's regret that the vaccination wasn't even tested and if they had known they wouldn't have recommened it. So they didn't check? They just started injecting it. Now they are claiming their incompetence is an excuse. Not incompetent to be doctors, only incompetent to be fired or sued.


Parents' faith in flu vaccinations for children was shattered by the fast-tracked rollout of a vaccine in 2010 that permanently brain damaged one WA child and gave 250 others serious reactions, a WA Health Department official says.
In an article published today in the Medical Journal of Australia, Health Department prevention and control public health physician Paul Effler said there had been insufficient studies into the safety of CSL product Fluvax before it was given to WA children in April 2010.
Dr Effler said global fears of a swine flu pandemic in 2010 forced the "accelerated approval" process of CSL Fluvax in the US despite only a small amount of data on its effects being available.

"There really wasn't enough data to say that safety had been established," he said.

Dr Effler and Professor Heath Kelly, of the Australian National University, reviewed the regulatory history of CSL Fluvax and found it was licensed despite a lack of controlled paediatric clinical trials.

He called for more adequate studies of vaccines for children.

link.............. (http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/lifestyle/a/-/lifestyle/16727989/parents-lose-faith-in-flu-jabs/)

suffer the little children

16th April 2013, 10:06 PM
another good one, "Spingola Special (http://www.spingola.com/SpingolaSpecials.html)" where guest describes her battle with Big Med/Pharma wrt the end of her mother's life:

Saturday, 4/13: Diana Hunter (http://www.naturecons.weebly.com) talks about her experience with hospice and palliative care (http://naturecons.weebly.com/the-dark-side-of-hospice.html); MP3 (http://www.spingola.com/DHunter_2013-04-13.mp3)

12th May 2013, 09:58 PM
This is a forum post over at UK Column Forums (of Brian Gerrish fame)


There is a link in that post to this PDF document:

This is a University study of the UK Health Department, JCVI Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation meetings over several decades where the committee repeatedly colluded to hide statistics that show danergous results from vaccinating children with MMR, Whooping cough and Polio. It shows in their own words how they subverted information, changed definitions and modified incident reporting criteria and the consequent assessment of those incident reports to hide trends of adverse affects from vaccination programs.

Even going so far as to hide the true cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrom and rubber stamping the condemnation for murder of many parents who's children have died from brain injury brought about by vaccinations and who are in jail to this day.

It's a 45 page document with many citations from the committee's own meeting minutes. Most of the minutes are available, however you might have to dig around the Government archives web site to get a few of them. There will be links provided. They seem to be archived by decade. I have not been able to source a couple of minutes of meetings from late 2001 and 2002.

I am about 1/2 through and checking/downloading cites as I go. There maybe more missing documents. Still working through it.

No pharmaceutical drug is devoid of risks from adverse reactions and vaccines are no exception.
According to the world’s leading drug regulatory authority, the US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), vaccines represent a special category of drugs in that they are generally given to healthy
individuals and often to prevent a disease to which an individual may never be exposed [1]. This,
according to the FDA, places extra

emphasis on vaccine safety. Universally, regulatory authorities are responsible for ensuring that
new vaccines go through proper scientific evaluation before they are approved. An equal
responsibility rests on the medical profession to promote vaccinations but
only with those vaccines whose safety and efficacy has been demonstrated to be statistically
significant. Furthermore, vaccination is a medical intervention and as such, it should be carried out
with the full consent of those who are being subjected to it. This necessitates an objective
disclosure of the known or foreseeable risks and benefits and, where applicable, a description of
alternative courses of treatment. In cases where children and infants are involved, full consent
with regards to vaccination should be given by the parents.

Deliberately concealing information from the parents for the sole purpose of getting them to
comply with an “official” vaccination schedule could thus be considered as a form of ethical
violation or misconduct. Official documents obtained from the UK Department of Health (DH) and
the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) reveal that the British health
authorities have been engaging in such practice for the last 30 years, apparently for the sole
purpose of protecting the national vaccination program.

22nd May 2013, 09:19 AM
see 2nd hour guest. all are ~42 mins comm free,

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.05.20 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/05/jeff-rense-radio-show-20130520.html)

http://www.rense.com/1.mpicons/thinlogo2color.gif (http://www.rense.com/)

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/7gtog8jy0o/rense.20130520.1of3.mp3) Download (http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/7gtog8jy0o/rense.20130520.1of3.mp3) Hour 1 - Texe Marrs (http://www.texemarrs.com/) - 'Robot Alchemy' ... Texe's Brilliant New Book!

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/6hbvh4i1b0/rense.20130520.2of3.mp3) Download (http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/6hbvh4i1b0/rense.20130520.2of3.mp3) Hour 2 - Dr. Tim O'Shea (http://www.thedoctorwithin.com/) - Vaccine Horrors Mounting

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/2y52hcaar5/rense.20130520.3of3.mp3) Download (http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/2y52hcaar5/rense.20130520.3of3.mp3) Hour 3 - Michael Collins (http://www.enviroreporter.com/) - Fukushima Radiation Over US

56k CF
Rense' site (http://rense.com/)
Posted by zapoper (http://www.blogger.com/profile/15726967138606494466) at 4:48 PM 4 comments: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=8847080193035523369)

5th June 2013, 06:37 PM
latest spingola show mostly discussing vaccines:

Spingola Speaks 2013.06.05 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/06/spingola-speaks-20130605.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg)
Guest: Dr. Patricia Jordan (http://www.dr-jordan.com/), the author or Mark of the Beast Hidden in Plain Sight

Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)

News Page (http://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)

Official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)

Join Spingola Speaks Email List (spingolaspeaks-subscribe@yahoogroups.com)

Download (http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/i0oq2c3bv0/spingola_speaks_-_dr._patricia_jordan_2013.06.05.mp3)

22nd July 2013, 06:50 PM
This heretic doctor has done several alt-radio podcasts recently- lost her license and put on terror watch list for actually healing people, contrary to Big Med/Pharma's agenda of max profits, patients be damned. The Timpone interview has the best show description re what's inside, but all are good, wide-ranging:

Couple more with Dr. Jennifer Daniels- 2nd one is her own regular podcast "Healing with Dr Daniels (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio)" which I've never listened to before-- I've only heard her as guest on other's shows. I really like her skeptical/conspiratorial view of modern "healthcare".

Spingola Speaks 2013.07.18 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/07/spingola-speaks-20130718.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg)
Guest: Dr. Jennifer Daniels (http://vitalitycapsules.com/), the author of The Lethal Dose: Why Your Doctor is Prescribing It (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DR6JPNW)

News Page (http://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)
Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)
Official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)
Spingola Speaks .Info (http://spingolaspeaks.info/)

Download (http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/1998s3m92i/spingola_speaks_-_dr._jennifer_daniels_2013.07.18.mp3)

Healing with Dr Daniels - Healing via Creativity (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/07/healing-with-dr-daniels-healing-via.html)

http://vitalitycapsules.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/16183_252904174837736_1577647112_n.png (http://vitalitycapsules.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/16183_252904174837736_1577647112_n.png)
Dr. Jennifer Daniels’ show entitled, "Healing with Dr. Daniels" airs every Tuesday at 6:00 pm EST. The show reveals the workings behind the Modern Health System, how it creates illness and how to avoid this planned outcome. Dr. Daniels provides insights and solutions.

This week's Topic: Save your life with Creativity.

Dr Daniels examines the role of creativity in healing and the role of creativity in harm. At the end of this hour you will know how to kindle the fires of your creativity to develop healing rituals that can save your life.

Tune in for Healing with Dr Daniels. (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio)

Website (http://www.blakeradio.com/html/rainbow_soul/rs.shtml)



Posted by Mami (http://www.blogger.com/profile/13298385482303078866) at 1:29 PM 1 comment: (http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=8556019333702673730)

Some of her other recent shows; open link for further description:

Healing with Dr Daniels - Perspicacity (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio/2013/07/16/healing-with-dr-daniels-)
Healing with Dr Daniels -Medical Intervention/Relationships (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio/2013/07/02/healing-with-dr-daniels)
Healing with Dr Daniels - Research Tactics (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio/2013/06/25/healing-with-dr-daniels-)
Healing With Dr Daniels - Supplemental Additives (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio/2013/06/18/healing-with-dr-daniels)
Healing With Dr Daniels - Genocide (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio/2013/06/11/healing-with-dr-daniels)
Healing With Dr Daniels - Saving Your Teeth Naturally (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/blakeradio/2013/06/04/healing-with-dr-daniels)

2nd August 2013, 11:44 PM
all 3 hours of Rense tonight sound interesting, maybe I'll listen! :D

Saturday, August 3, 2013 Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.02 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/08/jeff-rense-radio-show-20130802.html)

http://www.rense.com/1.mpicons/thinlogo2color.gif (http://www.rense.com/)

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/m9y9kz46fg/rense.20130802.1of3.mp3) Download (http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/m9y9kz46fg/rense.20130802.1of3.mp3) Hour 1 - Dr. Rima Laibow, MD (http://drrimatruthreport.com/) & Gen Albert Stubblebine (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/) - Creating Autists To Fill The Bottom Of The Human PyramidMedical Director - Natural Solutions Foundation

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/2vdw4l05jt/rense.20130802.2of3.mp3) Download (http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/2vdw4l05jt/rense.20130802.2of3.mp3) Hour 2 - Dr. Rima Laibow, MD (http://drrimatruthreport.com/) & Gen Albert Stubblebine (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/) - Creating Autists To Fill The Bottom Of The Human PyramidMedical Director - Natural Solutions Foundation

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/rkbd6xq1u1/rense.20130802.3of3.mp3) Download (http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/rkbd6xq1u1/rense.20130802.3of3.mp3) Hour 3 - Jim Walters, ND (http://myplaceboenhancer.com/) - Natural Pain Relief - Special Guests Angie, Susan & Chuck

3rd August 2013, 04:00 AM
Listening to Dr Trent is important as he explains what is happening because of the tainted monkey kidney vaccines and if you have had these vaccines then you need to take special precautions regarding your health.

http://altereddimensions.net/2013/virus-conspiracy-government-hid-truth-right-under-your-nose-video (http://altereddimensions.net/2013/virus-conspiracy-government-hid-truth-right-under-your-nose-video)

3rd August 2013, 10:22 AM
You look over the vax schedules for kids and they make no sense - basically they average out to 1 shot a month for 24 or 36 months - that is just WAY too much for a body to handle (even assuming the vaccines are good in the first place).

