View Full Version : Ahmadinejad Defends Holocaust Denial at UN; Israel Walks Out, U.S. Sticks Around to L
24th September 2012, 09:47 PM
To me this is a kick in the ass to the monkeys Zionist Israelis......anyone can take only so much from them.
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When Iranian President Ahmadinejad ascended the podium to speak on the rule of law at the UN today, Israeli UN envoy Ron Prosor rose from his seat and walked out while the U.S. envoys remained, according to Fox News. Update: Raw video from the UN confirms that U.S. representatives attended the entire speech.
Ahmadinejad alluded to what he sees as Israel's illegitimate nuclear arsenal, and criticized members who haven't stopped Israel from acquiring it: "Some members of the Security Council with veto rights have chosen silence with regard to the nuclear warheads of a fake regime, while at the same time [impeding]...the scientific progress of other nations."
He also bore down on those who have revolted at Holocaust revisionism. He did this by calling attention to those who "infringe upon other's freedom and allow sacrilege to people's beliefs and sanctities, while they criticize posing questions or investigating into historical issues."
Throughout all of this, the U.S. envoy remained seated.
Outside the hall where Ahmadinejad was speaking, the Israeli envoy referred to Ahmadinejad as, "the leader of an outlaw country that is a serial violator of the fundamental principles of the rule of law." He added, "It is a shame and a disgrace to give someone like him the opportunity to speak on such an important topic."
General of Darkness
24th September 2012, 09:51 PM
Hey puto, repost. :)
24th September 2012, 10:43 PM
When Iranian President Ahmadinejad ascended the podium to speak on the rule of law at the UN today, Israeli UN envoy Ron Prosor rose from his seat and walked out while the U.S. envoys remained
25th September 2012, 02:36 AM
Yes it could be significant, that the US envoy remained. Symbolic gesture wise. The US should at this stage really open up dialogue with Iran. Offer a trade agreement vs control of their nuclear program! Throw the Likudniks under the bus!
25th September 2012, 06:54 AM
Yes it could be significant, that the US envoy remained. Symbolic gesture wise. The US should at this stage really open up dialogue with Iran. Offer a trade agreement vs control of their nuclear program! Throw the Likudniks under the bus!
The US had to sit and take it. The US is mud in the eyes of the world and they know it. American geopolitical advantage is crumbling each day, the heavy price paid for turning a blind eye to Zionist war crimes and the Bankster rape and destruction of the financial world. Greece is slip sliding towards revolution. Spain and Italy slide into depression. The middle east is a smoldering cauldron of hunger and rising discontent with the status quo. Hungry mobs have nothing the lose in acting out against their oppressors, in this case the US-Israel Axis of greed and their tool, the IMF. The American empire is bankrupt and imploding. It has lost all legitimacy and now any utility in the eyes of a billion muslims. Israel is desperate to take out Iran now because their power base in the US is quickly weakening; their window is closing by the day.
25th September 2012, 07:10 AM
Bamboo realizes he ain't gettin elected for shit with a war card monkey riding on his least not voluntarily. He will have to have his hand forced between now and then by unseen circumstances to give voters some kind of an excuse to feel sorry for him. Nutty can wait a few more months.
Avoiding the third rail prior to elections.
After elections...more cowbell.
25th September 2012, 07:58 AM
Read the Comments here:
Amazing! People are getting it.
Obama is a Neo Con ( I remember i was having an argument with my wife one time, she accused me of having an affair! I had no proof to defend myself against her accusations , so i started screaming at her " YOUR AND ANTISEMITE" HOLOCAUST", HOLOCAUST , HOLOCAUST!!!, NAZI , and i even threw the old " your a HITLER LOVER" just for good measure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it worked , she didnt bother about the affair ever again.
aubreyfarmer ( The Zionist occupation of America is obvious to anyone that hasn't been brainwashed by the Jewish controlled media. It has gotten so bad that the bias isn't even hidden. What is it going to take before Americans wake up? Zionists Jews have subverted our Republic to their own ends and they don't try to conceal that either. Go against their wishes and you can guarantee they will move heaven and earth to punish you. When Bibi addressed a joint session of Congress, on cue, he received standing ovation after standing ovation. There has never been a more obscene display of Zionist power. What did the American people expect was going to happen in the Mideast? Arab spring my eye. It was all preplanned by the Zionist think tank, The Project for a New American Century. Rumsfeld took Gen. Wesley Clark aside one day at the Pentagon and explained to him that 6 Mideast nations would be attacked in the next five years. Iran is the last one still standing. Israel is not our friend but our Congress is so full of cowards you will never hear that come from any Congressman's mouth. A sure way to loose the next election is have AIPAC target you. AIPAC lobbies for a foreign nation and yet is not required to register as a foreign agent. You have no idea the importance of this. Foreign agents are not allowed to finance candidates and losing that ability would strike a blow against Zionist power. Three Zionists on the Supreme Court, 45 Jews in Congress, control of our banking sector through the Jewish owned Federal Reserve, control of our media with 96% of the media in the hands of Jews. I am sick of it and you should be too. Can you not see that Israel has turned America into their attack dog? Well if you can't see it then there is something wrong with you.
