View Full Version : Obama's ring betrays his Muslim faith?

10th October 2012, 06:53 AM
They were talking about this on my local talk show this morning, thought I'd share. I can't really make the Arabic out from the ring, but granted I have no idea what Arabic letters look like.


NEW YORK – As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues.

Now, newly published photographs of Obama from the 1980s show that the ring Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger as an unmarried student is the same ring Michelle Robinson put on his finger at the couple’s wedding ceremony in 1992.

Moreover, according to Arabic-language and Islamic experts, the ring Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada: “There is no God except Allah.”



More at link... (http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/obamas-ring-there-is-no-god-but-allah/)

10th October 2012, 07:16 AM
So who was he married to before? Or is he a bigamist? Everything about this man is phony! The least transparent man on earth!

midnight rambler
10th October 2012, 07:23 AM
I'm thinking that Barry's entire life is a legal fiction...

10th October 2012, 09:37 AM
In opinion tha he was "created" in order to become the president of the US.......everything, in the beginning, was to perfect and to open with all his statements being for the good of the people........all of it has now made a 180 dregrees turn.

Something that I still don't understand is as to the why he recieved that Nobel Peace medal........

10th October 2012, 12:13 PM
but ...but...but he campaigned as a "kritchen"....the pope claims to be one too. Just goes to show how anyone can claim anything.

10th October 2012, 12:54 PM
This man is a fraud through and through. When the truth is finally revealed many of you will be shocked. He is not a US citizen. He was not born in the USA. He is a Moslem, not a Christian. He is likely a bigamist by prior marriage in Indonesia. He is an undocumented alien brought to Hawaii without proper papers filed in Hawaii, then just recently a state and notorious backdoor for illegal entry into the US. He attended Occidental College as a foreign student and received foreign aid. This is why all of his school transcripts and records are sealed. He spent millions of dollars in the courts fighting the release of a legal birth certificate because he does not have one [from the USA]. The birth certificate released by the White House is a prima face digital counterfeit and millions knew it on the day of release. Many will ask how is possible for such a fraud and liar to ascend to the highest office in the land? The answer is very simple: you assumed that somebody was watching the store and such a thing could not happen. But there are many layers within a power structure and Obama’s handlers, the ones who invented the legal myth of Barack Obama (that is not his legal name by the way) skillfully found the interstices and flaws within the structure that allowed this poser into the Oval Office. I only hope that after he is exposed and the American people are shocked out of their collective complacency and apathy that they will come to once again question and hold their government accountable for its actions. We the people have a lot of cleaning of house to do! BTW, I am not a Romney supporter and I am a patriot with no party affiliation. But I’ll settle for a legal citizen Mormon corporate raider over a Marxist illegal alien Moslem free-loader any day of the week.

10th October 2012, 01:39 PM
Obongo is the NWO Poster Boy.

We knew this when he got the " nobel peace prize " , LOL !

He immediately expanded all the aggression he got elected to stop.

He is from 3 continents, 3 religions, 3 races, has 3 faces, and is a queer too.

Mamboni, great overview, disagree with you on Romney , he is totally
in the pocket of the NeoCons, I thought he was a throw away candidate
and it was in the bag for Obama, but I changed my opinion, seeing all the
NeoCons associated with Romney. Romney is going to be Pres,
more blatant than Bush Admin II. A few big things will be served
by this as well, pin it on Obama economic distractions, race relations distractions,
major escalation of wars. The NeoCons are crazy, Obama isn't as crazy as
they are. Will there be a Dempsey in Romney admin ?

10th October 2012, 01:47 PM
i can't wait to see the kenyan IMPLODE in a giant hissy fit if he loses. i expect him to be such a douche that he doesn't ever show up to any of those events with the old presidents. he'll be missing from the group he's such a crybaby. i also expect him and michelle to get divorced 2.3 seconds after he is no longer the president.

10th October 2012, 02:00 PM
i can't wait to see the kenyan IMPLODE in a giant hissy fit if he loses. i expect him to be such a douche that he doesn't ever show up to any of those events with the old presidents. he'll be missing from the group he's such a crybaby. i also expect him and michelle to get divorced 2.3 seconds after he is no longer the president.

Obama will be lucky not to be spending the rest of his life in a high security federal prison, guilty of espionage against the United States. Or, he will leave the US and be on the lamb from American justice.

10th October 2012, 02:03 PM
Obama will be lucky not to be spending the rest of his life in a high security federal prison, guilty of espionage against the United States. Or, he will leave the US and be on the lamb from American justice.

Oh, I almost forgot, he's a frickin' chum-smoking fudge packer too.