View Full Version : Massive Tax Increases If Obama Re-Elected- Be warned!
12th September 2012, 01:29 PM
I have always respected Dick Morris as a reliable and sincere source of political information. Anyone who works for a living and pays income taxes needs to watch this; because if Obama gets re-elected we are in for another ass-rape tax-wise:
12th September 2012, 01:34 PM
sadly, people will vote for the kenyan PRECISELY because this is what he's going to do. WHERE MY FREE SHIT AT FROM 'DEM RICH PEOPLE, YO?
12th September 2012, 01:36 PM
Wouldn't that depend on the elections, isn't about half of the other elected critters up for reelection, and how good/bad they go for each party? And who will have a majority in both houses?
12th September 2012, 01:41 PM
Wouldn't that depend on the elections, isn't about half of the other elected critters up for reelection, and how good/bad they go for each party? And who will have a majority in both houses?
Doesn't matter, Barry does most if not all his stuff via executive decree..
12th September 2012, 01:46 PM
Wouldn't that depend on the elections, isn't about half of the other elected critters up for reelection, and how good/bad they go for each party? And who will have a majority in both houses?
Are you prepared to take that chance, Canine-hombre?
12th September 2012, 01:54 PM
Are you prepared to take that chance, Canine-hombre? Not at all, but there is really nothing this small old dog can do about any of this shit. Except complain and a fat lot of good it does in the greater scheme of things.
So why should I worry about something I can not change or control? Complain and worry about it on this forum?
We all here are on the same page on this line of thinking. So why preach to the choir? Not worth my mental energy!
This dog will sideline himself and bunker down in my dog house and prep. And try and wait it out if I live long enough!
12th September 2012, 02:13 PM
Taxes will go up if homie the clown gets re-elected or if whitey the clown is selected. The guy in the video can't do math and he is exaggerating a lot of the numbers, which discredits his whole point.
12th September 2012, 02:26 PM
Taxes will go up if homie the clown gets re-elected or if whitey the clown is selected. The guy in the video can't do math and he is exaggerating a lot of the numbers, which discredits his whole point.
The numbers sounded about right to me. Which ones did you find fault with, specifically?
12th September 2012, 04:20 PM
Morris is a neocon shill.
Reagan raised the SS tax on everyone.
When the time comes Mittens will do the same to "save" Social Security & Medicare.
A bipartisan,bicameral super duper budget committee will analyze the problem and make the appropriate recommendations and they will be followed by POTUS.
12th September 2012, 05:23 PM
The numbers sounded about right to me. Which ones did you find fault with, specifically?
I only watched it once, but applied the marginal rate to the whole income to come up with first number, and the mortgage deduction and state taxes he says a $2000 mortgage and simply applies 40% to it. It would be the INTEREST from the $2000 mortgage times the marginal rate, and the state tax times the marginal rate. I also haven't heard about this anywhere else. What I have heard is that AMT is going to hammer EVERYONE that makes more than like 100k and that will phase out all these deductions. I am not sure if that was part of what he was getting at?
It's gonna suck, even if his numbers are wrong....
12th September 2012, 05:25 PM
i'm gonna go on welfare, get health care and climb everyday if this asshole gets re-elected
12th September 2012, 05:47 PM
I only watched it once, but applied the marginal rate to the whole income to come up with first number, and the mortgage deduction and state taxes he says a $2000 mortgage and simply applies 40% to it. It would be the INTEREST from the $2000 mortgage times the marginal rate, and the state tax times the marginal rate. I also haven't heard about this anywhere else. What I have heard is that AMT is going to hammer EVERYONE that makes more than like 100k and that will phase out all these deductions. I am not sure if that was part of what he was getting at?
It's gonna suck, even if his numbers are wrong....
OK - no point in getting bogged down arguing about whether it's a shit sandwich made with white bread or rye.
12th September 2012, 05:50 PM
i'm gonna go on welfare, get health care and climb everyday if this asshole gets re-elected
Spoke to a colleague about it today, an internist - old country doctor type - good caring man. He told me he's tired of working 'til 10 PM every night to pay for all this government largesse. I told him I'll be cutting my hours down until my gross income drops at least 30-40% - take more vacations and expense to my practice. He agreed.
12th September 2012, 05:56 PM
I'll be cutting my hours down until my gross income drops
Income ... undefined
Gross income ... all income from any source whatsoever
Mayhap you might be able to figure this puzzle out?
12th September 2012, 06:10 PM
If he institutes "Obamacare" I will either take an exemption or be out of work. If I have to live on the street or in the sticks for these last few years, so be it.
midnight rambler
12th September 2012, 06:16 PM
Income ... undefined
Gross income ... all income from any source whatsoever
Mayhap you might be able to figure this puzzle out?
