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19th October 2012, 12:36 PM
How A Metals Dealer Works (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/19/how-a-metals-dealer-works/)

October 19, 2012, at 10:01 am
by Jim Sinclair (http://www.jsmineset.com/author/jimsinclair/) in the category http://www.jsmineset.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-print/images/printer_famfamfam.gif (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/19/how-a-metals-dealer-works/print/) Print This Post (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/19/how-a-metals-dealer-works/print/) | http://www.jsmineset.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-email/images/email_famfamfam.png (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/19/how-a-metals-dealer-works/email/) Email This Post (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/19/how-a-metals-dealer-works/email/)

Happy to have brought a smile to you yesterday. Days can be long and trying at times, so a laugh is welcomed. I have hesitated for weeks to write this but I am not in sync, so here I go.

The action in the ‘Crimex’ this week was not unexpected. The political demands and possible (a hair’s breathe from) commercial signal failure, meant the paper gold printing machines would be pushed to emptied toner cartridges. As said, not unexpected. Temporary but not unexpected.
My head scratching comes from the question, where does the ‘physical’ metal come from to satisfy the growing buy stops hit as price comes down? And to piggy back on this question, do foreign entities, Central Banks , and investors ‘take’ delivery; in other words, leave the Bullion System with the metal? Or does it sit in their care? (lol)
Realizing they are ‘Bullion Banks’, could you step through how they receive their physical metal from miners/refiners and the mechanism used to arrive at that price (I am familiar and understand the ‘FIX’). But it appears that the industry ‘allows’ these banks to paper push the price paid around based solely on the Bank’s own contract positions.
This is where I scratch my head , WHY??? The miners hold the commodity and are at the mercy of the Bullion Banks for their very survival, as it appears to me . Where am I wrong?

Dear Earl,
Many are asking themselves the same question.

In order to explain to you the proper answer to this question I need to ask you a question. What is the "Strong Dollar Policy" of the US Treasury?

The answer is it is a policy of support of the dollar at key technical points so that the dollar will decline in an orderly fashion. This has been in place since the dollar was trading in the mid one hundred and twenty-five area on the USDX. In comparison the "Weak Gold Policy" has been in place since $248 which means gold’s appreciation will not be an insult to the dollar by spiking to $3500 and beyond, but rather rise in an orderly fashion.

How could you not have noticed this in both the dollar and gold?

This opens the bonanza to the metals dealer to run what looks like a huge short but rather to operate their business where I was pleased to make one half a dollar unwinding the spread (a long position versus a short position offsetting between my buying product from the producer versus Comex short).
Today the metals dealer want to make fifty dollars, not 50 cents on that spread.

I owned a metals dealer here and in London. I made a cash market for gold. I know about what I speak. There might be outside of the gold banks less than five people who understand the big short that is always being screamed about by the so called gold experts, and COT is a crock.

You are looking at least seventy-five percent at a managed spread position.

What happened at $1800 then at $1775 and again at $1750 was the long side of the spread was dropped, leaving the short side exploded and the gold banks pounding the market to make a 50% profit by putting back on the long side of the spreads, locking the huge physical long versus the Comex short into a no risk position that reads on COT like the greatest short in human history.

The same is true of silver.

In this financially debased world, with the rules of a metal dealer’s company and a little help for standard financial fraud and you will never find this in the COT numbers.

I am telling you the truth. I am telling you how a metals dealer works. I know because I was successful in the entire 1970s gold bull market play against this game.

Here comes the "Golden Truth."

When the gold banks perceive that the gold market is about to go ballistic, just like any bull market does, they need only reverse the strategy in place from $248 called "The Weak Gold Policy" in how they handle the 75% risk-less spread.

Now when gold falls you takes off the short aside of the spread with gusto and let the long run.

The biggest money I ever made was when my very interesting partner and I went into the Sinclair Global Arbitrage Company and asked them how many ounces of gold and silver they had in a spread position. When they told us the huge number over 15,000 contracts spread we told them follow our instruction.

