View Full Version : Israel to start WW3 on Yom Kippur (next week)

Large Sarge
18th September 2012, 12:56 PM

18th September 2012, 02:14 PM
....its like war is their national pastime....{--->)

midnight rambler
18th September 2012, 02:23 PM
....its like watching the stupid goy wage war for IsraHell is their national pastime....{--->)


18th September 2012, 02:25 PM
I think war is likely to begin in South Lebanon. That is what Israel feel is the greatest immediate threat now. The Armada is in the Persian gulf to prevent the Iranians from closing the straights of Hormuz. The Syrians are neutralized for the time being...

General of Darkness
18th September 2012, 02:28 PM
I think war is likely to begin in South Lebanon. That is what Israel feel is the greatest immediate threat now. The Armada is in the Persian gulf to prevent the Iranians from closing the straights of Hormuz. The Syrians are neutralized for the time being...

Neuro I think you might be correct, the jews need the water resources.

18th September 2012, 03:16 PM

18th September 2012, 04:10 PM
Neuro I think you might be correct, the jews need the water resources.

palestine-israel "blue gold" war...

Jun 16, 2003 – The Arab-Israeli conflict has taken a major toll on the water infrastructure of the Palestinian territories, leaving many thirsty.


I need 6 weeks or so to fix my van (make some $$). if economy crashed before that... it is gonna be hard to survive.

18th September 2012, 04:14 PM


Speaking with Infowars’ Alex Jones, former Assistant Deputy Secretary of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik says Israel plans to attack Iran before the U.S. elections of Nov. 6., and, that an attack on Iran will assuredly kickoff WWIII, according to him.

Moreover, Pieczenik, a man whose career inspired the character Jack Ryan of the Tom Clancy book series, says the ‘October Surprise’ will not take place in October. Instead, the big surprise will come earlier, in late September.

Dr. Pieczenik says the specific date of the strike on Iran is Sept. 25th or 26th, Yom Kippur—the Jewish holiday, which commences in the year 2012 at sundown on the 25th, and ends at nightfall, the following day.

“It [an Israeli attack on Iran] could be earlier than October, because we have Yom Kippur. And I predicted on your radio show, and I predicted to our national security people, privately, that Benjamin Bibi Netanyahu would start something on Rosh Hashanah,” says Pieczenick.

“This [prediction] was over a year ago, and I said it on your radio show. He was as predictable as a clock, and the Israelis will be very predictable, on Yom Kippur,” he adds.

Pieczenik says it’s clear to him that Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu has already planned to attack Iran and has been desperately trying to enlist the U.S. to back him up. But, with or without U.S. direct help, Pieczenik is certain that Israel will attack Iran.

Moreover, he says Netanyahu is an extremest, who will “lie” for his personal and selfish cause, a conclusion also drawn by many Israelis who protest his regime.

“Everything Bibi is saying to the Americans and the American Jews is an absolute, unmitigated lie,” Pieczenik, a Jew, himself, says forcefully,
“What we have here is a collusion between Saudi Arabia, neocon Jews of America and Israel, against a president, who, whether I like or dislike, and may have lied about Osama Bin Laden,” he adds, “he [President Obama] is the son . . . a son of a CIA operative, the grandson of a CIA operative, who understands very well what the issues of intelligence are.”

With help from his neocon friends, Netanyahu threatens the entire world with the suicidal notion that Iran must be attacked, and the Israeli prime minister must be stopped, even if it means assassination, according to Pieczenik

“In a couple of weeks, they [Israel, Saudi and neocons] will try to initiate another war, unless their ex-Mossad operatives and their ex-Shin Bet will take out Netanyahu, and do to Netanyahu what happened to Rabin,” exclaims Pieczenik. “They know what I’m talking about. Otherwise he will bring down Israel, the world, and there will be a third world war.”

He also says, “What we are, is [sic] at the brink of war, that is being precipitated by two major countries. That is, Israel, particularly Bibi Netanyahu, who knows his country is failing economically, socially, politically.” And the other country is “Saudi Arabia.”

Pieczenik says the Israelis, Saudis and neocons were behind the 9-11 attacks, an accusation also made some years ago by many researchers of the incident. Once considered a crazy idea forwarded by some ‘conspiracy theorists’, who seek to see a conspiracy in every major world event, the conspiracy theorists have been mostly vilified, though no reinvestigation of the 9-11 incident has been seriously proposed by any member of Congress.


18th September 2012, 06:13 PM
all that talk about Al-CIA-duh buying nukes on the black market.

well, the real Iran has a LOT more money than CIA-Mossad fronts, related to Iran's 100 Billion barrels of oil.

if Israel assumes that Iran has never managed to trade some of their oil revenues for a functioning nuclear weapon - this is an assumption that could come back to haunt Israel.

what i can't figure out is, when it comes to enrichment, why do they need so many centrifuges ? U235 is the fissile material needed for HEU, U238 is the heavier material filtered out by the centrifuge - gradually.

why can't a nuclear factory off-load the sorted Uranium isotopes into storage tanks, and then use the same centrifuge to work on the next batch of slightly more enriched uranium ?

why can't they use intelligently placed storage tanks to reduce the need for thousands of centrifuges ?

the centrifuges are very interesting. they spin at (ballpark) 30,000 rpm. that is FAST. it takes a lot of engineering - and makes the centrifuges more expensive, because they each require precision machining, precision bearings, etc.

