View Full Version : DSM-IV is set to classify 'internet use disorder' as a mental illness

midnight rambler
1st October 2012, 08:18 PM
So much much 'net use will qualify as a mental illness, and exactly who determines this? A bunch of over-educated non-producing derelicts who think their opinions make a shit in the real world?? ???

Gunowners, get ready - you're next on the 'mental illness' hit parade. It's only a matter of time before anyone who even *thinks* owning a hi-cap EBR is a reasonable and prudent course of action will be deemed 'mentally ill'.


1st October 2012, 08:20 PM
I finally know what is wrong with me........for a second there I thought that it was because I was a Cuban.

1st October 2012, 08:24 PM
Previously known as library attendance reading disorder.

1st October 2012, 09:01 PM
Man playing God using commitee as proxy. It is the supreme arrogance to stand in judgement of another human being. For a commitee to do it is challenge accepted reluctantly and only when absolutley necessary (i.e. a jury). But for a committee to pass condemnation on an entire group and category of behaviour begs for words much stronger than arrogant conceit.

midnight rambler
1st October 2012, 09:09 PM
Man playing God using commitee as proxy. It is the supreme arrogance to stand in judgement of another human being. For a commitee to do it is challenge accepted reluctantly and only when absolutley necessary (i.e. a jury). But for a committee to pass condemnation on an entire group and category of behaviour begs for words much stronger than arrogant conceit.

And these arrogant asshats develop 'policy' while not being bound by ANY lawful oath* whatsoever.

*i.e. being held responsible and accountable for their actions toward their fellow countrymen, or even simply fellow men and women

2nd October 2012, 03:37 AM
Don't worry folks, big pharma will soon have a new med for this illness. Heck, maybe they just ought to spray us all with it. More viewers for American idol then.

2nd October 2012, 07:21 AM
Don't worry folks, big pharma will soon have a new med for this illness. Heck, maybe they just ought to spray us all with it. More viewers for American idol then.

Well, I think that's exactly the motivation for all this.

2nd October 2012, 08:03 AM
it's worse than you think. my mom and step-dad are both psychologists. they wander around life thinking EVERYONE has some type of disorder. they're constantly talking about how this person they know is "probably" x or y. everyone needs to be on some type of medicine (thank god they're only psychologists and can't prescribe it). when my nerve entrapment from my surgery was really bad last fall, they kept trying to get me to go in and get on some drug or other because i had "depression." i was like, "i'm not depressed, my lateral femoral nerve has scar tissue all over it, and it hurts like a bitch if i move at all." the whole industry is a giant sham.

Hatha Sunahara
2nd October 2012, 11:10 AM
The real problem is people who can think for themselves. In our current dark age, they have to be marginalized. In medieval Europe people who openly espoused a belief contrary to that of the Church were called heretics. Their punishment was to be excommunicated, or sometimes, if they were popular, and therefore dangerous to the church they were burned at the stake--a la Giordano Bruno.

These people who can think for themselves are the violators of conformity. Today we have more variety and graduated methods for dealing with these people. There are also more venues for thinking for yourself. Practically every profession marginalizes its dissenters from the 'official party line' on the profession. The state has replaced the church of the middle ages as the enforcer and marginalizer in chief. It's not nearly as obvious to people today who is marginalizing them, and what forces are punishing them for their heresies. What is visible are the 'limits', such as this declaration that using the internet 'too much' is a 'disease. I think this psycho politics field was pioneered by the Soviets who put people into mental institutions for their heresies. Nothing changes. Just the form of the insanity, and it is novel for people who have not yet experienced such a dark age. People like us Americans.


2nd October 2012, 01:33 PM
for a second there I thought that it was because I was a Cuban.

Maybe in reality you are Medianoche?

Twisted Titan
2nd October 2012, 01:45 PM
It is not the internet that is the problem....... It is what the Internet can do

With the internet billion of videos and documents of research is at your fingertips... From that research you are able to form an opinion from that opinion you are able to act ..