View Full Version : 11 year anniversary of 9/11 looms

Large Sarge
8th September 2012, 06:31 AM
alright doomers,

what is the feeling?

Hatha Sunahara
8th September 2012, 09:16 AM
They have gotten away with it.


mick silver
8th September 2012, 09:53 AM
one of the best under the rugs of the world

8th September 2012, 01:17 PM
i do believe the Jews' position on the Holohoax is "Never Forget, Never Forgive".

why would Americans adopt a different position re. 9-11 ?

Large Sarge
8th September 2012, 01:19 PM
do we get act 2? on the 11th anniv?

8th September 2012, 01:40 PM
9/11 was a jewish-bolshevik-communist (http://truthtellers.org/alerts/jewishactivistscommunism.html)-coup-d'-tat, decades in the planning. They had all the pieces in place, loyalists in judiciary, legislature, media etc.

That's why they've been so cavalier about discarding the constitution, rolling out police state laws, fake voting blackboxes, wars abroad for izzy all based on conspicuous lies.

They're so full of hubris at their "success" they don't even feel the need to be discreet about their joosh supremacist psychopathy any more.



8th September 2012, 01:59 PM
I have been hearing commercials for this on the radio....http://www.911day.org/

8th September 2012, 02:08 PM
do we get act 2? on the 11th anniv?

I am not feeling it.

8th September 2012, 02:55 PM
what is the feeling?

Fascinated by your choice of word, "looms"..., Sarge
Revulsively recoiling against the instant replay/amplitude these 11yrs later re: these horrid series of events.

8th September 2012, 03:17 PM
What's different than the 1 year anniversary vs the 5 vs the 10 and now the 11th? They accomplished what they needed to. The word "looms" belonged to 9/10.

8th September 2012, 04:30 PM
It is well known that the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the US Government. Even to the extent of the personal assistant to Hillary Clinton being deeply involved. Why then are not the prime suspects the Muslim Brotherhood?

8th September 2012, 04:35 PM
It is well known that the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the US Government. Even to the extent of the personal assistant to Hillary Clinton being deeply involved. Why then are not the prime suspects the Muslim Brotherhood?

It's a WELL known fact that the Rmoney is a FUCKING TRAITOR!

8th September 2012, 04:37 PM
Why swear? Is your vocabulary so limited that you have to scrap the barrel for words that have no relevance or meaning.

8th September 2012, 04:38 PM
It is well known that the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the US Government....

Ahahaaaahaaaahahaaa!!! Haaaahahaaaahaaaaa!! Ahhhh.... hahahaaaaaaaaa!!! Haaaaaa!! ;D

You truly are the funniest troll this forum has ever had... ;)

8th September 2012, 04:43 PM
It is well known that the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the US Government. Even to the extent of the personal assistant to Hillary Clinton being deeply involved. Why then are not the prime suspects the Muslim Brotherhood?

Well-known fact, you say?

Let's have some names...and some reason why I should believe they should be suspected... and after you post your list, I will post one of my own.


8th September 2012, 04:46 PM
Well-known fact, you say?

Let's have some names...and some reason why I should believe they should be suspected... and after you post your list, I will post one of my own.


I'll bet you one silver dime that she'll avoid and deflect! ;D

8th September 2012, 04:46 PM
Why swear? Is your vocabulary so limited that you have to scrap the barrel for words that have no relevance or meaning.

Because I fucking can, at least for now. Cussin' is the least of my concerns and should be yours too, especially with R$ and O wielding the NDAA and Unpatriot Act at us.

8th September 2012, 04:55 PM
No, I have no interest in listing names... though a quick search of the media, anti Obama sites and anti Islam sites will soon provide all the information needed to raise the question and wonder why this line of reasoning is not being pursued. I am merely curious as to the answer. It is of no real importance in my life.

8th September 2012, 04:59 PM
...I am merely curious as to the answer. It is of no real importance in my life.

Just like this "Nazi forum" that you keep posting on has no real importance in your life? ???

Methinks ye protesteth just a little to much... ;)

8th September 2012, 04:59 PM
So true.

