View Full Version : Looting in aftermath of Hurricane

Twisted Titan
31st October 2012, 11:58 AM
A wave a looters followed the Sandy storm surge in Coney Island,*creating a double-whammy for business owners trying to pick up the*obliterated pieces.

The thieves started down Mermaid Avenue Tuesday morning as the*chest-high water receded, turning the seaside community known for its*hotdogs and tourist attractions into a lawless free-for-all. "People were running in and out of Rent-A-Center carrying these big*flat screens. They were holding on tight," said witness Aisha John,*20.

"I couldn't understand how someone could steal a big TV in broad daylight, but no one cared.” She said people were running out of a nearby Rite Aid with bags of*diapers and wipes. "Look, they've been looting our wallets for too long," said a young*male who claimed he helped himself to a TV at the Rent-A-Center. “It's about time we start taking this sh—back," the youth, who*identified himself as Jesse James, told the Daily News. "

it was complete lawlessness,” said Ron Troyano, owner of Joann’s*Discount Wine and Liquors on Mermaid Ave. He said looters used tools to bust through his steel security gates*around 11:30 a.m. Tuesday. The thieves then shattered his storefront and helped themselves to*thousands of dollars worth of top shelf liquor, he said. "They pried open the gate, broke the glass and went straight for the*Hennessy and Grey Goose,” he said. Police got a measure of control around 4 p.m. Tuesday, but two cops*positioned outside Joann’s into the night failed to stop more looters*from sneaking in through the roof, Troyano told The News. "They broke right in through the roof while the cops were standing*outside. It's unbelievable. They were passing bottles down to each*other from the roof," he said

. Troyano said between the flooding and the plundering, his losses were*too high to easily calculate. He said he’s not sure when he’ll reopen. "We are supposed to come together as a community during times of*crisis, not pick at each other like vultures," he said. "Next time I'm*getting a gun." Looters also hit The Fresh Market five blocks down. "They destroyed everything. They stole anything they could get their*hands on. Someone even ran off with the cash register," said employee*Fernando Mendoza as he picked up pieces of broken glass Wednesday. "It was a mob of people. Fifty to a hundred. They were just running*down the street grabbing anything that wasn't nailed down," he said. "They were literally walking out with shopping carts full of*merchandise. They didn't even look worried,” a Rite Aid employee who*declined to give her name told The News. They looked like they were casually shopping," she said. "They looked*almost happy. I saw an elderly lady walking away with batteries and a*bag of Kit Kats.”*ndillon@nydailynews.com

Twisted Titan
31st October 2012, 12:02 PM

31st October 2012, 12:05 PM
I wonder what the looters looked like?


31st October 2012, 12:06 PM
Damn White people! Always looting!!

midnight rambler
31st October 2012, 12:11 PM
All that resentment welled up -

"Look, they've been looting our wallets for too long,"

Shades of things to come.

31st October 2012, 12:12 PM
Man arrested for looting collapsed building....


Rescuers in Philadelphia pulled a man from the wreckage of a collapsed building on Monday - and then promptly arrested him for looting.

The abandoned three-storey building in the north of the city had been reduced to rubble after Superstorm Sandy battered the east coast of the United States.

Firefighters working to make the building safe didn't think anyone was inside, until they heard someone crawling out of the rubble.

After helping him to safety, police officers arrested him for disorderly conduct on the suspicion that he had crawled in to the building, located on Cumberland Street, looking for things to loot.

The exact cause of the building's collapse is still unknown but Philadelphia has been buffeted by 50mph gusts as a result of the storm.

Scroll down for video

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/10/30/article-2225192-15C227A0000005DC-227_634x386.jpg Anybody in there? Firefighters believed the collapsed building in the north of Philadelphia was empty until they heard the man crawling out of the wreckage

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/10/30/article-2225192-15C227CA000005DC-617_634x385.jpg Emerging from the wreckage: The man raises a smile as he drags himself out of the collapsed building in Philadelphia... but he was arrested shortly afterwards on suspicion of looting

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/10/30/article-2225192-15C227F3000005DC-596_634x397.jpg What are you doing here? A firefighter casts a suspicious glance at the man as he walks free

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/10/30/article-2225192-15C22769000005DC-199_634x402.jpg What shall we do with him? The firefighter and a colleague discuss whether to get the police involved

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/10/30/article-2225192-15C2286A000005DC-907_634x396.jpg Wreckage: The three-storey building in the north of the city had collapsed as Superstorm Sandy battered the area

It came as thousands of National Guard troops were mobilised to prevent looting sprees on homes and shops in New York and Long Island.

