View Full Version : Don’t Believe Them – People Are Beautiful!

11th October 2012, 08:56 AM
Wednesday, October 10th, 2012.

by Zen Gardner

This isn’t said enough when it should be healthily swimming in the public perception.

People are amazing, wonderful, beautiful and fantastic….and all at the same time!

Don’t believe the mass media bullshit. If your negativity and cynicism have the best of you, stop yourself and others from listening to the media, their phony headphones and violent music, TV and video games, their implants, induced thoughts, and their conditioning.

Humanity is essentially good. We are not predominantly driven by sex, money, aggression, hatred and self preservation. Screw the social engineers. Contrary to what we’re being shown and told via our manipulated media we are wonderful and amazingly free and loving!

Our passion is to love and appreciate the wonderful people in our lives and those coming in to our lives! And bask in awe at our wonderful, however attacked, beautiful environment while exploring the never ending infinite worlds of consciousness!

Most of all our impulse is to care….and that’s what they’re trying to shut down!

People Rock!

Look what humans do! They give birth to and sacrificially and lovingly raise and nurture families. They don’t kill and abuse them, they love them! They strive to make a better planet work in unison with their needs in utmost respect for their surroundings. They show compassion in the face of suffering, the help their fellow man when it’s within their power.

That is the heart cry of true, really true, connected humanity. And that’s the vast majority.

Despite everything we’re being bombarded with, you and I are beautiful creations. Sure there’re plenty of challenges and even outright given-over bad folks, but that’s the exception, not the rule like they make it out to be!

People Are Naturally Loving

Sorry to pop some people’s media induced bubbles but people are good. Of course there’re all kinds and exceptions (heavily exacerbated by the oligarchs) but the great predominance is loving, humble and wonderful people.

It’s the NON-people, the invading control freak psychopathic unfeeling slavish lords of darkness that screw things up. And the sleeping need to wake the hell up that they exist and to what’s being done to their heads.

After all, what does this bombardment of the ugly self image do? It makes people believe it’s real and therefore mimic it! Our swallowing of this media portrayal brings their ugly, carefully sculpted anti-human plan to life.

Don’t comply!

Our resistance is imperative and we need to tell the others that they’re being programmed to be, and see, ugly humans when they are NOT!

Want a perfect illustration? The zombie phenomenon. They’re branding us at an even LOWER level, believe it or not. If we’re not terrorists, any other so called deviant activity or response will be considered other-worldly! And THAT’s been programmed through horror movies and their burgeoning vampire craze.

And sex? Talk about debasement. Disgusting dehumanization in full display.

The Ugliness Is Them, Not Us!

The media mogul bastards are giving all of us a bold-faced lie…and have been working hard at it a long time. And the more people believe it the more they’ll morph. Zombie parties and media exaltation of such case in point.

Sure, there are problems and deviants, but how many degraded families and people do you know? Of course there are issues, but c’mon! It’s easy to tear down and criticize and assume the worst when that’s the trendy thing.

What does the fear mongering media report? Death, murder, insane sensational behavior and anything negative, violent, weird and debasing.

Take a hint …we need to wake the hell up.

Damn Them. And Beware.

It’s deliberate. We’re in a bizarro upside down world of the oligarchs’ making, and it’s wrong, wrong, wrong. Watch your every step. And especially your mind and attitude! You’ll slip into a funk before you know it and you’ll be thinking like them and not even realize it. It manifests in hate, confusion, negativity, judgementalism, cynicism and discouragement.

And hopelessness.

If you stay in their vibe you’ll feel the same hate, rage and thoughts of violence that they do. That’s their frequency. That’s their incubator.

Stay on your toes. Love and conscious, aware positivity takes some doing many times. Learning to spot these negative symptoms helps you snap out of their trance.

Be aware, and be bold about it.


The Great Mind-Numbing Contradiction They’ve Foisted Upon Us

Here we have in our society this surface “oh-so-caring” child nurturing veneer. Marketers use it to pull on our hearts with drives for children’s hospitals, breast cancer awareness, innocent baby care and, of course, their pharmaceutical love for the sick.

The “bleeding hearts” are all over children and cancer and pink stuff and races and blah blah blah. Again, like religion, channeling the people’s genuine care into pointless causes that are engineered.

And what do they actually do? Murder innocent children by the millions worldwide, starve nations of unwanted indigenous peoples, sterilize millions with genetically altered food and enforced vaccines and generally poison and beat down all of humanity into chemical and biological submission.

Are you falling for this scam in any way, shape or form? Because it’s pretty damn clever and pervasive!

The globalist instructed and driven Amerikan military machine alone has massacred innocent children around the globe for decades. Over 500 thousand in Iraq alone whom Madeleine Albright wickedly called “necessary and justified” years ago. Besides that think of the disgusting pogroms of Russia, Armenia, Cambodia, China, the World Wars, etc.

We’re talking sick, sick sick.

They’re playing chess with human lives for entertainment and control while laughingly playing on our weaknesses.

Need I say more?

So? What then?

Love each other. Learn to see the good and avoid the ugly being shoved in your face. I’ve been guilty of this getting to me and it’s become a real alarm bell for me. I hope it will be for you too. It’s not easy in this environment.

As you take it apart you realize how insidious their vibe and techniques are.

They declared war on us a long time ago.

Time to bring the battle to them by shutting down any and all connections to these bastards and reversing the flow. And helping others realize the seriousness of our predicament and learn to take personal action by checking our attitudes, thoughts and intentions. Right actions will follow.

One day it was a time for real town hall meetings. Now it’s a time for radical conscious awareness practice in our virtual community.

Love always,



11th October 2012, 10:58 AM
Exactly, they are channelling our natural empathy towards starving children in Africa, and the only way for you to 'help' those is to put whatever little is left, after they have taken most of your production, to a global aid organization, which will channel your money to a vaccination program. Meanwhile you neglect those that are immediately around you, that you could ACTUALLY HELP! But those you are told the state will take care of!