View Full Version : Whole Foods Scandal: 20-30% of food sold is GMO

3rd October 2012, 05:45 AM
This video was pulled from Youtube after Whole Foods complained. A group called 'Organic Spies' spent 3 months documenting how the employees from Whole Foods are trained to tell everyone that everything they sell is organic and chemical free.

Whole Foods was the first company to be certified 100% Organic and Natural in 2009 by the CCOF. (California Certified Organic Farmers). Whole Foods has used deceptive marketing and massive brainwashing tactics to make you think everything they sell is healthy.

Watch as the undercover camera catches employee after employee repeat the same meme that 'Whole Foods does not carry GMO's'

Watch the video that was BANNED on Youtube yesterday here at NaturalNews.TV:


This is the now-famous video that was censored by YouTube. It shows Whole Foods employees LYING about the GMOs being sold by the store.

Fact: Whole Foods is a massive retailer for Monsanto's GM corn, which is found in all sorts of products on the shelves at Whole Foods. This is the same strain of genetically engineered corn that French researchers recently linked to massive cancer tumors in rats.

As of this writing, Whole Foods has offered ZERO support for Proposition 37 and has made NO effort to require GMO labeling for the products it sells.

SHARE this video. Spread the truth about Whole Foods and GMOs.

EDIT: Back on Youtube! (Thanks joboo)


3rd October 2012, 08:36 AM
Thanks. This needs to get out there, shared with everyone you know. It might be a step in the right direction for many people who otherwise have a knee-jerk reaction to anything that threatens their world view:

1) Study linking GMO with cancer in rats. Other studies were for only 90 days, funded by Monsanto!
2) Whole foods selling GMO, lying about it, and not supporting labeling of GMO

If we have to pick our fights, this is a fight I'd pursue. We're talking about poisoning the population here, and zero support or transparency from anyone to stop it.

midnight rambler
3rd October 2012, 08:47 AM
More from infowars - http://www.infowars.com/whole-foods-censors-gmo-expose/

I know from experience that WF keeps their employees largely in the dark. I have inquired as to which of the fish they sell (both fresh and frozen) that does not come from the Pacific but rather from the Atlantic (due to Fuckushima). It took them awhile to get back to me (as this isn't apparently common knowledge there) and they merrily continue to offer fish which has been exposed to radioactive isotopes without ANY notice to customers. They advised me that only a couple of the fresh fish they offer and NONE of the frozen come from the Atlantic.

3rd October 2012, 08:57 AM
Understand that farmers are entirely commercial. They are in it for the bucks. You force low prices on them and they will start looking for alternatives to stay alive and in the business. One of these alternatives is GMO. Not particularly happy with this state of affairs but it has been forced upon farmers over the generations. In the words of Earl Butz when he was secretary of agriculture: "Get big or get out."

You can fight this by paying for the organic foods you buy and paying less for the GMO. The marketplace will determine who stays in business and who will leave.

Two points .. a fellow I know went on an Ag tour of an organic farm run by the Amish in Indiana. He reports they are capable of producing $26,000 worth of income per acre. Good news. This should attract more farmers to grow organic.

Other point: He says some hog producers in New York are realizing they can import Brazilian corn for $50 a ton less due to the drought inflated prices current in the U.S. That $8 a bushel corn is going to cause hog producers to re-evaluate their business plans (i.e., fewer hogs).

GMO crops make rowcropping several townships possible for a single farmer. Organic, not so much.

3rd October 2012, 09:16 AM
Here's a list of the "brands" who were revealed as FOR GMO Labeling law on Cali's ballot, and they are financial contributors on that yanked YouTube film above. Found approximately 3:00-ish mark

Organic Consumers Fund
Nature's Path
Dr. Bronner's "All-One!"
Lundberg Family Farms
Bar Clif
Organic Valley
Frey Vineyards
Udi's Gluten Free Foods
Earth Balance
Good Earth Natural Foods
Earthbound Farm Organic
Edward & Sons Lets Do Organics
Traditional Medicinals
Straus Organics
Uncle Matts
Baby Only

Whole Foods has a 365 Everyday Value brand, made w/o GMO Ingredients.
This was stated at the 13:01-ish mark of above vid clip from Natural News

Would appreciate GS'ers adding to the above listing any local brands (name state please) of more Certified Organic NON GMO brands they have tried and trust. For example, I'd have a hard time consuming any edame or tofu (both soy) products.