8th September 2012, 05:01 PM
No, I have no interest in listing names... though a quick search of the media, anti Obama sites and anti Islam sites will soon provide all the information needed to raise the question and wonder why this line of reasoning is not being pursued. I am merely curious as to the answer. It is of no real importance in my life.

You said it was a well-known fact. Let's see you support your assertion.

Support the ridiculous claims you make here, or get out.

People... I highly suggest this troll starts getting ignored. I for one will not be responding to her again.

I will consider anyone that does to be cooperating with her. She's a no-good troll, and the only way she is going to leave is a permaban, or the inability to get anyone to waste their time interacting with her.

8th September 2012, 05:02 PM
I'll bet you one silver dime that she'll avoid and deflect! ;D

You win!

8th September 2012, 05:05 PM
So none of the so called experts on the subject have an answer? Typical.

It is well known that the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the US Government. Even to the extent of the personal assistant to Hillary Clinton being deeply involved. Why then are not the prime suspects the Muslim Brotherhood?

8th September 2012, 05:09 PM
So none of the so called experts on the subject have an answer? Typical.

Yeah... but you can still choose to grow a brain and actually learn some facts to back up (or invalidate) your empty "expert" status.

8th September 2012, 08:10 PM
It is well known that the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the US Government. Even to the extent of the personal assistant to Hillary Clinton being deeply involved. Why then are not the prime suspects the Muslim Brotherhood?

hmmm, why does that ^ remind me of "The Psychological Projections of Organized Jewry (http://zioncrimefactory.com/2011/09/23/the-psychological-projections-of-organized-jewry/)"?

those "Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators" in US gov display such altruism and unselfishness, directing 97% of War On Terror Hoax taxpayer extortion pork to Jewish interests, that ethno-religious minority comprising < 2% of US population, in recognition of their "special risks",

Jewish Groups Grab Huge Share of Grants (http://forward.com/articles/158866/jewish-groups-grab-huge-share-of-grants/)

Almost All Homeland Security Grants Go to Jewish Non-Profits

nate lavey
Risky Business: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano defends the controversial grant program, saying Jews face special risks.

By Josh Nathan-Kazis (http://forward.com/authors/josh-nathan-kazis/)

Published July 05, 2012, issue of July 13, 2012 (http://forward.com/issues/2012-07-13/).

Jewish institutions throughout the United States will receive $9.7 million in federal anti-terrorism grants this year out of a total of $10 million allocated to not-for-profit institutions by the Department of Homeland Security.

That’s $6 million less than last year. But thanks to sharp cuts this year in the overall pool of money available through this program, the percentage of funds going to Jewish groups has nevertheless jumped substantially.

A full 97% of the available funds in the Non-Profit Security Grant Program for 2012 have been allocated to Jewish organizations, compared with 73% that went to Jewish groups from 2007 through 2010. In 2011, Jewish groups received about 80% of NSGP funds.

The NSGP (http://www.fema.gov/pdf/government/grant/2012/fy12_nsgp_factsheet.pdf) has disproportionately benefited Jewish groups (http://forward.com/articles/142542/how-an-anti-terror-program-became-a-jewish-earmark/) since 2005, when it was first instituted.


Jews Face Special Risks, Napolitano Says (http://forward.com/articles/157280/)
'Jewish Earmark' Program Faces Big Cuts (http://forward.com/articles/151844/)
How an Anti-Terror Program Became a Jewish Earmark (http://forward.com/articles/142542/)

“Unfortunately there are risks attendant on the Jewish community that are not attendant on all other communities,” DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano said in an interview with the Forward in early June, weeks before the new allocations were announced.

The allocations in the security grant program fund security enhancements for not-for-profit institutions to defend against terrorism.

The DHS announced (http://www.dhs.gov/ynews/releases/20120629-dhs-announces-fy-2012-preparedness-grant-awards.shtm) the grants as part of a larger $1.3 billion package of so-called preparedness grants. The 2012 allocations include $97 million for port security and $87 million to protect transit systems.

The $10 million NSGP allocation this year represents a drastic cut from the $19 million the program disbursed in 2011.