18th September 2012, 06:39 PM
Thread: CIA Mormons, Zionists behind anti-Islam film: Analyst (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?63652-CIA-Mormons-Zionists-behind-anti-Islam-film-Analyst)

edit: now I notice the vid below is the same as Sarge posted in the OP

ALEX ?!?! "Shocking 9/11 Mossad Connection Revealed!" (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2012/09/alex-shocking-911-mossad-connection.html)



Uncle "Be Be" is going to spank AJ's pee pee when he hears about this.

Look how uncomfortable fatboy is when the elephant in the room is mentioned "Ah, Ah, I'm in way over my head", "Ah, Ah, this is super deep history" Move along people, nothin to see here !!! Lol

http://i.imgur.com/lfm3P.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/lfm3P.jpg)

NOTE: Fat boy changed the title to "Insider: U.S. Ambassador Killing an Inside Job!"

this interview ^ took place Sunday I think, and they said something about Piecznik returning on Tuesday (today?)

18th September 2012, 06:45 PM
eve of yom kipur is when djooz recite the "kol nidre" oath 3 times:


18th September 2012, 07:41 PM
I say it'll be in Purim 2013, same as the start date for Libya, GW2, the end date for GW1, anymore?

General of Darkness
18th September 2012, 08:06 PM
Steve Pieczenik WORKED FOR KISSINGER AND IS CFR, and people want me to trust him. He's a jew that somehow saw the light and is now honest? Give me a fucking break.

18th September 2012, 10:22 PM
eve of yom kipur is when djooz recite the "kol nidre" oath 3 times:


Masonic Plot is not here to translate for us. Apparently we are taking it out of context.

I can't post this without laughing.

Ouch, who's that noob attack dog on my ankle . LOL !

MP's last words on here were, " who are all these amateurs " , LOL !

Exactly, giving trolls a bad name, LOL !

I found MP, JP, Halo, Ulysses.

chicken swinging yom kippur (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=chicken%20swinging%20yom%20kippur&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1046&bih=866&noj=1&gbv=2&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=VldZUMW6L6jn0QG7o4CICQ)


18th September 2012, 11:06 PM
Steve Pieczenik WORKED FOR KISSINGER AND IS CFR, and people want me to trust him. He's a jew that somehow saw the light and is now honest? Give me a fucking break.

Good point! Most of what he said rang true though. But that is what quality disinfo looks like. 90-99% correct!

19th September 2012, 04:21 AM
Most of what he said rang true though.

without listening again, I recall red lights flashed for me the couple of times he tacitly propped up the official holohoax (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54461-Introduction-to-the-Holocaust™-Hoax) narrative-

said at one point he was joosh and "from the holohoax, Bibi didn't come from that",

then towards the end something about "hitler brought us the holohoax, now Bibi is the new hitler!"

at least he didn't cite "6 MILLION" or "GAS CHAMBERS" lol, and he did say the other stuff poking holes in the official zio-revisionist WW2 narrative, WRT djooz relocating to Palestine.

19th September 2012, 04:41 AM
Neuro I think you might be correct, the jews need the water resources.
Yes, that is one thing. However, they need to take out, or at least significantly weaken Hizbollah in South Lebanon, before taking on Iran. I don't think they need to be to worried yet about the Muslim brotherhood of Egypt, since I don't think they have any significant control of Egypts military forces. The only, at the time, significant local opposition to the Iran campaign is Hizbollah in South Lebanon

19th September 2012, 07:48 AM
Yes, that is one thing. However, they need to take out, or at least significantly weaken Hizbollah in South Lebanon, before taking on Iran. I don't think they need to be to worried yet about the Muslim brotherhood of Egypt, since I don't think they have any significant control of Egypts military forces. The only, at the time, significant local opposition to the Iran campaign is Hizbollah in South Lebanon

That's what that flare up in the summer of 2006 was about. They planned to take out Iran back then but Hezbollah handed the IDF's asses back to them..so the project went to the back burner until now..

19th September 2012, 09:13 AM
That's what that flare up in the summer of 2006 was about. They planned to take out Iran back then but Hezbollah handed the IDF's asses back to them..so the project went to the back burner until now..
Steve Pieczenik, mentions in the interview above, that one reason they didn't do Iran back then, was that Putin went to meet Ahmedinejad. But certainly another reason could be that they lost the Hizbollah fight, but it could be they decided to retreat because Iran got covered by Moscow and they were not interested in a costly occupation of South Lebanon...

19th September 2012, 12:18 PM
Yes, that is one thing. However, they need to take out, or at least significantly weaken Hizbollah in South Lebanon, before taking on Iran. I don't think they need to be to worried yet about the Muslim brotherhood of Egypt, since I don't think they have any significant control of Egypts military forces. The only, at the time, significant local opposition to the Iran campaign is Hizbollah in South Lebanon
Sure enough, Israel will start a Surprise Live Fire Drill on the Golan heights, neighboring both Syria and Lebanon, tonight (that is now)...


19th September 2012, 12:27 PM
Another article that cast some further light on the 'drill':


Involving large number of soldiers from offensive units!

19th September 2012, 01:37 PM
Sure enough, Israel will start a Surprise Live Fire Drill on the Golan heights, neighboring both Syria and Lebanon, tonight (that is now)...


Not good. We're getting closer..

19th September 2012, 02:02 PM
Not good. We're getting closer..

Not a guarantee of anything.... Israel will not do it alone. They are going to want the US to take the brunt of any casualties and this is an election year. Not going to happen until 2013