Scores of trouble makers took to Twitter threatening to ransack stores and burgle abandoned homes as Sandy passed.
It prompted the New York National Guard to deploy 1,175 troops in New York City, Long Island and the Hudson Valley to maintain law and order.

31st October 2012, 12:16 PM
National Gaurd deploys 1175 sildiers to NYC to evacuate 375,000 people


76 evacuation centers have been prepared throughout the city as military and law enforcement units mask for the storm that has 375,000 NYC residents mandated to evacuate.
http://theintelhub.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Sandy.png (http://theintelhub.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Sandy.png)By Shepard Ambellas
theintelhub.com (http://www.theintelhub.com/)
October 28, 2012
NEW YORK — As of late Sunday, orders were given to deploy 1175 National Guard troops into the New York City region of the United States in preparation for the mandatory evacuation of “Zone A” which contains a civilian population of 375,000 people.
400 National Guardsmen have now been deployed into Long Island, 200 in New York City, and the remainder will disperse in the surrounding areas.
The New York City subway and other transportation hubs are shutdown and are now on full-scale lock down as the city is now in full button up status. Libraries and other government facilities will remain closed.
Public schools have been allotted and have been set up as temporary FEMA camps or makeshift shelters (78 throughout the city), as not all evacuee’s will make it out of the city.
Some will go by choice, others will stay or be forcefully removed by law enforcement or military units.
http://theintelhub.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Zone-A.png (http://theintelhub.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Zone-A.png)
NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg is expected to sign executive orders calling for the mandatory evacuation of “Zone A” as bridges, tunnels, airports, and other facilities might be closed as well.
Military, law enforcement, emergency responders, and utility crews are on high alert as the storm is moving in.
The government has ordered that all staff in hospitals and nursing homes be beefed up to 150% of standard daily staffing levels, signifying that this storm is causing concern amongst officials alike.

Dvidshub.net (http://www.dvidshub.net/news/96869/gov-andrew-cuomo-deploys-new-york-national-guard-respond-hurricane-sandy#.UI2o5rTNCFU) reported;
The soldiers will be available to aid local authorities in responding to storm damage in New York City, Long Island, the Hudson Valley and the Southern Tier. The New York National Guard has stocks of equipment set aside specifically for storms and is also prepared to deploy aircraft and satellite communications systems as needed. The following vehicles, aircraft and equipment are also available:
•The New York National Guard has more than 900 high axle trucks and Humvees which can negotiate flooded areas, as well as long-distance transportation assets and engineering equipment which can be used as necessary.

•The New York Army National Guard has 11 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, two UH-72 Lakota light utility helicopters equipped with night vision equipment, and one CH-47 heavy lift helicopter available to respond.
•The New York Air National Guard has four C-130 cargo aircraft ready to fly if required.
Another 200 New York Army National Guard soldiers will go on duty in New York City, operating from the Lexington Avenue Armory in Manhattan and the Jamaica Armory in Queens. In addition, the headquarters for Joint Task Force Sandy, which includes assets from both the Army and Air Force and other services, will stand up at Camp Smith Training Site north of Peekskill.
An article published by the Associated Press (http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/governor-says-new-york-city-shutting-down-subways-at-7-pm-sunday-in-advance-of-massive-storm/2012/10/28/4e2bf6da-210a-11e2-92f8-7f9c4daf276a_story.html) confirms the mandatory evacuation and the dire predictions now flooding in:

NEW YORK — New York City shut down its mass transit system, closed its schools and ordered hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes Sunday in the face of increasingly dire predictions about the wall of water that could hit the nation’s largest city as part of the superstorm bearing down on the East Coast.
A seawater surge of anywhere from 6 to 11 feet threatened to swamp parts of lower Manhattan, flood subway tunnels and knock out the underground network of power, phone and high-speed Internet lines that are the lifeblood of America’s financial capital.
This type scenario is one in which “the powers that be” (globalist criminals) could initiate PDD51 or other executive orders taking full control of the civilian population in the name of a natural disaster.
This type of false flag is not out of the question as silent martial law was achieved for 3 years after the H1N1 “Swine Flu” outbreak under the guise of World Health Organization pandemic level 6.
Is a financial false flag (FFF) looming?

