View Full Version : dream about war coming

23rd September 2012, 07:23 PM
Published onSep 21, 2012 by Constantine1959 (http://www.youtube.com/user/Constantine1959)

this was put out in Sept and he talks about China and Japan disputing about islands........


23rd September 2012, 07:53 PM
I had a dream that SoCal got nuked, just last week. The dream was so vivid that I told myself during the dream that this time I was sure it wasn't a dream.

I could smell everything burning...

23rd September 2012, 08:05 PM
Hell, all I can think about are all the double cheeseburgers and honeybuns that got attacked and destroyed...

23rd September 2012, 08:15 PM
I believe I already posted this.......not sure.........anyway........

I was in the woods sorounded by about 10 kids, I was very old and with a fully bearded while wearing some kind of long white clothing, sitting by the fire I was telling them about the old days when you were able to walk into this square concrete building and for some green paper they would serve you a full meal......but of course they didn't believe me "Didn't you have to kill it or make it?" they would ask, and I would say "No, you simply would give them the little green paper and they would bring you the meal"...............in a way is was a cozy dream with no reason to be afraid, I felt at home.

23rd September 2012, 09:50 PM
fully bearded while wearing some kind of long white clothing,

Sounds like someone else on this forum. We have a quite a few wise sages on this forum.

midnight rambler
23rd September 2012, 10:12 PM
I had this very vivid dream recently where Mittens Obomney and I were the very best friends. No shit. So I wouldn't be putting a lot of stock in other people's dreams (UNLESS they have a solid track record of hitting like Edgar Cayce). lol

23rd September 2012, 10:56 PM
I had this dream where I was in big trouble but started buying stuff off of infomercials and was suddenly either full of strange unusual never to be used appliances or was part of the rapture and saved from this all and looked on from above with laughter and strange glee.