View Full Version : How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization

22nd September 2012, 12:14 PM
this vid was recommend to me, will watch this weekend... enjoy and lets chat about it next week

ps: I do NOT believe in activism but radical inner revolution.

Dr Amit Goswami 'Consciousness, Quantum Physics and Being Human' Interview by Iain McNay
Author of many books including: 'How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization,' 'The Visionary Window: A Quantum Physicist's Guide to Enlightenment' and 'God Is Not Dead' talks about his life and how discovering that consciousness Is the ground of being changed his scientific thinking and also his approach to life as a human being. He also explains downward causation, quantum non-locality, free will, Intention, the observer effect, quantum collapse and how consciousness creates the manifest world.


24th September 2012, 04:55 PM
sorry I havent watched the OP video as I have been very busy, but I wanted to add this one to offer the possibility of a broader discussion later on... understanding the creation of Light is everything for who is willing to grasp Creation.


Keshe 5 Flight and Creation of Light


In this fifth movie about his new book, titled: The Universal Order of Creation of Matters, nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe explains in a simple way how light is created. This happens when the magnetosphere of the proton creates interfaces with the magnetosphere of the electron. Then energy fragments are release. This phenomenon is also seen in special plasma reactors. This concept may explain why unidentified flying objects (UFO) have bright light around the craft. Tiny magnetic fields are the real fundamental particles originating from a cosmic magnetic soup. Fields of similar or equal strength can entangle in a dynamic pack. Three packs of such with different strength make the three basic type of Matters (Antimatter, Dark Matter and Matter), and they can interlock to make the Initial fundamental Plasma or Neutron. This neutron can decay into a plasma of a proton and a plasma of an electron, and both still contain parts of the Matters trinity of the original plasma. They have each an individual, and together an overall, magnetospheric condition which is ruled by Magnetic and gravitational fields strengths. This is similar to the inward Gravitational and outward Magnetic fields of Earth. Based on these new first principles prototype reactors were build, with amazing results, like creating lift and motion without burning fuel, and achieve fusion in a simple way. Now it becomes possible to create at any point-of-demand in an affordable way vast amounts of energies (like electricity and heat) and motion, and matters like water, food and new materials (like sp2 and sp3 nano-materials), and to develop new space technology.

24th September 2012, 07:05 PM
this vid was recommend to me, will watch this weekend... enjoy and lets chat about it next week

I was trying the non-local part of my signal brain function rather than the typed forum board.

Did you receive anything over there?

24th September 2012, 07:26 PM
The well of divine consciousness with creativity as centerpiece, is my favorite of his manifestations.

24th September 2012, 10:04 PM
this vid was recommend to me, will watch this weekend... enjoy and lets chat about it next week

ps: I do NOT believe in activism but radical inner revolution.

Let me get this straight. You post a video you haven't watched and a premise of which you do not believe ??? Then you add another for a broader chat? WTH, the running total thus far is over an hour and counting. I'm not feelin your sale, you dig?

25th September 2012, 06:45 AM
Let me get this straight. You post a video you haven't watched and a premise of which you do not believe ??? Then you add another for a broader chat? WTH, the running total thus far is over an hour and counting. I'm not feelin your sale, you dig?

My turn to get this straight... my belief system endorses the quantum reality concept as it has been around for 1000's of years and conveyed by many religious allegories ( from all faiths) but not activism which implies some kind of confrontation/coercion. In my view, the premise is not activism here but the theory/approach itself..

But point taken, I may consider to start a thread about the downsides of activism. some time in the future. And why it is important to allow every human being to evolve at his own pace.

Actually yesterday I watched the first 30 mins of the interview and enjoyed it, will probably finish it today. I also know Goswami's reputation as a thinker and that is why somebody forwarded to me. Hence my choice to post it on here.

however, if you are not inclined to watch it and share your 2 cents, this thread isnt for you, you dig?

ps: Keshe is too a great scientist which I came across 1 year ago. What is utterly important in his video is that he explains how Light comes into life and the Matter Trinity (Antimatter, Dark Matter and Matter). I am not a physicist but knowing that some out there are trying to figure it out is fascinating in my view.

In no way I would assert that they have it all straightened up and that what is said is the absolute truth but explaining religions with sciences may the only way to end the divide between religions and sciences. The quest itself has lots of merits. I dont think we will ever be capable to explain the "Isness of God", but we can realize His/Its intentions by observing Nature/Cosmos - and human beings by the same token.

edit: I am borrowing the term '"Isness" mentioned by sirgonzo a few weeks ago

25th September 2012, 04:20 PM
The well of divine consciousness with creativity as centerpiece, is my favorite of his manifestations.

yes creativity is very important in the process.