31st October 2012, 12:18 PM

31st October 2012, 12:31 PM
I don't have a link or any evidence but there was a story on local news Monday night about folks knocking on doors saying they were con-ed then entering and robbing the home.

"And' that's why we have guns." My lady just glared at me and sighed.

31st October 2012, 12:36 PM
It'd serve the looters of those tv's right if they had a short in them and when it was being plugged in they got electrocuted.

31st October 2012, 12:40 PM
Quick search into twitter and found this tag:


Sample pics and tweets here:





31st October 2012, 12:55 PM
There is a guy named Martin Luther King showing off his stolen TV..........LOL

Shameless Looters Display Stolen Goods On Twitter


Looters who are taking advantage of the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy are posting photographs of their stolen goods on Twitter and bragging about how they plan to carry out more thefts and violence.Shocking images posted to the social networking website depict individuals who appear to be working together boasting about how they have stolen laptops, TV’s, and other electronics from both stores and private homes that fell victim to the hurricane.http://static.prisonplanet.com/p/images/october2012/311012twitter1.jpghttp://static.prisonplanet.com/p/images/october2012/311012twitter2.jpghttp://static.prisonplanet.com/p/images/october2012/311012twitter3.jpghttp://static.prisonplanet.com/p/images/october2012/311012twitter4.jpgThe gangs appear to be organizing their looting expeditions under the hashtag #SandyLootCrew. Most of the accounts have thousands of previous tweets. Some are obviously fakes being run by trolls – just as some of the threats made against Mitt Romney were fake and some real (http://www.infowars.com/obama-supporters-continue-threats-to-riot-assassinate-romney/), but a number of the accounts appeared to be genuine and have substantial tweet histories.Other Twitter users attempted to report the looters and some of their accounts were suspended. Members of the hacking group ‘Anonymous’ apparently also got embroiled in an effort to stop the looters.As we first highlighted on Monday (http://www.prisonplanet.com/gangs-plan-hurricane-looting-spree-via-twitter.html), the looting was planned on Twitter well in advance of the hurricane making landfall. News reports from numerous different areas are now flooding in confirming that widespread looting is taking place. (http://www.infowars.com/looters-plague-hurricane-victims-post-sandy/)Twitter user Kyle Newman took screenshots of some of the tweets where he caught gang members organizing which houses they would loot ahead of the storm.http://static.prisonplanet.com/p/images/october2012/311012twitter5.jpgNot only are members of the gang bragging about their stolen loot, they are also openly planning violence.A user named ‘TEVON D’SEAN JACKSON’ tweeted “ALRITE, GOT 20 PIPEBOMBS READY FOR TONITE.. TONITE WE B CHECKIN EMPTY HOSPITALS FOR DEY MEDICAL SHIT #SANDY #SANDYLOOTCREW.”http://static.prisonplanet.com/p/images/october2012/311012twitter7.jpgJackson also talked about getting a bigger boat and having already looted 20 Playstation 3′s. His original account is https://twitter.com/dutchminati - as you can see he has almost 5,000 previous tweets, confirming that the account is genuine. If the account is a fake, as some have suggested, threatening to pipe bomb hospitals still doesn’t go down too well with the authorities.http://static.prisonplanet.com/p/images/october2012/311012twitter6.jpgHe also talked about how he allowed his son to beat up old women and rob them.http://static.prisonplanet.com/p/images/october2012/311012twitter11.jpgOther Twitter users expressed their outrage at the looters for exploiting the victims of the hurricane.http://static.prisonplanet.com/p/images/october2012/311012twitter8.jpgMembers of the looting gang also posted pictures of signs made by people threatening to shoot looters.http://static.prisonplanet.com/p/images/october2012/311012twitter9.jpgRead more tweets below from members of the ‘SandyLootCrew’ threatening more violence, some of it racial, as well as threats to rape women and loot more homes and businesses.

midnight rambler
31st October 2012, 01:09 PM
99+% of the population have absolutely no idea what's closing in fast on them.

And imo the so called '1%' are 'in the loop' and do have a clue.