Take every short off the spread making us naked long. This was when the gold price broke $400 the second time over, running like a bunny to $887.75

You must note how central banks are either buying or protecting their gold reserve positions now. This is total about face two years ago.

There is another change coming which is a replacement monetary system and the need for some asset on central bank’s balance sheets to have positive value, especially in the USA. Soon, all that is required is a change in spread management by the gold banks and you will have whatever price the gold banks want from $3,500 to $12,400.

*All the COT numbers are nonsense and a means of operating the markets.

*COT experts give buy and sell signals which help the physical metals dealers profit on their spread trading.

*The COT experts help this spread trading looking for immense profit to profit immensely.

*Nonsense makes markets so the COT analyst looks like a genius while really interpreting nonsense when he/she is being duped into a tool to help the metals dealers spread position profit.

I have told you 1000 times that the greatest profit over the shortest period of time will be made by the gold bank physical dealers.

Because I know.
Because it requires only a shift in spread trading tactic handling of the spreads.
Because it is simple.
Because in truth the gold banks are simple.
Because I did not get named "Mr. Gold" in the seventies because I wrote on gold.
Because in the 70s I ran the gold market and the gold price by attacking the dealer’s spread position which no one has done so far in this market.
Because attacking a spread position is simple. You simple run the opposite spread tactics with major balls and major PR.
Because I like keeping it simple.
Because the proof on this is that the gold banks got pissed.

Both I and my partner were brought before the board of directors of the exchange under the accusation that we two running huge spreads between us, thereby manipulating the world’s gold markets.

Wake up experts, you have been had and your comments to the community are helping make sure they are had. You are tools of the gold banks and do not even know it. Your sage comments when I hear them from readers makes me sick because it is ignorant of the business.

Now I know this is going to cost me big, but you must understand what I am teaching you above. If you do not understand ask me the questions but no tomes please, all in at least 24 font, no other "expert" articles please. Just write me on what you are stuck on and I will try to clear your understanding of what you own or trade.

Please do not argue with me because you will only be demonstrating your ignorance, not your knowledge.

If you are convinced the decorated professor is a turkey, guess who really is the turkey.



Yes, the emphasis above is beefsteak''s.
In a nutshell, the truth as Sinclair spells it out is why:
A) Butler screamed himself hoarse about the "silver short" andn ever seen it cover in over 30 years!
B) Norcini and his weekly KingWorldNews blather about commitment of traders' analysis weekly is why I suspect he's not a prime contributor to JSMineset anymore.

19th October 2012, 06:13 PM
I still don't trust Seligman beefsteak.

19th October 2012, 06:21 PM
I will spell it out, S E L I G M A N

Kol Nidre and all that.

19th October 2012, 06:29 PM
Can someone translate Sinclair into language for the common man?

20th October 2012, 06:27 AM
Can someone translate Sinclair into language for the common man?
I think he said that he was the primary manipulator of gold in the 70's, and by having unlimited financial backing with PR lying he got the price of gold upto $800 in 1980, and made a fortune from it!

If true Mr Sinclair/Seligman is synonymus with TPTB, IMO!

20th October 2012, 08:16 AM
Can someone translate Sinclair into language for the common man?

own physical.

that's the 2 word version. the 10 words or less version -

own physical outside the banking system.

20th October 2012, 07:45 PM
who is the professor he refers to as a turkey?

20th October 2012, 07:52 PM
who is the professor he refers to as a turkey?

The professor is Seligman. He stated if you thought he was a turkey for his "answer" then you are the turkey.

I am still wondering why Seligman didn't answer the question.

could you step through how they receive their physical metal from miners/refiners and the mechanism used to arrive at that price

Twisted Titan
20th October 2012, 11:11 PM
Both I and my partner were brought before the board of directors of the exchange under the accusation that we two running huge spreads between us, thereby manipulating the world’s gold markets.

But when i flashed my Masonic Ring and told them what my Real last name was all that just got swept under the carpet of a simple misunderstanding

21st October 2012, 12:02 AM
A "sequel" if you please to the OP above was issued late today by Sinclair (Jesse Seligman)

Dear Jim,

In your opinion, has anyone tried to take on the gold banks in a significant way during this gold market?
CIGA Arlen S.