Just because it is NON-GMO doesn't mean it is safe from Fukushima fallout precipitation cycles. I'd have a hard time consuming anything non-GMO labeled "Pacific"......

Some stuff is now being grown "under cover"...sure would like to find a list of THOSE growers, and their brands.


3rd October 2012, 09:25 AM
everything is gmo unless it has the non-gmo sticker on it. everything.

3rd October 2012, 09:25 AM
Two points .. a fellow I know went on an Ag tour of an organic farm run by the Amish in Indiana. He reports they are capable of producing $26,000 worth of income per acre. Good news.

Any further locale/geographic info of said toured Amish community farm in Indiana? Do they have an "retail outlet" for example?

Thanks. Trying to get a handle on the 1st person observation scene out there.

3rd October 2012, 09:41 AM
Any further locale/geographic info of said toured Amish community farm in Indiana? Do they have an "retail outlet" for example?

Thanks. Trying to get a handle on the 1st person observation scene out there.

My friend didn't give me too many details. He was there for an ag expo and they offered several tours. He chose the Amish organic tour. I believe he said when the crop was in season that they marketed through the internet (seems odd for Amish ... probably outsourced their marketing).

The concept of making lots of money per acre has been out there a few years. Probably twenty years ago in a John Deere magazine they reported on a guy in California who had several acres and grossed half a million annually. All he did was raise lettuce, packaged it in bags ready to eat for restaurants, charged about $10 a bag which the restaurant could then divide into four salads and sell them for $9 apiece. Everyone wins.

3rd October 2012, 09:45 AM
everything is gmo unless it has the non-gmo sticker on it. everything.


3rd October 2012, 09:46 AM
everything is gmo unless it has the non-gmo sticker on it. everything.

I was under the impression that anything labeled organic (watch the ingredients of course) has to be non-GMO....

Organic products have strict production and labeling requirements. Unless noted below, organic products must meet the following requirements:
- Produced without excluded methods (e.g., genetic engineering), ionizing radiation, or sewage sludge.
- Produced per the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List).
- Overseen by a USDA National Organic Program- authorized certifying agent, following all USDA organic regulations.


I don't think anything in that video is surprising...... Sadly.

3rd October 2012, 10:32 AM
I was under the impression that anything labeled organic (watch the ingredients of course) has to be non-GMO....

Organic products have strict production and labeling requirements. Unless noted below, organic products must meet the following requirements:
- Produced without excluded methods (e.g., genetic engineering), ionizing radiation, or sewage sludge.
- Produced per the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List).
- Overseen by a USDA National Organic Program- authorized certifying agent, following all USDA organic regulations.


I don't think anything in that video is surprising...... Sadly.

the problem with this is that the specific product has to be labeled "100% organic" in order for it not to be gmo. the regular "organic" label does apply. for example, you can feed your dairy cows gmo feed for their whole life and claim that their milk is organic so long as you don't do anything to the milk itself. it's still been made via a gmo process. you have to very careful. i just know this because in wisconsin where i live, it's kind of quiet scandal. all of the cheese, milk is "organic" but it's all made from dairy cows that ate gmo feed.

3rd October 2012, 10:34 AM
Thank you. Five stars! Passed it along.

Does anyone have the link or name of the thread with the gmo rat testing?

3rd October 2012, 10:38 AM
everything is gmo unless it has the non-gmo sticker on it. everything.

The strawberries growing in my back yard don't have non-gmo stickers on them, should I throw them out?

(sorry I'm just being a smart ass) :D

3rd October 2012, 10:47 AM
The strawberries growing in my back yard don't have non-gmo stickers on them, should I throw them out?

(sorry I'm just being a smart ass) :D

Grow them undercover, AND hydroponically, and I'll "bite"...

3rd October 2012, 11:55 AM
I was under the impression, or read somewhere that a product can be labelled "organic" as long as 25% of the product ingredients are organic. So even if 75% percent of the cheese comes from non organic sources, it still qualifies as organic.

3rd October 2012, 02:05 PM

I hope those companies get trashed.

3rd October 2012, 02:18 PM
I was in WF this morning. A little too exspensive for me but it's the one place I can get Bragg's apple cider vinegar. And they have a killer beer selection. There's fresher and better tasting fruits and vegtables at the many roadside stands.

3rd October 2012, 02:27 PM
back up on youtube


3rd October 2012, 02:31 PM
a bag of anything at whole foods costs $80. beer + chips? $80. some fresh produce + a loaf of bread? $80. everything is $80 a bag.