4th August 2013, 08:14 AM
Listening to Dr Trent is important as he explains what is happening because of the tainted monkey kidney vaccines and if you have had these vaccines then you need to take special precautions regarding your health.

http://altereddimensions.net/2013/virus-conspiracy-government-hid-truth-right-under-your-nose-video (http://altereddimensions.net/2013/virus-conspiracy-government-hid-truth-right-under-your-nose-video)

The site misspelled his name, it should be Dr. Tent.

15th August 2013, 08:44 PM
another Spingola/Daniels;

Spingola Speaks 2013.08.15 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/08/spingola-speaks-20130815.html)

http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg (http://www.spingola.com/Deanna%2005.jpg)
Guest: Dr. Jennifer Daniels, (http://vitalitycapsules.com/) the author of The Lethal Dose: Why Your Doctor is Prescribing It (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DR6JPNW)

News Page (http://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)
Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)
Official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)
Spingola Speaks .Info (http://spingolaspeaks.info/)

Download (http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/qo732f57nf/spingola_speaks_-_dr._jennifer_daniels_2013.08.15.mp3)

23rd October 2013, 07:12 PM
Vinnie Eastwood show here. The notion of zio-corpguv creating "designer autism" through toxic vaccines is so disturbing! :(

22 October 2013, The Truth About Vaccines and "Designer Autism" Christina England, http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/__4394446.png

Vinny's NUTShell: Christina England http://www.vactruth.com http://www.profitableharm.com
With 2 severely autistic boys and a skill for investigative journalism you would assume one could get right to the bottom of the Vaccine/Autism link and sure enough she has!

It turns out that Vaccines are a kind of behavioral modification weapon, being used to create a massive epidemic of Autism, lack of emotional awareness so that people can be used more easily by telecommunications companies as a sort of Delta work force right out of Brave New World!

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood_show_2013 .mp3)

22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood_show_2013. mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood_show_2013 .mp3)

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_1_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood_sh ow_2013.mp3)

hour_1_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood_sho w_2013.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_1_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood_sh ow_2013.mp3)

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_2_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood_sh ow_2013.mp3)

hour_2_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood_sho w_2013.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/_hour_2_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood_sh ow_2013.mp3)

http://www.weebly.com/weebly/images/file_icons/wav.png (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/__short_clip_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwo od_show_2013.mp3)

short_clip_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwood _show_2013.mp3

Download File (http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/uploads/1/3/1/2/1312301/__short_clip_22_oct_christina_england_vinny_eastwo od_show_2013.mp3)

12th November 2013, 04:54 PM
Vaccine fraud exposed: Measles and mumps making a huge comeback because vaccines are designed to fail, say Merck virologists Tuesday 12th November 2013 at 08:02 By David Icke (http://www.davidicke.com/about-david)

‘Measles and mumps are making a huge comeback in the United States, but doctors and journalists all make the same critical error in understanding why. They blame “parents who don’t vaccinate their kids” as the cause, but the real cause — as revealed by whistleblowing scientists working for top vaccine manufacturers — is that measles and mumps vaccines are designed to fail from the start.
Scientific fraud, it turns out, is an inherent part of the vaccine industry.
How do we know? Because whistleblowers who worked in the industry have found the courage to speak out and tell the truth. These people are the Edward Snowdens of the vaccine industry.’
Read more: Vaccine fraud exposed: Measles and mumps making a huge comeback because vaccines are designed to fail, say Merck virologists (http://www.naturalnews.com/042864_measles_outbreak_mumps_vaccines_scientific_ fraud.html)

Uncle Salty
12th November 2013, 06:19 PM
I wonder when Obamacare is going to make vaccines mandatory. Get a vaccine or go to jail. Ha ha ha.

22nd November 2013, 11:25 PM
Sofia Smallstorm, I don't see a permalink, find this at http://www.aboutthesky.com/the-rabbit-hole

Melinda Gates and the Coca-Cola Model

In this presentation, Melinda Gates extols Coca Cola's penetration of Africa -- a marketing model that she says should be used by the world's health agencies to deliver vaccines and condoms and ultimately "deep happiness" to the African people. She explains how polio could be completely eradicated if Africans could be reached as successfully as Coke won them over by enlisting the help of local "entrepreneurs" (read: villagers) to deliver the goods to the nooks and crannies of the continent.

What Mrs. Gates doesn't explain is that "polio" is an umbrella term for a huge list of neurological ailments and has never been eradicated -- only re-named. Thus the child she refers to whose strain of polio was positively identified to be "genetic" is only one more among millions of victims of false diagnosis intended to perpetuate the cover story for where most of the world's "diseases" truly come from, which is immune breakdown as a result of chemical toxicity or cellular exhaustion. Cancer, AIDS, and just about everything else can be traced to this beginning. Viral/genetic origins of disease are another arm of the "biodiversity" catchword. Diseases do not come from "biodiversity."



Today's health agencies work hand in hand with Big Pharma to furnish us with stories of phantom viruses (e.g. HIV) and genetic theories of disease SO THAT they can receive more funding to develop toxic chemical treatments (e.g., pharmaceutical drugs) that only further deplete us and create new problems to be solved by the same perpetrators. The polio story is one such huge myth, as is the story of AIDS. Yes, people became crippled in the last century (and still are -- but it is now called ALS or MS, for instance), and people are dying the world over from what they tell us is AIDS, but it is in fact immune exhaustion caused by severe environmental and systemic toxicity which is then treated with immuno-suppressant drugs (like AZT). We are being led to believe that the world is threatened by epidemics that are getting ahead of our ability to contain them. Put it this way: The ailments are real, but the causality as it is explained to us is a fiction designed to mask the deliberate destruction of economies and lives. While we try to cope, on goes the grand theft of our natural resources.

A thorough navigation of this giant bogus platform can be found in a new book titled AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire by Dr. Nancy Banks (2010). It is the work of a lifetime by a medical doctor whose eyes were opened and whose writing you will never forget. Get a copy here. (http://www.avatarproducts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=Avatar&Category_Code=BOOK)

21st December 2013, 06:11 AM
Spingola's guest is "the Erin Brokovitch of vaccines", check her sites, 82 mins,

Friday, 12-20: Mary Tocco (http://spingolaspeaks.info/2013/12/20/friday-12-20-mary-tocco/)

Mary Tocco (http://www.childhoodshots.com/), America’s Outstanding Mom 2013, joins Deanna today. Healing Our World With Mary Tocco (http://republicbroadcasting.org/healing-our-world-with-mary-tocco/), may be listened to Saturdays 3-4 PM Central on the Republic Broadcasting Network (http://republicbroadcasting.org/).

Are Vaccines Safe? – Vaccines 101 (http://vaccinedvd.com/),
Heart For Autism (http://www.heartforautism.com/),
BioNutritional Care (http://www.bionutritionalcare.com/),
Vaccine Rights (http://www.vaccinerights.com/),
World Association for Vaccine Education (http://novaccine.com/),
Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety (PDF (https://cloudup.com/caPohSZEgT0))

Download (http://americanfreepress.net/podcast/TheRealNelsonMandelaJewishInfluencePetePapaherakle s128.mp3)

mick silver
21st December 2013, 12:30 PM
carry on pat your posts are alway full of info ................................. about five years back i took a flu shot , it was the last also , i wonder how long that stay in your body , have you ever seen anything about that pat ?

21st December 2013, 01:39 PM
carry on pat your posts are alway full of info ................................. about five years back i took a flu shot , it was the last also , i wonder how long that stay in your body , have you ever seen anything about that pat ?

In my studies of vaccines and immunity. Immunity to a specific pathogen usually only last about 10 years. It's why they recommend a tetnus shot every 10 years. I have my own theory on immunity when it relates acquiring immunity naturally. Take Chickenpox for example. We usually all acquire it as children. The body recognizes it and eliminates the threat and builds up a natural immunity to it after that. It also wasn't injected so the body knows how its perimeter was compromised and bolsters it to recognize that pathogen again.

Instead vaccines just target the adaptive immune response, bypassing your skin and digestive track which play their own part in your natural immunity. So the body never really learns how it was infected when a vaccine plays a role so the immunity isn't permanent like it is if it was acquired.

That is just my own personal theory, I could be totally wrong. I just formed that theory / opinion on reading how immunity works and how vaccine derived immunity tends to wane after a period of time while natural immunity does not.

21st December 2013, 06:24 PM
carry on pat your posts are alway full of info ................................. about five years back i took a flu shot , it was the last also , i wonder how long that stay in your body , have you ever seen anything about that pat ?

As far as "the nasties" in vax's, mercury (thimerisol), formaldehyde, aborted human fetus cells... well at least in the case the the toxic metal mercury-- I know there are detox regimes, which might be discussed in another thread? But I've heard bentonite clay, coffee enemas... a few dietary tricks? That's really something I'd like to get more boned up on myself, as I've had vax's too-- last I recall was nearly 20 years ago, I was going to central america and in my benign-ignorance at the time, figured I should get whatever shots the doc reco'd. Off hand I recall a Hep-B booster, and some kind of 'preemptive' malaria jobee. But aside from vax's, we have the fluoride, chemtrails, and "other" sources of toxic heavy metal ingestion. for which there are detox regimes (NOT allopathic/AMA-certified!) to at least offset the ongoing harm these metals are doing in our bodies. And it's on my to-do list to focus on researching which approach is 'best' ie demonstrably effective, and give it a try?

I'll defer to Ares' reply above as to the longevity of any actual immunity which (any 'legitimate' function of) vax's may or may not provide.