As the Forward reported last September (http://forward.com/articles/142542/how-an-anti-terror-program-became-a-jewish-earmark/), there’s nothing in the law authorizing the program that says it should benefit Jews specifically. But several factors, including community education regarding the program and its grant application process, have combined to help Jewish groups in particular to benefit from it.

Previously, regulations governing the allocation of the NSGP grants favored religious recipients over nonreligious. This year, that changed. According to Homeland Security documents (http://www.fema.gov/pdf/government/grant/2012/fy12_nsgp_factsheet.pdf), preferred recipients are now defined as those that have “the highest risk of terrorism-related activity due to their ideology, beliefs and mission.” But this did not have a negative impact on Jewish groups’ share of the program money available, even as the overall sum in absolute dollars decreased.

As in previous years, Orthodox Jewish groups appear to have done better than non-Orthodox Jewish groups.

A list of grant recipients released by the DHS did not specify how much each organization received. But program guidelines cap the funds provided for each project at $75,000.

Chabad, the ultra-Orthodox Hasidic group that runs outreach organizations targeting non-Orthodox Jews around the world, did particularly well. At least 35 of the 2012 grantees were linked to Chabad, out of 109 recipients overall.

Only a handful of the 109 NSGP recipients were not Jewish. A church in San Diego received an allocation, as did a Planned Parenthood center in Washington and a Catholic church in New York City.

In her interview with the Forward, Napolitano said that she saw no problem with the overwhelming proportion of NSGP funds going to Jewish groups.

“The fact that it ends up going to many Jewish organizations doesn’t in itself bother me,” Napolitano told the Forward, saying that she thought the program had been successful.

William Daroff, the Jewish Federations of North America’s vice president for public policy, said that the program’s allocations do not reflect political favoritism towards the Jewish community. “This is not pork,” he said. “This is Homeland Security officials making decisions based on threat levels.”

Jewish Groups Grab Huge Share of Grants - Jewish Daily Forward (http://forward.com/articles/158866/jewish-groups-grab-huge-share-of-grants/)


Janadele, as a Mormon, don't you find that ^ sort of sheer good-hearted altruism by US.gov's Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators, an inspiration?

Maybe you should lobby LDS to do the same with all that 10%-of-income tithe money- just give 97% straight to US organized Jewry, in recognition of the special risks they face (imagining LDS leaders don't already do this...) ;)

Some blasphemous reading:
"Homeland Security": another Jewish racket (http://johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com/2012/09/homeland-security-another-jewish-racket.html)

"Global War on Terror" : a Jewish racket (http://johnfriendsblog.blogspot.com/2012/06/global-war-on-terror-jewish-racket.html)

8th September 2012, 09:24 PM
Best keep out of the sun Pat. Sun stroke can cause mental confusion.

8th September 2012, 09:45 PM
Best keep out of the sun Pat. Sun stroke can cause mental confusion.

Says the voice of experience.

8th September 2012, 10:35 PM
Best keep out of the sun Pat. Sun stroke can cause mental confusion.

Sunshine causes our skin to produce vitamin D, vital to our immune system which keeps us healthy - you should try it sometime! OO)~

As someone who's asserted that "It is well known that the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the US Government", I'm still curious to hear your suspected reason for why said Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators :o have opted to direct 97% (Jewish Daily Forward (http://forward.com/articles/158866/jewish-groups-grab-huge-share-of-grants/)) of War On Terror Hoax taxpayer extortion pork to Jewish interests, that ethno-religious minority comprising < 2% of US population? ???

Do you think it's maybe an ingenious deception by our altruistic Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators, to misdirect public scrutiny towards believing that it's not really Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators in control at all, but rather it's Organized Jewry? ???

Janadele? ???

Also curious to hear your response to the question already asked multiple times by others ^, where you substantiate your assertion that "It is well known that the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the US Government". :|~

8th September 2012, 11:46 PM

Why are you attempting to reason with the poster in question? A fanatical papist advised me against telling you not to reason with a cockroach, and instead to crush it, so I suppose my rhetorical question will have to suffice.

8th September 2012, 11:57 PM
Pat :I love the warmth of the sun. But shelter from the heat. I walk on the beach early mornings and late afternoon, so my vitamin D level is high.

