View Full Version : Gasoline being rationed in California

old steel
4th October 2012, 07:57 PM
What's going on you CA. folks?

Better fill up.

California Gas Stations Shut as Oil Refiners Ration Supplies
By Lynn Doan and Joshua Falk - Oct 4, 2012 2:48 PM PT

Gasoline station owners in the Los Angeles area including Costco Wholesale Corp. (COST) (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/COST:US) are beginning to shut pumps as the state’s oil refiners started rationing supplies and spot prices surged to a record.
Valero Energy Corp. (VLO) (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/VLO:US) stopped selling gasoline on the spot, or wholesale, market in Southern California (http://topics.bloomberg.com/california/) and is allocating deliveries to customers. Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/XOM:US) is also rationing fuel to U.S. West Coast terminal customers. Costco’s outlet in Simi Valley, 40 miles (64 kilometers) northwest of Los Angeles, ran out of regular gasoline yesterday and was selling premium fuel at the price of regular.

The gasoline shortage “feels like a hurricane to me, but it’s the West Coast,” Jeff Cole, Costco’s vice president of gasoline, said by telephone yesterday. “We’re obviously extremely disheartened that we are unable to do this, and we’re pulling fuel from all corners of California to fix this.”
Spot gasoline in Los Angeles (http://topics.bloomberg.com/los-angeles/) has surged $1 a gallon this week to a record $1.45 a gallon premium versus gasoline futures traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (http://topics.bloomberg.com/new-york-mercantile-exchange/), data compiled by Bloomberg show. That’s the highest level for the fuel since at least November 2007, when Bloomberg began publishing prices there. On an outright basis, the fuel has jumped to $4.3929 a gallon.


4th October 2012, 08:10 PM
We'll never see gas below $4 ever again here in California. It's about $4.50 in my area.

4th October 2012, 08:16 PM
The price jumped 30 cents during the hour I was at dinner.

4th October 2012, 08:28 PM
yup... 4.03 to 4.49 in the space of a few hours.

4th October 2012, 08:33 PM
And that's why silver is going up, to keep up with the prices of gas and food.........

5th October 2012, 02:49 AM
When gas gets to the price of 12 year old Scotch there will no longer be a decision to make.

5th October 2012, 06:31 AM
And that's why silver is going up, to keep up with the prices of gas and food.........

LOL... silver is going sideways, as usual.

Gas up 0.50/gallon overnight. Silver down 0.17...

Want to rethink that?

Twisted Titan
5th October 2012, 09:19 AM
And not one man in a million will link this back to Fed QE INFINITY

5th October 2012, 09:26 AM
most of it has to do with the fact that california has about a billion different blends for environemntal reasons. they can't just truck in gas from another state because it doesn't meet their "licensing" criteria.

5th October 2012, 09:35 AM
most of it has to do with the fact that california has about a billion different blends for environemntal reasons. they can't just truck in gas from another state because it doesn't meet their "licensing" criteria.

Did they give any reasons?

I was thinking it must be some politician there that wasn't falling line with paying his royalties...

Oh here it is...

A Chevron Corp. (CVX) (http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/CVX:US) pipeline that delivers crude to Northern California refineries was also shut last month due to elevated levels of chloride in the oil.

Whoever controls that valve controls ALL market inflation, I guess.

5th October 2012, 10:05 AM
$5.19 and $4.84 for 91 octane, both at Chevron stations, both off the same freeway five miles apart as of a couple minutes ago.

5th October 2012, 01:59 PM
Just got back from town, I saw $ 4.49 for 87 octane, Diesel still at $ 4.29

Up .34 cents since Oct 3

5th October 2012, 02:30 PM
I topped off the tank at $4.75(91oct) The cheapest I saw today was $4.40 for 91 oct, and that was at the General Store down the road here in the middle of BFE. Too bad they don't take my AMEX gas card.

5th October 2012, 02:34 PM
Another thing I've noticed is that you can't find a gas can anywhere. Not that I needed one, but I made it a point to check the station and a home improvement center. Also, the kops are out in force, and writing tickets. It seems The State needs us to foot their fuel bill.

5th October 2012, 02:55 PM
We'll never see gas below $4 ever again here in California. It's about $4.50 in my area.

Price is now $4.70 today. Went up $0.20 today.

5th October 2012, 03:07 PM
how high do you think, until the TNB starts?

willie pete
5th October 2012, 09:07 PM
how high do you think, until the TNB starts?

I'm thinking the bus fare will have to rise before that happens.....

