View Full Version : Anonyimity !

19th October 2012, 08:32 PM


Messed up title.

Very powerful words and history from Zero Hedge, their manifesto.

We have always encouraged everyone to guard their anonymity,
especially, with emails, personal information, etc .

Protect yourselves always, especially from JDL type trolls,
and others that may hate you for what you post here or
on gim of past, consider also these sites are full of people
that are aware and could be considered prime targets for
one stop shopping in very bad societal break down conditions.

Recent post on this. Preppers, anonymity, gim.
Doomsday Prepper Declared Mental Defective…. Government confiscates his Guns (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58851-Doomsday-Prepper-Declared-Mental-Defective%E2%80%A6-Government-confiscates-his-Guns)

A good case I remember from long ago,
a pilot wrote an anti Israel letter to a major newspaper
and was published under his real name, it was about Palestinian issues,
papers keep files on people as well, this was the late 1990's, and I believe
the pilot worked for AA, and the paper may have been NYT, I could be
wrong about both, this pilot lost his job for his letter, that was published,
and this became a story in itself.


Home (http://www.zerohedge.com/)

the zero hedge manifesto

Submitted by Zero Hedge (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/zero) on 05/17/2009 21:03 -0400

our mission:

to widen the scope of financial, economic and political information available to the professional investing public.
to skeptically examine and, where necessary, attack the flaccid institution that financial journalism has become.
to liberate oppressed knowledge.
to provide analysis uninhibited by political constraint.
to facilitate information's unending quest for freedom.

our method: pseudonymous speech...

anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. it thus exemplifies the purpose behind the bill of rights, and of the first amendment in particular: to protect unpopular individuals from retaliation-- and their ideas from suppression-- at the hand of an intolerant society.

...responsibly used.

the right to remain anonymous may be abused when it shields fraudulent conduct. but political speech by its nature will sometimes have unpalatable consequences, and, in general, our society accords greater weight to the value of free speech than to the dangers of its misuse.

- mcintyre v. ohio elections commission 514 u.s. 334 (1995) justice stevens writing for the majority

though often maligned (typically by those frustrated by an inability to engage in ad hominem attacks) anonymous speech has a long and storied history in the united states. used by the likes of mark twain (aka samuel langhorne clemens) to criticize common ignorance, and perhaps most famously by alexander hamilton, james madison and john jay (aka publius) to write the federalist papers, we think ourselves in good company in using one or another nom de plume. particularly in light of an emerging trend against vocalizing public dissent in the united states, we believe in the critical importance of anonymity and its role in dissident speech. like the economist magazine, we also believe that keeping authorship anonymous moves the focus of discussion to the content of speech and away from the speaker- as it should be. we believe not only that you should be comfortable with anonymous speech in such an environment, but that you should be suspicious of any speech that isn't.

19th October 2012, 09:06 PM


Who remembers Gun Girl from GIM .

That was Masonic Plots last sock puppet that was tolerated by Gkhan.

Gkhan opened a thread and told us that is Masonic Plots last sock puppet.

They did allow us to post under new names to give them some credit here.

But no more for Masonic Plot, why ?

Gun Girl sock, and what MP was doing, MP took credit for that piece of work here. No Shame.

Nobody is spoofing me, I am the one and only "gun girl". http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/smilies/grin.gif

1 lie about who you are
2 play a persona
3 the goal of making friends, allies
3 encourage people not to be anonymous
4 post your honest avatar

Some people fell for this and started posting their honest avatars.

That Iptuous guy and his troll friends came around about that
time and they went along with this. Iptuous , if I am spelling his name
correctly, had an honest avatar, was there mostly to socialize, sound
familiar, ? , sometimes his " real face " was corrupted, all his friends got
canned for doing nothing on GIM but talk stupid and socialize. He didn't
get canned. He encouraged the honest avatar Gun Girl fiasco.