Our #1 defense looking forward, assuming we take a stance of rejecting all of Big Pharma's fabulously profitable snake oil vax's, is GOOD NUTRITION. Yet another vast topic for another thread. But off hand as far as 'disease prevention' (the purported 'goal' of Big Pharma's snake oil vax's), it seems you can't go wrong with vit's C & D3 supplements... the latter which your body will produce naturally with ~20+ mins of sunlight a day. Cold/overcast/rainy? Then take D3 supp's to help stay healthy!

22nd December 2013, 06:27 AM
Again I will mention that in none of the anti vax propaganda do they mention the huge amount of aluminum that is present which makes me wonder why?

22nd December 2013, 06:35 AM
Again I will mention that in none of the anti vax propaganda do they mention the huge amount of aluminum that is present which makes me wonder why?

The medical community tends to believe that Aluminum isn't toxic so have no problem injecting their patients with it. Aluminum Hydroxide (which is a component in the vast majority of vaccines) is also an antacid, as well as a fire retardant.

It's also been implicated to be the cause of a rare muscle disease called macrophagic myofasciitis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrophagic_myofasciitis).

31st December 2013, 11:41 PM
This 10 min video is VG.

Vaccine 'NEUROCIDE' + Rotten Core Ed (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?71931-Core-math-3-x-4-11) + Agenda 21 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?35061-Agenda-21-For-Dummies-%28incl-abolition-of-private-property%29) = THE JWO! (http://spingola.com/JewWorldOrder.pdf) :(



https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-r5sF95QLLkY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/e72fk8PAGJ4/s48-c-k-no/photo.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/user/NaturalSolutions?feature=watch)NaturalSolutions (http://www.youtube.com/user/NaturalSolutions?feature=watch)·191 videos (http://www.youtube.com/user/NaturalSolutions/videos)
http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 150 http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 16

Published on Jul 31, 2013
Dr. Rima discusses Christine England's hypothesis that the intent behind the autism pandemic is the creation of easily controlled Brave New World "delta" worker drones.

7th February 2014, 02:07 AM
Big Pharma and Corporate Media Team Up For Pro-Vaccine Propaganda
2014 01 29
By Brandon Turbeville | Activist Post (http://www.activistpost.com/2014/01/big-pharma-and-corporate-media-team-up.html)


Every year, flu vaccine propaganda is ramped up by the pharmaceutical industry and its mouthpiece media, which then gives way to a second round (pun intended) of vaccine propaganda pushing toxic vaccinations for a variety of diseases, only then to be followed by the demonization of nutritional supplements. Around mid-January, rinse and repeat – (flu, childhood vaccine, and anti-supplement propaganda).

Thus, at the end of 2013, the American public was met with an onslaught of fear-mongering propaganda predicting flu pandemics and imminent death if vaccination was not immediately sought. We then saw the major propaganda assault regarding the safety and effectiveness of vitamins and minerals by the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Now, in early 2014, we are witnessing another propaganda assault against the “anti-vaccination” movement with claims of increased outbreaks and apocalyptic scenes of sickness.

The latest propaganda push comes not from the medical industry per se, however, but from an organization usually more focused on the spread of globalism, free trade, culture creation, and other domestic/international governmental policies, the Council on Foreign Relations.

Following a volley of cynical assaults on parents and other individuals who have investigated the science, process, and risks of vaccination (or experienced these side effects firsthand), the CFR has created an interactive map of what it has deemed outbreaks of preventable diseases resulting from the anti-vaccination movement. This map was immediately circulated throughout the corporate media, with suggestions not only that non-vaccinators are crazy and irresponsible but that they do not have the freedom to make the choice not to vaccinate.


Read the full article at: activistpost.com (http://www.activistpost.com/2014/01/big-pharma-and-corporate-media-team-up.html)

READ: Pro-Vaccine Trolls: Use Emotional Warfare on Parents (http://redicecreations.com/article.php?id=25512)

7th February 2014, 03:28 AM
the worst part about the flu vaccine is that even if you don't get injected with it you still get infected with it. It is worse each year. I see a lot of people in Canada have had it and it lingers for 2 months. Can't shake it. Was bad like that here 2 winters ago. Caught it from other people myself. I know someone who died from the flu shot last winter. Got pneumonia and then some kind of lung lining infection.

my method is to wrap in towels and sleeping bags or bed covers blankets. Sweat like nothing. Change towels often so you don't get a chill. Drink liters of water a day. No sugar, in anything. Honey. Real stuff. Hot tottie. You wont be able to eat most premade foods because when you have the flu you can't smell the aromas that you normally do. All you can smell is the chemicals that are in the food that the aromas normally cover up.

And do lipsomal for health (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54414-liposomal-for-health&highlight=lipsomal+health). <- actually do this anyway. its really very good. I had no illness last winter. I cut my mix of ingredients by half but kept same amount of water. I found organic lecithin best. I use a stick mixer for 6 minutes. Surprised the thing is still running. I did this 2 years. I stopped now 1 month to do MMS. Sorry for OT.

7th February 2014, 07:29 AM
^ any Large-Sarge-esque miracles to report re the MMS? Should answer in the proper thread though, wherever it is!

the worst part about the flu vaccine is that even if you don't get injected with it you still get infected with it.

are you saying, coz the vax GIVES recipients the flu, that you then catch it from them?

7th February 2014, 07:29 AM
I took the liposomal vitamin C for a while after Large Sarge posted the information about it but got out of the habit. I've recently started taking it again in smaller doses. I also mix up batches of glutithione and GABA in the same way and take those too. I believe those things are having a positive affect on me.

Another thing I've been doing is taking small doses of Borax that is supposed to help with arthritis and muscle aches and pains and that has made a real improvement after I started taking it.

Other things I've been taking are turmeric, black seed, hot cayenne extract and diatomaceous earth. An oz. or two of whiskey in the evening when I'm done working seems to be pretty good medicine too. I tried mms for awhile as a preventative but got out of the habit.

I feel good and do a lot of physical labor and I seem to be pretty healthy and in better shape than a lot of people my age.

Lots of health benefits claimed for the things I've mentioned above and I believe they have been helpful to me. They don't cost much either.

7th February 2014, 04:07 PM
are you saying, coz the vax GIVES recipients the flu, that you then catch it from them?

yep exactly. People coughing it all over you once they are infected. Sharing a work place with someone who doesn't stay home when sick. Rule where I work, Don't care if it's just a sniffle, don't come into work. Of course if you have kids you generally get sick with what they pick up.

Sounds like the full routine there Tumbleweed. All the good things I've heard of from being on here. I also take tumeric which reminds me I have some to plant. I'm missing my morning lipsomal.

11th February 2014, 03:48 PM
Spingola Speaks 2014.02.10 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/02/spingola-speaks-20140210.html)
Guest: Christina England, an independent children’s health advocate, researcher and writer. Many of her articles may be read at VacTruth.com (http://vactruth.com/author/christina-england/)

News Page (http://mynewspage.wordpress.com/websites/deanna-spingola/)
Deanna's site (http://www.spingola.com/radio_schedule.html)
Official chat room (http://spingola.chatango.com/)
Spingola Speaks .Info (http://spingolaspeaks.info/)

Download (http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/v3vjt73wex/Spingola.Speaks.Dr.Ileana.Christina.England.2014.0 2.10.mp3)

22nd April 2014, 11:32 PM
The Scary Truth About the New York City Flu Vaccine Mandate (http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/04/the-scary-truth-about-new-york-city-flu.html)

http://truthfrequencyradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Vaccineprotest.jpg (http://truthfrequencyradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Vaccineprotest.jpg)http://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/new-yorkers-against-the-flu-shot/image.jpg (http://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/new-yorkers-against-the-flu-shot/image.jpg)

This year, 150,000 children will be added to the list of victims of forced vaccination. The leaders of New York City have mandated that all children under the age of six years old who attend day care or preschool must be vaccinated with the flu vaccine.Families should not be forced to inject their child with toxic substances. They should not be forced to receive a vaccine that is ineffective and dangerous. They should not be forced to give up their preferred choice for quality, early childhood education and care programs in order to avoid forced vaccination. Families should be allowed to make the choices for their health and well-being that are best for their family.

***Read full article here*** (http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/04/the-scary-truth-about-new-york-city-flu.html)

23rd April 2014, 12:43 PM
The Scary Truth About the New York City Flu Vaccine Mandate (http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/04/the-scary-truth-about-new-york-city-flu.html)

This year, 150,000 children will be added to the list of victims of forced vaccination. The leaders of New York City have mandated that all children under the age of six years old who attend day care or preschool must be vaccinated with the flu vaccine.Families should not be forced to inject their child with toxic substances. They should not be forced to receive a vaccine that is ineffective and dangerous. They should not be forced to give up their preferred choice for quality, early childhood education and care programs in order to avoid forced vaccination. Families should be allowed to make the choices for their health and well-being that are best for their family.

***Read full article here*** (http://www.naturalblaze.com/2014/04/the-scary-truth-about-new-york-city-flu.html)

Stupid! But there's this:

Are There Exemptions for This Mandate?

Yes, although options for parents who don’t wish to vaccinate their children are limited. New York State allows medical and religious exemptions, although philosophical exemptions against vaccines are not granted. Fortunately, children who attend family day cares in people’s homes are currently exempt from the flu vaccine mandate.

12th October 2014, 07:53 PM
Spingola's had at least a dozen "vaccine truth" guests on in the ~6 months since the last reply to this thread. Archive: http://spingolaspeaks.wordpress.com I listen to her shows far less since 'The Incident (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?75243-Spingola-Jumps-Shark-Supports-Zion-gov-s-Official-Sandy-Hook-Story),' and when I see it's another vaccine guest, I skip it, coz I feel sufficiently informed; Vaccines = harmful & ineffective!

