View Full Version : Ben Bernanke wants to resign.

24th October 2012, 11:11 AM
He doesn't wat the people to hang him........ probable moving to the state of Isral.

US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will most likely step down from his position in January 2014, even if President Barack Obama stays for a second term, according to friends of the chairman.
Bernake’s future uncertainty has caused the president to start thinking of replacements, should he be reelected, the New York Times reported. At the top of Obama’s list is Lawrence Summers, who served as Treasury Secretary from 1999 to 2001. Under Obama, Summers was the Director of the White House United States National Economic Council until November 2010.
Bernanke has declined to comment publicly about whether or not he would accept a third term. The Federal Reserve chairman has served under President George W. Bush and was granted a second term by the Obama administration.
“I am very focused on my work, I don’t have any decision or any information to give you on my personal plans,” he said at a news conference in September.
If he chooses to step down, he would leave open a second position considered among the most powerful in the nation: Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner already announced that he would resign in 2014.
“That would be a one-two punch, with two of the most important jobs in the nation up for grabs,” wrote New York Times columnist Andrew Sorkin.
Even if Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney wins the presidency, Bernanke would not have the chance to remain in office. Romney has already announced that he would not re-nominate the current Federal Reserve chairman. Opponents of the Obama administration, including Republicans and some economists, have repeatedly criticized the Federal Reserve’s efforts to stimulate growth, claiming the department has made decisions that will increase inflation and debt.
The Federal Reserve in September announced that the central bank would purchase mortgage securities at a rate of $40 billion each month, until the labor market outlook has improved “substantially.”
Critics have warned that purchasing more bonds raises the risk of higher inflation at a later date.
If Romney wins the election, he said he would like nominate Glenn Hubbard, former head of the Council of Eocnomic Advisers under former President George W. Bush, for the Federal Reserve chairmanship.
If the incumbent president is reelected, he would probably consider replacing Bernanke with Janet Yellen, the current vice chairwoman, and economist Alan Krueger. Geither may also be on the president’s list, Sorkin wrote in the column.

24th October 2012, 11:15 AM
Bernake’s future uncertainty has caused the president to start thinking of replacements,


24th October 2012, 02:20 PM
Bernake’s future uncertainty has caused the president to start thinking of replacements,

Bernie Madoff comes to mind... for some reason. ;D

24th October 2012, 02:37 PM
Bernie Madoff comes to mind... for some reason. ;D

Don't laugh, he's one presidential pardon away from that becoming reality ;D

24th October 2012, 05:35 PM
you know, i bet he does want to resign.

just head for his Sun Valley condo or his beach house - Skype with his buddies Netanyahu & Rothschild & Spielberg (AKA Spuck Fielberg).

probably more fun than lying for the cameras every 6 weeks.

plus he has to act like he cares. that's probably raising his blood pressure a few points.

24th October 2012, 06:09 PM
I say Bennie has floated this to gauge his popularity as "Ben the Savior". As the economy falls further, Bennie will be asked to remain at the helm of this sinking ship.

Larry Summers is on the short list to replace him.

General of Darkness
24th October 2012, 06:20 PM
I wonder if he's purchased any property in you know where.


24th October 2012, 06:20 PM
I say Bennie has floated this to gauge his popularity as "Ben the Savior". As the economy falls further, Bennie will be asked to remain at the helm of this sinking ship.

Larry Summers is on the short list to replace him.

Keepin' it in the tribe!

24th October 2012, 09:08 PM

What makes you think he will last through 2013?

Twisted Titan
25th October 2012, 12:18 AM

What makes you think he will last through 2013?

That vermin can print money out of thin air.

Businesses will love him for it anf the ceo's will tell their people to support accordingly

25th October 2012, 05:49 AM

What makes you think he will last through 2013?

He's not stating he'll resign, but that he won't stand for re-appointment.

Yes, he can resign now or in 2013.

He cannot be fired (as we know).

He done QE1, QE2, Operation Twist, and now QE3, in addition to electronically sending trillions of dollars to foreign countries, foreign companies and American companies.

Hasn't work yet, there Bennie.

The land of perpetual QE.....

25th October 2012, 05:51 AM

What makes you think he will last through 2013?

He can resign any time, but he cannot be fired (as we know).

After QE1, QE2, Operation Twist, QE3 and digitally sending trillions to foreign governments, foreign corporations and American corporations.....

We are in the land of perpetual QE.

25th October 2012, 05:53 AM
His mission is not to save the US economy, the dollar or even the political careers of residing rats. He is hired to follow orders, maintain international banks, interface with co-conspirators in the government and pretend to work for the good of the US. They really intend to destroy the money system (and soon) so that people will want the new global digital system.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
25th October 2012, 10:09 AM
I can say with 100% confidence that whoever gets the position next will most certainly be jewish.

25th October 2012, 11:41 AM
I can say with 100% confidence that whoever gets the position next will most certainly be jewish.

And that it has no way shape, or form anything to do with Obama.

Except for the MC introductory press shoot position he might hired perform.

25th October 2012, 12:13 PM