View Full Version : SGT report "my 911 awakening"

Large Sarge
12th September 2012, 10:16 AM

12th September 2012, 11:24 AM
No need for me to "awake" to know what went on and who......not matter how good our intelligence system is there is NO WAY that they could have collected all that information in less than 24 hours.......they knew their names, where they stayed at, which bar they visited the night before, found instruction books about flying a plane in the dumster, found the cab that they used to go to the airport and that they had a fight with the cab driver, found "the only" passaport to survive the inferno and it was for one of the "terrorist"........there is a lot more but it would take me a book to say it all.

OH! and 8 of the 19 "terrorist" are alive and well hahahahaahahhaahha. Who knows what happened to othe other 11.

There is a big difference between saying "I believe" and "I know"....."I don't have to believe in order to know"... Ponce

12th September 2012, 01:03 PM
Good article. I still say there were NO planes involved at any of the locations that day.