I was friends with Goldie, sent her a PM, this is a troll, she got a few
PM's she stated, she posted her honest avatar, from her websites
as well, but she was a leader on gim and we didn't want others
following. She got rid of her avatar.

Gkhan put a stop to this.



Gun Girl would also , using other socks, join up and tell us about
how we are a bunch of haters and the forum is a hate forum,
sorry but that is a smear, we ain't haters. Outing the establishment,
their criminality, history, trolls and people in general, making observations
about others, etc, does not make us haters. Gun Girl aka Masonic Plot
hated Scorpio and accused him of being a " nazi " running " storm front ", LOL !
Cause he MP was getting canned and for allowing the " hate " , and we were
all much nicer back then on all issues.


Just thought I would point out some past history here, related to OP.

And related forum issues.

Have a look at the warm welcome extended to our old nemesis.
I just bought an Ice Cream Truck (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23945-I-just-bought-an-Ice-Cream-Truck)

Masonic Plot was very educational to have around. I am not trying to be
funny, I am very serious here. Let him talk, it is a wake up call for people.

Please feel free to correct or add to anything I said.
I paid close attention to these issues and was involved.
One example of many, twice putting Gkhan on the spot,
about posting a privacy policy, gpond on agora as well,
ignored and told to take my meds, lol .

20th October 2012, 01:22 AM
I'll play

here is a linux distro (operating system) that you can load onto a flash drive or CD. You then boot from the flash drive or CD. This copy of linux has TOR and anonymity services built in. All web traffic will be encrypted.


If you don't feel like trusting this version of linux, there are many more like it. You can plug it into any computer, reboot, select boot menu, boot from flash drive, and you're on an OS with no passwords, and encryption.

The idea is to have an OS that can allow the press to upload media in countries where it is dangerous to do so. You can use any random computer to do this, and when you walk away, reboot again, nobody will have any traces of you using their computer.

20th October 2012, 03:12 AM
I'll play

here is a linux distro (operating system) that you can load onto a flash drive or CD. You then boot from the flash drive or CD. This copy of linux has TOR and anonymity services built in. All web traffic will be encrypted.


If you don't feel like trusting this version of linux, there are many more like it. You can plug it into any computer, reboot, select boot menu, boot from flash drive, and you're on an OS with no passwords, and encryption.

The idea is to have an OS that can allow the press to upload media in countries where it is dangerous to do so. You can use any random computer to do this, and when you walk away, reboot again, nobody will have any traces of you using their computer.

Yes this is the way to do it. I've been playing with some encryption tools that enable hidden encrypted volumes. So your virtual machine image could be concealed in a password protected, heavily encrypted hidden volume. Not sure the workings if on a removable drive. That would be the ideal to be able to boot from it.

Anyone seen these: www.raspberrypi.org (http://www.raspberrypi.org)

Run a linux windowed desktop from a flash card. HMDI, USB keybd/mouse. Not fast but usable. Cheap.

20th October 2012, 06:06 PM

20th October 2012, 06:49 PM
Denmark has one out called polippix

Runs the Kubuntu interface.


20th October 2012, 07:24 PM
What's good about these bootable cds is that, not only do they provide you with important tools, but they also help hide other things that can be used to "fingerprint" you, like what os version you have, browser version, fonts installed, etc.

20th October 2012, 07:43 PM
Hi Mags! No socks, no shoes, no problem..... and an honest avatar to boot, woohoo!

For crying out loud, what's the point of this post? Still reliving yesteryear are we?

I will say that the info everyone else has posted is great info, kudos to all!

20th October 2012, 07:45 PM
Anybody who thinks they can achieve true Internet anonymity is fooling themselves... seriously.