I am confident that yourself and many others here are fully conversant with the role the Muslim Brotherhood is playing in the US government. Why not tell us all about it.

9th September 2012, 12:08 AM
A little over a year ago, President Obama called the “Arab Spring” revolutions that began in Egypt a historic opportunity for America “to pursue the world as it should be.”
Obama praised the uprisings that would soon spread to other countries and said the United States should promote “change that advances self-determination and opportunity.”
According to multiple reports in Arabic news sources, as well as WorldNet Daily and the Algemeiner, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood this month has begun crucifying enemies of the country’s recently installed President Mohammed Morsi.
According to Egyptian media accounts, on Aug. 8, a large mob of Muslim Brotherhood “partisans” surrounded a media center in an angry response to criticism of Morsi’s consolidating power by removing several key military leaders and the Brotherhood’s rewriting of the country’s constitution and other laws.

Egyptian website El Balad reported that: “thousands of the Muslim Brotherhood’s supporters attacked 6-October’s media facilities, beat Khaled Salah—chief editor of the privately-owned and secular Youm 7newspaper—prevented Yusif al-Hassani, an On TV broadcaster, from entering the building, and generally terrorized the employees.”
When supporters of journalist Tawfik Okasha gathered at the presidential palace, they were surrounded by a Brotherhood mob that “attacked them with sticks, knives, and Molotov cocktails, crucifying some of them on trees, leading to the deaths of two and the wounding of dozens,” according to El Balad.
Okasha had stirred up Brotherhood anger by posting a video that showed a Muslim apostate being killed by a mob shouting “Allahu akbar,” or “God is great.”
Al Azhar, one of the leading Muslim institutions in Egypt, has issued a fatwa in response, calling for even more violence and killing to stop planned demonstrations against the Brotherhood.
Several Arabic websites reported that the crucifixions were verified by a Sky News correspondent.
The developments may not be a surprise to critics of the Arab Spring who long expected the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood to revert to its Shariah law-inspired dictatorial ways.

When Morsi, a known Islamist, won the Egyptian election, Obama said the United States would “stand beside” Egypt, despite calls from conservatives like Allen West for rejecting the election’s outcome.
Obama even went so far as to invite Morsi for an official visit, the first such invitation ever extended by a U.S. president to a Muslim Brotherhood member, although White House officials had met previously with Brotherhood emissaries.
The latest developments should be deeply embarrassing to the Obama Administration. At the very least, they show plainly Obama’s foreign policy foolishness and incompetence.
They should also raise some very serious questions about this Administration’s connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, which it has supported politically, militarily and financially throughout the Mideast, including the current fighting in Syria.
More disturbingly, these events show that the Left’s recent complaints regarding questions about Huma Abedin, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top aide, are just a baseless smokescreen that may even amount to a coverup by the Administration and its supporters.
When Michelle Bachmann and several other Congress members raised questions about Abedin’s undisputed family ties to the Brotherhood, and about the infiltration of the government at several levels by operatives or sympathizers of the Brotherhood, they may have just scratched the surface of what could turn out to be an extensive, deliberate attempt at espionage by Islamists.
How many of the Brotherhood’s outrageous actions have been signed off by the White House, and what role has Abedin played in persuading the Administration to ally itself with a known terrorist-sponsoring organization?


9th September 2012, 12:12 AM
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s aide and Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin has been with Clinton since 1996. She was never properly screened, this will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

To be concerned about Abedin’s access to sensitive information is an issue that will most likely garner unsolicited curses from “sensitive” Americans who are enamored with her. These same people ignore this diva’s familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Lt. Col. Robert Anderson’s detailed reports aimed at getting Army intelligence to investigate Ali Mohamed—and have him court-martialed—were also ignored.

Abedin is even more potentially dangerous: She can leak state secrets. She is closely associated with her Muslim Brotherhood family and even joined Clinton at an event with her mother, Saleha Abedin, at Dar El-Hekma College in Saudi Arabia. Also present was a close associate of Saleha Abedin—Suheir Qureshi. Qureshi’s name later appeared in several prominent Arab newspapers when it was revealed that she belonged to a list of 63 members of the secret arm of the Muslim Brotherhood called The Sisterhood. The full list was later revealed—Huma Abedin’s mother is on it. Huma’s brother—Hassan Abedin—also collaborates with Omar Naseef and Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, two of the most influential terror supporters in the world.

