View Full Version : Library books

19th October 2012, 06:33 AM
so anyway
i took out 14 books from the library 3 months ago and renewing them 1 day before they're due back
i figure when TSHTF, these books will be better used by myself than sitting on a library shelf
i do believe there will be a collapse/false flag before the Nov elections

if you're close to a library and have a library card
take out some books that may help you get thru SHTF times

the next due date for my library books is 11/9

19th October 2012, 06:34 AM
good advice, will do that...

Old Herb Lady
19th October 2012, 06:43 AM
Very good advice ! Total library nerd here, too. Weird...my last checkout was 14 books as well.
We go once a month . The old books are so awesoome.
We donate, too, when we can.

19th October 2012, 06:44 AM
Ours have to be renewed every 2 weeks and many times they are on order so I have to return them. The best bet is to buy the books you'll need now.

19th October 2012, 06:49 AM
I haven't had a library card since I was a child, but funny enough, the last time I went to the used book store I bought 14 books.

19th October 2012, 08:08 AM
I keep buying books for my personal library. Cheap or expensive it doesn't matter if the information is worth it to me.

Mamboni recommended "Fortunes in Formulas" recently. In order to get a first edition I had to order it from a South African seller. Cost a few bucks extra but was completely worth it. Now it is mine and will be with my collection until it is passed down to my descendents.

19th October 2012, 08:27 AM
Don't "donate" your books.........back in Cuba there are no libraries so that the people themselves had set up a form of a library by renting out the books that they have......if you have a nice library you will be able to make a comfortable living by renting out books............besides, the power to be are doing away with paper books, for the good of the people, and doing only tablets books........I believe that next month this one newspaper will be doing tablets news only and doing out the paper news.........at least pack up the books that you no longer want and put them away, someday they will become a treasure for your grandkids.

First post of the day...........good morning to one and all.

12th September 2013, 04:25 PM
bump for anyone thinking this upcoming Syria " strike " may lead to SHTF

take out some library books for 3 weeks

and if TSHTF happens in the next 3 weeks, they're yours

12th September 2013, 06:30 PM
bump for anyone thinking this upcoming Syria " strike " may lead to SHTF

take out some library books for 3 weeks

and if TSHTF happens in the next 3 weeks, they're yours

i gots to git to de library and loot me some books!

http://www.webhostingtalk.com/images/smilies/wavey.gif Glad to see you posting again CG. You might want to rethink your premise. WTSHTF the looting will take place at the beer and cigarette and food stores...not the Library.