View Full Version : Sheryl Crow blames brain tumor on cell phone use

12th September 2012, 09:58 AM
No mention of vaccines, GMO's, Chemtrails, fluoride, aspartame, etc.

http://www.fox40.com/news/headlines/ktla-sheryl-crow-brain-tumor-couric-show,0,1265287.story?track=rss (http://www.fox40.com/news/headlines/ktla-sheryl-crow-brain-tumor-couric-show,0,1265287.story?track=rss)


LOS ANGELES (KTLA) -- Singer Cheryl Crow says she believes using her cell phone excessively caused her to develop a benign brain tumor.

Crow appeared on the premiere episode of Katie Couric's new afternoon talk show on Monday.

She said she began to notice something wasn't right a couple of years ago.

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"I felt like I was just really starting to be mushy. A couple of I'd like space on stage and forget lyrics, so I ended up getting a teleprompter," Crow said.

Earlier this year, Crow got an MRI and learned she had menengeoma, a non-cancerous tumor between the lining of her skull and brain.

Crow told Couric that she blames radiation from her cell phone for the tumor.

"I do have the theory that it's related to that, because in the early days when I was promoting my first record, I did hours of phoners on the old, archaic cell phones," she said.

Brain surgeon Dr. Rahul Jandial spoke to KTLA over the phone, who said there's no evidence supports cell phone use causing brain cancers.

He said researchers are confident there's no link between cell phone use and brain tumors, largely becasue of the trends they've seen in benign and malignant tumor rates over the past two decades.

"The number of brain tumors have stayed the same, even thought the number of cell phones has gone through the roof and skyrocketed," Jandial explained.

The National Cancer Institute says radio waves emitted by cell phones can be absorbed by human tissue, and older technology emits more radiation.

The institute says more research is needed because technology, as well as how and how much people use their phones, are always evolving.

Meantime, despite the tumor, Crow says she feels healthy and happy.

"It's nothing I have to worry about, but it was definitely a sobering moment," she said.

12th September 2012, 10:06 AM
sheryl crow also told everyone to only use 1 or 2 squares of toilet paper to save the planet.

12th September 2012, 10:17 AM
Her Ex had one so she just HAD to get one too?
Copy Cat

12th September 2012, 01:55 PM
I'm sure vaccines, GMO's, Chemtrails, fluoride, aspartame are an issue too; but I believe cell phones are an issue, they DO radiate.I personally do not use them because they are: 1. A personal tracking device that also makes phone-calls. 2. A health hazard. - I think in 20 years all the phone manufactures will be like the tobacco industry in the 80's saying they do not cause cancer [remember them standing up one-by-one saying that].

Old Herb Lady
22nd September 2012, 06:43 PM
um didn't she have RADIATION for her breast cancer a few years ago ??

22nd September 2012, 08:24 PM
um didn't she have RADIATION for her breast cancer a few years ago ??

A lot of good that did her, she is still a boob!

23rd September 2012, 10:21 AM
This technology was never safety tested. (cough, FCC) This is the first generation of humans ever to experience direct and constant microwave radiation. Children absorb more radiation than adults. Children who use mobile phones are 5 'times more likely to develop brain tumors' Their bodies have a higher water content and this makes them more conductive to the radiation. They're also more vulnerable because their skulls are thinner their brains are still growing their immune systems are still developing and their cells are still rapidly dividing. The cumulative results would greatly exceed anything that's been studied so far. This amounts to a giant experiment that we are taking so precious as our children. AKA the FUTURE!

Wi-Fi in Schools: Testing for Microwave Radiation Dangers in the Classroom

www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO 0AnNHz8vI
Uploaded by Trackingcandles on Sep 21, 2011

Calais School, Plainfield, VT

Resource to give to schools:


























Early Research



History of Regulatory Guidelines:


Bioinitiative Report


RF Measuring Devices:



Cheap yet Good:




Non-Consent Form:


23rd September 2012, 10:36 AM
1 - You See - Hearing is believing - Wake up NOW through adding 2 + 2 = ?

Uploaded by Creatrix13 on Mar 25, 2008

http://www.bevolution.org - free download of brainwave model, etc.

Seeing is believing for most people. The invisible you cannot see - therefore hearing is believing.

Believe it or not- here you have the answer that explains why people get more and more stressed, burn out and feel disconnected Life.

Pay it forward to as many as possible and be part of The Human Project.

Find more at www.bevolution.org

41 - Professor Olle Johansson: Is it safe or not? Part 1:15

Uploaded by Creatrix13 on Jun 22, 2008

http://www.bevolution.org - free download of brainwave model

Mobile Phones Radiation - what are the real health risks and facts? Is it safe or not? That is the question.

Professor Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden has researched for 30 years in the electromagnetic radiation field (EMR/EMF).

Download the videolist and his CV in pdf at www.bevolution.dk

This interview in 15 parts can change your life when you really pay attention and are aware - your world view will probably transform during the 15 video parts.

This is an interview with the world known scientist assoc. professor Olle Johansson from the famous Karolinska Institute in Stockholm in Sweden and
professor at The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm too.

The question being discussed is about mobile phone radiation: Is it safe or is it not?

Independent researcher in consciousness (energy, frequency and vibration) Morten Julius from Denmark is interviewing the honourable Olle Johansson.

The Human Project has produced this interview and you can download documents and get to know more at


Thank you for sharing with all you know and wish the best.

23rd September 2012, 10:52 AM
sheryl crow also told everyone to only use 1 or 2 squares of toilet paper to save the planet.

Ponce would agree.