I finished the interview but will have to listen to it again. Every time he said something resonating with my "perceptions", my thoughts started wandering... so when the end of the interview came, I had the impression that I missed a lot of it.

more later... I think I will be able to say something interesting in 36H or so.

25th September 2012, 09:03 PM
I think I will be able to say something interesting in 36H or so.

You are relying too much on yourself to come up with something creative.

All you need to do is lower your pail into the agua.

26th September 2012, 05:03 PM
You are relying too much on yourself to come up with something creative.

All you need to do is lower your pail into the agua.

that could be true but being able to mention a few things that really rings true to me, without too much paraphrasing, is the point of this thread. :)

27th September 2012, 10:54 AM
so here is my summary, yes paraphrasing is sometimes necessary but I also threw in my 2 cents as how I understood it.

Goswami is for sure a Brahman and I would have liked him to address the problem of casts in India. That some people struggle more than others is fine with me, the latter exist to teach us that compassion is important. Though a social structure that prevents generations of poor from seeking better life conditions is a problem. Well realistically, in the BIG picture we all are untouchables anyway. But he somehow amends himself with his take on 'dualism' which is an obstacle to see the "whole". And that it is the pitfall of ALL religions alike. Nevertheless he cites christianity stating that the Kingdom of God is on Earth, which intrinsically implies The Oneness and that we are caught in the paradoxical language to explain A causation of B.

It is the first time I had to ponder that Consciousness operates without signal, but chooses from Itself as Its very nature is diversification outside space and time. Everywhere and nowhere, so doesnt say anything about "who I am" as Consciousness/God expresses Itself in all things constantly.

To my surprise, his findings didnt make him happier as he also understands the importance of the perpetual state of being and why perpetual actions are thus essential in the process of happiness. There is no sit down and enjoy. All of which seems to indicate that all knowing isnt especially a paramount as the conscious self remains the bottom line and that without creativity the self cannot manifest.

What I also found very interesting when he articulates about "loving (y)our enemies" as obviously enemies withhold something we dont know about ourselves or just are in denial about. The belief that we are separate from each others causes irritability, helplessness and defensiveness. When Consciousness is open to all possibilities conflicts become meaningless as we are in a state of Love emanating from the Quantum Self. At this level, all fears vanish. Only then can start the "accomplishment" leading to the search for self-realization which ends the quest for self-accomplishement .

Later he states that the Ego is necessary to self-realization and thus creativity and manifestation. The problem is that the Ego loves the old, and also pushes us forward to overcome Itself. Unfortunately we are taught to abandon the Ego - or praising it too much (dualism in action again). But only the Ego can tell us "to let it go". This is the state of being's great dilemma.

The Quantum collapse occurs when Consciousness remains open to all possibilities, one possibility collapsing in favor of another. This is the endless principle of Creation. I can see why this cannot happen without the perception and the memory. Though memory comes first because if we dont have the picture in our brain, the perception wont happen.

He asserts that Darwin is completely wrong, although he did serve well biology at some point, but doesnt hold any water when Consciousness comes into play. There are gaps in the official records, he says. Scientific materialism is a trap as it is entrenched in the theory of evolution but that the main goal of consciousness is to experience/make Love and the Supranatural in a full fledged state of Creativity, the blueprint of the brain. Not survival and attachment to values which prevent the Quantum collapse.

Long story short: we are very lost in the material. The state of suffering on this planet is the evidence of this. Sure, we can keep blaming whatever ruling class for this state of affair, that wont change a thing.... until?

30th September 2012, 08:43 AM
The Quantum collapse occurs when Consciousness remains open to all possibilities, one possibility collapsing in favor of another. This is the endless principle of Creation. I can see why this cannot happen without the perception and the memory. Though memory comes first because if we dont have the picture in our brain, the perception wont happen.

Not to sensationalize things, but the only part of your post I take issue with.

As feeling/sensation would be primary to both perception and memory, the latter being an effect in all cases.

Of course all things being considered was my original intent for reading it. :)

26th October 2012, 10:07 AM
I decided to revive this thread a little... most of our planetary problems will go away the day we ALL cease to think that we know it all and start regarding the world around us with a healthy dose of skepticism and no fear. Conflicts always arise when "certainty" is taking over. And that is why the world/zionist elites can play the illusion game as they see fit. So the way to beat them is easy, really... solutions are always extremely simple, thats good news.