Yet, as detractors argue “guilt by association,” they unwittingly strengthen our case, because this is what the FBI uses when investigating federal employees: “Character. Associates. Reputation. And Loyalty to the United States. (CARL).” This checklist was never applied to Huma Abedin, who still associates with her family. Dismissing all this as “guilt by association” ignores a tough question:

Other than Huma Abedin, has there ever been a case in which a family member who either belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood or was a prominent Islamist did not denounce a Muslim female relative who married a non-Muslim male?

It’s a question with only one answer: Her family made an exception for her because Huma has a higher calling.

9th September 2012, 12:15 AM

Interesting comments from Sheri Smith:
Google Khalid al-Mansour Obama and then Google Banna Nazi and then Husseini Nazi.

Muslim Brotherhood has declared war against the US since 1928. Obama is Muslim Brotherhood and works hand-in-hand with the Nazis for one goal, to "Destroy America". Obama insisted the Muslim Brotherhood, in which al-Qaeda & Taliban are just 2 branches of, sit in the front row at his speech in Cairo! Unbelievable! In the openness of the world!! He has aided Muslim Brotherhood take over 4 constitutional governments: Kenya, Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya with American's money!! Now, paying Pakistan to adhere to the demands of (MB) in even stricter Sharia Law.

9th September 2012, 12:20 AM
Was Huma Abedin, the wife of Anthony Weiner and the Deputy Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton, unaware that her mother was reported as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood? Is it possible she does not know that her brother is tied to the Brotherhood's radical leadership? Did Western media miss what has been revealed in several Arab newspapers, which has remained secret in American government circles?

Al-Liwa Al-Arabi (translated here) claims to have leaked an extensive list of members of the Brotherhood’s secret women's division, which is known alternately as the Muslim Sisterhood or the International Women's Organization (IWO). This detailed list was partially published by Al Jazeera and several other major Arab newspapers. And it included Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin.

9th September 2012, 12:21 AM
This is what I'll be doing.........

“9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” Final Edition
Thursday, September 13, 2012
7:30 PM


9th September 2012, 12:49 AM

As someone who's asserted that "It is well known that the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the US Government", I'm still curious to hear your suspected reason for why said Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators :o have opted to direct 97% (Jewish Daily Forward (http://forward.com/articles/158866/jewish-groups-grab-huge-share-of-grants/)) of War On Terror Hoax taxpayer extortion pork to Jewish interests, that ethno-religious minority comprising < 2% of US population? ???

Do you think it's maybe an ingenious deception by our altruistic Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators, to misdirect public scrutiny towards believing that it's not really Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators in control at all, but rather it's Organized Jewry? ???

your explanation? ^ ???

midnight rambler
9th September 2012, 01:14 AM
It is well known that the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the US Government. Even to the extent of the personal assistant to Hillary Clinton being deeply involved. Why then are not the prime suspects the Muslim Brotherhood?

lol You're always good for a laugh!

Rightttt...it's all about those scary moozlems, they're the ones who control Hollyweird, the media, the banks, virtually every federal agency, etc. lol

So we should just pay no attention to the Zionist swine (who Mittens stands ready to serve licking his lips in anticipation of sucking some Zionist cock) who are the ones who have been perpetuating Communism in this country for the last 150 years?

midnight rambler
9th September 2012, 01:19 AM
Why swear? Is your vocabulary so limited that you have to scrap the barrel for words that have no relevance or meaning.

I have no idea how you can say such a thing when clearly some words definitely do not belong 'at the bottom of the barrel' and absolutely have their place when expressing one's self.

