View Full Version : 12 yr old girl tells the truth on economic system (Good news here)

Large Sarge
28th October 2012, 11:16 AM

28th October 2012, 03:19 PM
The video is sponsored, and she's wearing an Aero Postale shirt in the interview.

Her diatribe is perfectly scripted.


This little girl, and her speech, are bought and paid for.

28th October 2012, 04:43 PM
The video is sponsored, and she's wearing an Aero Postale shirt in the interview.

Her diatribe is perfectly scripted.


This little girl, and her speech, are bought and paid for.

Brewtech, that's an interesting observation. Who do you think is sponsoring her message and what would be the point?

28th October 2012, 05:01 PM
Brewtech, that's an interesting observation. Who do you think is sponsoring her message and what would be the point?

The same people sponsoring Alex Jones, probably, and for the same reasons.

Why the corporate commercial at the beginning? You know, the "you can skip this ad in 5,4,3,2..."

I don't know any corporate sponsors that would want to bite the (banksters) hand that feeds them by aligning themselves with this kind of "dissent"... do you?

midnight rambler
28th October 2012, 05:56 PM
The same people sponsoring Alex Jones, probably, and for the same reasons.

Why the corporate commercial at the beginning? You know, the "you can skip this ad in 5,4,3,2..."

I don't know any corporate sponsors that would want to bite the (banksters) hand that feeds them by aligning themselves with this kind of "dissent"... do you?

You've lost me here, I don't see how the banksters benefit from her presentation. (she DID call their actions criminal). And both mother and daughter seem sincere.

28th October 2012, 06:15 PM
It's on RT, pandering to the audience.

The presser seemed interesting. How did she get stage time?

And this little girl has been doing this for a while. I thought she sounded familiar.
I think this is dad acting through his daughter. (mentioned in the op vid)

This is from April of this year.

We had a couple of threads when the vid above was posted.
12 year old girl explains the banking system (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?60349-12-year-old-girl-explains-the-banking-system&highlight=12+year+old)

12 year old Victoria Grant on the corrupt Canadian banking system (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?60550-12-year-old-Victoria-Grant-on-the-corrupt-Canadian-banking-system&highlight=victoria+grant)

28th October 2012, 06:16 PM
You've lost me here, I don't see how the banksters benefit from her presentation. (she DID call their actions criminal). And both mother and daughter seem sincere.

Alex Jones is constantly calling out the "elite" as criminals as well. I don't see how the banksters, zionists, whoever, would benefit from that either, but they do...

Glenn Beck? Anyone heard from him in a while? No?

This to me me looks like the new and improved version of controlled opposition.

28th October 2012, 06:37 PM
If they were to benefit from what this little girl says then the benefit would be found in the proposed solutions to the problems.

What does she propose we do about this bankster fraud?

28th October 2012, 06:39 PM
This is just the next wave of change. We're at the point now where the original GIM material is now being recited by 12 year old girls and broadcast over the media. All it means is that there is another set of new things approaching us as the things that were new are now becoming more mainstream.

For some who think they are the elites, it's very bad for them, and they are starting to learn that they aren't that god-like. For the ones a few layers above them, it's just another chess move in the long term game they are playing. In order not to lose to them, we have to find the new ideas that can now come to light (now that the old ideas are out there), and can't let ourselves become trapped, mesmerized, or fixated perpetually on any particular paradigm.

28th October 2012, 06:40 PM
If they were to benefit from what this little girl says then the benefit would be found in the proposed solutions to the problems.

How did you come up with that?

28th October 2012, 07:09 PM
How did you come up with that?

Odd question.

That's the way it has always worked.

TV built an entire commercial industry around doing just that.


28th October 2012, 07:55 PM
Odd question.

That's the way it has always worked.

TV built an entire commercial industry around doing just that.



Well, the global crime industry has been very good about proceeding incrementally in order to achieve their goals. They don't always propose the solution up front.

What I have learned is that their M.O. when it comes to presentation does follow a pattern, and has a certain style.

The video in the OP fits that M.O., in my opinion. I guess we (meaning I) will just have to wait and see.