View Full Version : Mormons south of the border (Mormon Mexican War)

27th October 2012, 08:48 AM

Looks like Romneys relatives are fighting back. Doc about violence, killings and kidnappings of Mormons in Mexico. I didn't realize the Mormons had a presence in Mexico. Looks like they were able to keep their original marital practices there.

27th October 2012, 02:22 PM
Mexico has some interesting laws when dealing with religion. The Sugarcreek Budget had an article once on Amish families being limited to a total of 1000 families. If there were more than that, someone had to leave.

27th October 2012, 02:26 PM
I saw this as it came out. It's a good documentary.


Hatha Sunahara
31st October 2012, 11:47 PM
I was having trouble digesting the idea of kidnappings being tied to the drug wars in Mexico. Do the drug dealers need to supplement their income from selling drugs by kidnapping people? Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But then I ran into this video:



In Ciudad Juarez, a city of 4 Million people, there was a major purge in the police force, and there are lots of unemployed former cops. So, what do they do for a living? Yes! They kidnap people. And it's blamed on the Drug Cartels.

I'm in the process of watching a few other Ben Swann videos. He seems to fill in the stuff the media leaves out, or obfuscates.