But here we have the cerebral Prof. James Tracy conducting a nice succinct 1 hr interview:
Download (http://memorygapdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/realpolitik-2014-10-01.mp3)

October 3, 2014 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2014/10/03/vaccination-nation/)
Vaccination Nation (http://memoryholeblog.com/2014/10/03/vaccination-nation/) 13 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2014/10/03/vaccination-nation/#comments)

Home (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/home/), Interviews (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/interviews/) • Tags: news media (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/news-media/), public health (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/public-health/), public opinion (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/public-opinion/)

“Right now, what’s on the line in this country is whether or not we’re going to have the legal right in the future to make choices about federally recommended vaccines.”-Barbara Loe Fisher

On this edition of Real Politik James speaks with Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (http://www.nvic.org/), a non-profit charity established in 1982. For the past three decades, she has led a national, grassroots movement and public information campaign to institute vaccine safety reforms and informed consent protections in the public health system.

Loe Fisher has researched, analyzed and publicly articulated the major issues involving the science, policy, law, ethics and politics of vaccination to become one of the world’s leading consumer advocacy experts on the subject. NVIC is not “anti-vaccine,” as mainstream news media might encourage the public to believe. Rather, it is pro-safe vaccines and exists to ensure the informed consent of the parents and patients who chose to vaccinate.

One of the most important things parents can do is recognize the clinical signs of an adverse reaction their children may exhibit to one or more vaccine administrations. Understanding, for example, the symptoms of brain inflammation is essential “because brain inflammation has been associated with vaccinations since small pox vaccine” since the early 1900s. “Almost any vaccine can do that.”

When Loe Fisher’s son was two-and-a-half, he suffered an adverse reaction to the DPT vaccine.

I knew what my child was before the reaction. My son was extremely bright. He was saying words at seven months. He was speaking in full sentences by the age of two. He knew his upper and lower-case alphabet. He knew his numbers up to 20. He could identify the words in the books we read together.

Yet after the DPT shot, “he regressed, physically, mentally, and emotionally,” she recalls. “He no longer knew his alphabet. He could no longer identify words. He became very, very chronically ill, with constant diarrhea, respiratory and ear infections. He became emotionally fragile [with a] low frustration level, no concentration–he couldn’t concentrate for more than a few seconds at a time.”



Despite being well-educated and coming from a family of medical practitioners, Loe Fisher lacked sufficient information to identify the symptoms of her son’s adverse reaction. Not until she viewed the 1982 documentary, DPT Vaccine Roulette and consulted the professional literature did she realize how the medical community was well aware of the dangers the vaccine posed to children.

“There in the pages of Pediatrics, The New England Journal of Medicine, and The Lancet, were clinical descriptions of exactly what I’d seen that day. So the doctors were discussing with each other in the medical literature about what DPT vaccine could do to the brains of babies, but they didn’t tell the mothers, and that’s why I felt strongly that there needed to be an organization that would educate people about things like recognizing a vaccine reaction, so it can be written down in the medical record [and] reported to the government.”

[Image Credit: David Dees]
http://memorygapdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/dees_vaccines1.jpg?w=474 (http://memorygapdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/dees_vaccines1.jpg)

The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which Loe Fisher was instrumental in the passage of, required that parents be informed of potential adverse reactions and that documentation be maintained and collected of such reactions, yet this is often ignored because there are no penalties for healthcare practitioners who fail to abide by the Act.

The United States is one of the wealthiest and most technologically-advanced countries in the world. It also has the most highly-vaccinated children and adolescents, with at least 95% of children entering kindergarten today following the full vaccine regimen consisting of several dozen shots. Yet such aggressive vaccination policies don’t translate to a healthier nation. “We have the largest number of children in our history who are suffering with chronic diseases and disabilities,” Loe Fisher notes.

I’m not saying that all of this is due to vaccinations, but you certainly can’t leave off of the research table the big question, which is, Has the increase in the number of vaccines children are getting in the last thirty years been a co-factor in the rise of the number of children suffering with things like learning disabilities, asthma, autism, and diabetes.

The major news media have made raising vaccine awareness a constant struggle because they typically frame the vaccine awareness issue in simplistic terms. “It’s been very difficult to do this work,” Barbara notes,

because there’s been so much opposition from those in positions of power–in government, in industry, and in the medical trades. With the media, it’s gotten very, very ugly since about 2007-08. At one point in 2009 the Secretary of Health and Human Services gave an interview with a journalist, and that journalist reported that [HHS] has instructed the media to not cover people who criticize vaccine safety, which would include me.

http://memorygapdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/49doses.jpg?w=474 (http://www.nvic.org/CMSTemplates/NVIC/pdf/49-Doses-PosterB.pdf)

Indeed, the Department of Health and Human Services wields tremendous power in its oversight of vaccine recommendation and safety, while also maintaining close ties with the pharmaceutical industry. The NVIC has since 2011 been calling for vaccine safety oversight to be vacated from HHS,

because in the Department of Health and Human Services these public health officials are in charge of not only vaccine safety oversight, but they also license vaccines, they take money from drug companies to fast-track vaccines, they partner with drug companies to develop and share profits from vaccine sales, they make national vaccine policies that get turned into state vaccine laws, and they also decide which children will and will not get a vaccine injury compensation award. Our point is that it’s too much power for one federal agency.

Barbara Loe Fisher is co-author of the seminal book DPT: A Shot in the Dark (http://www.amazon.com/A-Shot-Dark-H-Coulter/dp/089529463X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1412342981&sr=8-1&keywords=shot+in+the+dark+and+DPt) (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1985); author of The Consumer’s Guide to Childhood Vaccines (1997); Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic (2008) and Reforming Vaccine Policy & Law: A Guide (2014). She is also a video commentator for the NVIC Newsletter and Mercola Newsletter, and a blogger at www.VaccineAwakening.blogspot.com (http://www.VaccineAwakening.blogspot.com). Loe Fisher’s long public record of vaccine safety and informed consent advocacy was featured in the 2011 award winning film documentary, The Greater Good (http://www.greatergoodmovie.org/).

20th November 2014, 06:33 AM

The medical shadow government (http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2014/11/17/the-medical-shadow-government/)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ceQc7c1f5RQ/UZpcYX_fxVI/AAAAAAAAEa0/clHtIu9lgbU/s1600/woman_shadow3151.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ceQc7c1f5RQ/UZpcYX_fxVI/AAAAAAAAEa0/clHtIu9lgbU/s1600/woman_shadow3151.jpg)

Over the last 50 years, tireless researchers have uncovered and revealed the existence of various elites that control governments and populations:

Banks, super-banks, the military-industrial complex, intelligence agencies, psyop propagandists, Wall Street, and so forth and so on.

For some reason, these researchers, many of them, have a blind spot when it comes to the ongoing operations of a shadow medical government.

Blind spot. And also fear. Fear of criticism and ridicule for exposing sacred sacraments of society—like vaccination (https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2014/09/29/history-proves-vaccines-are-quite-safe-really/).

Like psychiatry (https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2014/06/12/2-new-smoking-guns-psychiatry-is-a-complete-fraud/).

Like (phony) epidemics (https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2014/11/11/does-the-ebola-virus-exist/).

This tells you how strong and pervasive the pro-medical propagandists are. How much media power they wield. How much science they can fabricate. How thoroughly they can discredit and exile their critics, when those critics cut too close to the bone and expose too much truth.

***Read full article here*** (http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2014/11/17/the-medical-shadow-government/)


10 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than The Flu! (http://www.bewellbuzz.com/general/10-reasons-flu-shots-dangerous-flu/)

http://healthimpactnews.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/01/Senior-Woman-Vaccine.jpg (http://www.bewellbuzz.com/general/10-reasons-flu-shots-dangerous-flu/)

Flu shots are indeed more dangerous than you could think, and it is best to rely on natural ways to protect against the flu rather than getting yourself vaccinated.
Isn’t it interesting that the main stream public health officials never promote the various proven ways to avoid the flu other than through vaccination? How about spending some of the billions of advertising dollars teaching us natural ways to boost our immune systems and avoid the flu without harmful and sometimes deadly vaccinations.

***Read full article and see videos here*** (http://www.bewellbuzz.com/general/10-reasons-flu-shots-dangerous-flu/)

2nd February 2015, 06:03 PM
Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autistic disorder after 1979
The aim of this study was to investigate a previously overlooked, universally introduced environmental factor, fetal and retroviral contaminants in childhood vaccines, absent prior to change points (CPs) in autistic disorder (AD) prevalence with subsequent dose-effect evidence and known pathologic mechanisms of action.

Worldwide population based cohort study was used for the design of this study. The United States, Western Australia, United Kingdom and Denmark settings were used. All live born infants who later developed autistic disorder delivered after 1 January 1970, whose redacted vaccination and autistic disorder diagnosis information is publicly available in databases maintained by the US Federal Government, Western Australia, UK, and Denmark. The live births, grouped by father’s age, were from the US and Australia. The children vaccinated with MMRII, Varicella and Hepatitis A vaccines varied from 19 to 35 months of age at the time of vaccination.

Autistic disorder birth year change points were identified as 1980.9, 1988.4 and 1996 for the US, 1987 for UK, 1990.4 for Western Australia, and 1987.5 for Denmark. Change points in these countries corresponded to introduction of or increased doses of human fetal cell line-manufactured vaccines, while no relationship was found between paternal age or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) revisions and autistic disorder diagnosis. Further, linear regression revealed that Varicella and Hepatitis A immunization coverage was significantly correlated to autistic disorder cases.

R software was used to calculate change points. Autistic disorder change points years are coincident with introduction of vaccines manufactured using human fetal cell lines, containing fetal and retroviral contaminants, into childhood vaccine regimens. This pattern was repeated in the US, UK, Western Australia and Denmark. Thus, rising autistic disorder prevalence is directly related to vaccines manufactured utilizing human fetal cells. Increased paternal age and DSM revisions were not related to rising autistic disorder prevalence.

