View Full Version : Are We in the Last Days? Must the White Race Perish First?

Stop Making Cents
16th September 2012, 12:13 AM
I have been wondering if we are in the last days for most of my adult life. Society just seems to be getting worse and worse out there.

I have a theory that God is allowing the White race to die off through mass immigration, race mixing, and low birthrates before the travails of revelation come to pass so that whites can avoid the suffering.

Please add your thoughts. Am I nuts? I'm just trying to make sense of the self-destruction of white, western Christendom.

16th September 2012, 02:17 AM
I really don't see it going on much longer, we have just dwindled down too much and of the ones that are left not enough are smart enough to get it and start changing things.

16th September 2012, 11:01 AM
I think you are pretty much right.

It's all been foretold.

16th September 2012, 11:32 AM
Yes I it written, but......... I think it will continue for years until it is complete hell on earth.

We haven't seen nothing yet!