Dear Friend of many decades Arlen,
I witnessed two attempts close to each other. It was obvious that whomever this was had brought a knife to a gun fight. It seemed like outright buying in some attempt to run the supposed short. It took gold straight up a few dollar as when the demand looked tired the gold banks took the person straight down more than the up. It was a straight up 5 minute bar followed by a straight down one minute bar.

There are two 9 lessons here:

1. You cannot run a short to cover that is playing a spread.
2. You can only defeat the short by using the opposite spread as a trading vehicle lifting and dropping at key points in time and according to TA.
3. Throwing money at any short is a waste of money.
4. A professional gambler spread trader has to decide himself that he is burning daylight in the position.
5. You wear out a professional gambler spread position by not letting him/her get anywhere over months using your short and long legs to dent his initiative every time he/she takes it.
6. You cannot run out a professional gambler spread position.
7. Sometime the spread is between two hedge funds to camouflage its existence.
8. This is as true in the spreads on gold shares as it is on bullion versus paper metals.
9. The spread traders will fuel a bull market in the gold shares just as they have fed a bear market in gold shares.
Note: If there are words you do not understand, visit www.investopedia.com (http://www.investopedia.com) to find definitions of the words. If you skip over one misunderstood word you lose the entire teaching. This is a fact all "A" level students know. All misunderstandings and blockages are the result of passing over a WORD in a lesson you do not understand. Please make sure you take the time to learn the definitions.
Your old pal,

21st October 2012, 09:52 PM
Sinclair's pal, and professional associate posts on JSMineset Sunday night, trying mightily to put into plain English the content of JES' email blast on use of spreads by metals' dealers.

Here it is in its entirety.

October 21, 2012, at 1:02 pm
by Jim Sinclair (http://www.jsmineset.com/author/jimsinclair/) in the category | http://www.jsmineset.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-print/images/printer_famfamfam.gif (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/21/jims-mailbox-1072/print/) Print This Post (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/21/jims-mailbox-1072/print/) | http://www.jsmineset.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-email/images/email_famfamfam.png (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/21/jims-mailbox-1072/email/) Email This Post (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/21/jims-mailbox-1072/email/)

Jim Sinclair’s Commentary
These are "managed spreads," not spreads seeking a profit because of a change in the spread relationship. This is the mechanism for all present market manipulations outside of high frequency trading, which is front running legitimate bids and offers. Front running as the goal of high frequency trading means bidding ahead of the bidder with the wish to sell what is bought right back to the legitimate bidder at a profit. It is the opposite when skinning a legitimate seller.

Dear CIGAs,
When Jim talks about spreads you have to consider who is doing the spreads and how they work them.

Spread trading by definition is having a long and short contract at the same time supposedly on the same product. Spreads or hedges are supposed to be used to protect companies from futures price fluctuations, like if a sudden shortage or an abundance of a product pops up. In the futures markets, spreads are activated in a calendar format.

Hershey’s Candy is a perfect example of a legitimate hedger since they need cocoa/sugar and various other commodities to produce the products they sell.

There are other types of hedging that are now called “synthetic hedging” where I personally think the misuse is occurring.

A real hedge company should normally break even against a produced product. If Hershey needed to purchase a large amount of Sugar and needed delayed delivery of the product, they would enter into a long position to hedge against higher prices. Say there is a natural disaster that destroyed the sugar crop for Hershey’s’ Co. Prices would rise and force Hershey to pay higher prices for the product and thus would pass that onto their clients (that is if there was no real hedge). A proper hedge would offset the loss by acquiring a profit in the commodity trade against the higher price move of the real product which would keep the costs lower on our favorite Chocolate bars (mine are Hershey Kisses J).

This is how I think the misuse of the word Hedge is being applied, and please remember this is my opinion, I don’t have the ability to obtain factual information because these are considered a hedgers privacy and I’m not an investigator with the ability to demand the necessary information.