15 page report (http://www.academicjournals.org/article/article1411048618_Deisher%20et%20al.pdf)

6th March 2015, 04:39 PM
Sofia Smallstorm podcast:

Ingri Cassel 2/28/15
Here's an interview "around vaccines" rather than about them! Ingri Cassel, director of Vaccination Liberation, or VacLib.org (http://www.vaclib.org), discusses with me notions of virology and "immunizing ourselves" that rarely get broken down into their rather misleading bits and pieces. We talk about the dual nature of our body's protection systems: TH1 and TH2 (cell-mediated and humoral) and what vaccines do when they bypass the first and over-activate the second. A powerful health advocate from Spirit Lake, Idaho, Ingri's philosophy is one of building the body back into its original functionality with the pure, elemental things we need at the cellular level. The daughter of anti-vaccine activist and author Walene James, Ingri not only carries the torch but holds it high -- and you'll see why. VacLib.org offers plenty of well-organized material: see "Vaccination 101" (http://www.vaclib.org/intro/vaccination101.htm) and "Basic Facts" (http://www.vaclib.org/indexdoc.htm#basic) to start; the sifting and sorting to great external articles has been done for you.

Listen here (http://www.aboutthesky.com/images/stories/audio/SSmallstorm_podcast_018_2-28-15.mp3)

11th March 2015, 03:10 AM
VG interview here; hostess Sofia Smallstorm is remarkably conversant on biological issues; perhaps an unaccredited 'expert' on trans-humanism (see all her podcasts HERE (http://www.aboutthesky.com/podcasts)). She draws out guest Ingri Cassel and they converse nearly as equals, though SS doesn't share Ingri's life experience around vaccines.

Ingri Cassel 2/28/15

Here's an interview "around vaccines" rather than about them! Ingri Cassel, director of Vaccination Liberation, or VacLib.org (http://www.vaclib.org), discusses with me notions of virology and "immunizing ourselves" that rarely get broken down into their rather misleading bits and pieces. We talk about the dual nature of our body's protection systems: TH1 and TH2 (cell-mediated and humoral) and what vaccines do when they bypass the first and over-activate the second. A powerful health advocate from Spirit Lake, Idaho, Ingri's philosophy is one of building the body back into its original functionality with the pure, elemental things we need at the cellular level. The daughter of anti-vaccine activist and author Walene James, Ingri not only carries the torch but holds it high -- and you'll see why. VacLib.org offers plenty of well-organized material: see "Vaccination 101" (http://www.vaclib.org/intro/vaccination101.htm) and "Basic Facts" (http://www.vaclib.org/indexdoc.htm#basic) to start; the sifting and sorting to great external articles has been done for you.

Listen here (http://www.aboutthesky.com/images/stories/audio/SSmallstorm_podcast_018_2-28-15.mp3)

11th March 2015, 03:18 AM
Jon Rappoport interviewed by Henrik/Red Ice, 1st 'free' hour only:

Jon Rappoport - Hour 1 - Vaccine Wars, Disneyland Measles "Outbreak" & The Synthetic Population (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/02/RIR-150218.php)

26th March 2015, 08:48 PM
I'd direct you to the 2nd half (33 mins through end) of this 1 hour interview, where guest gets into the conspiratorial perspective... in the last few mins, you can feel her dying to name djooz, but alas she resists. Would've been interesting to hear Tracy's response if she went there, as he doesn't tend to go there either, from all I've heard/read from him. He's still a uni prof... MP3: Download (https://memorygapdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/3-22-15-catherine-j-frompovich-vaccination-voodoo1.mp3)

March 26, 2015 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/03/26/what-the-american-public-doesnt-know-about-vaccines/)
The Hidden History of Vaccination (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/03/26/what-the-american-public-doesnt-know-about-vaccines/#more-17321)12 (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/03/26/what-the-american-public-doesnt-know-about-vaccines/#comments)

Interviews (http://memoryholeblog.com/category/interviews/) • Tags: public health (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/public-health/), public opinion (http://memoryholeblog.com/tag/public-opinion/)

As the national conversation ensues concerning vaccination, health rights researcher and advocate Catherine J. Frompovich (http://www.catherinejfrompovich.com/) is this week’s guest on Real Politik. A frequent contributor to ActivistPost (http://memoryholeblog.com/2015/03/26/what-the-american-public-doesnt-know-about-vaccines/www.activistpost.com), Frompovich discusses the steadfast pharmaceutical corporate and regulatory agenda moving toward mandatory vaccination policies in the US.

Catherine has been a consumer healthcare researcher for 35 years. She is a retired natural nutritionist with advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice, in addition to Paralegal Studies.

Catherine has authored numerous books on health issues, along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. Her latest book is Vaccination Voodoo: What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines (http://www.amazon.com/Vaccination-Voodoo-What-About-Vaccines/dp/1484923820/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1427340339&sr=8-1&keywords=vaccination+voodoo).

Interview Highlights

In the dialogue Frompovich begins by providing a historical overview of vaccination and the eventual adoption of statist policies toward the practice since the early 1900s. She explains how the practice of “holistic health modalities” that have been around for centuries are now being borne out in scientific studies. “When I was in early practice in what was called the vanguard of the holistic movement, yet I was called a quack. The very things they’re now starting to say about diet, nutrition, food composition, now everybody is starting to talk the way I was talking. It’s very, very gratifying to find that out.”

As far back as the year 900 AD, both infectious diseases, measles and smallpox, were known and described. According to the literature, around 1000 AD a Chinese boy is though to have been innoculated, or “vaccinated,” by having powdered smallpox scabs blown into his nostrils … Smallpox ravaged through the centuries. In 1545 it killed 8,000 children in India. There was a smallpox epidemic in 1633 in Massachusetts. So, yes, in the past there have been very serious problems where there was not proper sanitation, good food, and so on and so forth.

As populations increased with poor sanitation, closed and cramped living quarters, no refrigeration and food or other sanitary improvements that we have today in Western cultures, whooping cough, yellow fever, and measles became normal occurrences. It wasn’t until 1770 that Edward Jenner, an Englishman, learned from a milkmaid that she thought she got protection from smallbox because she caught cowpox from a cow. Cowpox belongs to the orthopox–a genus of pox viruses isolated from mammals. So there are several kinds of poxes; cowpox, camel pox, monkey pox, mouse pox, and the variola virus, which is smallpox.

On May 14, 1796 Edward Jenner tested his hypothesis that the smallpox infection could be prevented with cowpox pores. So he innoculated an eight year old boy with a cowpox pore from a milkmaid’s hand. That boy suffered a reaction to that procedure, but he did live. That’s what is traced back to the beginning of today’s vaccination program.

However, in 1800 physician Benjamin Waterhouse performed the first vaccination on children in the newly-formed United States. Waterhouse learned of Jenner’s work while studying in Holland. In 1802 the state of Massachusetts became the first state to encourage vaccination against smallpox, and the term vaccination came in to use in 1803. However, in 1813 President James Madison signed “an Act to Encourage Vaccination,” which in effect established a vaccine agency within the United States.

It was in 1891 that English physician S. Monckton Copeman showed that by adding glycerin to animal lymph it acted as a germicide in vaccines made using lymph. Now contrast that procedure with today’s manufacture. Today there are hundreds of chemicals, toxins, antigens, preservatives, foreign DNA from other species, neurotoxins like ethyl mercury and aluminum in four different formulations, and numerous other ingredients that I’ve listed in Vaccination Voodoo.

So how were vaccines first produced in the USA? In 1876 a vaccine-producing farm was established in Lakewood, New Jersey, where lymph from cows infected with cowpox virus was harvested and used as vaccine. That was the genesis of the strain of vaccines for the smallpox vaccine.

There was much research of sorts going on for vaccine production for various childhood infectious diseases between the late 1800s and early 1900s. However, the key event that has galvanized vaccinations legally in the United States occurred February 20, 1905, when the US Supreme Court held in the case Jacobson V. Massachusetts the constitutionality of mandatory smallpox vaccination programs to preserve the public health.

Currently, there are religious, philosophical, and medical exemptions to the USA. The Jacobson v. Massachusetts case was based on a Swedish minister–he was an immigrant to the United States–who based his refusal of the smallpox vaccine on a personal medical problem. He said that he had [suffered an adverse reaction to a vaccine] and he wasn’t getting another one. He was fined $5.00 for not submitting to the vaccine. And was the first, I guest what you would call informed conscientious objector to vaccinations.

Currently only two states, Mississippi and West Virginia, have only the medical exemption. Other states have religious, philosophical, and medical exemptions. Mississippi takes great pride in its 99.7% vaccination rate for kindergarten age children. However, on health ratings for states in the US Mississippi ranks 50th.

With drastic improvements in sanitation, food production, and preservation of food, all infectious communicable diseases waned dramatically both in occurrence and mortality.

Frompovich then provides the following figures illustrating how such public health and sanitary improvements decreased the incidence of communicable diseases before the introduction of mass vaccination:

200 deaths per 100,000 infants in 1900
<10 deaths per 100,000 in 1960
(Tuberculosis vaccine rarely used in US)
Pertussis (whooping cough)
16 deaths per 100,000 in 1918
<2 deaths per 100,000 in 1948
(Pertussis vaccine introduced in 1948)
Scarlet fever
12 deaths per 100,000 in 1910
0 deaths per 100,000 in 1958
(No vaccine for scarlet fever in US)
180 deaths per 100,000 in 1933
10 deaths per 100,000 in 1949
2 deaths per 100,000 in 1965
(Influenza vaccinations first introduced widely in US when senior citizens were targeted)
Measles (England and Whales, where death rates were high)
1,200 deaths per 100,000 in 1850
<25 per 100,000 in 1950.
(Measles vaccinations didn’t began in those countries in 1965)

Frompovich argues that the intensified vaccine regimen in the US began in 1986 when Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, Public Law 99-660. This legislation

created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which basically gave vaccine makers a “get out of jail free” card. This meant that no one could sue vaccine makers for any damages to health or for death, occurring from vaccines they make.

Congress also set up what’s called a vaccine court … which administers a no-fault system of what I would call “injustice for damaged vaccinees,” because more are rejected than are paid. As of fiscal 2015, the awards paid for vaccine damages by the vaccine court totaled $3,090,780,181.43. Do you think vaccines cause damage? Are they safe?

As the production of vaccines has increasingly become opaque, so too have the number of hidden ingredients, none of which have been tested together to determine their effect on human physiology or neural functioning. “There’s no reason to have formaldehyde, ethyl mercury, aluminum, Polysorbate 80–Polysorbate 80 takes chemicals and other things across the blood brain barrier to the brain. And that Polysorbate 80 is in just about every one of the vaccines given to kids at two, four, and six months.”

