View Full Version : Life from my perspecive is truely fucked

General of Darkness
13th September 2012, 07:06 PM
To the point that I say, fuck you life, fuck your mother and the bitch you road in on.

I will NEVER IN MY LIFE FORGIVE ME FOR THIS. Two doors down there's a nice Iranian family. I always talked to them, then about 3 years ago they adopted this stray fucking rottie that was a psycho. From then on I never talked to them. Over the past two years I noticed that the father was never around and I assumed there was a falling out. Maybe a divorce or something

Tonight, as I type this I took my dog Indy for a walk and I saw the lady of the house and ask, "Hey how are you doing, where's your husband, I never see him around?". Her eyes teared up and said that he died two years ago from liver cancer.

So for two years, I did nothing to help their family, just two doors down. I know I didn't know what happened, but what a piece of shit I am. I should have made more effort to be a better neighbor.

13th September 2012, 07:12 PM
You live and you learn my friend, it's when you don't learn that ya cuss yourself. And, as the old saying goes...that's why God made today and tomorrow.

13th September 2012, 07:16 PM
To the point that I say, fuck you life, fuck your mother and the bitch you road in on.

I will NEVER IN MY LIFE FORGIVE ME FOR THIS. Two doors down there's a nice Iranian family. I always talked to them, then about 3 years ago they adopted this stray fucking rottie that was a psycho. From then on I never talked to them. Over the past two years I noticed that the father was never around and I assumed there was a falling out. Maybe a divorce or something

Tonight, as I type this I took my dog Indy for a walk and I saw the lady of the house and ask, "Hey how are you doing, where's your husband, I never see him around?". Her eyes teared up and said that he died two years ago from liver cancer.

So for two years, I did nothing to help their family, just two doors down. I know I didn't know what happened, but what a piece of shit I am. I should have made more effort to be a better neighbor.

There is no shame in not knowing. Stop beating up on yourself. Besides, it's not too late to do something for that family, from the heart, and with no expectation of anything in return except gratitude. Besides, when we do good for others, it comes back to us in multiples. Believe me, it's true. Be a General of Light for a change!

General of Darkness
13th September 2012, 07:20 PM
You live and you learn my friend, it's when you don't learn that ya cuss yourself. And, as the old saying goes...that's why God made today and tomorrow.

LT, it breaks my heart. I truly hate all fucktards, kikes, niggers and the lot, but I'll break my back for humans regardless their race,

13th September 2012, 07:33 PM
I am so sorry that you feel bad but it does happen. I have assumed things in my life that turned out to be complete opposite and I would have done things differently had I known. But that is life! You can only move on and do what you can now. Like LT said, live and learn.

I try to remind myself every day when someone is in a bad mood that for all I know something really bad has happened and if it is not threatening to me then let it go....

13th September 2012, 07:41 PM
Generally Drama, Take your hand off the barbed wire ya hammerhead.

Your neighbor, Golden

13th September 2012, 08:29 PM
every now and than the old A-Hole in I slips out and i feel like a shit for a minute but i try to be less of one each time and generally I am. somehow this is one of the only places i can say whatever the FUCK i want and sorta get awy with it. now that you know i'm sure they would appreciate your kindness which i'm sure they will know to be genuine. cheer up!!

13th September 2012, 09:43 PM
every now and than the old A-Hole in I slips out and i feel like a shit for a minute but... Then the feeling passes!


Roflmao!! Sorry Cortez... I couldn't help myself. Somehow that struck me as damn funny!!

(I think they call that condition a "prolapse" lol)

old steel
13th September 2012, 11:10 PM

14th September 2012, 02:09 AM
To the point that I say, fuck you life, fuck your mother and the bitch you road in on.

I will NEVER IN MY LIFE FORGIVE ME FOR THIS. Two doors down there's a nice Iranian family. I always talked to them, then about 3 years ago they adopted this stray fucking rottie that was a psycho. From then on I never talked to them. Over the past two years I noticed that the father was never around and I assumed there was a falling out. Maybe a divorce or something

Tonight, as I type this I took my dog Indy for a walk and I saw the lady of the house and ask, "Hey how are you doing, where's your husband, I never see him around?". Her eyes teared up and said that he died two years ago from liver cancer.

So for two years, I did nothing to help their family, just two doors down. I know I didn't know what happened, but what a piece of shit I am. I should have made more effort to be a better neighbor.