Say ABC Hedge Co has 50,000 positions in a contractual spread, that means they should be short 50,000 contracts and long a different month contract but the total of 50,000 contracts combined are being held overnight.

This is how I think they move the markets with impunity yet claim they are hedging.

Say ABC Hedge Co sells all their long positions at “the market;” this causes the price to fall and a large amount of volume pops up at that moment.

At the end of the day, ABC Hedge Co re-enters its long contracts again but at a far lower price and will re-enter their positions slowly as to not show a jump in volume like they did on the sell order. This is called a “sudden flush” or what we now call a “waterfall event” on the charts, http://www.jsmineset.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/clip_image00113.gif and by re-entering into the long contracts at the end of the day they can still claim to be a hedge company.

Paul Volcker mentioned in his discussion with the British Parliamentary Commission on banking standards that this approach to a trade is not how a hedge company is supposed to act. http://www.c-span.org/Events/Paul-Volcker-Debates-Banking-Standards-in-British-Parliament/10737435049-1/ (http://www.c-span.org/Events/Paul-Volcker-Debates-Banking-Standards-in-British-Parliament/10737435049-1/).

This really is speculation, a hedge against price fluctuations is what the legal definition of a hedge company is supposed to be, but these types of trades cause the market to move in a specific direction, that’s speculation and if so titled, should be considered manipulation (here’s an example of a hedge co. not hedging properly http://nymag.com/news/businessfinance/bottomline/21978/).

When these 1 minute charts are posted showing a waterfall event, this is exactly what is being done to the product shown (i.e., Gold/Silver), and in my opinion there is an orchestration within the hedge funds (and Algorithm) software that gives a sell signal to all so more contracts can be activated to create the bigger moves. Of course this is simply conjecture on my part and I have no real proof.

Even though we have been on the bad side of these so called hedgers/spreads, there is always a comeuppance moment in a manipulation, that changes everything, that is the moment a recognized trade pattern no longer works in the original manner intended.

This might be happening now in Silver and Gold as we’ve seen this tremendous attempt to scare out the weaker longs, and yet the open interest in not changing in any big way as we’ve seen in the past, are we witnessing that comeuppance moment now?

Stay Long and Strong!!

21st October 2012, 10:03 PM
Sinclair's pal, and professional associate posts on JSMineset Sunday night, trying mightily to put into plain English the content of JES' email blast on use of spreads by metals' dealers.

Here it is in its entirety.

October 21, 2012, at 1:02 pm
by Jim Sinclair (http://www.jsmineset.com/author/jimsinclair/) in the category | http://www.jsmineset.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-print/images/printer_famfamfam.gif (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/21/jims-mailbox-1072/print/) Print This Post (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/21/jims-mailbox-1072/print/) | http://www.jsmineset.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-email/images/email_famfamfam.png (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/21/jims-mailbox-1072/email/) Email This Post (http://www.jsmineset.com/2012/10/21/jims-mailbox-1072/email/)

Jim Sinclair’s Commentary
These are "managed spreads," not spreads seeking a profit because of a change in the spread relationship. This is the mechanism for all present market manipulations outside of high frequency trading, which is front running legitimate bids and offers. Front running as the goal of high frequency trading means bidding ahead of the bidder with the wish to sell what is bought right back to the legitimate bidder at a profit. It is the opposite when skinning a legitimate seller.

Dear CIGAs,
When Jim talks about spreads you have to consider who is doing the spreads and how they work them.

Spread trading by definition is having a long and short contract at the same time supposedly on the same product. Spreads or hedges are supposed to be used to protect companies from futures price fluctuations, like if a sudden shortage or an abundance of a product pops up. In the futures markets, spreads are activated in a calendar format.

Hershey’s Candy is a perfect example of a legitimate hedger since they need cocoa/sugar and various other commodities to produce the products they sell.

There are other types of hedging that are now called “synthetic hedging” where I personally think the misuse is occurring.