6th October 2012, 06:26 AM
i was in San Diego & my brother saw a can of gas in the back of my truck.

he asked, "what's that for ?" like it was a REALLY WIERD thing to have in the back of your truck.

i told him it was 'insurance'. he gave me a "you're not one of those SURVIVALISTS, are you ?" kind of look.

anyway, perhaps now he has figured out why a bit o' gasoline provisions are not a bad idea.

mick silver
6th October 2012, 06:57 AM
i hate it when people call me that . SURVIVALISTS . is it not part of life to want to be able to live without help from anyone else

6th October 2012, 07:26 AM
i hate it when people call me that . SURVIVALISTS . is it not part of life to want to be able to live without help from anyone else

Societal shaming at work. To live without the help of anyone else is being different, so there must be a term to describe that. I think I dislike the term prepper more than survivalist.

Regarding gas cans, several months ago a neighbor at the old place had two gas cans stolen from the back of his truck. They cut the lock with bolt cutters. Didn't take anything else. For some reason, those cans were targeted by someone. I thought that was odd.

I'm not looking forward to filling up at these prices. I wonder if it would be better to wait a day or two, thoughts?

6th October 2012, 07:49 AM
This is only supposed to be temporary, 2 months or so?
California should relax their clean air standards (blended fuels) in times of refinery disruptions.
This is only hurting California's already disasterous economy.
I guess California residents will just have to bite the bullet on gas and cut spending elsewhere...eating out, Starbucks, movies/entertainment, shopping etc.

The gas gouging is slowly creaping it's way here. Filled up yesterday morning @ $3.79...evening price $3.89

6th October 2012, 07:52 AM
Just filled all my gas cans and truck plus SUV...... eight cans......$316.00.......that should last me for about four to five months............gas at $5.21 9/10

First post of the day.......cold morning to one and all brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

6th October 2012, 08:01 AM
i hate it when people call me that . SURVIVALISTS . is it not part of life to want to be able to live without help from anyone else

i've thought about that too.

survivalist, prepper - how about just being plain old Well-Provisioned ?

maybe we should call ourselves the "Pantry-stockers" (like Imacannin's pantry !) with an expanded meaning of the term 'pantry'.

6th October 2012, 10:20 AM
Be sure to check Gasbuddy.com (http://gasbuddy.com/) or Gasprices.mapquest.com (http://gasprices.mapquest.com/) before filling up.

6th October 2012, 10:42 AM
Speaking of Air, the air here in california is terrible, it's been hot for 100 days straight, it's still getting over 100 degrees here at times in october, we need some rain or wind to clean us out...

And after a 5 month break, the chemtrails started up again this week...

6th October 2012, 10:43 AM
Speaking of Air, the air here in california is terrible, it's been hot for 100 days straight, it's still getting over 100 degrees here at times in october, we need some rain or wind to clean us out...

And after a 5 month break, the chemtrails started up again this week... r u northern or southern cali?

6th October 2012, 10:48 AM
Speaking of Air, the air here in california is terrible, it's been hot for 100 days straight, it's still getting over 100 degrees here at times in october, we need some rain or wind to clean us out...

And after a 5 month break, the chemtrails started up again this week...

You need to move out of the city. I've got beautiful blue skies here in my small town, and I haven't seen one chemtrail yet. I actually feel healthier, my stress levels dropped, in fact, non existent. I haven't been this happy and just content with life in a long time.

Getting out of Oakland has been the best decision I've made in a long time. I actually want to say thanks to the folks on this forum, for putting the heat on me to make the change. Every poster here, who lives in small towns, and their advise.

6th October 2012, 10:53 AM
how high do you think, until the TNB starts? tnb????

6th October 2012, 12:03 PM

Typical nigger behavior. I'd say the mood at the pump is somber for most.

6th October 2012, 12:20 PM
You need to move out of the city. I've got beautiful blue skies here in my small town, and I haven't seen one chemtrail yet.

It doesn't matter where you are in SoCal. They have us covered. I started Tuesday with a long morning road bike ride, then went surfing in North San Diego County, and finished the day with a night mountainbike ride with chemtrails above throughout the day. TNE is right. The sky had been clear since spring

High desert, leaving the beach, at the end of the day in the mountains

Edit- picture 1 and 2 are 110 miles apart

6th October 2012, 01:00 PM
It doesn't matter where you are in SoCal. They have us covered. I started Tuesday with a long morning road bike ride, then went surfing in North San Diego County, and finished the day with a night mountainbike ride with chemtrails above throughout the day. TNE is right. The sky had been clear since spring

How was the surfing in San Diego? I've had the major itch to dust off my board here, but there's no surf, no swell. Seas like glass. So, I'm enjoying being a lazy bum instead. :)

I wonder why So Cal is getting all the spraying, but none up here. I did see some up in the SF bay, and upriver, in the past few weeks.

6th October 2012, 02:44 PM
How was the surfing in San Diego? I've had the major itch to dust off my board here, but there's no surf, no swell. Seas like glass. So, I'm enjoying being a lazy bum instead. :)

I wonder why So Cal is getting all the spraying, but none up here. I did see some up in the SF bay, and upriver, in the past few weeks.