How To Test Whether You’re Living In ‘The Matrix’

THE question of whether we live in a real world or a simulated one has plagued philosophers for centuries – but now scientists believe they finally have found a way to test the theory.
Professor Silas Beane, a theoretical physicist at the University of Bonn in Germany said that his group of scientists have developed a way to test the ‘simulation hypothesis’.

The idea has been debated by the greats of philosophy, from Plato to Descartes, who speculated that the world we see around us could be generated by an ‘evil demon’.

The successful film franchise, ‘The Matrix’, also helped spawn the idea that what we think is our everyday life is in fact a simulation generated by an all-powerful computer.

But now more than two thousand years since Plato suggested that our senses only give us a poor reflection of objective reality, experts believe they have cracked the riddle.

Professor Beane told BBC Radio 4′s Today programme that his proposal could be the beginning of a new period of discovery.

The test would see scientists using mathematical models known as the lattice QCD approach in an attempt to recreate – on a theoretical level – a simulated reality.

To identify what these constraints would be, scientists would have to build their own simulation of the universe.

They hope to see whether such an exercise would be theoretically possible – and what the constraints on the ‘evil demon’ might be.

Lattice QCD is a complex approach that that looks at how particles known as quarks and gluons relate in three dimensions.

Professor Bean said: “We consider ourselves on some level universe simulators because we calculate the interactions of particles by basically replacing space and time by a grid and putting it in a box.”

“In doing that we face lots of problems for instance the box and the grid size breaks Einstein’s special theory of relativity so we know how to fix this in order to get physical predictions that are meaningful.”

“We thought that if we make the assumption that the so-called simulators face some of the same problems that we do in terms of finite resources and so on then, if they are doing a simulation and even though their box size of course is enormous and the grid size can be very small, as long as the resources are finite then the box size will be finite, the grid size will be finite.”

“And therefore at some level for instance there would be violations of Einstein’s special theory of relativity.”

Philosophers have cautioned that there is still some way to go before we find out whether the universe is simulated. Dr Peter Millican of Hertford College, Oxford said: “There are two main issues, one is whether the speculation even makes sense and the other is supposing it makes sense whether there is any good reason to think it is plausible.

“The other problem is evidence. It seems to me that the evidence that is looked for is not that convincing.”

Descartes said the evil demon that he believed controlled the universe is “as clever and deceitful as he is powerful, who has directed his entire effort to misleading me.”

But he countered that his ability to think was, at least, proof enough that he was real, writing: “I think, therefore I am.”

Plato said that reality may be no more than shadows in a cave but the cave dweller, having never left the cave, may not be aware of it.

Lucy Kinder, Telegraph.co.uk

17th November 2012, 01:52 PM
I just found this very interesting and thought it would fit right in here


Scientists Offer Quantum Theory Of Soul's Existence

October 31, 2012 - A PAIR of world-renowned quantum scientists say they can prove the existence of the soul.

American Dr Stuart Hameroff and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose developed a quantum theory of consciousness asserting that our souls are contained inside structures called microtubules which live within our brain cells.

Their idea stems from the notion of the brain as a biological computer, "with 100 billion neurons and their axonal firings and synaptic connections acting as information networks".

Dr Hameroff, Professor Emeritus at the Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology and Director of the Centre of Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona, and Sir Roger have been working on the theory since 1996.

They argue that our experience of consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects inside these microtubules - a process they call orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR).

In a near-death experience the microtubules lose their quantum state, but the information within them is not destroyed. Or in layman's terms, the soul does not die but returns to the universe.

Dr Hameroff explained the theory at length in the Morgan Freeman-narrated documentary Through the Wormhole, which was recently aired in the US by the Science Channel.

The quantum soul theory is now trending worldwide, thanks to stories published this week by The Huffington Post and the Daily Mail, which have generated thousands of readers comments and social media shares.

"Let's say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, the microtubules lose their quantum state," Dr Hameroff said.

"The quantum information within the microtubules is not destroyed, it can't be destroyed, it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large.

'If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the microtubules and the patient says "I had a near death experience".'

In the event of the patient's death, it was "possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body indefinitely - as a soul".

Dr Hameroff believes new findings about the role quantum physics plays in biological processes, such as the navigation of birds, adds weight to the theory.

( via news.com.au )

Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/news/Scientists_offer_quantum_theory_of_souls_existence/86263#ixzz2CW0CzUEW

17th November 2012, 05:30 PM

This interview was much better than your article,

as there is nothing "contained" or "ORCH"istrated in my consciousness.