A real hedge company should normally break even against a produced product. If Hershey needed to purchase a large amount of Sugar and needed delayed delivery of the product, they would enter into a long position to hedge against higher prices. Say there is a natural disaster that destroyed the sugar crop for Hershey’s’ Co. Prices would rise and force Hershey to pay higher prices for the product and thus would pass that onto their clients (that is if there was no real hedge). A proper hedge would offset the loss by acquiring a profit in the commodity trade against the higher price move of the real product which would keep the costs lower on our favorite Chocolate bars (mine are Hershey Kisses J).

This is how I think the misuse of the word Hedge is being applied, and please remember this is my opinion, I don’t have the ability to obtain factual information because these are considered a hedgers privacy and I’m not an investigator with the ability to demand the necessary information.

Say ABC Hedge Co has 50,000 positions in a contractual spread, that means they should be short 50,000 contracts and long a different month contract but the total of 50,000 contracts combined are being held overnight.

This is how I think they move the markets with impunity yet claim they are hedging.

Say ABC Hedge Co sells all their long positions at “the market;” this causes the price to fall and a large amount of volume pops up at that moment.

At the end of the day, ABC Hedge Co re-enters its long contracts again but at a far lower price and will re-enter their positions slowly as to not show a jump in volume like they did on the sell order. This is called a “sudden flush” or what we now call a “waterfall event” on the charts, http://www.jsmineset.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/clip_image00113.gif and by re-entering into the long contracts at the end of the day they can still claim to be a hedge company.

Paul Volcker mentioned in his discussion with the British Parliamentary Commission on banking standards that this approach to a trade is not how a hedge company is supposed to act.http://www.c-span.org/Events/Paul-Volcker-Debates-Banking-Standards-in-British-Parliament/10737435049-1/.

This really is speculation, a hedge against price fluctuations is what the legal definition of a hedge company is supposed to be, but these types of trades cause the market to move in a specific direction, that’s speculation and if so titled, should be considered manipulation (here’s an example of a hedge co. not hedging properly http://nymag.com/news/businessfinance/bottomline/21978/).

When these 1 minute charts are posted showing a waterfall event, this is exactly what is being done to the product shown (i.e., Gold/Silver), and in my opinion there is an orchestration within the hedge funds (and Algorithm) software that gives a sell signal to all so more contracts can be activated to create the bigger moves. Of course this is simply conjecture on my part and I have no real proof.

Even though we have been on the bad side of these so called hedgers/spreads, there is always a comeuppance moment in a manipulation, that changes everything, that is the moment a recognized trade pattern no longer works in the original manner intended.

This might be happening now in Silver and Gold as we’ve seen this tremendous attempt to scare out the weaker longs, and yet the open interest in not changing in any big way as we’ve seen in the past, are we witnessing that comeuppance moment now?

Stay Long and Strong!!

Thanks Beef! This makes perfect sense. And the banksters are pushing massive amounts of paper gold and silver contracts daily, causing big price flushouts by hitting cascading stops on the way down. They can prevent major short term rallies. But they cannot prevent long term price rise based on fundamentals. IIRC, even after Friday's smackdown, gold and silver have still outperformed the DOW, the S &P and Bonds during calendar 2012.

Chinese continue to import massive quantities of gold:


Indian gold purchases have resumed as we enter holiday season too.

Gold is going to $7,000 and more.
Silver is going to $150 and more.

Patience is all one needs...patience. The biggest mistake metals investors make is getting shaken off the bull by the extreme volatility. I expect we'll be seeing $50 up and down days in gold once we get past major resistance at $1900.

21st October 2012, 10:53 PM
So does this mean that there is no way to play this activity to our advantage? Excluding going long physical?

22nd October 2012, 12:10 AM
So does this mean that there is no way to play this activity to our advantage? Excluding going long physical?
Buy at the times when it feels like you want to sell and vice versa. Or you can do as Seligman did in the 70's, and buy everything the hedgers were selling, and force them to cover their shorts at a higher price, but that would 1) Require unlimited credit (do you speak Chinese?) 2) Probably trigger a visit from the financial police...

22nd October 2012, 06:49 PM
So does this mean that there is no way to play this activity to our advantage? Excluding going long physical?

Pretty much, Glass.

