View Full Version : Russia reveals its awash in Diamonds
Large Sarge
18th September 2012, 12:36 PM
18th September 2012, 12:46 PM
Well... dump them on the open market already! Hit those DeBeers Khazarist bitches where it hurts the most... their wallet! ;D
18th September 2012, 12:59 PM
Well... dump them on the open market already! Hit those DeBeers Khazarist bitches where it hurts the most... their wallet! ;D
Didn't that happen for a while in the 1990s (after the wall fell)? I remember a lot of activity around that time. I imagine that some degree of control was re-established.
midnight rambler
18th September 2012, 01:02 PM
Yeah, fuck DeBeers
18th September 2012, 01:26 PM
Yeah, fuck DeBeers
18th September 2012, 02:09 PM
Someday, in the not too distant future....
\uu\ 3716
18th September 2012, 02:17 PM
Diamonds are a scam. It's really fascinating! The most interesting part of the diamond scam, to me, is that this "tradition" of buying a diamond ring only started to become common as recently as the 1930's. Come on. That's not a tradition, that's a hoax.
18th September 2012, 04:13 PM
Trillions of Carats! That means somewhere around a thousand carats per person. Rich would have millions of carats. As far as I remember a carat is a quarter gram, a thousand carats would be a quarter kilo, and a million carats would be about 600 pounds of diamonds... Coming to think about it I doubt rich would like to buy diamonds. They may be able to sell diamonds in a nice plastic ring for a quarter in those bubblegum machines to little girls. Nothing wrong with that! LOL!
18th September 2012, 04:18 PM
Personally, I like some of the synthetic gems (rubies, etc.). Same chemical, same form, just made in a lab. Unfortunately the price is still much too high on most of them.
18th September 2012, 04:20 PM
Graphite + meteorite crater = Win.
Sucks to be a Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Congo etc... slave digging in the muck for already less than peanuts at gunpoint.
18th September 2012, 04:21 PM
DeBeers is a Rothschild owned company. Diamonds are a Rothschild run racket.
18th September 2012, 04:25 PM
Didn't that happen for a while in the 1990s (after the wall fell)? I remember a lot of activity around that time. I imagine that some degree of control was re-established.
Yes, Soviets were producing synthetic diamonds via military technology at a fraction of a cost De Beers "finds" and "sells" them on open market. At one point, DeBeers and Soviets had an agreement, and DeBeers were buying out all russian stock to keep monopoly fraudulent high prices. After Soviet Union collapsed, there were some issues with military contractors, then mafia basically took some of these and continued dumping on the market.
Whatever happened later - is hard to tell. I presume some control has been established from both ends, De Beers and Russia.
I am thinking the technology got so cheap that for Russia "finding the largest diamond field" is the way to dump more synthetic diamonds under the disguise of "the largest mining operation".
Just my 10 cents.
De Beers scumbags must be dealt with properly.
18th September 2012, 05:25 PM
Wonder if this is a little extra leverage to discourage war?
General of Darkness
18th September 2012, 05:33 PM
JEWlairs and DIEmonds. Diamonds are perfect example of the jew. You see right through them, they're overrated, add absolutely no value to society, and goyim die for them.
18th September 2012, 05:44 PM
The members here have their number, bang on posts.
Rothchilds are already after Russia, they own DeBeers or control it, look at their board, online, controlled by Rothchild, more interestingly, they are a Cartel that is somehow allowed to operate in some Western countries, how is this possible, ? . LOL !
Rothchild and their partner families owned all of Africa 100 years ago.
A good video , Oppenheimer, from GIM posters, in this thread.
Magnes Compiled Old Schoool GIM Movie List (
search for good link yourself
The Diamond Empire: Oppenheimer family's cartel, Artificial scarcity (1994) ( BIaFdz-5iDOjpZUnmxijl2EHdrZllLM2v1RuCzZS1aoy6jddBhDa6BMjj f0prHqGSfMYg6YhukPHcqhuQCDkqpIQwHN4VjYmLiFMc3OnUEr Ku29MWEZz67lpEsPBc_sI_iUDnuhWE5lYM3twZk_vduC6ogchU jmZ-NLMIMISSF9Q&sigh=wwNfajVJFC8VV68Un0mMBuNVQLw&begin=0&len=4857152&docid=-6186684678299366197)
De Beers is able to create an artificial scarcity of diamonds through its wholly-owned Central Selling Organization (CSO), thus keeping prices high.
A cartel is a group of formally independent producers whose goal is to increase their collective profits by means of price fixing, limiting supply, or other restrictive practices.
The US oil and gasoline markets work the same way seeking to restrict the flow of IRAQI oil for example.
18th September 2012, 06:46 PM
I'm glad they found diamonds under that crater and not a trillion ounces of gold.
Maybe the price of masonary saw blades will be coming down.
18th September 2012, 06:57 PM
Magnes, as always, has all the good info supported by links.
Your Diamonds movie link is dead.
<embed id=VideoPlayback src= style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>
18th September 2012, 07:09 PM
Diamonds are a scam. It's really fascinating! The most interesting part of the diamond scam, to me, is that this "tradition" of buying a diamond ring only started to become common as recently as the 1930's. Come on. That's not a tradition, that's a hoax.