Take for instance what Capt. McGonagle had to say to the Zionist swine who had just killed 34 of his crewmembers and wounded 174 more immediately after the protracted attack -

"After more than two hours of unremitting assault, the Israelis finally halted their attack. One of the torpedo boats approached the Liberty. This same torpedo boat crew had been circling the ship, machine-gunning anyone who stuck his head above decks, as well as the lifeboats the crew had put over the side. A torpedo boat officer asked in English over a bullhorn: 'Do you need any help?' The wounded commander of the Liberty, Captain William McGonagle, instructed the quartermaster to respond emphatically: "Fuck you." http://www.gtr5.com/quotes.htm (http://www.gtr5.com/quotes.htm)

9th September 2012, 02:14 AM
Perhaps you have become so desensitised that you do not realise what such language does to the soul and sensibilities of those who have moral standards and sensitive spirits, and who strive to live wholesome lives. It is so revolting and degrading and lacking any sense of common decency. Such language is never heard in my world, nor do I ever want to see nor hear it. I will continue to avoid, block out and skim over any such posts and will certainly not consider them as worth reading.

midnight rambler
9th September 2012, 03:16 AM
And perhaps you've drunk so much of the Death Cult Kool-Aid you have scales over your eyes. And you have the GALL to imply you have 'sensibilities' and 'moral standards' and 'strive to live (a) wholesome life' when you BLINDLY support that lyin' Zionist warmongering whore collectivist Mittens Obomney? In all my born days have I EVER witnessed a more glaring hypocrite! lolololololol It's mindless, easily misled Death Cult Kool-Aid drinking morons like you who make this world such a dangerous place. There's a special place in Hell for such enablers.

I will continue to avoid, block out and skim over any such posts and will certainly not consider them as worth reading.

Indeed, as was suggested by others earlier, perhaps now is the time for ALL of us to put this mindless Communist drone on ignore, therefore directly after this post I'm going to make the very first addition to my ignore list.

9th September 2012, 05:43 AM
let us not let a troll derail a thread about 9-11.

the Ignore function is under 'Settings/ Edit Ignore List'.

Israel did 9-11, with obvious help from the US gov.

9th September 2012, 08:12 PM


10th September 2012, 03:57 PM

Email the guy, ask him what he thinks of the above information.

Shyam Sunder
Phone: 301-975-5900
Email: sivaraj.shyam-sunder@nist.gov
Fax: 301-975-4032


10th September 2012, 04:09 PM
1975 WTC flre:

"The fire department on arrival found a very intense fire. It was not immediately known that the fire was spreading vertically from floor to floor through openings in the floor slab. These 300-mm x 450-mm (12-in. x 18-in.) openings in the slab provided access for telephone cables.

Subsidiary fires on the 9th to the 19th floors were discovered and readily extinguished. The only occupants of the building at the time of fire were cleaning and service personnel. They were evacuated without any fatalities. However, there were 125 firemen involved in fighting this fire and 28 sustained injuries from the intense heat and smoke."


""It was like fighting a blow torch" according to Captain Harold Kull of Engine Co. 6,........

Flames could be seen pouring out of 11th floor windows on the east side of the building. So, this was a very serious fire which spread over some 65 per cent of the eleventh floor (the core plus half the office area) in the very same building that supposedly "collapsed" on 9/11 due to a similar, or lesser, fire.

This fire also spread to a number of other floors. And although it lasted over 3 hours, it caused no serious structural damage and trusses survived the fires without replacement and supported the building for many, many more years after the fires were put out.

It should be emphasized that the North Tower suffered no serious structural damage from this fire. In particular, no trusses needed to be replaced.

That the 1975 fire was more intense than the 9/11 fires is evident from the fact that it caused the 11th floor east side windows to break and flames could be seen pouring from these broken windows. This indicates a temperature greater than 700°C. In the 9/11 fires the windows were not broken by the heat (only by the aircraft impact) indicating a temperature below 700°C."


Uncle Salty
10th September 2012, 04:41 PM
It is well known that the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated the US Government. Even to the extent of the personal assistant to Hillary Clinton being deeply involved. Why then are not the prime suspects the Muslim Brotherhood?

You are correct.

Barack Hussein Obama.

10th September 2012, 11:22 PM

11th September 2012, 03:48 AM
it's the big 9/11 + 11, behave phreaks,



11th September 2012, 07:26 AM