View Full Version : Pay rose with productivity..then it didn't

midnight rambler
19th October 2012, 12:48 PM

19th October 2012, 01:50 PM
In a couple hundred years they'll look back and say that was when China took the lead,

And when medical/legal coverage was finally taken out of private hands and moved to the companies/gov. bill, leading to the exorbitant affair we have today.

19th October 2012, 03:02 PM
Do you have the source of this link? would like to send it on to a few folks ...

midnight rambler
19th October 2012, 03:13 PM
Do you have the source of this link? would like to send it on to a few folks ...


It was the splash on rense.com this am, and it said "source unknown"

Hatha Sunahara
19th October 2012, 03:26 PM
This coincides with Reagan's trickle down economics. Really, it was Laffer's trickle down. What happened around 1980 was that the workplace got politicized. The owners of corporations started promoting people who could elicit higher productivity from employees without paying them extra. The way they did it was with 'trickle down'. Work harder, and you'll get your reward. Yes, of course the rich get richer, but so do you. And that was the big lie. And of course all the dumbed down workers fell for it, and the share of the pie that went to the rich got bigger and the share that went to those who created the wealth got smaller. You will see a corresponding decline in unions starting around that time. Does anyone remember the Air Traffic Controller's strike? That's when unions started to decline. Right around then, around 1980 is when the class war started in earnest, but the working classes refused to acknowledge it, and still refuse until today and will into the future.


19th October 2012, 03:32 PM
Those slight upticks on the end are just there so people will at least read into it more...

19th October 2012, 03:38 PM
Does anyone remember the Air Traffic Controller's strike?

I was but a lad in school then,

yes, I remember then coming out of school and starting to work then around 87',

when there was an election and a Democrat took office everyone was laid off the next day.

Think it had something to with an offshoring all employment that was considered the proper route in the day.

the two party system was then & is still is somewhat a class warfare system, just everyone is stuck now in a lower class today.