That's like someone saying, "Give me a gross of widgets" and you respond by saying, "what kind of widget are you referring to specifically?" - then they look at you like you've lost your mind when clearly they are incapable of rational thought.
Additionally, this sort of utter nonsense only applies to those naive enough to claim to be a 'US citizen'.
12th September 2012, 06:21 PM
Income ... undefined
Gross income ... all income from any source whatsoever
Mayhap you might be able to figure this puzzle out?
You know Palani, some friendly advice: don't talk this way in real life to strangers. Thye might not be amused by your obtusity.
midnight rambler
12th September 2012, 06:23 PM
You know Palani, some friendly advice: don't talk this way in real life to strangers. Thye might not be amused by your obtusity.
Hey, he's just stating PRECISELY what the IRC says - nothing more, nothing less.
The IRC has a definition for 'gross income' however the IRC has NO definition for 'income'. The term 'gross' is not that difficult to comprehend (even when it comes to 'legal' terms), however WTF is 'income'*??** ??? ('gross income' being two words, thus TWO distinct concepts)
*'income' is DEFINITELY NOT 'compensation', 'cause insurance payouts ('compensation') have been ruled by the courts to be NOT taxable and NOT 'income'
**btw, rhetorical question - I know wtf the deal is - the 'income tax' is not a tax on income, it IS a tax on a corporate privilege or activity, and the amount of 'income' is meaning a means of assessing the tax
12th September 2012, 06:28 PM
You know Palani, some friendly advice: don't talk this way in real life to strangers. Thye might not be amused by your obtusity.
The internal revenue started in England around the 1810's. They had a discussion of it in a parliament funded study 100 years later. When asked for the definition of income the question was left unanswered.
12th September 2012, 06:29 PM
It's threads like these that make me think that I should try and sign up for whatever handout I can get. 0 income ;) Barely gettin by so WTF? It is nice though getting off the radar but damn it seems there's a LOT of perks in poverty, lol.
midnight rambler
12th September 2012, 06:32 PM
It's threads like these that make me think that I should try and sign up for whatever handout I can get. 0 income ;) Barely gettin by so WTF? It is nice though getting off the radar but damn it seems there's a LOT of perks in poverty, lol.
If that's you in your avatar, then you're definitely the wrong color to qualify for 'entitlements'.
12th September 2012, 06:34 PM
If that's you in your avatar, then you're definitely the wrong color to qualify for 'entitlements'.
Weese can all starts lernin ebonics. That gotta count for suttin.
midnight rambler
12th September 2012, 06:39 PM
Weese can all starts lernin ebonics. That gotta count for suttin.
A little over 30 years ago I was unable to work due to a very violent crime by 'a person of color' (who just happened to be milking the system for EVERY POSSIBLE entitlement he and his wife could - DESPITE NOT qualifying). I was in dire straits and someone suggested I apply for food stamps - the black woman who reviewed my case actually told me verbatim - "You're the wrong color (to qualify)."
So unless you're actually a 'person of color'* you can forget the entitlements.
*not only do I comprehend that white is a color, I also get the fact that the color white is made up of ALL the colors of the spectrum.
12th September 2012, 06:39 PM
Weese can all starts lernin ebonics. That gotta count for suttin.
Has nothing to do with how you speak. All U.S. citizens are of African origin.
12th September 2012, 07:08 PM
Wonder what the odds are of a white dude getting a 3 or 6 month food card?
12th September 2012, 07:14 PM
Wonder what the odds are of a white dude getting a 3 or 6 month food card?
Odds are better if you take if from a black dude. Otherwise, a single white dude getting ANY assistance? Zero. We are the bottom of the barrel, my friend.
I try to stay out of race related discussions, but man, a single white guy in our country, is an expendable resource. If you are working, you get taken from. If you are out of work, you are left to die. Sad, but true.
General of Darkness
12th September 2012, 07:48 PM
I have always respected Dick Morris as a reliable and sincere source of political information.
FYI - Dick Morris is a lying jew. ;)
12th September 2012, 08:06 PM
I have always respected Dick Morris as a reliable and sincere source of political information. Anyone who works for a living and pays income taxes needs to watch this; because if Obama gets re-elected we are in for another ass-rape tax-wise:
You mean you trust the Dick Morris that was behind Clinton? Shirley you jest!
I am not doubting his numbers, but when he "switched sides", we have to look for what the angle is. Mittens likes Obummer care too. Taxes will go up no matter what. SS payments will automatically decrease soon when the return on bonds doesn't cut the mustard anymore. More payroll taxes to support our grandparents and great aunts that are leaching off of us and thinking it is not enough.
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