View Full Version : Trotskyites for Romney

Errosion Of Accord
21st October 2012, 07:57 AM
In NeoconWorld, it’s always 1939 (http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2004/12/27/the-fallacy-of-39/). The Eternal Hitler is perpetually arising to threaten our very existence and – needless to say – the Jews are always standing on the brink of annihilation. Given this worldview, it’s no surprise to find Schoenfeld and his fellow neocons flocking to Romney’s banner. They know he will almost certainly (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/09/18/romney-wants-to-attack-iran-to-prevent-a-dirty-bomb.html) take us to war with Iran.

I’d be very surprised to learn Max Shachtman isn’t smiling down – or, in his case, up – at the success of his latter-day fan club. The ideological bacillus he unleashed on the world has infected the American body politic far beyond his wildest dreams. History takes many strange byways, but I wonder if even old Max could have imagined “Trotskyites for Romney.”
