View Full Version : 302 pairs of Y-fronts to regain his world title

19th September 2012, 03:07 AM
Now that's a pants record! Father, 53, pulls on 302 pairs of Y-fronts to regain his world title;D

By Francesca Shanahan (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Francesca+Shanahan)
PUBLISHED: 08:27 GMT, 19 September 2012 | UPDATED: 08:37 GMT, 19 September 2012

A father has squeezed himself into over 300 pairs of pants to beat the world record for the most underwear worn at one time.

Self-titled ‘Pantsman’ Gary Craig managed to pull on an impressive 302 pairs of underpants in his Guinness World Record attempt, securing him a place in the record books.

The 53-year-old, from Whitburn, South Tyneside, had previously held the World Record when he managed to put on 211 pairs of underpants last year.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/09/19/article-2205396-15133FB5000005DC-22_634x937.jpg Not a pants effort: Gary Craig, 53, pulled on 302 pairs of pants on Sunday in a bid to reclaim his World Record title

But his record was beaten when American Janine Keblish overtook him after pulling on 252 pairs of underwear in February.


The real doggy paddle: The pets taking the plunge with their underwater antics (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2205225/Underwater-Dogs-Calendar-2012-Photographer-captures-pets-diving-pools-fetch-ball.html)
Watch the enchanting gorillas who were VERY curious about a caterpillar (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2205089/So-does-butterfly-appear-Curious-gorillas-entranced-tiny-caterpillars-crawling-cage.html)

On Sunday, with the Great North Run taking place in the background, the determined dad-of-three reclaimed his record and is now awaiting confirmation from Guinness World Records.


Skye Broberg holds the record for the fastest time to cram into a box after taking 4.78 seconds to squeeze in during her attempt in London.

British Thomas Blackthorne has the accolade of lifting the heaviest weight using his tongue (12.5kg)

Charlotte Lee from the USA has the honour of owning the world's largest rubber duck collection, with 5,631 different ducks.

Chinese Fan Weipeng holds the record for the most bowls broken with one finger in one minute (102)

Gary filmed his world record attempt and will send it to Guinness before a final decision is made as to whether or not he has claimed back his title.
Gary said: 'It went very, very well and the official number is 302. I wanted to be the first person to put on over 300 pairs and I did it.'
'I think I’m also the first person to hold the record twice - probably because no one else is daft enough to do it twice.'

'I wanted to break the record by so much that if anyone else ever does manage
to break it, they will definitely deserve it.'

Gary, an architect, attempted the feat in a tent on Gypsies Green in South Shields during the Great North Run and attributed part of his success to the crowd reaction:

'Putting on all those pants is harder than it looks because you’re carrying an incredible weight, but the crowd really spurred me on and kept me going.'

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/09/19/article-2205396-15133E22000005DC-563_634x918.jpg Relief: Geordie Gary looks like a sumo wrestler as he attempts his challenge, but has decided to retire from world record attempts following his recent effort

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/09/19/article-2205396-150B40E6000005DC-648_634x408.jpg Cheering: Gary attempted the pants challenge during the Great North Run, and attributed the crowd reaction and support to helping him break the record

'There must have been about 1,000 people in that tent and they were all cheering me on. I couldn’t have asked for a better time and place to do it.'

Now Gary has reclaimed his title, he has reluctantly decided to hang up his pants saying 'I think this is it now, I’m not going to go and attempt any more world records.'
'My wife Jacqueline helps me out with this one by getting all the pants ready and helping me get them on, but she doesn’t like the limelight as much as I do.'


'The atmosphere on Sunday was fantastic and I smashed the world record, so I couldn’t ask for more.'

19th September 2012, 04:16 AM
As seen on the documentary


19th September 2012, 10:18 AM
Im not sure what worse, the fact that somebody out there spent their timne and money on something so foolish or the fact that there is a massive crowd in attendance hanging on their every breathe?

Shami NAILED it. Look at the guys face. His entire Life's value has been placed in this. Im sure when he gets beat, he will no lomger have a reason to live, and will commit suicide soon after.....

19th September 2012, 10:38 AM
Nasty...when you get skids you need to change not keep covering. Sheesh, Brits...

Twisted Titan
19th September 2012, 11:27 AM
You know what would have been funny?

If putting on those undies would have cut the circulation off and he gave himself a deep vein thrombosis in his legs and he stroked out right in the middle of euphoria

19th September 2012, 11:48 AM
If putting on those undies would have cut the circulation off and he gave himself a deep vein thrombosis in his legs and he stroked out right in the middle of euphoria
Yup, I was thinking that this seemed dangerous.

19th September 2012, 01:24 PM
so dont try this at home................

19th September 2012, 01:51 PM
I guess that I would never qualify......only wear them when driving to the big town......in case of accident.....and I don't mean a car accident.........uffffffffffffffffffff.

Besides, with so many people being killed everyday WHO THE HELL CARES about how many underwear somebody can wear, I bet you that he dosen't go to the big town dressed like that :(

19th September 2012, 01:55 PM
gotta have a laugh ponce ,gotta have a laugh

19th September 2012, 04:39 PM
gotta have a laugh ponce ,gotta have a laugh

About how many underwear he can wear or about my "accident" in my car? hahahaahahahaahha......tell you what, it did happened one time, when I got home I took a bath outside with the water hose (winter time) and then a burned the shorts and pants that I was wearing..............and stood fifty feet away so that the smell would not kill me......my dog stood at 100, smart dog.

19th September 2012, 04:45 PM
about the underpants ponce I dont laugh at accidents like that too much........