View Full Version : European Union Promotional Poster Places Commie Hammer & Sickle Above Christian Cross

General of Darkness
21st October 2012, 09:50 AM
Can they be more obvious. Unfuckingbelievable.


21st October 2012, 09:56 AM
Can they be more obvious. Unfuckingbelievable.


All the others are religious or spiritual symbols. When the hell did the 'hammer and sickle,' the official symbol of international communism, become a religion? I'll bet 95% of folk don't even notice this or care, we've been so dumbed down as a society.

I expect to see this poster next on Sesame Street: "Ok kids, which one is not like the others?"

midnight rambler
21st October 2012, 10:03 AM
Yeah, I suppose Communism is in fact a religion.

note the count of each of the symbols, five is the most (e.g. hammer and sickle) and three is the least (the cross), also the hammer and sickle is at the pinnacle - nope, no agenda here...