Old Herb Lady
3rd October 2012, 02:40 PM
I was in WF this morning. A little too exspensive for me but it's the one place I can get Bragg's apple cider vinegar. And they have a killer beer selection. There's fresher and better tasting fruits and vegtables at the many roadside stands.

milehi, I agree they are very painfully expensive,
but it is one my favorite stores, tho, I like Trader Joes , too.
Anyways, the Braggs can be bought online at many different places for half the price.

3rd October 2012, 03:17 PM
milehi, I agree they are very painfully expensive,
but it is one my favorite stores, tho, I like Trader Joes , too.
Anyways, the Braggs can be bought online at many different places for half the price.

Trader Joe's is my favorite store. Actually I've found their prices seem to be less than the big stores, for basic stuff, milk eggs, cheese vegies, etc.

Chad, I spent exactly $80 in Trader Joe's today. 4 bags of food. :)

3rd October 2012, 03:26 PM
see, it's lots cheaper there ;)

3rd October 2012, 03:51 PM
Looks like Whole Foods has spent over $37 million to stop Prop 37 in Cali.....Think its important?

This video has a lot of good background info on the lead up to GMO's being used in the public food supply.....If the undercover video made you upset, this will piss you right off when you see what has been done......


Google: Tom Vilsack Monsanto (https://www.google.com/search?q=Tom+vilsac+Monsanto&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=MZE&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&sa=X&ei=-cNsUNTXDe-42QXssoDoCw&spell=1&q=Tom+vilsack+Monsanto&ved=0CB4QvwUoAA&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=4c814b5607df3525&biw=1658&bih=893)

3rd October 2012, 03:54 PM
I hope people see just how diabolical this entire issue is:

Government allows Corporations to poison us for profit. (And population Control). Then we get mad and BEG GOVERNMENT to 'force' the evil Corporations to label their poison.

All the while GOVERNMENT HAS NO AUTHORITY in our food. It was Government who allowed them to do it in the first place.

Problem > Reaction > Solution. Order Out of Chaos. Hegelian Dialectic.

3rd October 2012, 04:59 PM
Ahem!.....Cough, cough!


3rd October 2012, 05:17 PM
Ahem!.....Cough, cough!


It looks like your regular, run-o-the-mill Board of Directors to me....

get it?

3rd October 2012, 05:30 PM
sent the WF vid to my WF contact. got this back from him, "TM" = team members aka floor employees.

Today I saw an e-mail talking about the video you saw. Turns out WFM does support the Labeling of GMOs Initiative, although the company doesn't give donations to ANY cause as a general policy. As for the GMO information TMs give out--we need to be more clear. WFM carries products with GMOs for a couple if reasons: There is no way to verify ingredients as non-GMO when they are not certified organic, or certified non-GMO. WFM does not actively attempt to sell or Promote GMO, but without legislation it is very difficult to source non-GMO or find alternatives to GMO. TMs were never told to conceal or lie about any of this.

I haven't yet looked into the "Whole Foods has spent over $37 million to stop Prop 37 in Cali." video above - to see how it jibes with the claim that they don't donate to any cause. Its 24 min vid- any way to summarize the rub re how WF has "spent" all that $ to stop 37?

3rd October 2012, 05:58 PM
sent the WF vid to my contact, a WF regional produce manager. got this back from him, "TM" = team members aka floor employees.

I haven't yet looked into the "Whole Foods has spent over $37 million to stop Prop 37 in Cali." video above - to see how it jibes with the claim that they don't donate to any cause. Its 24 min vid- any way to summarize the rub re how WF has "spent" all that $ to stop 37?

Seems its through campaign contributions and other 'political' donations.......Pertinent info @ 12:20

Also, check this out, back in 2008. This guy is now the US Secretary of Agriculture.

Six Reasons Why Obama Appointing Monsanto's Buddy, Former Iowa Governor Vilsack, for USDA Head Would be a Terrible Idea


Organic Consumers Association, November 12, 2008
Straight to the Source (http://www.stopvilsack.org)


* Former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack's support of genetically engineered pharmaceutical crops, especially pharmaceutical corn:

* The biggest biotechnology industry group, the Biotechnology Industry Organization, named Vilsack Governor of the Year. He was also the founder and former chair of the Governor's Biotechnology Partnership.
http://www.bio.org/news/pressreleases/newsitem.asp?id=200... (http://www.bio.org/news/pressreleases/newsitem.asp?id=2001_0920_01)

* When Vilsack created the Iowa Values Fund, his first poster child of economic development potential was Trans Ova and their pursuit of cloning dairy cows.

