View Full Version : Romney: I will not repeal Obamacare....

10th September 2012, 04:44 PM
This just in.....

The entire argument of the individual mandate is OVER. The argument is now that individuals have the choice of either buying government health insurance or private health insurance. These fucking weasels....

This should be a BOMBSHELL to any and all people who are going to vote for this clown in spite of Obama. WAKE THE FUCK UP. We are in occupied territory. Your Government has been seized. The enemy has collaborators in every level of the system. We are living in the same history that our founders lived through. We are going to face the same thing they did. So please, DO NOT try and tell me i need to vote for this scumbag!!!! FUCKKK!!!!

I love how the entire debate was about an individual mandate while Romney was campaigning. Now that he has been blessed, the argument has evolved through the dialectical process...

“I'm not getting rid of all of health care reform,” Mitt Romney said. “Of course, there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I'm going to put in place.”

Who the FUCK does this clown think he is? Fucking dictator Romney who is ordained to rule over us by Executive decree. FUCKKKK AGAIN!!!!


midnight rambler
10th September 2012, 04:56 PM
I have this feeling Mittens is going to make King George the first look like gunowners' bestest bud - SHOULD he be selected over the Kenyan Communist house nigger.

10th September 2012, 05:02 PM
I am awaiting Janadele's defense of Mittens.

10th September 2012, 05:04 PM
I am awaiting Janadele's defense of Mittens.

As if

Twisted Titan
10th September 2012, 10:02 PM
I cant wait until this sh!t really gets implemeted and Health"care" in this country drops to the bottom of the toilet.

Im gonna laugh my @$$ off when it finally dawns on people that the fake a titis they are plauged with dosent win them a cozy bed at the hospital but a 2 asprin and bandaid after waiting 11 hours in a dirty waiting room where you are gonna contract a whole other level of nasty cooties

Gonna be really funny then

midnight rambler
10th September 2012, 10:04 PM
Come on TT, surely you appreciate that 'health care' is a right.

Twisted Titan
10th September 2012, 10:07 PM
Come on TT, surely you appreciate that 'health care' is a right.

Just like gubbermint housing is a basic right and so is Gubbermint food.

Funny thing why arent Free Guns a Basic Right?

midnight rambler
10th September 2012, 10:13 PM
Just like gubbermint housing is a basic right and so is Gubbermint food.

Funny thing why arent Free Guns a Basic Right?

At least free ammo, huh?

11th September 2012, 02:10 AM
The thing is that cost of "healthcare" has spiralled out of control. No one in their right mind would hand over the required money for the insurance, so thus it needs to be made mandatory, to preserve the profits of the pharmaceutical cartel, instead of people seeking a more rational and cost effective approach to maintain and enhance their health. Certainly there is a place for drugs and surgery, but it should encompass possibly around 5-10% of healthcare instead of 90% today, and the cost would be approximately a tenth for each procedure/prescription performed...