Along these lines, present regulations stipulate that every article used as a component of a drug is classified as a drug, and must be tested as such. Yet the substances found in modern vaccines have not been subjected to any testing. “They have never done studies of how all of the ingredients in one vaccine interacts with each other,” Frompovich explains.

Or how all the ingredients in each vaccine of nine vaccines given at one time interact with each other. They’ve never done those studies! What kind of science is that? Furthermore, every package insert for a vaccine has this specifically printed on it: This vaccine has not been tested [for carcinogenesis] birth defects, or interfere with fertility or reproduction. If every parent knew that, do you think they would allow their child to have those things pumped in to them?

With this in mind, it is ironic that some parents who vaccinate their children are calling for parents who question vaccination to be arrested. “Who are the child abusers?” Frompovich asks. Perhaps those “allowing their children to be innoculated with 35-to-45 admixtures of chemicals, toxins, aborted fetal cell linings, foreign DNA, formaldehyde, aluminum, and ethyl mercury.”

12th July 2015, 09:47 PM
John Rappaport:

Vaccines: an ideal covert op to genetically re-engineer humans


“The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.”

Read that again: “the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA.” Alteration of the human genetic makeup. Not just a “visit.” “Permanent residence.”

***Read full article here***


separately, a recent discovery is this AU based site which does a weekly podcast, The Crazz Files (http://crazzfiles.com/). Their articles & podcasts have had an emphasis on "vaccinations" (BioWeapons...), esp since AU recently rolled out a rule where poor families cannot get any state bene's unless all their kids are "vaccinated"... nailing the most vulnerable with the bioweapon treatment, while the rest get off the hook... for now. Camel's nose in the tent... of course.

Some terrific guests:

http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/11391780_1662139950682603_8568752514892673358_n-160x131.jpg (http://crazzfiles.com/vaccine-crimes-with-chris-savage/)
Vaccine Crimes With Chris Savage (http://crazzfiles.com/vaccine-crimes-with-chris-savage/)

July 2, 2015 (http://crazzfiles.com/vaccine-crimes-with-chris-savage/) // 1 Comment
Former Sergeant Chris Savage of Queensland Police explains how police and doctors who are brainwashed blame parents for vaccine injury and death. Former Sergeant of Police Chris Savage was working in the Queensland Police [...]

(http://crazzfiles.com/vaccine-crimes-with-chris-savage/) http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/DontDeltaEarth-298x3001-174x131.jpg (http://crazzfiles.com/autism-an-inside-job-with-dr-rima-laibow/)
Autism An Inside Job With Dr Rima Laibow (http://crazzfiles.com/autism-an-inside-job-with-dr-rima-laibow/)

June 23, 2015 (http://crazzfiles.com/autism-an-inside-job-with-dr-rima-laibow/) // 1 Comment
http://drrimatruthreports.com What you are about to read is so shocking, disturbing and counter-intuitive that you will want to turn away from even the possibility that I am right. I urge you, for the sake of yourself and [...] (http://crazzfiles.com/autism-an-inside-job-with-dr-rima-laibow/)

(http://crazzfiles.com/vaccine-crimes-with-chris-savage/) http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/VaxViolSenseSci-174x131.jpg (http://crazzfiles.com/vaccination-is-violation-with-dr-rima-ralph-fucetola/)
Vaccination Is Violation With Dr Rima & Ralph Fucetola (http://crazzfiles.com/vaccination-is-violation-with-dr-rima-ralph-fucetola/)

June 11, 2015 (http://crazzfiles.com/vaccination-is-violation-with-dr-rima-ralph-fucetola/) // 0 Comments
[...] (http://crazzfiles.com/vaccination-is-violation-with-dr-rima-ralph-fucetola/)

http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Jon-Rappoport1-174x131.jpg (http://crazzfiles.com/no-more-fake-news-with-jon-rappoport-2/)
No More Fake News With Jon Rappoport (http://crazzfiles.com/no-more-fake-news-with-jon-rappoport-2/)

June 3, 2015 (http://crazzfiles.com/no-more-fake-news-with-jon-rappoport-2/) // 1 Comment
Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative reporter for over 30 years. He is the author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX. He has written [...] (http://crazzfiles.com/no-more-fake-news-with-jon-rappoport-2/)

http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/460-544x544-134-38_10605905-174x131.jpg (http://crazzfiles.com/pushback-with-dr-sherri-tenpenny/)
Pushback With Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (http://crazzfiles.com/pushback-with-dr-sherri-tenpenny/)

May 15, 2015 (http://crazzfiles.com/pushback-with-dr-sherri-tenpenny/) // 0 Comments
Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, ABIHM “If you want your life to change, you have to change your life.” Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center 7380 Engle Road Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130 Phone: Email: [...] (http://crazzfiles.com/pushback-with-dr-sherri-tenpenny/)

MORE: http://crazzfiles.com/category/podcasts

5th August 2015, 10:15 PM
Big Pharma as Organized Crime (video) (http://www.darkmoon.me/2015/big-pharma-as-organized-crime-8-minute-video/) Admin (http://www.darkmoon.me/author/admin/) July 16, 2015 (http://www.darkmoon.me/2015/big-pharma-as-organized-crime-8-minute-video/) Other Writers (http://www.darkmoon.me/category/other-writers/)

Introduced by Felix Dean(no relation to the ‘Felix’ posting on this website)
Peter Gøtzsche (pictured) cannot be dismissed as just another conspiracy theorist or a cargo cultist as the mainstream dismissal industry that passes itself off as the guardian of the First Amendment would like to do.

His CV marks him as a heavy hitter in the fields of medical research with over 450 peer reviewed articles listed in the SCOPUS database, over 30,000 citations, regular contributor to the most prestigious medical journals like JAMA, New England Journal of Medicine, BMJ and Lancet.

So when he willingly sacrifices his future career by going out on the limb saying that the prescription and non-prescription drugs are the third leading cause of mortality after heart disease and cancer, way ahead of wars and other forms of violence and accuses Big Pharma of having rigorously fulfilled the legal definition of organized crime, it is time to pay attention.

He even goes so far as to link it with the shadowy plans for massive reduction of the world’s population.

One can rightfully ask who these players behind the scenes are, e.g., in the USA where over 200,000 people a year are killed by direct application of drugs, half by strictly following the “correct” guidelines and the other half by doctors’ misinterpretation of the wildly confusing prescribing rules.

Which American, apart from the most depraved death row inmates, would knowingly participate in the annual genocide of his compatriots? The question begs an answer: are they indeed Americans? See this 8-minute video for an introduction to this topic.

8-minute video . . .



26th August 2015, 01:05 AM
Red Ice, first (free) hour only:

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - Hour 1 - Why You Should Say NO to Vaccines
August 24, 2015
Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board certified in three medical specialties. From 1986 to 1998, she was a full time Emergency Medicine physician and the director of the Emergency Department in Findlay, Ohio. In 1996, she opened a center for Integrative medicine and patients have come from nearly all 50 states and 14 countries to get well using a combination of conventional and holistic therapies.

Dr. Tenpenny joins us to talk about her important research related to problems with vaccines and the work she is doing to speak out against these damaging inoculations. Sherri covers the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) faulty science and the vaccine industry’s incorrect premises - outlining some not-so-secret studies that clearly show people should be less alarmed about contracting viruses and more concerned with being poisoned by toxic chemicals coming through the needle. We discuss the ramped-up vaccine schedule started in 1991, when 49 doses of 16 vaccines with 65 different toxic chemicals became the normal routine for children beginning at infancy. We look at the hysteria and hype over virus outbreak “epidemics” that have brought forth the legislation of some very steep mandatory vaccination policies infused with politics and big money. We also get into the battle over California’s SB277 forced vaccination law and its slated referendum.

In the second segment, Dr. Tenpenny explains the Healthy People 2020 agenda and the 2010 declaration by the World Health Organization that this is the “decade of vaccines.” We consider the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry, Obamacare, the implementation of forced medical records, and the coopted, corrupt physicians that play the leading role in a well-articulated plan to keep citizens sick and locked into the crooked medical system. Sherri speaks to the multigenerational indoctrination that holds people at the mercy of “authority” figures for their health care needs and afraid to inquire about treatments that are literally altering human DNA.

http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2015/RIR-150824-sherritenpenny-hr1.mp3)

3rd November 2015, 08:50 PM
Oz-based "Crazz Files", 2 hrs: DOWNLOAD MP3 (http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Genomicidal-Vaccines-with-Dr-Rima-Ralph.mp3)

They do many anti-vax shows with top notch guests, check their podcast archive (http://crazzfiles.com/category/podcasts/).

Genomicidal Vaccines With Dr Rima & Ralph Fucetola (http://crazzfiles.com/genomicidal-vaccines-with-dr-rima-ralph-fucetola/)

November 3, 2015 // 0 Comments


Weaponized Pathogens…
Weaponized Vaccines and Drugs…
Weaponized “Phude”

(It may look like food, but it’s not!

GMOs, Degraded Organic Standards, Codex and Toxins…)
Weaponized Energy Production…

Weaponized World leading to Genocide through Genomicide! Are all of these threats leading to an end to Health and Food Freedom… NO! Not if we Push Back together, and not if we take the reasonable steps needed to protect ourselves and families as best as we can, through Natural Solutions…
War is hell. Anyone who has lived through one knows that in their bones and can never forget it. One part of the hell is what war does to the helpless, the innocent, the civilians, the children, the land, the unborn.

Wars are fought for ideas that cloak economic motivation, for flags that cloak aspirations of empire, for oil, for water, for food, for greed and for dominance. They are fought, in the main, by good men and women led to believe that they are serving an ideal worth laying down their lives.

But what of a war in which the weapons are stealth, the victims are everyone who is not anointed as part of the elite or their servants and the means of death are food, water and air? Where the very genomes of the plants and animals of the world are altered into weapons of mass destruction?
What of a war so vicious that it is fought to destroy not just the will to resist, but whole populations; whole genomes. What of a war waged with a willingness to despoil a whole planet?