The ONLY way I'm aware of that this can be pulled off is to do ALL of the following:

1 - Know how to spoof your NIC MAC address
2 - Use someone else's net service, either by hacking into a WIFI hotspot or plugging into a wired network unknown
3 - Avoid using the same access method in (2) above repeatedly
4 - Be intelligent enough to mix up your browsing habits, use of language, and whatever personal info is divulged
5 - PHYSICALLY disable the microphone and camera on your machine
6 - Use a generic OS as has been suggested in other posts on this thread, preferably on a bootable ROM (read-only) media
7 - Know about cookies and other tracking tokens (and how to dump them if not using ROM boot media)
8 - Have the sheer DISCIPLINE to NEVER violate any of the above, even briefly. This one is where most "uber-hackers" fuck up and eventually get caught.

Short of that, forget it... if you're paying for internet service or using it at a library, cafe, etc. then they WILL track you if they think it's in their interests to do so.

20th October 2012, 08:09 PM
The Tor bundle with the firefox user agent switcher plugin takes case of most of that.

Aside from that if you have the right router you can randomly spoof your mac address by tomato'ing it, or ddwrt'ing it.

That's down to ISP level.

Other than that...ooops no password on my wireless....could have been be anyone.

Then there's this: https://panopticlick.eff.org/

20th October 2012, 08:17 PM
The Tor bundle with the firefox user agent switcher plugin takes case of most of that.

Aside from that if you have the right router you can randomly spoof your mac address by tomato'ing it, or ddwrt'ing it.

That's down to ISP level.

Other than that...ooops no password on my wireless....could have been be anyone.

Could have been anyone... once or twice. A repeated pattern over time though, especially if matched up with browser cache/history, and you're toast. I worked with a guy about 6 years ago who did computer forensics work for a prosecutor in his spare time for extra cash, he told me a LOT about how people fuck up over the net. It's harder than people think to get away with online crime of any kind, and pretty much all the "techniques" used are the same for someone attempting to be anonymous even with no criminal intent.

I know how I'd personally go about it, but it would be so difficult and time consuming that I'd have to have a DAMN good reason, which I don't.

20th October 2012, 08:24 PM
Anybody who thinks they can achieve true Internet anonymity is fooling themselves... seriously.

The ONLY way I'm aware of that this can be pulled off is to do ALL of the following:

1 - Know how to spoof your NIC MAC address
2 - Use someone else's net service, either by hacking into a WIFI hotspot or plugging into a wired network unknown
3 - Avoid using the same access method in (2) above repeatedly
4 - Be intelligent enough to mix up your browsing habits, use of language, and whatever personal info is divulged
5 - PHYSICALLY disable the microphone and camera on your machine
6 - Use a generic OS as has been suggested in other posts on this thread, preferably on a bootable ROM (read-only) media
7 - Know about cookies and other tracking tokens (and how to dump them if not using ROM boot media)
8 - Have the sheer DISCIPLINE to NEVER violate any of the above, even briefly. This one is where most "uber-hackers" fuck up and eventually get caught.

Short of that, forget it... if you're paying for internet service or using it at a library, cafe, etc. then they WILL track you if they think it's in their interests to do so.

This is true at the individual level, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's true at the group level. Lets say there are 1000 people on the web, and 997 of them are logged into facebook all the time, never clear their cookies, etc. Then of the 3 remaining people, what you said applies. They have to use razor precision when they browse to stay anonymous, because all the government's supercomputers are locked in to those 3 people's unusual behavior.

Now lets look at a different world were 400 are logged into facebook all the time, and 600 take only partial measures to stay anonymous. Well now your monitoring resources are diluted by 20,000%. You can piece together a lot of what people are doing, but do you necessarily know 100% who did what? Yes you can zoom in on one person and monitor everything they do through their isp, fingerprint their computer, and figure out 99% of what their doing. But you can't do that for everyone. By the time you find an event of interest, you have to do a research investigation after the fact.

You're basically looking at storing all data that goes from every computer to every other computer to disk, then being able to sift through all that data.

If these linux distributions are used by more than a small handful of people, it quickly becomes a nightmare to try to stay on top of who is who. To track someone is possible, but I don't think tracking everyone is feasible.