* Vilsack was the origin of the seed pre-emption bill in 2005, which many people here in Iowa fought because it took away local government's possibility of ever having a regulation on seeds- where GE would be grown, having GE-free buffers, banning pharma corn locally, etc. Representative Sandy Greiner, the Republican sponsor of the bill, bragged on the House Floor that Vilsack put her up to it right after his state of the state address.

* Vilsack has a glowing reputation as being a schill for agribusiness biotech giants like Monsanto. Sustainable ag advocated across the country were spreading the word of Vilsack's history as he was attempting to appeal to voters in his presidential bid. An activist from the west coast even made this youtube animation about Vilsack
The airplane in this animation is a referral to the controversy that Vilsack often traveled in Monsanto's jet.

*Vilsack is an ardent support of corn and soy based biofuels, which use as much or more fossil energy to produce them as they generate, while driving up world food prices and literally starving the poor.

Twisted Titan
4th October 2012, 09:43 AM
everything is gmo unless it has the non-gmo sticker on it. everything.

Correction: everything is GMO unless you grew it yourself or can look square in the eye of the person who did

4th October 2012, 09:53 AM
Ahem!.....Cough, cough!

hahaa it looks like yet another kosher cabal.

4th October 2012, 10:06 AM
I buy all my produce from a local farm (2 actually). Meats mostly come from the butcher. I spend at least 50% less than the local WF charges. They can get bent with their exorbitant price schemes.

4th October 2012, 10:13 AM
shopping at whole foods is like buying a prius. it's all about the "look at me, i'm special and i care more than you do" angle. exact same psychology at work.

4th October 2012, 10:20 AM
shopping at whole foods is like buying a prius. it's all about the "look at me, i'm special and i care more than you do" angle. exact same psychology at work.At least that psychology is better than "I'm cool, I don't give a shet". Even misguided caring is better than apathy.

4th October 2012, 05:20 PM
Meet Michael R Taylor:

"Michael R. Taylor was responsible for the inclusion of a loophole in a food protection law called the Delaney Clause. The Delaney Clause does not allow processed food to contain "any chemical additive found to induce cancer in man or animals". Taylor amended the Delaney Clause to allow the inclusion of pesticides in GMOs."

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/57/Michael_R._Taylor_01.jpg/150px-Michael_R._Taylor_01.jpg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Michael_R._Taylor_01.jpg)


Delaney Clause:
"the Secretary of the Food and Drug Administration (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_and_Drug_Administration) shall not approve for use in food any chemical additive found to induce cancer in man, or, after tests, found to induce cancer in animals."[1]



4th October 2012, 05:21 PM
Meet Michael R Taylor:

"Michael R. Taylor was responsible for the inclusion of a loophole in a food protection law called the Delaney Clause. The Delaney Clause does not allow processed food to contain "any chemical additive found to induce cancer in man or animals". Taylor amended the Delaney Clause to allow the inclusion of pesticides in GMOs."

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/57/Michael_R._Taylor_01.jpg/150px-Michael_R._Taylor_01.jpg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Michael_R._Taylor_01.jpg)

Delaney Clause:
"the Secretary of the Food and Drug Administration (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_and_Drug_Administration) shall not approve for use in food any chemical additive found to induce cancer in man, or, after tests, found to induce cancer in animals."[1]



good find, you pissed off my wife!

4th October 2012, 05:30 PM
LOL...hey you owe me one (kidding) :D

I had to delete a rather long and colorful string of commentary beside his name.

Someone with a camera needs to track this guy down.

Also I think his email address needs some love....still looking for it.

edit more:


edit again...

Oh here it is...

Feel free to call, fax, or email Michael R. Taylor at the FDA. Here's his contact info:
301-796-4500 office
301-847-3535 fax

4th October 2012, 07:05 PM
I don't know why they won't just sell TRUE gmo-free food; people will literally pay anything to get it.

4th October 2012, 09:42 PM
...anyone have the [video] link or name of the thread with the gmo rat testing?


5th October 2012, 09:10 PM


5th October 2012, 09:14 PM
Thank you. Five stars! Passed it along.

Does anyone have the link or name of the thread with the gmo rat testing?

I found this....