Is this a war or is this an extermination campaign without borders, order or sanity; authorized not by politicians and generals and publicists, but by faceless, nameless, shameless and truly irredeemably evil genocidal (and genomicidal) madmen.

See: Dr. Rima Reports: Plague DNA inserted into super e. coli
http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=9578 (http://drrimatruthreports.com/?p=9578)

We did not elect them. We did not select them. We did not anoint them. We did not appoint them. They have done so themselves in secret, over many generations. They view themselves as the hidden masters of the world.

And are we to die for their whim and convenience? I think not.

We have natural, legal and effective means of thwarting their plans.

Take, for example, nano silver. Please. I do. A cap full a day if you are well, more if you are ill. There is no organism which can become resistant to it and it leaves the beneficial ones alive and well. Therefore it must be made unavailable, demonized, criminalized, before the killer bug, riddled with the Black Death’s DNA, is unleashed on a vulnerable and trusting Europe.

Take Vitamin C. Please. I do. On a regular basis. Cancer loses its deadly threat when met with sufficient IV Vitamin C. So it is turned into a NEW drug by the genocidal organization called the Fraud and Death Administration.

Take EDTA chelation. Please. I did. To prevent cancer, premature aging, cure osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Since it cuts into cardiac surgery and medication profits, it, too is demonized.

Take vaccination – in mental form, only, please. There is no scientific evidence that injecting foreign proteins, heavy metals and other poisons prevents or cures ANY disease, yet that is what we do on a wildly increasing basis to create permanently immune-impaired customers for Big and Bigger Pharma.

I would love to be able to reject the notion that we are fighting for our lives against an enemy of freedom and of our survival. How comfortable that would be! If it were only corporate greed; if it were only grasping politicians…


3rd November 2015, 09:01 PM
Doctors have challenged the Federal Government’s plan to strip welfare payments from parents who refuse to immunise their children, warning it could hurt poorer families.

Childcare centre operators have also revealed they fear bearing the brunt of parents’ anger over the “no jab, no pay” policy.
In a bid to increase vaccination rates, the Government wants to make payment of childcare subsidies and the Family Tax Benefit Part A supplement to families conditional on their children being up-to-date with their shots.
Parents would no longer be able to claim a conscientious objection or religious exemption to vaccination, with exemptions granted only on medical grounds.
Senators yesterday heard from supporters and opponents of the measure, which will start from January 1 if legislation passes Parliament this year.
A statement from Claremont couple and pro-vaccination campaigners Greg and Catherine Hughes, whose baby son Riley died from whooping cough this year and was too young to be immunised, was read out to the Senate committee.
“We believe that a child’s right to a life of good health without the threat of serious preventable diseases is more important than a parent’s right to claim childcare benefits,” they said.

West Australian (https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/wa/a/29976300/doctors-query-child-jab-plan/)

4th November 2015, 02:12 PM
This was actually the article I was trying to find but could not remember where I saw it,

Shingles Goes Epidemic: Chicken Pox Vax to Blame

Shingles is rapidly becoming epidemic, and the indirect cause is the chicken pox vaccine. Since shingles is the reemergence of chicken pox, that does seem counterintuitive. Nonetheless, the facts do prove the connection.
Once they enter your body, chicken pox viruses never leave. It doesn’t matter whether the virus entered by natural infection or by injection of a live attenuated virus in a vaccine. The virus, called varicella, hides in the central nervous system along a nerve root, and any nerve root will do. Normally, that’s not a big problem—but the situation is changing.

Historically, a few people would develop shingles, generally during a period of stress or reduced immune system function. In those cases, the varicella virus moves outward along the nerve root to whatever area of the body is served by it. It causes a rash, which is quite painful and usually lasts around a month. Most people never have a second bout of shingles.

Chicken Pox Before the chicken pox vaccine, most children got the disease by the age of ten. In the US, about 3.7 million children would get chicken pox every year. About 50 children would die of the disease, and virtually all were immunocompromised. While the death of any child is sad, the reality is that the mortality rate in children was only 0.00135 percent. This doesn’t even come close to a life-threatening epidemic.
On the other hand, adults who get chicken pox have a complication rate of 20%, including pneumonia, bacterial infections, and brain inflammations. Each year, about 50 adults would die of chicken pox prior to the vaccine. Therefore, it was clearly preferable to deal with chicken pox during childhood.
While it’s true that we see less chicken pox than before, it still does happen. While the usual claim is that the vaccine is over 70% effective, the reality appears to be significantly less than that, perhaps as low as 40%. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) state that they don’t really know how common chicken pox now is, but:

Chickenpox outbreaks continue to occur even in settings such as schools where most children are vaccinated with one dose.[2]

Clearly, the vaccine is not very effective. Of course, the response is typical. They’ve added another dose to the schedule.
A Developing Shingles Epidemic But there’s an even darker side to this picture: shingles. Shingles is a far more serious condition. At a minimum, it causes a rash along the path that a nerve root serves, along with severe pain that lasts for around a month. Mercola reports that it can also lead to “bacterial skin infections, Hutchinson’s sign, Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, motor neuropathy, meningitis, hearing loss, blindness, and bladder impairment”[1].
Now shingles is increasing. Worse, we’re seeing children get it. Though it’s still rare in them, the fact is that children virtually never suffered from shingles until the chicken pox vaccine was implemented.

But why would shingles be increasing, with even children succumbing, when there’s a chicken pox vaccine? It turns out, as documented by the statistical analysis of Gary S. Goldman[3], that exposure to children with chicken pox boosts one’s immunity to shingles.The mechanism isn’t known, but the protection is real.

The UK’s Public Health Laboratory Service has found that adults who live with children and are exposed to chicken pox as a result receive protection against shingles[4]. In other words, exposure to active cases of chicken pox results in a boost to the immune system’s ability to prevent shingles attacks.

link to story: Govtslaves.info (http://govtslaves.info/shingles-goes-epidemic-chicken-pox-vax-to-blame/)

6th June 2016, 04:56 PM
With Dr. JAMES Tracy, 1 hr, desc & audio inside.

Interview 89: Cilla Whatcott

Today there is considerable justified alarm concerning the dangers vaccines pose to human health. Yet there are few alternatives offered to the conventional vaccination schedule. On this episode Minnesota-based author and homeopathic physician Dr. Cilla Whatcott returns to speak with James on the contemporary wide scale international acceptance of homeoprophylaxis–or homeopathic vaccination–in countries including the United Kingdom, India, Brazil, and Cuba.

Homeoprophylaxis is a safe and natural alternative to conventional vaccination. As the recent controversy surrounding the feature-length documentary Vaxxed suggests, the broader public and even mainstream medical doctors are becoming increasingly alarmed at the probable dangers posed by conventional vaccination.

Cilla is also co-organizing the second annual Homeoprophylaxis Conference 2016, to take place in St. Petersburg, Florida on October 7-9. The event will include numerous noteworthy homeopathic researchers and practitioners.

Continue reading → https://checkinitout.com/2016/06/06/interview-89-cilla-whatcott/
June 6, 2016

6th June 2016, 05:13 PM
Spingola still does many vax truth shows-- so many I usu don't listen much less repost. Can check her archives if you're curious:

Also Crazzfiles does many pods & articles re vaxes:

31st August 2016, 08:53 AM
Wake Up! Vaccines then and now.


24th September 2016, 11:24 AM
seems like a solid confirmation to me
‘The debate over whether or not vaccines cause autism is far from over, with a new study recently presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) in London, England, destroying the popular claim that any link between the two has been thoroughly debunked by science. Research conducted on baby macaque monkeys revealed that the typical U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccine schedule indeed triggered autism symptoms in the vaccinated monkeys, while none of the unvaccinated monkeys developed the disorder.’

Read more: Autism symptoms detected in vaccinated baby monkeys
http://www.naturalnews.com/055399_autism_symptoms_vaccinations_baby_monkeys.h tml

24th September 2016, 06:22 PM
Read more: Autism symptoms detected in vaccinated baby monkeys
http://www.naturalnews.com/055399_autism_symptoms_vaccinations_baby_monkeys.h tml

One of the reasons I have a problem with Natural News: failure to actually cite the specific source.

This is the source: http://www.ane.pl/pdf/7020.pdf

Hewitson, Laura, et. al. Influence of pediatric vaccines on amygdala growth and opioid ligand binding in rhesus macaque infants: A pilot study. Acta Neurobiol Exp 2010, 70: 147–164.

18th November 2016, 05:13 AM
now they want to inject infants with this lethal concoction

By Lauren Ekailec and Cassius Kamarampi

(Era of Wisdom) Although Gardasil is considered one of the most dangerous vaccines on the market, trials for Gardasil are being conducted on infants. Merck & Co is trying to sell infants Gardasil.

This video deeply examines Gardasil, and includes testimony from experts and victims.


20th April 2017, 03:02 PM
couple recent anti-vax interviews, "bigger picture" focus:

on "Our Interesting Times w/Tim Kelly", stream or download @ link

April Boden on Vaccines and the Medical Industrial Complex

Our Interesting Times (http://tkelly6785757.podomatic.com)

April Boden joins Our Interesting Times to discuss the risks of vaccines as well as the origins of the medical industrial complex and how it relates to the New World Order. April is the mother of three children, a former podcast host and a blogger. Her son Aydan contracted autism at age one after being vaccinated. Her website is aydansrecovery.wordpress.com (http://aydansrecovery.wordpress.com).

on The Richie Allen Show:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tLZCDfLYVwk/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=8o9ieylX1llZ6ncdSU1p8GSF9bQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLZCDfLYVwk) 47:51
Catherine Hannaford On The Impact Of Education, Medication & The Environment On Our Children. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLZCDfLYVwk)

13 hours ago

28th April 2017, 02:49 PM
this vaccine costs 300 bucks with no insurance, I saw on a clinic' s board the other day.

merck could go away with it


Thousands Sue Merck for Shingles Vaccine “Causing What It’s Supposed to Prevent”
Annabelle Bamforth -
April 22, 2017.