Sinclair continues to wax eloquent in tonight's email blast entitled:
Don't Try to be Spread Traders

My Dear Extended Family,

Teaching you via jsmineset.com (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001d8aWVr8ZEbS7l5BUNwgzsl43s1wKyhz_qYbWzM EqXalIfywFv5B36Rk2whuozE5OMM_InV87t137yoh61bP5Y64F ng57o0SVhnOwUJg3CzE=) what the gold industry does as spread traders to rig the market for private gain now has a very serious purpose. That is not to make you spread traders. I teach you this so you know why I have had and still have the courage to ignore the manufactured reactions.

That recent 32,000 long contract sale that drove the market lower in minutes was not some major investor getting out because he/she feared the end of the gold market. That sale was the Hammer of Thor type selling of the long side of a spread opening up the short side at risk for gain. That 32,000 sale was the industry picking your pockets, knowing full well gold was going higher.

The commercial signals are tool of the commercial spread traders. That is why they have been right. You make them right by following them religiously. That is all this present reaction is about.

It is a total charade that in the 1970s I personally turned right on its ass. Someone will soon realize the illusion that the manipulator makes and then flip them on their rear end by a reverse spread tactic. Someday soon 32,000 gold contracts will come in selling like the Hammer of Thor. The reverse spread will be ready for them, having announced their plans in the COT. The manipulators, being smart as it gets, will join the bull side manipulating gold to at least $3500, but maybe $12,400. That is what happened in the 1970s and will happen now. I know because I did it and broke gold for the second time above $400. It never looked back until $887.50.

My spread was 22,000 contracts. There are people in the community that offer bearish opinions who are widely read who are sponsored by the gold industry spread traders. They buy subscriptions, and hire consultants.



Just in case readers are unclear about what's going on here, Jesse Seiligman is NOT talking about coin shops when he brought up the first eBlast topic of METALS DEALERS.

He's talking BULLION BANKS who are authorized by the Federal Reserve to engage in "metal leasing (Of Official Gold Reserves both here and abroad) PLUS all related derivations in options, and cash forward market hedges, unlisted OTC options both here and in London, etc.

Of course, he's not to be trusted, osoab. Never said he was. I just said it was a superb expose' type piece, seldom seen by we the little people, on how the game is rigged by one of the former riggers and industry/elite insiders. JES did an elite version of Lindsey Williams "fireside chat" on this topic.

Twisted Titan, that was a great one liner about JES flashing the masonic ring when he pulled his stunt back in 1979-80. I truly suspect it was more like the ritual handshake than it was a glinting ring "introduction."

More subtle; equally effective!

23rd October 2012, 09:55 AM
Sinclair continues with Metals Dealers Spreads class...this time touching on the sacred 3rd rail of Dan Norcini's "COT report interps" withOUT calling Norcini by name.


Dear Jim,
You wrote: "COT experts give buy and sell signals which help the physical metals dealers profit on their spread trading. The COT experts help this spread trading looking for immense profit to profit immensely. Nonsense makes markets so the COT analyst looks like a genius while really interpreting nonsense when he/she is being duped into a tool to help the metals dealers spread position profit."

But recently the "Commercials" were shown to be extreme short on the COT, and some "experts" predicted this meant a downward movement since "the commercials are rarely wrong." The price has fallen since the COT report was released. How are the "experts" wrong? How are they helping the metals banks if they are advising people to make that short trade alongside?

This is exactly what I said. COT advises by their report of increased commercial shorts, "please come sell with me" which is exactly what they want in order to profit.

If longs on a neutral spread (a neutral spread is even or near numbers between longs and shorts) are dumped they become increasing shorts.

When they dump longs they do it so it scares the hell out of longs. No order but sold a disorderly.

If you have one long gold and one short gold position you almost have no position.

If you sell the long side now you have one short position. You have exposed your short side. You have increased the short position and now you want the market to go lower.
http://www.jsmineset.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/clip_image001_thumb13.gif (http://www.jsmineset.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/clip_image00116.gif)

4th December 2012, 07:42 PM
bump for later read