The face that you are broken up about it now shows just how much you care. Not that many Men have compassion for their fellow man anymore don't be so hard on your self you do us all proud.

Twisted Titan
14th September 2012, 03:12 AM
Nos soli vitium est, ex quo discimus nihil

The only mistake we make , is the one from which we learn nothing

You are a better person today..........so you didnt make a mistake.

14th September 2012, 04:28 AM

With your state of sincerity, we know you will do something for the family that sustained the loss. You are being consistent with numbers 1, 2 and 3 of your honor code as offered in the other thread. TT offers a sage perspective. Go in peace and do the right thing.

14th September 2012, 05:28 AM
do they have kids? if so, your biggest chance of being a great person is still in front of you. those kids are drifting around without a male role model or male attention now. the next few years will determine how they turn out. i encourage you to stop by, talk to them, maybe take them out for an hour of attention, etc. when i was a teacher for 2 years, i saw this sort of stuff happen all the time, and the lack of male attention usually ended up with a male becoming a gang type idiot or a female becoming the neighborhood whore. do it, man. and good luck.

14th September 2012, 05:30 AM
I wouldnt feel okay neither but you'd try to see the half full/empty bottle theory here, this family/woman also sounds kinda introvert. what I mean here is the lack of communication was going both ways. When they adopted that irascible dog, they could have noticed that the canine's aggressiveness was a problem, not just with you but also most likely other people

I always do this, seeing both sides of the fence helps resolve misunderstandings and teaches paying more attention to details. This avoids blame games and excessive guilt. Proactiveness will always remain the best prevention in all areas of life.

It is good to have remorse but dont let it overwhelm you too much.


14th September 2012, 06:00 AM
General, I am sorry that you are feeling bad about this situation, but could be a brighter side to it. Long after all of her friends and relatives have stopped doing that "special" caring for her, you get to step up. Maybe it's not such a horrible thing that you just found out about her husband's death. Maybe now it's simply your turn. :)

Hatha Sunahara
14th September 2012, 08:50 AM
Hey GoD, you might be thorny, but you have a heart of gold. Don't spend too much energy kicking yourself for being human. Do what it takes to make yourself feel good about yourself, and move on. Life is short. Make the widow your friend.


14th September 2012, 09:05 AM
I think many of us have had situations like that in life. You are a good person. Don't beat yourself up over this. (((Hugs)))

14th September 2012, 10:54 AM
this family/woman also sounds kinda introvert

I would be to if I was in a foreign country that continually demonized my home country.

That's probably why the guy got liver cancer in the first place.

14th September 2012, 01:39 PM
I'm just happy that you are able to identify this about yourself. Most people would have swept this under the rug of their mind. The fact that you care that you "could have done more to help" shows your good character.

Your neighbor,


14th September 2012, 02:04 PM
do they have kids? if so, your biggest chance of being a great person is still in front of you. those kids are drifting around without a male role model or male attention now. the next few years will determine how they turn out. i encourage you to stop by, talk to them, maybe take them out for an hour of attention, etc. when i was a teacher for 2 years, i saw this sort of stuff happen all the time, and the lack of male attention usually ended up with a male becoming a gang type idiot or a female becoming the neighborhood whore. do it, man. and good luck.

GoD as male role model. Hmmm, let's do a thought experiment:

Scenario: GoD has become virtual foster parent and mentor to the kid two doors down. The kid has returned home from 4th grade crying.

GoD: Hey kid, why are you crying like a damn girl. Man up!
The Kid: A big bully at school punched me, called me a camel jockey!
GoD: What'd you say to him?
The Kid: Nothing. I was afraid.
GoD: Dammit kid, you should've gotten in his face and called him a cunt!
The Kid: Really?
GoD: Damn straight! Then, you get the sharp object of your choice and stab him in the dick!
The Kid: My teacher said violence is never the answer! <sob>
GoD: Is that so? What's your teacher's name?
The Kid: Ms. Goldfarb.
GoD: Jeez, a frickin' kike. Never take advice from a kike. Besides, bitches don't know shit about fighting.
The Kid: Thanks Mishko.
GoD: Don't mention it. Glad to help. Now remember what I told you. You have to choose the right kind of freinds to hang with. No niggas and no spics, understand?!
The Kid: Yeh! You're the bestest!!!! <smiles>
GoD: Aw shucks, I'm just being me kiddo.

General of Darkness
14th September 2012, 02:23 PM
thanks for the kind words. I really appreciate it.