............ The true efficacy of Zostavax is unclear. The CDC states that the drug “reduced the risk of shingles by 51%” based on a study of 38,000 people age 60 and up. Reuters reported that Zostavax’s effectiveness “varies between 18 and 70 percent, and it declines noticeably in older people.”

A second shingles vaccine from drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline, Shingrix, may be available if the FDA approves their filing. Shingrix, a two-dose vaccine, distinguishes itself from Zostavax because it’s derived from a protein of the virus rather than a live strain. The efficacy of Shingrix is more impressive, as Reuters noted that “in clinical trials, GSK’s vaccine remained 90 percent effective in people over age 70, even four years after injections.”

Merck has explicitly stated that those who receive the Zostavax vaccine “may still get shingles.” However, Bouk argued that some people may be contracting shingles as a side effect of the vaccine itself due to the live virus strain in the vaccine, not because people are experiencing shingles despite the vaccine.

Bouk went on to say that “there is a study out there that shows that in 50% of the patients that actually get the vaccine, that sometimes they don’t get shingles — the virus goes straight to manifesting in the central nervous system. It’s possible that you could get the vaccine and get meningitis or encephalitis without ever actually exhibiting shingles.” Bouk advises that patients weigh the risks of Zostavax before receiving the vaccine.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/merck-shingles-vaccine-lawsuit/#bksp0G56ZJxMVaMW.99

1st July 2017, 02:56 AM
spectrism called me stupid to the extreme the other day when I pointed out that this wave of migrants in EU is just getting the same treatment and that fighting them means very little in the end. That is exactly how ((they)) do, diverting the attention with real threat while engineering a much bigger threat for the whole... UNITING and CARING about humanity as a whole. That is what jesus meant. What the christ consciousness is all about


Health workers in Syria rush to vaccinate 320,000 children amid sudden vaccine induced polio outbreak - Lunacy
1 July 2017 GMT

The Richie Allen Show
“The UK Gives £14 Billion In Foreign Aid Each year, Not To Feed The Poor, But To Vaccinate Them!”
June 29, 2017


4th July 2017, 09:17 AM
richie allen show,

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QMnmiQfSAtY/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLBCHEfO2m_NlC2QSszXVFFhGktHtQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMnmiQfSAtY) 32:51
NYC Mayor Candidate Sallie Elkordy "Doctors Are Firing Families Who Won't Vaccinate Their Children." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMnmiQfSAtY)

8 hours ago

6th July 2017, 01:10 PM
which western country will be next?-

France to make vaccination mandatory from 2018 as it is 'unacceptable children are still dying of measles'
6 July 2017 GMT

14th July 2017, 05:01 PM
Is Trump’s investigation of vaccine-dangers dead?

Trump has made two key appointments in the area of childhood vaccination. The first was (((Scott Gottlieb))), the director of the FDA. What does Gottlieb have to say?

From fiercepharma.com: “…antivaccine activists were disappointed with Trump’s appointment for FDA head, Scott Gottlieb, who has said any theories of a link between vaccines and autism have been ‘thoroughly debunked’.”

Trump’s second key appointment has now been revealed. Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald takes over as the head of the CDC.

Georgia Department of Public Health: “’Immunizations are the best way to protect infants and children from childhood diseases, like whooping cough and measles that can be life-threatening at young ages’,” said Brenda Fitzgerald, (((M.D.))), commissioner of the Georgia Department of Public Health [before her appointment to lead the CDC]. “It is critical for parents to talk to their child’s doctor to ensure they are up-to-date on immunizations, because no child should have to suffer a vaccine-preventable illness’.”

In 2014, (((Dr.))) Fitzgerald wrote an op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “I’ve heard all the arguments against vaccination. All have been debunked…”


Why three brackets for the Dr.? Two reasons, she is using her position to push the jew talking points on vaccines and she belongs to the terrorist approved (((medical establishment))).

Are these articles on an Amish man fake news?



24th September 2017, 11:13 AM
Vax critics Jon Rappoport & Rima Laibow are frequent guests on http://crazzfiles.com podcasts. 1h 8m, Download

(http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/RAPPOPRT-VACCINE-WAR.mp3) The Vaccine Culture War Is Heating Up With Jon Rappoport (http://crazzfiles.com/the-vaccine-culture-war-is-heating-up-with-jon-rappoport/)

The Crazz Files (http://crazzfiles.com/author/adam/)
September 9, 2017 (http://crazzfiles.com/the-vaccine-culture-war-is-heating-up-with-jon-rappoport/)

http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/deesillustration__vaccines_mercury_-300x267.jpg (http://crazzfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/deesillustration__vaccines_mercury_.jpg)

Race/class-baiting attacks against vaccine doubters

by Jon Rappoport (https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2017/09/08/raceclass-baiting-attacks-against-vaccine-doubters/)The official talking heads in the vaccine wars are using race and class to attack people who doubt the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

Before people lost track of a subject called logic, the fallacy called ad hominem was widely understood: ignore the substance of an argument; simply attack the person making the argument.

Barbara Loe Fisher leads a private non-profit US organization called the National Vaccine Information Center. She has worked for decades to bring truth to the issue of vaccines. Recently, she gave a talk titled, “Class and Race Profiling in the Vaccine Culture War.” Here are vital excerpts:

“The Vaccine Culture War is heating up. Ground zero is America, Europe and other economically developed countries, where the pharmaceutical industrial complex is raising an iron fist to protect multi-billion dollar profits by disempowering the people.”

“In America, professors and doctors in academia and government are profiling parents by class and race to shame and discredit those challenging vaccine orthodoxy. Elite members of the highest paid professions in our society are using academic journals and mainstream media to openly preach fear, hate, prejudice and discrimination against people who disagree with them about vaccination.”

“’When it comes to vaccines, rich parents get away with child neglect,’ the headline in the Washington Post proclaimed on May 10, 2017…”

“That ‘punish the mothers’ Op Ed was preceded by a May 8 Boston Herald editorial revealing just how far the persecution of people advocating for vaccine safety and informed consent has gone. The Boston Herald editorial staff called for the execution of individuals who exercise free speech about vaccine risks and failures. As in, it should be ‘a hanging offense’ to inform parents (especially to inform parents in ‘immigrant communities’) that vaccines carry an unpredictable risk of injury or death and often fail to work as advertised.”

“In 2011, Greg Poland, a University of Minnesota professor of medicine and vaccine developer at Mayo Clinic, profiled parents concerned about vaccine risks in the New England Journal of Medicine. He said, ‘Antivaccinationists tend toward complete distrust of government and manufacturers, conspiratorial thinking, denialism, low cognitive complexity in thinking patterns, reasoning flaws, and a habit of substituting anecdotes for data.’ Then he used a death image to invoke a thinly veiled threat. He asked, ‘What can we do to hasten the funeral of antivaccination campaigns?’”

“Trash talk has become the weapon of choice for a select group of professors and doctors using academic journals and mainstream media to humiliate and bully people who disagree with them about the science, policy, law and ethics of vaccination. In the 21st century, it has been going on in earnest since about 2004 when Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officials kicked off the Vaccine Culture War by asking this question in the Journal of Pediatrics: ‘Children Who Have Received No Vaccines: Who Are They and Where Do They Live?’”

“The CDC study authors played with the words ‘undervaccinated’ and ‘unvaccinated’ so mothers could be profiled by class and race. They said:”

“’Undervaccinated children tend to be black, to have a younger mother who was not married and did not have a college degree, to live in a household near the poverty level, and to live in a central city. Unvaccinated children tended to be white, to have a mother who was married and had a college degree, to live in a household with an annual income exceeding $75,000 and to have parents who expressed concerns regarding the safety of vaccines and indicated that medical doctors have little influence over vaccination decisions for their children.’”

“When doctors with big titles in government and academia put a target on the backs of parents and doctors opposing inhumane one-size-fits-all public health policies and laws, it gives a green light for legislators to do the same thing. In 2012, California pediatrician politician Richard Pan lobbied to eliminate the personal belief vaccine exemption for children to attend school. He told Associated Press that, ‘In private schools, these are people who have money, who are upper middle-class, and they are going on the Internet and seeing information and misinformation.’”

“In 2013, the flames of prejudice were fanned by an online publication profiling parents in a San Francisco community and labeling them ‘vaccine deniers.’ The parents were described as ‘wealthy, educated, liberal leaning’ and often working in ‘technology, law and other white collar professions that demand critical thinking skills,’ who put their children at risk by feeding them non-GMO organic food, taking them to holistic doctors, and paying $20,000 a year to send them to private schools where self-reliance, independence and critical thinking are taught.”

“So, by 2015, the narrative about parents being stupid and crazy for questioning the safety of vaccines had morphed into one profiling parents by class and race. The New York Times had no problem running the headline, ‘Rich, White and Refusing Vaccinations.’”

—end of excerpt—

Getting the message?

It’s not what you think, what you know, what your independent research has uncovered—no, no. It’s all about your profile. Your class and race profile is the only relevant factor.

What you know is merely a bogus affectation based on your class and race status.

Welcome to the ad hominem universe.

“We are official science. Everything we assert is true. Why? Because we are the class of the all-knowing. Anyone who doubts us is from a sub-class of morons. We can break down that sub-class by race and economic status. Then we can use those profiles to shame you into agreeing with what we say…”

It goes further than this, straight into the heart of actual racism:

“You’re black and poor and you doubt the safety and efficacy of vaccines? You obtained those ideas from people who are trying to harm you and your children. You see, you’re not capable of looking at the evidence and the facts yourselves. You’re eternal victims. You don’t have minds of your own.”

Yes, that’s where all this “science” leads.

On the other hand, if you’re “rich and white,” and believe that vaccines are dangerous, you’re simply acting out an elitist desire to separate yourselves from the bulk of humanity who understands the necessity of vaccination.

According to this perverse “analysis,” the only people who truly understand the facts are the princes of vaccination, the talking heads who front for the pharmaceutical giants.

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IMAGE BY DEES (http://ddees.com/index.php/2015/09/11/david-dees-art-gallery/)