I've only ever met one person (a good friend of mine) that saw through the diamond charade. She got a really nice, simple, looking sterling silver ring with her birthstone for her engagement. Looked great and at a fraction of the cost
18th September 2012, 07:12 PM
I've only ever met one person (a good friend of mine) that saw through the diamond charade. She got a really nice, simple, looking sterling silver ring with her birthstone for her engagement. Looked great and at a fraction of the cost
Indeed! I don't know ANYONE who didn't buy a big ol' goddamned rock for their wedding... even though I told half of them what a bloody (literally) scam and crooked business it was. Stupid fucking sheep... just "gotta" do the "traditional" thing, don't go annoying them with the facts! ::)
I knew about the diamond scam over 20 years ago when I got married, my wife and I bought simple Silver bands... we weren't getting married for the gifts anyway, and she didn't need an overpriced chunk of carbon to convince her I loved her! ;)
18th September 2012, 08:19 PM
I got in a conversation the other day with a guy I see by my work all the time, we started talking about random things and got on the subject of marriage. I explained that I would never involve the state in my marriage. I said it was a business and "why the fuck would I pay them for a piece of paper", then I'm remembered he just got married... "no offense". Oops!
Anyway he said he collects gold and silver coins and was "mad" about his ring because it was .40 of an ounce of gold (something like that) and it was $2200.... So the same goes for guys and metals.
I don't get it. I do have diamonds in my engagement ring but it was no where near one months salary let alone two. Plus, why would I want my other half to go into debt for my ring when that will be my debt too...
I know a girl that said yes but asked if they could go back for a bigger ring.... Holy red flag!!!!! He did and therefore I don't feel sorry for what will happen to him in the future....
18th September 2012, 08:31 PM
Well... dump them on the open market already! Hit those DeBeers Khazarist bitches where it hurts the most... their wallet! ;D
I often wonder how much is a diamond really worth if the deception was exposed.... I had a ex who was in the business and 1 VVS1carat white was selling for 60k...
18th September 2012, 08:39 PM
Plus, why would I want my other half to go into debt for my ring when that will be my debt too...
That's exactly right, and I don't get it either. But then, there are plenty of people - men and women - who want what they want right now. They are perfectly willing to jeopardize their family's security to get it.
18th September 2012, 10:11 PM
Magnes, as always, has all the good info supported by links.
Your Diamonds movie link is dead.
[ Good link thanks. 1:20 , 233mb download using download helper.
The Diamond Empire: Oppenheimer family's cartel, Artificial scarcity (1994) ]
Thanks, and all those links are dead, I didn't redo it, but everything is easy to find.
You have some good info too.
Let's add the " blood diamonds ", all diamonds from Africa are blood diamonds,
this is a way of controlling who produces and exports, Rothchilds create the
conflicts in Africa, it is no accident that Israeli's control this "blood diamond" part.
Blood diamonds for arms. They are after more than just diamonds.
israel blood diamonds (,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=488354a2964bc8d0&biw=998&bih=866)
south africa debeers ( .1.13093. 0...1c.1.ERgojktV07g&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=488354a2964bc8d0&biw=998&bih=866)
south africa boers history ( .0.16120. 1.30.0.les%3B..0.0...1c.1.WTJcrT60gk4&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=488354a2964bc8d0&biw=998&bih=866)
They created South Africa and Rhodesia, then destroyed them.
Been reading about that, this is ongoing to this day, genocide whitey,
who are the people behind this, so this goes to diamonds, resources,
conflicts going way back, they really did control all of Africa 100 years
ago. Rhodesia was named after their partner Rhodes as an example.
A 1st world nation they destroyed from the naive builders who were
fed to the lions, Ian Smith was naive about this as well to the end,
asking WTF, we are allies.
19th September 2012, 02:06 AM
I often wonder how much is a diamond really worth if the deception was exposed.... I had a ex who was in the business and 1 VVS1carat white was selling for 60k...
A lump of crystallized coal, without DeBeers deception, I would say that you could probably deduct 95% or more from the Prize. If you get rid of the "tradition" as well, 99% (likely that would go with the DeBeers deception gone). Most of it is set in gold or platinum rings, if you sell it you'll get the scrap value of the PM including the weight of the diamond, if it is a nice piece of Jewellry, you may even get a premium of a few percent...
19th September 2012, 02:31 AM
The top employs the bottom to supply the top with everything wholesale...the top then marks it up and sells it to the bottom retail.
the difference between the wholesale cost and the retail price is the yield.
the top lives off the yield from the bottom.
The top owns all the money in circulation...All below the top rent it from the top and teh cost to pay the rent is hidden in the prices of everything.
the yield is a demand for 7%.
7% growth has a doubling time of 10 years.
which means that the supply of the demand for 7% has to double every 10 years.
after 10 years it takes 2 times the amount of supply....20 years 4 times....30 years 8 times...40 years 16 times....50 years...32 times...60 years...64 times.
in 1944 the total credit market debt or money supply of the USA was 355 billion dollars...from then till 2008 US consumers requested the commercial banks to inflate the debt on average 7.84% per year.
Until the total credit market debt inflated into 53.6 Trillion Dollars by 2008 or the roaring 6 decades.
355 billion dollars fits into 53.6 Trillion Dollars...150 times.
The top owns all the debt and the bottom rents it from the top and the cost to pay the rent is hidden in the prices of everything.
Not just diamonds.
Of course once the bottom reaches their maximum potential to supply the demand for yield by the top....the absolute capitalist, take more than you give, or plunder system collapses....
"When plunder (taking more than you give/absolute capitalism) becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal (rule) system that authorizes it and a moral code (religion) that glorifies it."--Frederic Bastiat
25th September 2012, 10:18 PM
mick silver
26th September 2012, 02:58 PM
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