19 minutes agoReplyLike
hozayhemenez ( the hitler of islam thinks obama and his commie cabal are zionists? whod'a thunk it?
21 minutes agoReplyLike
Obama is a Neo Con ( hozayhemenez i liked the way you through Hilter in there to make your nonsensical point appear more valid. Uh but yeah i think thats what we have been saying, OBAMA and his CAbal are Zionists,,,,, forget the communists, ( which was a Zionist operation by the way). the only reason Obama appears to distance himself from Nutty Netanyahoo is because he knows Americans have had it, and Bombing Iran might be an election loser!! i guess if i want to shut down any arguments i will start screaming " HOLOCAUST"!, NAZI,! HITLER,! ANTISEMITE!!,,
14 minutes agoReplyLike
frontierfremont ( The United States soil has NEVER been attacked. All wars were fraudulent. Even Hawaii did not become a state until almost 20 years after Pearl Harbor. The wars are nothing more than tax scams and illegal invasions of innocent countries. America is offensive. It was never defensive.
Make politicians obey US income tax law.
25 minutes agoReplyLike
Obama is a Neo Con ( ISrael is no Ally! they did 9/11,,subverted our government, theft of our tax dollars,controlled ouR belief system by their zionist controlled media, lied us into wars, they have no problems sending our kids to die on behalf of Israel, , and when that truth hits critical mass it will be payback time,, and as soon as the Miltary gets their act together and figures out what team they are playing for BLOWBACK IS A B!TCH!!!! so at this point this Zionist Media can call the Muzzies and Amadenijab a bunch of crazzies and they hATE US FOR OUR FREEDOMS and all that nonsense,nobody is buyin it anymore, but we as Americans our reckonizing the real enemy is Isreal. WAKE UP AMERICA YOU HAVE BEEN BAMBOOZLED.... 9/11 WILL GO DOWN AS THE GREATEST LIE EVER TOLD!!!!! but dont get me wrong the NEO_CON traitors will be dealt with as well..
27 minutes agoReplyLike
CountYob ( All the attempts of the zionist media to paint Ahmadinejad as some kind of maniac only succeed in exposing your own special bias. Iran hasn't attacked another nation in centuries, though they do defend themselves if attacked. Contrast that with Jewish-supremacist Israel and the zionist-corrupted and dominated US government.
37 minutes agoReplyLike
VinnyPapagiorgio ( CountYob I think this list speaks volumes:
American / Isreali Dual Citizens Running the American Government Attorney General – Michael Mukasey, Head of Homeland Security – Michael Chertoff, Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Richard Perle, Deputy Defense Secretary (Former) – Paul Wolfowitz, Under Secretary of Defense – Douglas Feith, National Security Council Advisor – Elliott Abrams, Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former) – “Scooter” Libby, White House Deputy Chief of Staff – Joshua Bolten, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs – Marc Grossman, Director of Policy Planning at the State Department – Richard Haass, U.S. Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position) – Robert Zoellick, Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – James Schlesinger, UN Representative (Former) – John Bolton, Under Secretary for Arms Control – David Wurmser, Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Eliot Cohen, Senior Advisor to the President – Steve Goldsmith, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Christopher Gersten, Assistant Secretary of State – Lincoln Bloomfield, Deputy Assistant to the President – Jay Lefkowitz, White House Political Director – Ken Melman, National Security Study Group – Edward Luttwak, Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Kenneth Adelman, Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former) – Lawrence (Larry) Franklin, National Security Council Advisor – Robert Satloff, President Export-Import Bank U.S. – Mel Sembler, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families – Christopher Gersten, Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs – Mark Weinberger, White House Speechwriter – David Frum, White House Spokesman (Former) – Ari Fleischer, Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Henry Kissinger, Deputy Secretary of Commerce – Samuel Bodman, Under Secretary of State for Management – Bonnie Cohen, Director of Foreign Service Institute – Ruth Davis
25th September 2012, 08:10 AM
Outside the hall where Ahmadinejad was speaking, the Israeli envoy referred to Ahmadinejad as, "the leader of an outlaw country that is a serial violator of the fundamental principles of the rule of law." He added, "It is a shame and a disgrace to give someone like him the opportunity to speak on such an important topic.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Blatant hypocrisy and I bet this idiot doesn't even see that the same could be said about his little piss ant country.
