View Full Version : More Believe In Space Aliens Than In God - U.K. Survey

19th October 2012, 01:43 PM
well this doesnt mean everything, Aliens/Ets have been too created at some point. Interesting nonetheless.

more than 33 million U.K. citizens believe in extraterrestrial life, compared to just over 27 million — less than half the country — who believe in God.

That’s the result of an online survey of 1,359 adults who were asked a variety of questions ranging from belief in alien visits to Earth, suspicions of UFO cover-ups, belief in extraterrestrials vs. belief in God, and whether or not men actually landed on the moon.

The survey, conducted by Opinion Matters, revealed the following statistics among those surveyed:

52 percent believe UFO evidence has been covered up because widespread knowledge of their existence would threaten government stability.
44 percent believe in God.
One in 10 people has reported seeing a UFO.
A quarter more men than women claim to have seen UFOs.
20 percent of respondents believe UFOs have landed on Earth.
More than five million British citizens believe the Apollo moon landings were faked.


19th October 2012, 04:48 PM
This is from the market research agent who did the poll:

AS A MARKET RESEARCH AGENCY we make it our priority to aid our clients to generate headlines and create coverage that highlights and reinforces their branding and key messages in media throughout the world and in specialist sectors, gaining insight from target audiences on which to base business decisions.
I wonder who had an interest in ordering this survey?

19th October 2012, 08:34 PM
all surveys are designed to manipulate masses further... but again interesting: More than five million British citizens believe the Apollo moon landings were faked.... isnt it?

however, if I had been surveyed, I would have answered the same :) except for questions related to UFOs sighing. Havent seen any yet.

This is from the market research agent who did the poll:

AS A MARKET RESEARCH AGENCY we make it our priority to aid our clients to generate headlines and create coverage that highlights and reinforces their branding and key messages in media throughout the world and in specialist sectors, gaining insight from target audiences on which to base business decisions.
I wonder who had an interest in ordering this survey?

19th October 2012, 11:16 PM
From 1996 to 2009, the percent of Americans who claim to have seen or been in the presence of a ghost has risen from 9% to 18%.


This would imply that American educational development could be reversing. The nation is 'un-educating' itself, if you will. It also means that one in five voters believes in ghosts.

Now, fair enough, probably more than one in five investors believes in efficient markets. But still, this Pew data is ridiculous.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/70-more-americans-believe-in-ghosts-than-20-years-ago-2009-12#ixzz29oUB88Dh

20th October 2012, 06:17 AM
this ghost survey is used by business insider.com to prove that investors are stupid (and the large majority is). That is irrelevant nonetheless.