View Full Version : silver sales to bring cartel to their knees

Large Sarge
28th October 2012, 01:18 AM

28th October 2012, 08:57 AM
SAE sales are kicking ass. People are waking up. I tell everyone I know: if you do nothing else, buy a few silver eagles as gifts for the kids or souvenirs. Imagine if everyone bought just one silver eagle, just one.

Thanks for the link Sarge. There's a treasure trove of excellent articles there: http://politicalvelcraft.org/

28th October 2012, 09:21 AM
this is very sad for the cartel when it blows up in there faces, almost heart breaking....hahaha

28th October 2012, 10:29 AM
i wonder if the US mint could claim four 9's (.9999) like the Canada mint.

28th October 2012, 10:51 AM
only with additional electro-refining steps to get out those last 10-thousandths. Doing so adds significant additional cost, time and labor.

Economic incentive is just not there I suspect when they are flying off the US shelves at current purity 3-9s purity.

28th October 2012, 11:16 AM
I've been reading similar articles for over 10 years. Hasn't happened yet, and I'm not getting any younger...

Twisted Titan
28th October 2012, 11:17 AM
SAE sales are kicking ass. People are waking up. I tell everyone I know: if you do nothing else, buy a few silver eagles as gifts for the kids or souvenirs. Imagine if everyone bought just one silver eagle, just one.

Thanks for the link Sarge. There's a treasure trove of excellent articles there: http://politicalvelcraft.org/

I was just gonna start a thread about this

yesterday i got a call from my baby brother from texas wanting to know about Silver.

im glad i was laying down cause i would have passed out.

to give you some back round my lil bro smokes more weed the marley, drinks harder then a sailor and smokes like a dam chimey but he is extremely computer smart and if he got his act together he would be the next Micheal Dell but he lazy and hangs with the jackasses.

i was so stunned i didnt even know what to say. i started babling a mile a minute cause i thought this was the only time in my life i was gonna get through to him.

i had to calm myself and i sent him some good videos and webisite and tell him dont buy anything till he talks with cause there are alot of pitfalls nowadays.

the long anx the short of it was i had completely written him off as hardcore sheep and for him to bypass gold commod8ties oil and specifically wanted to know about silver spoke volumes and sent my hackles up into the stratosphere.

time is getting very short imo

28th October 2012, 11:20 AM
I've been reading similar articles for over 10 years. Hasn't happened yet, and I'm not getting any younger...

Silver is very patient. Are you?

28th October 2012, 11:24 AM
I started buying silver in 1990. How patient do I have to be? I'll be dead before I make any real money it appears...

Twisted Titan
28th October 2012, 11:37 AM
its not about the money

its about the security

That Silver is essentially a sheild to make sure your family is not one of the millons that will get swept away to the dust bin of history like what happened during the last great depression.

There are future childeren whom you will never see or know are depending on you to protect them today.

28th October 2012, 11:55 AM
its not about the money

its about the security

That Silver is essentially a sheild to make sure your family is not one of the millons that will get swept away to the dust bin of history like what happened during the last great depression.

There are future childeren whom you will never see or know are depending on you to protect them today.

I understand that it is not only about the money. I bought pm's years ago after I read "surviving the great depression of 1990" (I guess I must have bought in the late 80's) by Dr. Ravi Batra. I have always had the "be prepared" mindset and have modified my lifestyle to be prepared. However, when Butler starting writing on how Ag was near extinct in the early 2000's, I have been patiently been waiting for that moonshot to happen. It was supposed to happen years ago according to all the experts...

28th October 2012, 12:13 PM
I understand that it is not only about the money. I bought pm's years ago after I read "surviving the great depression of 1990" (I guess I must have bought in the late 80's) by Dr. Ravi Batra. I have always had the "be prepared" mindset and have modified my lifestyle to be prepared. However, when Butler starting writing on how Ag was near extinct in the early 2000's, I have been patiently been waiting for that moonshot to happen. It was supposed to happen years ago according to all the experts...
What in particular would you like to spend your gains on? Or do you have any remorse that you didn't spend the silver money on something else, earlier? It seems as the deterioration of Fiat currencies is accelerating, so I don't think we are that far off from the moonshot. Hang in there brother! \uu\ Your time will come!

28th October 2012, 03:09 PM
I started buying silver in 1990. How patient do I have to be? I'll be dead before I make any real money it appears...

I hope you will consider your humble servant mamboni in your will.

28th October 2012, 03:35 PM
i thought the Cartel was already on their knees.

they spend so much time on their knees, they buy knee-pads by the Gross.

or maybe i have them confused with Joe Biden.

28th October 2012, 04:13 PM
This guy disagrees......


29th October 2012, 02:29 AM
This guy disagrees......

He didn't offer any alternatives, so I might as well be doomed with silver, as without, at one point in time the tyranny will end, and if I won't be able to enjoy the silver I collected, someone else related to me might... Further, who knows maybe the moonshot occurs soon so that we can buy real things that improve our chances at least staying out of tyrannys reach somewhat (Silver Island, Yacht, bug out land, property abroad...