25th September 2012, 09:37 AM
The US had to sit and take it. The US is mud in the eyes of the world and they know it. American geopolitical advantage is crumbling each day, the heavy price paid for turning a blind eye to Zionist war crimes and the Bankster rape and destruction of the financial world. Greece is slip sliding towards revolution. Spain and Italy slide into depression. The middle east is a smoldering cauldron of hunger and rising discontent with the status quo. Hungry mobs have nothing the lose in acting out against their oppressors, in this case the US-Israel Axis of greed and their tool, the IMF. The American empire is bankrupt and imploding. It has lost all legitimacy and now any utility in the eyes of a billion muslims. Israel is desperate to take out Iran now because their power base in the US is quickly weakening; their window is closing by the day.
Yes, you are probably right about Izzy running out of time. And they are losing the battle of the minds as well. People are starting to opening their eyes to the REAL TERRORISTS of the Middle East!
25th September 2012, 02:01 PM
if there's any chance of obama winning in nov
obamy gonna have an " accident "
( naturally by an anti-gov't white racist )
25th September 2012, 02:11 PM
if there's any chance of obama winning in nov
obamy gonna have an " accident "
( naturally by an anti-gov't white racist )
Yes, I think this is possible. My sense of things is that the power elite behind the scenes have had enough of Obama and want him out. Obama double-crossed them on the Liberty Pipeline and you are allowed only one fuckup before these guys move on you. In Obama's case, the embassy attacks are being orchestrated by the elite to embaress Obama and Carterize his candidacy. The working people are spooked by this much instability and will move to Romney. Obama could win because half the electorate is receiving public assistance of some sort and Obama is viewed as the socialist collectivist gravy train president. Sadly, if Romney is elected, we will get the war that Israel has been pushing for. Either way, we are screwed.
26th September 2012, 01:33 AM
26th September 2012, 02:46 AM
No insanity there. The only questions he didn't directly answer were ones which had a predetermined premise. Such questions show more bigotry on the interviewer's part because the assumptions were not on the table for discussion - he was interrupted when he tried to bring them up.
The fact that the guy is willing to sit down and respond to these questions without totally ignoring the question itself shows he's actually more civilized than a large majority of our politicians.
26th September 2012, 05:20 PM
Anyone know where to find the transcript of his speech?
26th September 2012, 07:18 PM
Anyone know where to find the transcript of his speech?
And while you are at it:
(Israeli leaders ??) meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in NYC
26th September 2012, 08:04 PM
No insanity there. The only questions he didn't directly answer were ones which had a predetermined premise. Such questions show more bigotry on the interviewer's part because the assumptions were not on the table for discussion - he was interrupted when he tried to bring them up.
The fact that the guy is willing to sit down and respond to these questions without totally ignoring the question itself shows he's actually more civilized than a large majority of our politicians.
The commentary running between each interview segment were patently false and designed to paint Ahmadinejad as emotional and unstable (i.e. Announcer "when we ask him about the Holocaust, things get heated"). This is total nonesense and pure yellow journalism. It was Morgan who refused to dialog with Ahmadinejad. Morgan obviously was scripted to pose rigid yes/no questions that are of specific concern to our Zionist masters (as in reality American opinion means nothing). Ahmadinejad brilliantly danced around these obvious traps, easily flustering the incredibly ham-fisted bMorgan and simultaneously getting his key positions and points across. Ahmadinejad is a very smart and patient man; he is head and shoulders superior to the affirmative action self-proclaimed 'eye-candy' wannabe we have in the Oval Office.
27th September 2012, 01:42 AM
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Blatant hypocrisy and I bet this idiot doesn't even see that the same could be said about his little piss ant country.
It's another case of "The Psychological Projections of Organized Jewry (".
It's their favorite deception method- flip the script, invert reality 180 degrees. In the past I've called it "The Chutzpah Maneuver (". I'm sure the israeli guy is well aware that the opposite is true; that lying method is organized jewry's signature.
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