Well it wasn't the 4-6 foot surf that surfline.com promised, but it was big enough that I didn't have to go out on a longboard. The water was very warm for this time of year with even warmer pockets of water, and it was very glassy. A great session. My regular spot was a zoo so I went out a couple reefs down.

I'd be back down there today if I wasn't on call.

6th October 2012, 03:03 PM
You need to move out of the city. I've got beautiful blue skies here in my small town, and I haven't seen one chemtrail yet. I actually feel healthier, my stress levels dropped, in fact, non existent. I haven't been this happy and just content with life in a long time.

Getting out of Oakland has been the best decision I've made in a long time. I actually want to say thanks to the folks on this forum, for putting the heat on me to make the change. Every poster here, who lives in small towns, and their advise.

well done .you cant beat the charm of rural living.............

6th October 2012, 03:42 PM
Speaking of Air, the air here in california is terrible, it's been hot for 100 days straight, it's still getting over 100 degrees here at times in october, we need some rain or wind to clean us out...

And after a 5 month break, the chemtrails started up again this week...

Ah, you noticed that too, eh?

9th October 2012, 07:57 AM
I spent $4.59 yesterday for 87. I can't remember what 91 was. There was a line of cars at this station, because the other 2 stations a half block away had 87 for $4.75. The gas station attendant said they expected the prices to rise even further soon.

9th October 2012, 09:19 AM
all this, when we have enough proven reserves in ONE oil field alone to supply us for over 200 YEARS! peak oil my ass.

9th October 2012, 09:26 AM
where is pastor williams when you need him?

9th October 2012, 09:46 AM
all this, when we have enough proven reserves in ONE oil field alone to supply us for over 200 YEARS! peak oil my ass.

Why sell your own trees, when you can make money selling your next door neighbors?

I know, the purchase of Alaska from Russia makes one convinced that they are at least 100 years ahead of us on their outlook.

9th October 2012, 10:19 AM
all this, when we have enough proven reserves in ONE oil field alone to supply us for over 200 YEARS! peak oil my ass.

Refineries are the problem...not oil supply


9th October 2012, 10:55 AM
all this, when we have enough proven reserves in ONE oil field alone to supply us for over 200 YEARS! peak oil my ass.

Refineries are the problem...not oil supply

Government control of refineries is the problem, not the refineries themselves or the oil supply. If a functioning market was allowed to work instead of a highly restrictive government control apparatus on domestic oil production, NONE of these problems would exist.

9th October 2012, 11:00 AM
There are alternatives to gas


9th October 2012, 11:23 AM
There are alternatives to gas


I paid $2.70 per gallon yesterday topping off my propane tank. A lot cheaper that gas. The other thing I noticed is diesel fuel is cheaper than gas. It hasn't been that way for quite awhile, the past couple of years it seems.

9th October 2012, 11:24 AM
A trucker friend of mine that makes weekly trips from Wi.to L.A.told me diesel fuel isn't even available in Cally. He claims that on Oct. 1st the state was requiring 0 sulfer in the diesel and the refineries gave them a big F.U. Any tuth to this? Or is it just another truckdriver story.

9th October 2012, 11:25 AM
I paid $2.70 per gallon yesterday topping off my propane tank. A lot cheaper that gas. The other thing I noticed is diesel fuel is cheaper than gas. It hasn't been that way for quite awhile, the past couple of years it seems. If worse comes to worse, you could go the "Steam Punk" rout and render seal blubber into oil and burn that! ;)

9th October 2012, 11:51 AM
If worse comes to worse, you could go the "Steam Punk" rout and render seal blubber into oil and burn that! ;)

I wonder how sea lion tastes. I bet my oil lamps would burn nicely. ;D In case any agents from the state are reading....we know and follow the Marine Mammal Protection Act around here.

See the photo, taken just minutes ago...they've taken over the dock! :)


9th October 2012, 11:57 AM
A trucker friend of mine that makes weekly trips from Wi.to L.A.told me diesel fuel isn't even available in Cally. He claims that on Oct. 1st the state was requiring 0 sulfer in the diesel and the refineries gave them a big F.U. Any tuth to this? Or is it just another truckdriver story.

It's probably just another truck driver story. Around here, most gas stations still had prices for diesel up. Plus, the grocery stores are still full of food. If they shut down all of diesel, and trucking, then the food riots and looting would start. I'd guess in just one day.

9th October 2012, 12:01 PM
Refineries are the problem...not oil supply

if the people KNEW what a GLUT of oil we have in spite of the price there would be revolution. refineries or NOT,what matters is 100% phony oil prices-to keep the illusion of our dependence on middle east oil...and middle east WARS!

9th October 2012, 12:18 PM
if the people KNEW what a GLUT of oil we have in spite of the price there would be revolution. refineries or NOT,what matters is 100% phony oil prices-to keep the illusion of our dependence on middle east oil...and middle east WARS!

You're right

Silver Rocket Bitches!
9th October 2012, 01:44 PM
Time for one of these.