View Full Version : 60 Tonnes of Tungsten filled Gold Bars found in Asian Depository
26th September 2012, 07:28 PM
Dunno if this is totally true [or if a re-post] It will be gold positive if true.
Maybe now people will start to believe, in light of 10 more Tungsten filled gold bars being found. This is just the beginning! 400oz bars have been massively counterfeited and the gold stolen, this is the largest true wealth robbery in the history of the world.
Think about it, imagine you own a 400oz gold bar, and you worry it may be counterfeit. What do you do? If you drill it and you find its fake, you’re out almost $700,000. You cant just seal it back up and pass it off. Or you could use ultrasound and figure out its fake, but then what, pass it off? If the next guy checks hes coming to you!
So no one wants to check, and the last thing want to do if they find a fake is to report it on themselves cause then people distrust them. This is going to be an epic scandal when it comes out that the GOLD IS GONE! ITS ALMOST ALL GONE PEOPLE! ITS BEEN STOLEN!!!
THE US HAS NO GOLD AT ALL! They’ve been 100% loooooootttteeddd… You think the FED and the wall street gang stop their theft on wall street stealing trillions in fiat? You think these bankers forgot that GOLD is the only real money in history? LOL, they convinced everyone to take their paper for long enough to loot the planet of its gold!
26th September 2012, 08:35 PM
excerpt #1:
The tungsten slugs came from Eastern Europe - most likely a former strategic stockpile, aremnant of the failed Soviet Empire – which was “acquired” as spoils of Cold War victory duringthe reign of Bush I circa 1991-92. Between 1.3 and 1.5 million 400 oz tungsten blanks wereactually produced in an Eastern European country [not the U.S. as I originally reported]. Thesetungsten blanks were shipped to Latin America [Panama] and then air-lifted on to Mena,Arkansas. From Mena, Arkansas, the tungsten blanks were shipped via truck – 2 trucks at a time to a refinery in Southern California where they received their goldplating and stamping.
excerpt #2:
Tungsten / gold bars destined for Ft. Knox were allegedly trucked direct to Kentucky for exchangewith “what ever was left” in the depository which was stolen outright – but bringing theoutstanding in Ft. Knox up to 640 thousand - 400 oz tungsten bars which are there now.10,000 metric tonnes of fake gold bars earmarked for the intl. markets were supposedlyhallmarked and “papered” as going through a holding facility of Engelhard [Vancouver] andtrucked back to Mena, Arkansas and then on to Panama – TO SIT - awaiting distribution into theintl. market.
The big questions besid “greed” - is “why” and “how” does one feed 10,000 metric tonnes of fakegold into the international market?
excert #3:
The Cover
By establishing and promoting an active, international gold hedging market – enough traffic / movement, or ‘cover’ if you will, of a formerly static asset was created where fake gold brickscould be merged into the “flow” without arousing undue suspicion of willing, dupe buyers who DIDNOT ASSAY GOLD when they purchased it.One can imagine that merging 10,000 metric tonnes of fake gold bricks into the global marketplace would pose logistical challenges. If one were intent on doing so – it could NEVER be doneALL AT ONCE. It would necessarily have to be done over time. With gold bullion being aformerly “static” asset which sat in the vaults of Central Banks – any sudden large scalemovements of bullion might draw unwanted attention. So, one would want to create a crediblevehicle where large amounts of gold were seen to be “on the move” – in good amounts on aregular basis – like a viable gold lending / leasing / swap market. Also, to give the fake goldbricks a patina of authenticity – one could imagine the desire to have a “market leader” involved – tacitly endorsing the procedure, surrounding the fake bricks and the conduit through which theywould travel with highly credible individuals – like former world leaders – whose actions andmotives would NEVER be questioned.It was back in May, 1995 when Barrick Gold’s Peter Munk established his International AdvisoryBoard – chaired by none other than George H. W. Bush [and other opportunistic former worldleaders] and with representation of Mr. Clinton through his White House legal counsel, VernonJordan;
excerpt #4:
Armstrong had revealed to federal authorities his knowledge that Safra had made tapes detailing gold market manipulation. 10 Days later Safra was dead. One can only wonder if tapes made bySafra, which Armstrong admitted to the Feds he knew about, led to Safra’s demise andArmstrong’s otherwise inexplicable incarceration. According to revelations made by GATA’s BillMurphy - Armstrong had claimed he had access to these [Safra’s] tapes.
excerpt #5:
Mike Bolser describing what the Pre-emptive Selling of COMEX gold really is:“Recall that preemptive selling, which is a fraud detection algorithm, measures veryaggressive COMEX gold market selling when compared to the London gold market(LBMA). Table 1 displays the percentage of days per month in which the COMEX goldprice falls 300% more than the London gold price. The probability of changingmacroeconomics being the cause for such extreme New York price drops is highlydiminished because the two markets trade the same commodity on the same day.Preemptive selling should not be confused with price volatility or rate of change, which aremeasures of rapid price fluctuation. In addition, preemptive selling is a measure of relativeactivity between two markets. Recall also that it does not measure the volume ofcomparative selling, only its effect as measured by gold market prices.”