Every little step each of us takes will not ensure our anonymity, but it will make a real difference in the right direction. The more encrypted hops and peer-to-peer action going on, the exponentially more difficult their job becomes. For example, simply not using our real names and addresses on the forum is a big step. Yeah, they "know who we are", but they have to fight for it.

20th October 2012, 08:29 PM
Which makes me think they won't disable the net; it's too data-rich...

20th October 2012, 08:46 PM
Could have been anyone... once or twice. A repeated pattern over time though, especially if matched up with browser cache/history, and you're toast. I worked with a guy about 6 years ago who did computer forensics work for a prosecutor in his spare time for extra cash, he told me a LOT about how people fuck up over the net. It's harder than people think to get away with online crime of any kind, and pretty much all the "techniques" used are the same for someone attempting to be anonymous even with no criminal intent. I know how I'd personally go about it, but it would be so difficult and time consuming that I'd have to have a DAMN good reason, which I don't. If they get physical access to your computer that's another thing. In that case you can encrypt it, and have a self destruct after so many bad passwords, or a specific self destruct password to do destructive writing. If they just come in and confiscate everything, well that trumps everything unless you CD/thumb boot all the time, and connect to unprotected wireless with rotating mac spoofing going on. At that point they would need some kind of video evidence, but who would go to all that effort unless specifically committing a crime. In most cases it's enough just to prevent websites from profiling you, or intercepting ay substantial identifying data. Otherwise, it's like giving your name and address to some dude at the door at the local mall upon entering, then have a camera crew follow you around while you shop. Nobody would agree to that scenario. It seems ludicrous actually. I make this an icon on the toolbar my browser. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/clickclean/ There's also a plugin called https everywhere which encrypts all communication to the target site, if available, so your ISP can't see what went back and forth. Like shopping for airline tickets, I've had prices increase for the same seats on new searches, then when I clear my browser, voila the prices are the original lower prices.

20th October 2012, 09:00 PM
book was the man for this stuff.....

20th October 2012, 09:15 PM
book was the man for this stuff..... How so? I've never seen him type more than one or two sentences under a pic.

21st October 2012, 10:26 AM
Yes this is the way to do it. I've been playing with some encryption tools that enable hidden encrypted volumes. So your virtual machine image could be concealed in a password protected, heavily encrypted hidden volume. Not sure the workings if on a removable drive. That would be the ideal to be able to boot from it.

Anyone seen these: www.raspberrypi.org (http://www.raspberrypi.org)

Run a linux windowed desktop from a flash card. HMDI, USB keybd/mouse. Not fast but usable. Cheap.

They have me testing the raspberrypi unit at work. They want to know if it can be used for marketing purposes.

Old Herb Lady
21st October 2012, 12:27 PM
How so? I've never seen him type more than one or two sentences under a pic.

He was good at all the tech stuff. I PM'd him one time and asked for help with something.
He never replied, silence. Someone else helped me, I believe it was Horn. Thanks Horn.

21st October 2012, 12:45 PM
one thing that helps anonymity - if you've taken care of the other stuff - is to buy some Wireless USB adapters at garage sales.

then learn how to install them on your laptop. downloading drivers, etc.

i'm pretty sure that each adapter has its own MAC address. there might be some unique identifier on the laptop computer too - or i could be wrong. maybe the MAC address is in the laptop, not the wireless USB adapter.

of course, a lot of laptops have their own wireless adapter, with its own ID.

so the question is, if you hook up a wireless USB adapter, and use that to access a wireless hot spot, which MAC address & other info ends up on the server log of the place with the wireless hot spot ?

21st October 2012, 01:57 PM
How so? I've never seen him type more than one or two sentences under a pic....if book wasnt good at covering up his true identity he would have been offed by the adl a long time ago.....besides hoarder i can think of no other higher on their hit list....and you would have HAD to be on gim 1 for years to see all the posts that book gave about anonymity and stealth.