In other words, Bolser’s FRAUD DETECTION ALGORITHM neatly and logically describes whatone might expect to happen if players stateside [like Republic National Bank New York, J.P.Morgan and Goldman Sachs] had superior knowledge - like surreptitious gold supply being fedinto the market over a period of years, from say, mid-1996 through to 2001.A standard deviation move of 4.22 would be statistically expected to occur in “free markets” oncein slightly more than 1,500 years. In the chart above, we see a 4.22 std. dev. spike sandwichedin amongst many other standard deviation spikes well in excess of 3 – always skewed to the sellside – a confirmation that FRAUD is in play.Bolser pointed out that the spikes on his proprietary chart had significance – but when he did so,he mistakenly assumed the intervention was ALL a derivatives [futures] operation:
Mike Bolser, describes the relevance of the std. dev. spikes as follows, “The numberedspikes are correlations to other gold-related events as follows: (1) Federal Reserveassumes two board seats at Bank for International Settlements; (2) steadily rising goldprice threatens to pierce $400; (3) important change downward in the long-term goldprice; (4) failure of Long-Term Capital Management, reportedly involved in the gold carrytrade; (5) Washington Agreement provokes sharp rise in gold prices; and (6) CanadianImperial Bank of Commerce works to resolve Ashanti hedge book failure.
Another interesting aside, within 4 weeks of Mike Bolser making his Proprietary Fraud AlgorithmDetection system public – derivatives guru Dinsa Mehta at J.P. Morgan promptly quit
excerpt #5:
Interestingly, it was Venerso himself who, in the early 2000’s, estimated the extent of officialsector “gold lending” to have been a cumulative 10 – 16 thousand metric tonnes [which coincidentally happens to mirror roughly the same amount of tungsten allegedly fabricated intofake 400 oz gold bars]:“Our range of estimates implies that somewhere between 10,000 and 16,000 tonnes ofthe official sector gold position has left those vaults by way of the lending process.”Whether you believe that the price of gold is manipulated or not – whether you believe that fakegold bars, with tungsten cores, have been produced or not – the factual component of what hasbeen presented in this document SHOULD serve as MORE THAN ENOUGH – for any ordinary,rational thinking human being to DEMAND that there be a proper, third party audit of Ft. Knox andthe ENTIRE sovereign U.S. gold reserve – IMMEDIATELY
[B]Mamboni comments: In brief, real American gold bullion (from Fort Knox and the FED) was swapped with fake tungsten gilded bars and sold into market to suppress the gold price and promote the myth of a strong dollar. Thus, probably all those thousands of gold bars on display at the Federal Reserve Bank in NYC are fakes. An audit would show this and prove the crime. From there, the perpetrators could be traced. Sooner or later the truth will come out. When it does, the gold price shall go ballistic as the world scrambles for gold.
Hatha Sunahara
30th September 2012, 09:56 PM
Here's a link to a credible document posted by ZeroHedge on how the tungsten bars were introduced into the gold supply:
You can download this on ScribD.
1st October 2012, 09:45 AM
Here's a link to a credible document posted by ZeroHedge on how the tungsten bars were introduced into the gold supply:
You can download this on ScribD.
I'm too cheap to pay for Scribbles. If anyone feels like posting that document here at GSUS pleas ehave at it. It is a fantastic read should be archived. I tried to copy and past into Word but lost all the graphics.
A few years ago, we had a thread about tungsten gold bars on GIM. I posted a photo of the FED in NYC with the massive wall of gold bars. I rememeber pointing out that you cannot stack 24K gold that high as gold is so soft the bars would flatten and literally fuse together. Also, as the gold in actively inventoried between countries, does it make any sense to have it stcked in such an ostentacious manner? I think it is stacked entirely for show and effect - it screams fraud - just my opinion.
1st October 2012, 10:06 AM
c'mon now....WE know where all the real gold is and who made the fake bars.....does it even need investigation?
here, ill save you all the time and energy ; What country plans on building a huge temple plated almost entirely of gold? hmmmm im stumped (sarc) anyone have a clue??
1st October 2012, 02:34 PM
c'mon now....WE know where all the real gold is and who made the fake bars.....does it even need investigation?
here, ill save you all the time and energy ; What country plans on building a huge temple plated almost entirely of gold? hmmmm im stumped (sarc) anyone have a clue??
Martin Luther had a clue.
1st October 2012, 05:26 PM
c'mon now....WE know where all the real gold is and who made the fake bars.....does it even need investigation?
here, ill save you all the time and energy ; What country plans on building a huge temple plated almost entirely of gold? hmmmm im stumped (sarc) anyone have a clue??
Vuts da matta yung mann? Are yu an anti-semite? Oy vey, vy do yu hate us poor helpless joos? Haven't vee suffered enuf?
12th October 2012, 10:47 AM
Vuts da matta yung mann? Are yu an anti-semite? Oy vey, vy do yu hate us poor helpless joos? Haven't vee suffered enuf?
...i gave at the office...
12th October 2012, 10:55 AM
...i gave at the office...
Send $5 to Israel to plant a tree...then, I think I can forgive you...oy!
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